Carnal Ecstasy (8 page)

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Authors: Lissa Matthews

BOOK: Carnal Ecstasy
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“Something wrong, kitten?”


Carnal Ecstasy

“Nothing. Do it again. Please.”

He did, sliding the smooth wood through her soaking-wet sex, wedging it against her clit and circling it. She met him with a lift of her hips until she was riding the edge of it. “That’s it, Carrie. You can let go.”

“Yes. God, Dallon…”

“You wanted to be naughty, kitten.” He put more pressure on the stick and her lower body was lifting and lowering in a constant up and down thrust, her ass squeezing, her breath hitching the closer she got to the orgasm she was reaching for.


“Take it, Carrie. It’s right there for you. It’s all yours, baby.”

And the second she touched her nipples, her fingers pinching the hard tips, a cry tore from her throat. The muscles in her legs trembled and he lowered the end of the cue from her clit to the entrance of her cunt, sliding it inside, fucking her while she rode the waves.

She was gasping for breath by the time she was flat on the table. Her eyes were closed by the time his jeans were undone and on the floor. Her come was seeping from her by the time he pulled the cue from her pussy and crawled on top of her. Her lips were open to his kiss by the time he slid his cock inside her.

She was the hottest fuck he’d ever had. And it was so true what they said about the girls who grew up good. They were the baddest and best in bed. Her legs lifted around his hips, her arms around his shoulders. His body held her down against the surface of the table and she clung to him during the plundering.

He couldn’t slow down, couldn’t take it easy. Seeing her open and flowering for him drove him, pushed him to claim her in every way he could. He was her first true lover and if he had anything to say about it he’d be the only one for a long-ass time.

He plunged deep, withdrew then bottomed out again balls-deep. She was the tightest damn thing. Driving hard, his balls slapped against her ass until they drew up 59

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tight against his body. One final thrust pressed the head of his cock against her womb and he emptied inside her, his body jerking within her hold.

Every inch of her surrounded every inch of him and he couldn’t think of any other place he would rather be. Ever.

Her face was buried in the crook between his neck and shoulder. She was alternately nipping at his skin and licking the small bite marks.

“I’m crushing you, kitten.”

“No,” she murmured. She shook her head too as a punctuation to her word.

“The bed would be more comfortable.”

She nodded this time and he smiled against her hair. He lifted his head and met her lips for a soft but lingering kiss, eyes open, staring into hers. Something passed between them in that moment. He’d fucked her with an object that was never intended for that purpose, and then he’d climbed on her and rutted, plundered and pillaged. But something special and tender passed between them in that kiss and he felt his entire world fall over on its ass.

He untangled himself from her arms and legs and climbed from the table. “Let’s go.”

Holding out a hand to her, he helped her down then held her for a moment until she was no longer wobbly on her feet. There was a small wet spot on the green felt and when he pointed it out to her, she blushed and buried her face against his chest. He laughed at her false modesty. He left the cue on the table and took her hand, leading her around the bar while he turned out all the lights.

He was tired, sleepy, and for the second night in a row was looking forward to having a woman sleep next to him.

* * * * *

“Did I do okay tonight?”


Carnal Ecstasy

She was sitting cross-legged in the center of his bed, still naked, this time with her socks off. She looked for all the world like a girl just discovering everything around her, for the first time seeing life, color, daylight. She was touching texture and dipping below the surface of her existence. She was more beautiful than any other woman had ever been.

And she was asking him if she’d done okay. “Work or after?”

“Work. I’ve never had a real job before.”

“You worked in the bridal shop. That was real work, wasn’t it?”

“Well, yes, but this was different. It was physical work. It just…”

“How do you feel about it?”

She drew her bottom lip between her teeth and thought for a moment then raised her eyes to him again. “Tired. I liked it though. I liked the work. I mean, people can be really messy, but I’ve cleaned up after worse when I did mission work and summer camp. No one knows work until they’ve cleaned up after hundreds of preteens. I’ll take cleaning tables and doing dishes in a bar any day.”

Dallon laughed and joined her on the bed. His life was taking a fucking spinout in the short time span of twenty-four hours and he didn’t know how to stop it. He’d never felt so out of control, but so in control all at the same time. Maybe it was because they grew up in very similar situations and he’d never met another woman he could connect with in that way. It could be the fact she didn’t shy away from exploring her sexuality.

Whatever he threw at her, she spread her legs and arms for and was right there to take him on. Could be nothing more than all of it combined. Whatever the hell, he wanted to keep exploring it, keep showing her new experiences.

He laid down on his side, propped himself on his elbow and stroked the inside of her thigh closest to him. “You did a wonderful job. You did more than I expected of you. Busing tables and taking drinks to tables…”

“Did I do it wrong?”


Lissa Matthews

“Not at all. You looked happy, talking to people, laughing and smiling. I liked seeing that.” Hell, he liked more than that. He liked her being there, within reach, close enough he could touch, kiss, spank.

“I was happy. I really enjoyed myself and it didn’t seem like work at all. It’s just so different than what I’m used to, and I can’t believe how much has changed in just a day.

I turned my life completely upside down, didn’t I?”

“Yes, I would say you did.” He knew what it was like though. He’d dived in head first as well. “When I told my father that I wasn’t going to follow in his footsteps and go to seminary, the first stop I made afterward was the tattoo shop. That’s how I met Jaz.

Over the course it took to do that barbed wire design, we became friends and little by little I let it out what was going on with me. He introduced me to Vinter and together the three of us decided to buy the bar, partner in the tattoo parlor and start a band.”

“Wow. All I did was come to you for sex.”

Dallon laughed and reached up to kiss her nose. “And damn good sex it’s been too.”

“Has it?”

“Has it? Are you kidding me? Kitten, really… A beer bottle, a pool cue, a barstool and you’re asking me if it’s been damn good sex?”

She blushed that bright pink and hid behind her hands. He tugged her arm until he’d pulled her across his body. She made him happy, made him feel as if there was some other purpose beyond fucking as many women as he could. “Look at me.” Slowly, she lowered her hands and opened her eyes. They held uncertainty in their depths, but there was also the hunger he was growing used to seeing. “The beer bottle was a test. I thought you’d scramble off the table and run. You didn’t. You stayed, took it inside your pretty pussy and gave back to me everything I asked. You wanted me to teach you how to be naughty and I’ve done my best. Are you disappointed?”


Carnal Ecstasy

She shook her head vehemently and he brushed the hair from her face. “No. A little sore, but not disappointed. I just… You have so much more experience than I do and I…”

“It’s the passion between two people, the lust, the desire, and believe me, kitten, we have that in spades.”

Dallon kissed her on the forehead, drew his lips down the bridge of her nose and kissed the tip then took her lips. She gave as good as she got in this too. Her kisses were the sexiest he’d ever had with her little mewling sounds and how she clung to him when she thought he was going to pull away.

“I don’t want it to end just yet.”

He barely heard the words she whispered into his mouth before she snuggled into his chest, but… “Carrie?” She shook her head against him and refused to look up.

He waited for, expected the panic to set in. She was clinging. She was asking for more. This was the moment he was afraid would happen but hoped was still a ways off.

He waited…and didn’t feel it. All he felt was her warm against his body, her breath teasing the hairs on his chest, her heart beating against his ribs, her nipple pressing into his abs.

All he felt was need for her to be close, to be near. She might have come to him looking to explore and learn, but it was she who was teaching him.

He pulled her fully atop him and forced her to look him in the face as he took her thighs in his hands and spread them over his hips. The second he felt her still-soaked cunt, he thrust up, filling her. She gasped, her mouth formed a little “O”, and her eyes began to glaze over in heat and desire.

“Carrie?” She focused on him. “We’re not done.”


“Not by a long shot.” She smiled the most beautiful fallen angel smile down at him and he knew he’d just lost his soul. He urged her to sit up, her ass resting on his thighs, 63

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his arms folded under his head, for all the world looking as casual as could be. “Now fuck me.”


About the Author

Lissa is a full-time and multi-published author living in North Carolina. For more information and news, visit her website or email her. She loves to hear from fans.

Lissa welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and email address on her
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Also by
Lissa Matthews

Simple Need

The Demon is an Angel

The Swing

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