Carl: Caveman Instinct series 2.5 (7 page)

BOOK: Carl: Caveman Instinct series 2.5
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My mother was driving me crazy. She was feeling better and nagging me constantly for information about Carl. He’d gotten her a nurse to look after her and help when she got out of hospital. Mum had called me every day to tell me what she and her nurse Henrietta got up to, but Friday last week had been her last day and then mum had been so busy with baking for the fair, that she hadn’t had the chance to grill. Today though, right after work, she pounced. Mondays already sucked, as it was the day the children were most restless after the weekend, but having to deal with my mum’s questions when I didn’t even know all the answers was making me crazy. I’d held her off for days and it was now Wednesday, and I knew I couldn’t not answer her phone call.

“Mum, I promise Carl hasn’t been my secret lover for a year. I have no idea why he told you to plan our wedding since he hasn’t even asked me to marry him. I have known him for close to three weeks. He kidnapped me and blackmailed me into moving in with him.”

“Bellie, you always did have a good imagination.” I groaned at my mother’s patronizing voice. I gave up. I wasn’t arguing with her.

“Sure mum. I wanted to say thank you for your help at the fair on the weekend. The children raised enough to pay for the whole year to go on camp.”

“No worries. I’m happy to help. I know some of the children’s parents have it tough and couldn’t afford to send their children if they had to pay.”

“You’re right mum, that’s one of the things I’m so grateful to Carl for. He made a huge donation. The children are so happy.”

“That’s great.” She sighed loudly into the phone. “I’m so glad you found him, Bellie. I was worried you’d become that old spinster lady with all those animals.”

“Mummm,” I groaned.

“What? I’m just saying now I know I’ll have some grandbabies.”

“Mum. Don’t get your hopes up. Carl is amazing and my stomach flip flops every time he’s near, but I’ve only known him for a short time, and I’m scared.”

“Oh Bellie, what are you scared of?”

“Everything. The way he makes me feel every time I’m with him. How quickly I’ve fallen for him. Who he is and what I am. Mum, what if I wake up and this is all just a dream, or he realizes what a mistake he’s made by taking me and I’m not who he wants?”

“Oh baby, I’m so sorry.”

“Mum, why are you apologizing?”

“Annabelle, I should have been more stable. I should have ingrained in you, that you’re amazing. You are the most kind and caring person I know. You love and you love with your whole heart. Anyone would be lucky to have you Annabelle. You shouldn’t be worried about any of what you said, because if Carl has spent any time with you, he’ll know what I just said is true and that he’s the lucky one. You, my daughter are the best thing I ever made.”

“I love you mum. Thanks,” I said, trying, and failing, to hold back sobs.

“Honey, what’s wrong?” Strong arms wrapped around me and I sank into Carl’s embrace.

“I didn’t think you’d be home for an hour or so.”

“Bellie?” My mother said into my ear reminding me my phone was still on.

“Sorry mum. Carl just got home. Can I call you tomorrow?”

“Sure honey. Bye.”

“Bye mum.” I hung up the phone, took the hands free out of my ear, and stared up at Carl. “Sorry.”

He wiped my tears and kissed my forehead. “No need to apologize. I came home early. I thought we could go over to my brother’s. They’re having a family dinner.”

“Are you sure you want me to go? Meeting your family is big.”

“Of course.” His brow furrowed and his lips thinned. “Want to tell me why you’re crying honey? Can I do anything to make it better?”

Wrapping my arms around him I squeezed him tight. “You just did.” Reaching up on tip toes, I pulled Carl down and claimed his mouth. My body came alive as soon as I touched his. I could never get enough of him. It was like we were magnets, whenever he was close I needed to be closer to him. I needed to touch him, to love him. The pull between us seemed to get stronger and stronger the more we were together.

When I pulled away for breath his smile was so hot, with his dimples and his dark brown, almost black, gaze filled with lust. “Whatever I did, tell me now so I can do it again.”

I hugged him tight. “You were just being you.” I stepped back and saw him shake his head.

“Honey, you’re a strange one. I came in here to find you crying and I was worried that something was wrong and then you go from crying, to making out with me, and then smiling all happy.”

I couldn’t help but giggle. When he put it like that I did sound a bit bipolar. I needed to tell him. My mum was right. I was worth something and I needed to know where I stood. I went over to the sofa and sat, patting the spot beside me. Carl came and sat down. He leaned back on the sofa and then grabbed me and moved me onto his lap. I didn’t bother moving back to my spot, instead I snuggled into him, took a deep calming breath in and slowly let it out. “Carl, I need to talk to you and I want you to be quiet and listen to me for a moment. Can you do that?”

“Sure honey.” His fingers caressed my arm.

“Okay. This has all been a whirlwind and I’m scared, no terrified, I’m going to wake up and this will be a dream or you’ll change your mind.” His touch stopped and I just knew he wouldn’t keep quiet so I held up my hand. “Wait. Look, I want to know what’s going on. You say I’m yours and that you’re mine, but does that mean were in relationship or are we just sleeping together? Am I your mistress or are we having fun? Have you been like this with other woman? Also, before you say anything about you calling me your fiancée and telling my mum and so on, you haven’t asked me to marry you. And don’t you think we’re moving too fast?” I shook my head, needing to clear it. “When I’m with you, all my sensibility goes out the door. All I can think about is you and us being together. I become obsessed.” I closed my eyes and rested my head on his chest.

“You done?”

I nodded. His fingers captured a strand of hair that fell out of my bun. He twirled it. “I told you about the curse. The effect we have on each other, that’s the curse helping to ensure we stay happy and together. Are we moving fast? I suppose, yes, but I know I want you. I know you’re my one. My soul mate. I have said this before. So why should I wait? I’m forty-five. I’ve waited long enough for you.” He let my hair go, rested his hands on my hips and lifted me so I turned and straddled him. He tilted my chin up so my gaze caught his. “You’re not my mistress. I have never been like this with any other woman and I never will. You will be my wife. I will ask you, and I am just as obsessed with you as you are with me.” He rested his forehead on mine. “You make me better.” His lips found mine and I melted into the kiss.

Okay, I was in love with Carl Silverman.

“How about we go out to dinner and a movie?”

“I love the sound of that. Can you check movie times while I shower and change?”

I felt his lips on my forehead. “Sure honey, go get yourself ready.”

Carl had said things to me the last few weeks, but I wanted to set some things straight and make sure he wasn’t just saying things in the heat of the moment. I jumped off his lap and headed towards our room, smiling, happy, and knowing what was going on.

* * * *


My family had been on my case to meet Annabelle since I first kidnapped her almost four weeks ago. My brothers and nephews usually left me alone, but these last couple of weeks even their badgering was driving me nuts. I’d finally relented and told them that if Annabelle was okay with it, I would bring her to meet them.

Annabelle had agreed, but she was nervous. Her body shook and she wouldn’t meet my gaze. Her death grip on my hand as the car pulled up to Albert and Gillian’s home was painful, not that I would ever admit it, but my girl had some strength.

“What if they don’t like me?”

“How could they not like you? You’re amazing.” I winked at her. “They’ll love you even more for putting up with me.”

a lot of work.” She nudged me with her shoulder and tensed when the car came to stop. “You Silvermans like your mega mansions.”

Shrugging, I kissed her cheek. “Yeah, some of us more than others. Gillian and Albert are the unofficial head of the family. They do all the press, charity events and are the public face of the Silvermans.”

“Oh thanks, that makes me even more relaxed knowing I’m about to meet the head of the Silvermans.”

“Honey, you have nothing to worry about.” Rafe opened the door. “I promise they’ll love you.” We walked hand in hand towards the door, just in time for Gillian to come barreling out of it.

“You’re here! Quick, let me get a look at her before the others scare her off.”

“You’re the one I’m worried about,” I mumbled. I chuckled when Gillian huffed and stuck her nose in the air. I pushed a trembling Annabelle into Gillian’s embrace.

“Oh, aren’t you a pretty little thing? It’s so nice to finally meet you.” Gillian shot a glare my way. “Carl has never been good with sharing.” She kissed Annabelle’s cheek, and when Gillian pulled back and smiled at a shocked Annabelle, she grabbed her hand and dragged her into the house. I followed behind them loving that my family will welcome Annabelle with open arms.

* * * *


I was going to be sick. I’d never been so nervous in my life, then Gillian pulled me into a hug, kissed my cheek and dragged me inside where all the women were. I had nothing to worry about. The women were all lovely. The men and younger boys said hi, but stayed away, not hugging me like the women. Carl stayed close, which I was grateful for, but after only ten or so minutes I knew I had nothing to worry about. His family was great.

They started out with light questions like what I did for a living, where I lived, what family I had and then it started to get weirder. All the Silvermans sat in an extravagant lounge room asking Carl and me questions about that stupid curse they all seemed to believe in. They were all really obsessed with it.

“Do you feel an animalistic pull to Carl?” Mason, one of Carl’s younger nephews asked.

“Yeah, ‘cause Uncle Carl is like ancient, does that mean you, like, wanna jump him and be all cavewoman on him? You know. Help the process along ‘cause he’s not all young and hot like us.” The youngest nephew Andrew was cheeky.

“Andrew,” snapped Gillian, but she looked at me waiting for an answer.

“Umm, er, well, I mean I do feel a strong pull to Carl, and I wasn’t scared so much when he kidnapped me, more angry and annoyed. I always want to be close to him too and when he’s in the room I’ll admit I gravitate to him.”

“Oh yeah, I’m so waiting for this soulmate thing until I’m old like Uncle Carl, so I don’t have to do all the work.” Andrew winked at me and the men all groaned.

Tyson, who’d been quiet and didn’t say much stood and came to stand before me. He arched a brow. “I wonder if this affects how the caveman instinct responds, too. Is Uncle Carl still all possessive, or is it less because she feels the soulmate pull, too?”

Before I could wonder what Tyson meant, he leaned down and lifted me so I stood and leaned into his embrace. Shocked, I took a step back to get away from him, but he was gone from in front of me within seconds when Carl pushed him away, gathered me against him and smashed his lips down on mine in a kiss of pure ownership. I tried and failed to resist melting into him and succumbing to him, but the damn man drove me crazy. When he pulled away I was ready to jump him and rip his clothes off, but he didn’t give me a chance to come to my senses, he leaned down and threw me over his shoulders, growling at Tyson, “Mine.”

Carl, palmed my arse squeezing the globes and snarled, “Mine. All mine.” Humiliated, I groaned and knew I was bright red.

”Well that answers that,” one of the guys said.

Carl stomped out of the room and I whacked his back. “Put me down now, you idiot! Put me down now!” I beat his back with my fist and he slapped my arse.

“Mine. All mine.” Oh God, he’s gone back to that crazy talk and act he did when we first met.

I fought to get down, but he ignored me, growling over and over that I was his. I stopped fighting when he started going upstairs. I started trying to get down again when we reached a hall, but he still didn’t put me down. I lifted my head to stop all the blood to my head and so I didn’t get a headache, because when he put me down I was going to let him have it. How dare he embarrass me in front of all his family?

We entered a room and after briefly seeing a sitting room he opened another door and we went into a room and he plonked me on a bed. As soon as I hit the mattress he ripped my clothes off, throwing my garments to the ground around us. He was like an animal.

Before I could blast him, Carl plastered his mouth on mine. Damn, his kisses were like my kryptonite and my traitorous body melted against him and was happy to stop the setting down I was about to give him. No, I thought and fought the building passion in my body, reminding myself Carl shouldn’t get away with acting all crazy again and embarrassing me in front of his family.

I brought the sheets up to cover my body and help put something between us so I could focus. Carl tugged at the sheet I clung to, pulling it down to reveal my breasts. His head came down and his lips trailed kisses over my heating skin, pausing to lick the tips of my now pointed nipples, his touch was so amazing. I moaned as he left my breasts and made his way up, nuzzling my neck and nipping at my sensitive skin, before resting his lips over mine and taking them in a kiss that had me losing any protest I was about to make. My resolve started to shatter, pieces of it fell around me and I thought, okay, I could give him another five or so minutes.

His mouth devoured mine until I needed to breathe. Tearing my lips from his, I panted for breath. Carl didn’t stop though, he kissed his way back down my neck, making the heat in my body rise and I knew if I didn’t try something now I never would. “Carl. Carl, we need…. To ah… Stop. You need to stop. I’m angry with you. You…you… oh God.”

Shit! He bit down on my shoulder and nibbled his way alone my collar bone. Whatever resistant I had vanished. Carl grunted, and yanked me hard against him. “Mine. My soulmate. Only me. No one else touches you. You’re mine.”

Crap, how on earth did he make that stupid caveman act so friggin’ sexy?

Dropping the sheet, I lay back on the bed and spread my legs. Carl came over me and took my lips in a savage kiss before he crawled down my body, ravaging me with his exploring fingers and seeking lips. He settled between my thighs and buried his face into my heat, nuzzling my pussy. Carl spread my pussy lips and licked me from bottom to top sucking my clit in. “Oh God. Yes. Yes!” This was heaven. Carl’s teeth gently scraped over my clit sending shards of pure heat straight through me.

Arching up into his face, he lapped at my pussy as his fingers parted my folds and sank into my core, pumping in and out. “Mmm, feels so good,” I panted as I ground myself against him. Carl added another finger and picked up speed as he licked, and lapped my pussy and sucked my clit. I could feel my orgasm building and knew I was close. Clenching my thighs Carl growled, and the vibration gave me just enough to push me over the edge into oblivion. “Carl, Carl, Carl!” I chanted as my orgasm washed over me.

Carl left a trail of kisses as he slid up my body and stopped at my breasts where he drew one pointed nipple into his warm wet mouth, following with the other breast. Slipping my arms around his back, I clutched him to me as he fondled and sucked on my breasts. I was still basking in the blissed out feeling from my orgasm. My skin felt a million times more sensitive, and any touch he gave me only intensified it.

I wanted to do some exploring and touching and tasting of my own. Moving my hands up, I threaded my fingers through his hair and yanked on it to get his attention.

“It’s my turn. I want to play now. Let me have a chance at exploring.”

Carl grinned and his dimples popped and had me melting into his gorgeous dark brown eyes. Letting go of his hair I caressed his cheek before tracing his full lips. His tongue came out to circle my digit. “Anything for you honey.” He nipped at my finger.

Pushing at him, I rolled so I was on top and smirked down at him “Mmm, I like this position.”

He wiggled his eyebrow suggestively and I giggled. “I’m liking this position too. I’m thinking I might have to go all caveman at least once a week if I get you like this.”

“Ha, ha, very funny.” I whacked his chest. “You embarrassed me down there with your family. The only reason I’m not yelling at you is because I swear you have me under a spell.”

He winked at me. “It’s because I’m irresistible.”

I rolled my eyes, but I think he was right. Not that I’d ever tell him, his head would never fit through the door. Sighing in content, I gazed down the length of his muscular body. I was shocked at the feisty, confident woman taking over now. I was usually the push over, the shy one. But not with Carl.

Running the pads of my fingers over every ridge, crevasse, and bump, I marveled at the texture of his smooth soft skin against the hardness and soft places of him. He was in amazing shape for his age. If I didn’t know how old he was I would never have guessed he was forty-five.

Sliding down his body, I brushed my lips over his exposed body trying not miss any part of him. Settling between his thighs I circled his proud member before I rubbed my hands up and down his long dick. Carl’s dick was bigger than any cock I’d seen before. I wasn’t sure I could fit the whole of him into my mouth, but I intended to try.

Gazing up at him, I saw the lust flare in his eyes. I could do this. I didn’t know if I would be good at it, but I wanted to try. Hovering over his dick I stared up at him for a moment before looking down to focus on my task. I opened my mouth and sank down, swallowing as much as I could. I gripped the base holding him steady as I sucked. Circling my tongue around him, I tried to remember to pump my hand as I hollowed my cheeks and sank down on his dick.

“Oh yes, honey, just like that,” he rasped.

Closing my eyes, I hummed, loving his praise. I hadn’t done this before. The guys I’d been with before had all been the wham-bam-thank-you-ma’am type, not much foreplay. Circling his head, I licked his tip, and at his moan of appreciation I did it again.

On a growl he yanked me off his cock and pulled me up. “No. If you continue I’ll come in your mouth and I want to be inside you when I come.” Carl wrapped his arms around me and flipped us. Before I could react he smashed his lips down on mine and kissed me with a deep passionate kiss. “You’re so perfect. Thank you for that, it was amazing. You’re amazing.” I felt his dick spread my pussy lips and move up and down at my entrance. The head of his cock sank in and his gaze captured my own. “You are mine. My soulmate. My lover. My love.”

Oh my God, did he just tell me he loved me? Had I imagined it? Did I say something? Had I misheard him? My brain could barely comprehend that this man had kidnapped me and wanted to have a relationship with me, be with me, quiet, little, librarian Annabelle. My whole world changed when Carl took me and right now I didn’t care because my body burned with need. Carl’s cock twitched inside me and tingles flowed through me building my passion. “I love you, Annabelle. You’re mine. All mine.”’

Holy shit! He did say it. A man had never told me he loved me. I nodded too shocked to say anything, too scared to screw it up. I arched up driving him deeper and seeking pleasure. Carl balanced on one hand, his lips brushed mine, once, twice and again before taking them in a kiss that drove me wild.

“I want to hear you say you’re mine. Tell me.” He thrust in and pulled out and drove back hard. Oh God, he felt so good. His touch built the tense building in my body.

I was hot and aching for a high only Carl could give me. I didn’t know if I could say that I loved him. I wanted to be a hundred percent sure before I said that to him, but with him pumping into me, I’d say just about anything. “Yours. I’m yours. Please, only yours.”

A grumble left his chest, and I didn’t know it was a good grumble or bad, but he locked his gaze with mine and propelled forward. Yes, yes, I must have said the right thing.

I was so wet from all our play that as he pushed himself into me he filled me to the hilt. I was so full and with him so deep it heightened my pleasure. I moaned and clenched around him as he sank further into me. Clinging to him, I dug my nails into his back as I pushed myself up to meet each thrust. Wrapping my legs around his arse I used my heels to drive him deeper.

I groaned, feeling the building tension in me ready to boil over. I was so close to falling over the edge and reaching the bliss that was almost within my reach. Carl pumped into me faster and I relished the strained look on his face knowing he was as close to coming too.

“I’m going to come. Oh I’m so close.” He held my thigh against him and drove into me over and over.

“Oh yeah honey, what do you need? What can I do for you? I’m close, too, honey. I’m so damn close. You feel so amazing.” Carl’s voice was hoarse and deep. He brought me up against his chest and rolled so I was on top.

I giggled as his cock twisted and stayed in me as we swapped. I rested my hands on his chest and smiled down at him. “I get to be on top?”

“Yeah honey.” He chuckled. “You get to be on top.”

I grinned down at him as I rose up and sank back down. His hands came to rest on my waist and helped lift me up and down. This was hot. Being on top had passion at an all-time high.

“I’m so close. I love this.” I moaned as his dick drove deep. His fingers on my waist dug in and the sting heightened my building high. I picked up speed and arched my back as rapture took over and Carl rested his hands over my breasts. Grinding myself down on him, he tweaked my nipples. Screaming as the pressure burst free, I fell over the edge exploding into a million pieces, euphoria seeping into every pore.

“Honey, oh Annabelle,” Carl moaned as his whole body tensed beneath me and he held me still as he filled me up.

I lay on top of him and hugged him. I listened to the erratic beat of his heart and I had to admit it was one of my favorite sounds. Closing my eyes, I basked in my blissed state.

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