Caressed by Moonlight (24 page)

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Authors: Amanda J. Greene

BOOK: Caressed by Moonlight
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Chapter Thirty-Six

Another wave of agony gripped her as she circled into a ball under the fur pelts of Dorian’s bed. The pain had begun the instant the sun slipped below the horizon. A cold sweat beaded her brow as shivers shook her body. The change was upon her.

The chamber door opened, but she did not lift her head to see who had entered.

“My lady, I have something for you.” Jacque’s voice floated through the air and stung her sensitive ears.

A venomous hiss escaped through her teeth as he pulled the coverlets back, exposing her to the cool air. He rolled her onto her back and pulled her up to a sitting position. He could feel the fever of her flesh radiating through the sleeves of her night grown.

The heat seared his hands.

“Take this,” he said as he handed her a small chalice. “It will help with the pain.”

Victoria took his offering with shaking hands. The deep blue concoction sloshed as she raised it to her trembling lips. Her face twisted as the vile potion touched her tongue, she willed herself to swallow. She would take anything to stop the pain.

“I have something else for you.”

She followed his gaze. There, hanging over the back of the armchair, was a red dress.

“What’s that for?” she asked, her teeth chattering.

“Kal’s coronation,” he answered.

She groaned, only this time it was not from pain but from disgust.

“Are you feeling better?” He studied her pale face. Her shivers had vanished but the fever still clung to her. “The medicine should work quickly to quell the vampire poison in your blood.”

“How long does it last?”

“Two hours.” He patted his coat pocket. The clinking of glass was faint but Victoria heard it. “I have more, so don’t fret.”

She smiled and stood. Every muscle in her body ached.

She had lain in bed, twisting in pain for what seemed like eternity.

She was relieved to be free of her shivers and her fever was slowly fading.


“Do you think Raphael will come tonight?” her voice was weak and low, her heart beat slowly in her chest.

“I am positive that he has come up with a plan,” he stated.

“Trust him.”

“It’s difficult to place my trust in a man that I have never met.” Her eyes dropped to her hands that lay folded in her lap.

“But if Dorian trusted him than I shall too.”

“Raphael is a good vampire, as vampires go,” he said with a firm nod before turning toward the door. “I must be off. I have a gate to find and unlock. I will return within an hour to escort you to the ceremony.”

She ignored his peculiar words and crossed the room to stand before the dress. Heaving a heavy sigh, she rubbed the nape of her neck and studied the garment she would wear to what felt like her execution.

The moon slowly crept higher as the soldiers left their horses, concealed by the darkness of the forest. Silently, they jogged across the meadow and up the steep hill to the fortress wall.

Hugging the shadows, Dorian motioned for the men to get down low.

“The gate is just behind that hedge,” he whispered, pointing to the tall leafy guardian. The gate was the only weakness the fortress possessed and Dorian would rectify that as soon as possible.

“How long will it take for you to reach the inside?”

Raphael asked.

“Just a few minutes. Do you all remember the plan? Once you enter the keep try to blend in with the crowd as best you can and take up your posts. Conceal your weapons and form a perimeter around the assembly.” Turning to Horace, he said,

“Jacque did tell you he would unlock the gate?”

“Yes. He could not provide me with a specific time, but assured me that it would be done before the ceremony began. The witch also informed me that the last of the witches left this morning. He is the only hunter to remain in attendance and Kal has quickly grown suspicious.”

“That’s one less worry,” Raphael sighed. “I feared we were walking into a witch infestation. Did he tell you anything else?”


“He told me that a group of nobles were to arrive tonight, just before the coronation and the chieftain of the Volkov clan is among them.”

Dorian’s eyes darkened to a deadly black. “Ven.” His voice rumbled with hatred.

“It’s no surprise he would come to support Kal,” Raphael sneered. “Two traitorous pigs working together.”

“Jacque did give me some good news. Falcon is here and Gwendolyn accompanied him.”

“That is good news indeed,” Dorian agreed, his eyes fading to their natural color. “At least one member of every royal house must be present to witness the coronation in order for the passing of the crown to be legal.”

“I wonder why Sonya sent Gwendolyn in her stead,”

Raphael mused. Dorian assumed that Sonya had decided to stay behind with Margaret. The girl needed protection and affection from someone trustworthy.

“Gwendolyn is Sonya’s heir, is she not?” a soldier questioned.

“Yes,” Horace clarified.

“The reason as to why Sonya isn’t here herself is of no importance,” Dorian declared. “All that matters is we have two powerful allies waiting for us inside. Now, the moon is almost in position, the ceremony will start soon. Go, find the gate and do exactly what I told you.”

“You heard him men. Move!” Horace demanded.

Dorian departed. Keeping to the shadows, he ran along the wall and darted around the south corner. He knew they would be fine on their own. The men were seasoned warriors who had been members of various armies before their transformation. He had confidence that they would complete their mission.

He quickly crossed the daisy filled meadow and headed into the thick woods. A small smile caressed his lips as he skillfully made his way through the trees. This had been the very forest he had taken Victoria to in her dream.

He came to a halt before the wide mouth of a cave.

His heartbeat steadily and his breathing was easy, despite the large amount of land he had covered. He ran a hand through his hair and straightened his shirt. He would be seeing his lovely mate soon and he did not want to look like a wild beast. The simple thought of Victoria sparked his hunger and

sent a thrill through his body. He would have her in his arms soon enough.

Stepping into the cave, he was engulfed by darkness. His eyes quickly adjusted. He slowly made his way through the cavern.

The temperature gradually dropped, as he grew closer to what appeared to be a dead end. Whispering the secret words, known only to the kings of his bloodline, the stone evaporated, revealing a hidden staircase. The Shaw witches had cast the concealing spell on the passage hundreds of years before. Once he began to mount the stairs, the entrance sealed and once again, stone stood in its place.

Dorian started down the tunnel that led back under the forest and the field of daisies, but most importantly, it passed beneath the walls of the fortress and led directly to the master’s chambers. His steps continued to quicken until he broke out into a full run. His heart began to thud in his ears as he came closer and closer to the winding staircase that would bring him to Victoria.

Her sweet scent tickled his nose as he climbed the steps. She was there. He was about to burst through the secret door when Jacque’s voice sounded in the room. He glided to a stop, taking in deep claming breaths. He had to get his excitement under control.

Placing a hand on the wooden portal, he silently inched it open, and peeked through the tiny crack.

Victoria stood before the fire, draped in a lovely red grown. Her shoulders were bare, her slender neck completely exposed. Dorian’s fangs tickled his tongue and his eyes dropped lower; the black bodice enhanced her bosom and small waist. She was a vision and every cell in his body screamed for her.

“My lady, it’s time,” Jacque said.

She turned her gaze from the flames and hesitantly took his arm. Dorian saw the uncertainty on her face. He wanted nothing more than to kiss her worries away.

“Don’t fret, everything will work out. You’ll see. Don’t give up hope.”

She drew in a deep breath to steady her nerves. She did not know what to expect. Jacque had told her Kal planned on making her his first fledgling. Would he try that tonight? Would he taste the vampire essence that already laced her blood? Would he be able to sense that the transformation was upon her? She silently prayed that someone would save her.


Victoria allowed Jacque to lead her down the stairs and out the back entrance of the keep. The brilliant full moon battled the angry clouds to give light to the night. A great rumbling of voices mixed with the wind as the assembly grew by the minute. Rumors had spread like fire across the crowd. The hushed whispers stung her sensitive ears.

“Does anyone know what happened to King Vlakhos is?”

one vampire asked the group he had just joined.

“I heard he was killed by hunters on his way home,”

another answered.

Victoria bit her lip as Jacque led her passed the men. She wanted to scream at them. Kal was the reason her husband was dead. He was the one who had killed their king. He was a traitor and he was bent on destroying the clan.

“I was told that Kal hired the hunters, just like Ven.”

“That’s the woman the king had with him. Kal rescued her from the brink of death.”

Every muscle in her body tensed. Jacque patted her arm and continued to weave her through the throng of vampires.

“Don’t pay any attention to them. Kal has filled their heads with a bunch of lies and they can no longer see the truth.”

Jacque guided her up the steps and on to the stage. Kal stood directly in the center of the wooden platform, clothed completely in black with a long, jewel embedded sword at his hip, as was the tradition for inauguration. Other vampires dressed in finery stood along side him.

“Who are they?” she dropped her voice as low as she possible could, though she was positive they could hear her.

“They are nobles from the other clans and are here upon Kal’s request. Their presence will make his transition legal. The one standing closest to Kal is Ven, the chieftain of the Volkov Clan.”

Victoria’s eyes narrowed, as she looked Ven over. He was a handsome man, blond hair fell to his shoulders and sable eyes sparkled as he laughed with Kal. This was the vampire Dorian believed to be responsible for Dimitri’s death. He had hired Red Order witches to slaughter the last pure blood of their race. It would seem that Kal was following in the vampire’s shadow. He too had enlisted the aid of the Red Order hunters and he was responsible for Dorian’s death.


She tried to keep her rage locked away. These vampires were certainly old and possessed unimaginable powers. For all she knew, they could read her every thought.

“Here she is,” Kal announced, his arms spreading wide.

“This is the woman I was telling you about.”

“She is a beauty,” Ven agreed. He licked his lips as his eyes traveled over her frame. Victoria’s hand itched with the urge to slap the aroused look off his face. “She’s a good choice,” he added.

“Shall we begin?” a woman asked. Her voice was soft, it complemented her small frame and angelic, porcelain face.

“I have more important things to do with my time. Let’s get this over with.”

Victoria gasped at the sound of the familiar voice. Falcon stood behind the small woman. Hope blossomed in her bosom. He would save her.

Turning to the large crowd, who swarmed around the stage, Ven began, “Good people. I welcome you to the coronation ceremony.”

A loud roar of protest shook the night.

“Where is King Dorian?” numerous voices shouted.

“Dorian Vlakhos is no longer with us,” Ven announced. “I have seen proof of his death.” His lie quelled the masses.

“Leadership now rests upon the shoulders of Kal Gracchus.

Tonight, beneath the full moon, he will pledge his devotion to his clan.”

There were no cheers, no claps. Silence lay like thick fog over the crowd as they tried to process Ven’s words. King Dorian was dead.

Victoria shifted uneasily beside Jacque. Falcon and the woman whispered amongst themselves before she turned to Ven.

“Perhaps we should see a demonstration of Kal’s strength before we continue. Every king is required to possess the power to change humans and Kal is a bit on the young side.”

“As is your queen,” Kal remarked.

Gwendolyn’s eyes flashed and she took a threatening step forward. “My queen has proven herself capable of ruling a thousand times over.”

“You’re right.” Ven’s eyes moved back to Victoria. “We must see proof of your abilities. If you’re blood is found to be too weak to transform a human then you must forfeit your right as heir and the council of Chieftains will choose a suitable replacement.”


Kal’s eyes danced with anger. He had not expected the nobles to demand a demonstration of his abilities. He could only assume the clan’s lack of enthusiasm and Falcon’s dislike was the cause.

It was obvious people were not pleased to hear Kal was to be their new king. The nobles were unknowingly giving the serfs a chance at survival. If he failed to change Dorian’s woman his dreams would be shattered.

Pointing a crooked finger at Victoria he demanded, “Bring her here.”

Jacque gave Victoria a shove and she stumbled forward.

Kal caught her arm and slammed her back against his chest. She struggled, twisting and kicking. His vile breath hissed in her ear as her elbow found his ribs. A cold, rough hand wrapped about her throat, the fingers bruising her flesh. His free arm slipped around her waist, holding her steady. Her heart raced in her chest and her nostrils flared from her rapid breathing. She prayed Falcon would save her, that he would rip her from Kal’s revolting grasp.

Kal opened his mouth wide, his fangs elongating. His hot breath burned her flesh. Her scream lodged in her throat as she was brutally torn from the vampire’s arms, his fangs scratching her skin. She was shoved toward Falcon, who caught her and quickly passed her off to the woman as an arrow grazed Kal’s head. Blood trickled down from his temple.

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