Caribou's Gift (10 page)

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Authors: Eve Langlais

Tags: #christmas, #novella, #kodiak, #point, #eve, #langlais, #paranormal, #romance, #shifters, #shapeshifters, #werewolf, #werewolves, #military, #second, #chance, #single, #mom, #parent

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Her poor knight. She let him have a break and saved him. “I think I love you, too.”

“You do?”

“Are you that surprised?”

“Hell no. I just thought it would take longer for you to realize my greatness.”

“Greatness?” She practically choked—with laughter.

Only he could shoot her an unrepentant grin and get away with it. “Admit it. It was the rack. Impressive, eh? And Boris thinks his set of antlers is so hot. Ha. Everyone knows caribous do it better.”

Crystal couldn’t help herself. She fell over snickering. And then yowling.

Then laughing as Kyle attacked her with tickling fingers.

“I’ll teach you to laugh at me,” he grumbled.

Funny how much she enjoyed his

Despite their mirthful interruption, the passion returned quickly and with a vengeance. Tickles turned to caresses. Caresses turned to panties getting torn off. Naked pussy was faced with a hard shaft.

Lucky me, Christmas is coming early. Make that Crystal is coming. Maybe more than once.

Kyle sheathed himself within her, thick, hot, and hard. He stretched her, filled her, touched her, and she loved it. She arched below him, legs splayed wide, giving him deep access.

As he pumped in and out of her, she clawed at his back, his shoulders, anything she could grasp that would bring him closer.

And closer.

They kissed as their bodies moved in rhythm, his thrusts welcomed by her tightening sex. The hardness of his strokes striking her G-spot heightened her coiling pleasure. With a soft cry of his name, bliss rolled over her. Her muscles spasmed and milked his throbbing cock until he spurted hotly within her. Marking her as surely as if he’d placed a ring around her finger. Claiming her with his seed and his words, “Mine.”

However, Crystal was a little more traditional when it came to mating. And she was, after all, a carnivore. They liked things a bit more permanent, and rough. She bit him, high on the shoulder, not savagely, but firm enough to break skin.

To his credit, he only hissed and didn’t complain. He understood what she did. The trust she placed in him. His second, “Mine,” emerged deeper, huskier.

He gathered her in his arms and arranged them in a sitting position on the couch, holding her close, her head tucked under his chin.

She’d never been more content.

Which was why she made a sound of protest when he dumped her on the cushion beside him and said, “Shit, I almost forgot.”

Forgot what?

Whatever it was, it required him throwing on some pants and barreling down the stairs. He returned moments later laden with gifts. One, a box covered in silver shiny paper with a big red bow, caught Crystal’s eye.

“What’s in that one?” she asked as she pointed.

“You’ll have to wait and see, my curious kitty.”

“It’s for me?” The concept flummoxed her. Sure, she’d gotten him the pajama set when she grabbed some groceries before the parade—having left him and Gigi in charge of last-minute float fixes—but she’d grabbed the garments more as a joke. This, though, looked planned.

“Yes, it’s for you, baby. Gigi helped me pick it.”

Hearing that, the love she felt growing for him got even bigger. “I can see how this is going to work,” she teased. “You and the munchkin in cahoots against me.”

“Join us,” he said with a leer, “we have access to freshly baked cookies.”

“Ah, but I have the pie,” she teased, leaning back against the couch, her smile an invitation.

How she loved a man with stamina. Most especially this man. A man who’d given her the best Christmas she ever recalled. Her caribou’s gift? Love and trust.

And, finally, my very own happily ever after.


Waking up Christmas morning beside the woman he loved? Awesome.

Having a squealing little girl fly into the room, soar onto the bed, and land on his balls? It brought a tear to his eye—and almost had him utter an unmanly whimper.

But he wasn’t upset. How could he be when Gigi shone with such obvious happiness, not at all perturbed by the fact he’d slept in her mother’s bed—a bed he planned to share every night. Which reminded him…

Mission #750: Get a cup to wear to bed.

Mission #751: Remember to also wear underpants.

As Gigi gushed about the presents under the tree, he couldn’t help but smile, mostly because Crystal snuggled against him—the smart woman having donned a nightgown at some point during the night.

Heat warmed his cheeks when she drew the covers back to slide out of bed. Kyle scrambled for the linen, intent on keeping his manparts covered.

A smirk appeared on Crystals face, the wench not at all repentant at making a tough soldier blush. “Hey, munchkin, what do you say you and I go take a peek at the stash under the tree? Mama also needs to get some coffee started.”

“But what about Kyle?” Gigi asked, craning to peek back at him.

“Kyle’s coming. He just needs to, uh…”

“Pee?” Gigi added helpfully.

No amount of training in the army could prepare a man for that kind of guilelessness.

Crystal snorted as Kyle wished for a hole he could hide in.

As the ladies left the room, Kyle found his pajama pants and slid them on, along with the fugly Christmas sweater he’d borrowed the night before. Might as well go all out.

He’d have to see about getting his clothes brought over. Hopefully Crystal had some room for him to stash them. Or maybe they should think about just getting a bigger place for all of them to share.

Crystal might not know it yet, but he was here to stay. He’d meant what he said to her the night before. Short courtship or not, she was his soul mate, and he loved her. Real love based on more than looks or sex. Crystal made him want things in life, a home, a family, a future. Time to start a legacy and traditions. Or continue a tradition in this case.

Almost giant teddy time.

For those who didn’t know, Kyle’s dad had served in the military, which meant he didn’t control when he was home or away. His father couldn’t always ensure he’d be home in time for Christmas, but no matter where he was in the world, Kyle knew when he got up Christmas morning, the biggest freaking stuffed animal would have its furry ass under the tree. It became a tradition until Kyle enlisted and his dad said he was too old for giant stuffies. Kyle disagreed, but no matter. The time had finally come for him to take up the giant teddy challenge.

Just one problem, Crystal’s tree wasn’t big enough to accommodate it—this year, but he had plans for the next.

But first, they needed to take care of the gifts already under the tree. As he and Crystal sipped coffee on the couch, Gigi doled wrapped packages out, one by one.

For some reason, he got to open his first.

“That one’s from me,” Gigi announced, as he eyed the lumpy package.

Eager to see what it held, he tore at the wrapping, then couldn’t help but laugh at the multi-pack of Hubba Bubba.

“You remembered,” he said, as Gigi beamed.

“Of course she did. According to my daughter, you blow the biggest bubbles ever.”

He winked at Crystal. “Baby, I do everything bigger.”

The blush on her cheeks? Adorable. He couldn’t help but drop a light kiss on her lips.

More presents were opened including the one he’d gotten for Crystal.

Crystal pulled out the slippers, a puzzled look on her face. “Are these the donkey from Shrek?”

“They are. Your daughter said you needed them for your feet.”

At Crystal’s puzzled glance, Gigi sighed and rolled her eyes. “Don’t you remember, mama? You said you needed a donkey for your foot.”

Crystal bit her lip and managed a choked, “That’s right, munchkin. I did.”

“Mind explaining?” Kyle asked as Gigi went on to open her next gift.

Crystal leaned close and whispered, “I, uh, might have gotten a tad upset one day and said I needed to put my foot up an ass.”

Kyle didn’t bother to hold in his laughter, a mirth Crystal shared.

Actually the whole morning was filled with chuckles and smiles. Except for when Crystal finally opened the other gift he got her, which was more like a gift for him. Despite her red cheeks when Gigi remarked it didn’t look too warm, Crystal promised to model it later that night.
Best Christmas ever!

Once all the gifts were unwrapped, it was time for Gigi’s final surprise. As the girls discussed the merits of pancakes versus waffles for breakfast, Kyle sneaked out to his truck parked outside.

When he returned, they’d moved on to arguing real maple syrup versus the brown sugar kind. He plopped the huge panda, with a wee modification, down on the floor.

“Kyle, what are you doing?” Crystal exclaimed.

“Bringing Gigi her last gift.” Like duh.

“It’s for me?” Gigi’s smile lit up the room.

He waggled the giant bear, with its fabric set of antlers sewn to its crown, at her. “Of course. And, look, I made it more handsome.”

“Indeed he did,” Crystal said with a smile as she laced her arm in his and leaned her head on his shoulder.

As for Gigi, she hugged the big teddy, which was almost as huge as her.

Mission accomplished, he sat on the couch and yanked Crystal down onto his lap. The living room was a mess of paper, just like it should be Christmas morning.

All the gifts were open, or so he thought, until he noted a bright red corner peeking from behind the tree.

Crystal spotted it at about the same time he did. “Another one? Spoiling her?”

“Well yeah, except that one isn’t from me.”

“Well, it’s not from me.”

As they stared at each other in puzzlement, Gigi wandered over to the mysterious gift and pulled it out. Her chubby finger traced the letters on the ornate gold-embossed tag.

“To, Gigi,” she read. “Fr-o-m, Santa.”

Kyle glanced at Crystal, who shrugged, but before he could dive on the present and pull it from Gigi—his military training not liking the unidentified package—the little girl had torn the paper to shreds.

They didn’t blow up, but their eardrums practically burst at the squeal.

“It’s the Lego Friends Mall,” Gigi screamed. “Santa did bring it, Mama. Look!”

Crystal muttered, “Did you do this?”

He shook his head. “I wish I could take the credit, but I couldn’t find it anywhere.”

“But…” Crystal couldn’t seem to find the words to complete her sentence.

And it didn’t help that the plastic Santa on the table chose that moment, dead batteries or not, to utter “Ho-Ho-Ho, Merry Christmas.”

The hairs on his arms raised, but Kyle didn’t take a gun to the haunted holiday figure. But he would if his ladies didn’t get their year of good luck.


A few days later…


The second hand hit midnight, and the New Year rang in to the raucous howls of shifters gone wild partying. Kyle and Crystal opted for something a little more intimate—and naked.

As he kissed her and ushered in the New Year, he wiped the mission slate clean and then immediately planned his first, and most important task ever.

Mission #1:
Love and protect my family.



* *


Now, get ready to sing, because…


You know Boris and Travis, and Brody and Reid,

Guys who kick butt and go to extremes.

But do you recall,

The most vain ex-soldier of all?


Kyle, the technical specialist,

Had a very impressive rack.

And if you ever see it,

Run if he screams “Attack!”


All of his sworn enemies,

Thought that they could call him names,

So he pinned them with his rack

And made them scream until death came.


Then one cold-ass Christmas Eve,

Crystal came and said,

“You pompous jerk, I hate your guts

If you think I’ll date you, then you’re nuts.”


Kyle suddenly saw the light,

And agreed to do what it would take.

That’s when he learned that playing a reindeer,

Could result in some sensual games.


I hope you have the most awesome holidays with your friends and family. Wishing you the best. ~Eve Langlais


The End


Author’s Note:
I hope you enjoyed this story. If you did, I’d love it if you took a moment and left a review.
To find out more about my next book or upcoming specials, visit my
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mailing list
. Thank you for reading.
~ Eve


Kodiak Point Series:
Kodiak’s Claim, Outfoxed By Love, Polar Bared, Wolf’s Capture, Caribou’s Gift
, Grizzly Love


More Shifter stories you might enjoy:

Freakn' Shifters Series:
Delicate Freakn' Flower, Jealous and Freakn', Already Freakn' Mated, Human and Freakn', Jungle Freakn' Bride, Freakn' Cougar

Pack Series:
Defying Pack Law, Betraying the Pack, Seeking Pack Redemption, New Pack Order


F.U.C Series:
Bunny and the Bear, Swan and the Bear, Croc and the Fox, Lion and the Falcon, Doe and the Wolf


Non series books with shifters:

His Teddy Bear
Scared of Spiders
Mated to the Devil

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