Carinae Sector: 02 - Admiral's Fury - Part 1 - Purple Blood (34 page)

BOOK: Carinae Sector: 02 - Admiral's Fury - Part 1 - Purple Blood
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The assault leader had laid out her large armoured form across the deck of Lord Malang’troh’s flagship in what she hoped would be seen as a most subservient gesture. She had been made to wait for three hours and had taken the opportunity to quickly shower so as to not offend Vorinne senses after days of travel. The Cephrit female dared not risk even a glance at either of the senior Vorinne as she now gave both the formal ritual greetings and the adherence to edicts.

Lord Malang’troh gave a single formal tap of his staff in response and the assault leader noted the derision in the voice of the second envoy, who spoke as if she was not really present. The assault leader remained perfectly still as she was well aware her life now hung in the balance.

‘So the Cephrit Fleet master sends one of his mates to convey his message that I already find to be to my disagreement. So at least we have a Cephrit female here that can adhere to basic courtesy and that has kept you alive for now.’

The Cephrit keep her gaze on the ground and buried deeply any feelings of shame she was feeling, for she hoped the Vorinne lord would soon speak. Her hopes were soon realised, so she knew the Vorinne must still be considering her news and had not made any firm decisions. Malang’troh gave another single tap of his staff and emotionlessly intoned a statement to his liege.

‘Your Grace, the female is not a dumb messenger and we have seen her beforehand at the Cephrit base. The carapace and leg chevrons indicate she is a high ranking soldier at least, though the other decorations would need to be qualified further. I sense the Fleet master seeks to make no slight upon you but instead offers to pay a heavy price.’

A tense silence followed and the assault leader considered that both Vorinne must be accessing her personal records that she had prudently attached to the fleet master’s message. Soft chuffs of what she knew was surprise came from both Vorinne throats, though she remained steadfastly still and gazed at the floor as the second envoy finally spoke again.

‘Arise and now be at ease Assault Leader, the Fleet master lists you as his mate of record, as much a title that exists amongst the unnamed ones. But pay heed as his report troubles us greatly, for the expected loss of the human world is a large breach of our edicts.’

The Cephrit slowly straightened and began to speak with the full courtesy necessary due to her lowly status.

‘Your Grace and my Lord, I am honoured to serve. There is a number of remaining Tilmud ships that have not adhered to your strict guidelines and we suspect either internal rebellion or subterfuge. This is the primary reason for our current defensive posture around our bases and colonies, though we will be shortly sending an expedition to patrol the Dradfer colonies. We will dislodge either the Jerecab or the humans if they are present.’

Thatak’siema now gave a single tap of her ornate staff and the assault leader wisely kept still as the second envoy spoke.

‘We will send an imperial messenger to the Tilmud to establish the facts and to remind them that an attack on the Cephrit will result their purging as an exiled species. A messenger will then convey the same message to your master. You will now of course join us for an informal meal as our lord is an avid military historian.’

The assault leader chirred compliance as several Quixxe artisans entered the room and laid out platters of high quality food and drink. She spotted a decent piece of ryal that looked to be lightly cooked, after first ensuring both Vorinne were engrossed in other food platters.

The second envoy was just informing her, between bites of her own meal, that any human ships should not be attacked if at all possible. Suddenly a screech of rage erupted from Lord Malang’troh nearby and he back handed a Quixxe messenger clear across the room. The Cephrit quickly flung herself to the deck to the mirth of the second envoy, who firmly struck her staff once on the deck and now chided her serf lord.

‘Lord Malang’troh, you terrorise all who are present with your outburst. I presume there is a reason for your anger and rage.’

The Cephrit assault leader could see out of the corner of her smaller left side eye as two Quixxe servants silently dragging the unconscious form of the unfortunate messenger from the room. The Vorinne Lord spluttered in indignation, and then made both a hurried apology and explanation.

‘I beg your forgiveness my Grace, the messenger informs me that I have had a prototype scout ship stolen from one of my main research facilities by Quixxe thieves. Fortunately it appears that the world involved has not rebelled so no deaths have occurred. Once again I ask for your forgiveness my Grace…’

The young Vorinne female again struck her staff once and Malang’troh now also had the sense to remain silent as his intended mate spoke again.

‘Well I am sure that this time your research data is intact and you will soon recover the advantage the new design will offer our race. I will gift you six times the value of the ship to ease your loss. Also you need no explanation for referring to me in the possessive as ‘my grace’ twice instead of ‘your grace’. Indeed it is revealing to see what you say when your emotions get the better of you my serf lord.’

The assault leader knew that she would have to repeat this snippet of information to her mate upon her return, but she had the presence of mind to remain perfectly still as the Vorinne lord now spoke with what she felt must be considerable embarrassment.

‘Your Grace, I apologise for my lack of manners and I warmly accept your generous compensation offer. Now we were discussing the former Dradfer colonies, though I want to know at some stage of any other strange occurrences in this part of the sector.’

The Cephrit female could see from another one of her side eyes how the second envoy regarded her serf lord critically for several moments, before she gave a distinctive Vorinne shrug that passed through her front and middle shoulders. Thatak’siema now gave the assault leader her undivided attention by drawing focus onto the last part of the Cephrit’s recent report.

‘So Assault Leader, you state that several systems away from this system you encountered a fleet of distant Fenshilla ships that cloaked after your scout ship appeared? You also state that these ships possessed forbidden technology, surely you are mistaken?’

The assault leader was aware that the second question was asked with an air of menace and prepared for the worst, even as she slowly stood and carefully replied.

‘Your grace, the eight Fenshilla heavy cruisers each possessed a rear drive module that is smaller than the Trader type two hyper drives, but is also likely powered by antimatter. The modules are also armed and shielded to at least cruiser class, so the combined power of these ships would be impressive. I evaluate that the Fenshilla are either on a raiding or a search mission between the Posient Bulge and the former Dradfer colonies.’

The Cephrit had the good sense to go silent at this point as Malang’troh grunted and again knocked his staff on the deck flooring. A Vorinne dialect the assault leader did not recognise flowed briefly between the two Vorinne, and the assault leader got the impression that the Vorinne were actually not surprised by her news. After another tense pause followed before the Vorinne lord abruptly straightened. He offered a series of six legged squats that passed as full Vorinne bows, as he backed away from the second envoy, who again spoke to the patiently waiting Cephrit.

‘Well the lord is all for setting his squadron to finding these marauding Fenshilla. However we will not look for them too long as I have urgent business back towards the inner worlds. You will of course stay to finish your meal.’

The assault leader made a fair show of appreciating the second envoy’s hospitality. She knew that the Vorinne must be deeply troubled with her last comments from the stony glances she gave, even if Thatak’siema made an effort to be polite. Afterwards the Cephrit was aware of a rapid course change by the Vorinne flag ship, as she made her way back to her assigned quarters and a much desired sleep session.




Omerio had paused for a moment to straighten his cleanest sleeveless tunic as he strode down the rear ramp of his scout ship. His loyal second, Commander Tamerio, was at attention and flanked by line of saluting junior officers, as the Barus captain by habit looked around the hangar deck of his flagship. He paused in front of his officers and returned the salute, but he remained silent, as the commander gave short formal report and handed over a data tablet.

‘Welcome back onboard Gold One sir, the squadron is at full strength and there are no serious maintenance issues. One of our patrols did encounter a Trader wing ship two days ago in a nearby system that was heading towards Cephrit space.’

Omerio desperately wanted to go to his quarters and eat, shower and sleep, in about that order, but he knew that time was already short. He crossed his arms in a gesture of resolution and authority not lost on his officers as he calmly replied.

‘Well done and concise as always Commander and it is a relief to be back with the squadron. Now we must take the squadron to Dradfer three as fast as we can, and that Trader ship will have to wait for another day. Also we need to quarantine this ship from the rest of the squadron as I have contracted a non lethal illness after meeting with the humans.’

The assembled officers gave no indication of surprise, though they kept their distance from him as Omerio now quickly led his officers back to the bridge of the ship. Commander Tamerio spoke briefly into his own data tablet and the Barus officers paused to grip the wall restraints for several seconds, as the Barus cruisers altered course and accelerated towards their next destination. The commander looked across at his friend and superior officer, but had wisely remained silent long before they all arrived at the bridge. Omerio calmly sat dawn in his command chair, and satisfied the junior officers appeared engrossed in their own duties, he spoke just to Tamerio.

‘We are heading across to coerce the Jerecab, diplomatically I might add, but we will coerce them nonetheless.’

Commander Tamerio could only listen with rising concern as his friend outlaid an edited version of a plan he had earlier agreed to with Gindane. The commander provided only professional feedback, as he was aware of the command protocols he had to obey, but he was feeling increasingly anxious. A series of bleak and dark thoughts came to his mind, and he ruthlessly tried to suppress them as he evaluated the possible ramifications.

‘So just what are you actually up to Omerio? So do I have to register a formal objection even as we all attempt to adhere to the Zronte edicts by confronting the Jerecab? Also the risk of disease from the humans has not been factored into any of our plans.’

Omerio gave away no sign of any problems as he led Tamerio into the meeting room at the rear of the cruiser’s bridge. Tamerio noted that Omerio looked ragged and he knew now that it was not just tiredness, as the captain hauled up a hologram of their target star system. Both Barus officers began planning their next steps as the squadron moved to the next hyper jump point.




The stolen Vorinne scout ship rapidly altered course as it detected another four destroyers attempting an intercept. Apinal gave a squawk of fear as a broadcast message echoed around the small cockpit of the stolen scout ship.

‘Attention Vorinne scout ship, shut down your engines and prepare to be boarded.’

Shafinal calmly altered course in response, and ignored the soft questioning calls coming from her sister Deshinal and her two brothers. Her siblings were nervously watching her actions from the doorway into the cramped living quarters. Shafinal looked over at her mother and gave a brief comment on their dire situation.

‘Mother, the destroyers cover all approaches to the inner system, and there are other ships are between us and the hyper drive points. We will be taken or destroyed very quickly unless we surrender.’

Apinal fought down her panic, as she just wanted to mindlessly flee. But she castigated herself for acting like Quixxe prey as she replied to Shafinal.

‘This is the star system our spies suggested we try to reach. It is a backwater by even Deltas Vass standards, yet there is a full destroyer squadron here. Shutdown the engines and I will talk to the squadron leader directly.’

Apinal kept the vision off for the broadcast and steeled herself, as she started to speak she noted that the scout ship was now coasting through space.

‘Scout ship to squadron commander, we have stopped our engines and we surrender. We request that you secretly take us into protective custody for we offer advanced technology for your matriarch.’

Apinal had kept her message simple, as she knew that squadron commander would be wary of now destroying the scout ship. She also knew that the Deltas Vass drone must now be worried that he was disrupting a gambit implemented by his matriarch. Her careful calculations stretched for the several long minutes it took for a reply to arrive at the scout ship.

‘Scout ship, we have you under our guns. You will be escorted to the outskirts of this system to one of our research bases. You will only use a single engine and if you power up the other engines we will open fire.’

Apinal felt relief as she gave Shafinal a firm glance and her daughter complied with the Deltas Vass orders. The next part of the subterfuge had begun, but as she turned around and looked at the larger form of her youngest daughter, she knew that the deception could continue for an extended period.




Altarebe allowed himself a moment of congratulations as he came out of hyper space at the far outskirts of the solar system. He knew that the suppressed flare of his arrival could still be seen for a million kilometres. This was true even if the large sled that held his frigate sized body also held an advanced cloaking mechanism. By habit he had checked that he remained cloaked and had quickly powered forward at high speed. A quick passive scan of the outskirts of the solar system showed that he was alone for many millions of kilometres.

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