Caressed by a Crimson Moon (Rulers of Darkness) (28 page)

BOOK: Caressed by a Crimson Moon (Rulers of Darkness)
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Mr. Banik bowed. “Forgive me, Your Majesty, but Sir Falcon Kenwrec is holding on line one.”

“Thank you,” Hadrian said.

The butler bowed again and promptly retreated.

Hadrian turned back to her. “You should eat, relax, and sleep if you can. You will need every bit of your strength.”

“I highly doubt I will be able to do any of those things. I can feel my nerves sneaking up on me.”

He hesitantly reached out to her, brushing her fingers with his. He stared down at their hands then said, “Come to my room when you are ready.”


Chapter Thirty






Pouring his fifth shot of Silver Moon, Hadrian slammed the glass down as he swallowed. The liquor slipped down his throat and he welcomed the burn.

Another haunting growl carried through the wall. With a curse, Hadrian snatched the decanter. Not bothering with the glass, he took a long swig.

Gods, Eva waited too long to come to him. He had not wanted to pressure her or make her feel any more uncomfortable than she already was. The female had waited until midnight to come to his room. She had collapsed outside his door. Sweat beaded her brow and she shivered with a fever.

He had been as gentle as he could when he stripped her and secured her. The chains were long, allowing her to roll from one side of the massive bed to the other.

Now, he waited. He wished there was something he could do for her, but a female had to suffer for an hour before her body would be receptive to the drug. If he gave it to her now, if would have no effect and could possibly make her feel even worse.

He had hoped the liquor would drown Eva’s calls, but there was to be no escape for him. Her desperate pleas, her demanding roars, and seductive growls rang in his ears as the intoxicating scent of her arousal thickened the air.

He was cracking. He could feel his control slipping inch by precious inch with every passing second. Everything within him demanded he go to her, that he help her, that he give her what she needed—him.

He knew the scene he would find if he went to his room. Eva would be writhing on his bed, her breasts thrusting upward… Hadrian raised the crystal decanter to his lips with shaking hands and took another drink. Shifting in his seat, he maneuvered his throbbing shaft, gaining little relief. The damn thing pulsed as if it had a heartbeat of its own.

“Fuck,” he exhaled on a shudder, scrubbing his face with his hands.

Pain. Eva was in pain and allowing her to suffer needlessly was cruel. He could give her pleasure and with it temporary release. Then she would be able to make her decision, him or the Levo.

He would help her. He could be selfless, he could ignore his raging lust and he could fight his instincts for her. He could do anything for Eva.

Hadrian released his death grip on the decanter and stood. Determine to maintain his resolve even if it drove him mad, he materialized in his room. Candles flickered while the fire in the hearth blazed, bathing the bed with a soft, golden glow.

Hadrian stood, unable to move, unable to think, his gaze transfixed on the erotic scene before him. Eva’s body twisted and undulated, her back arching, her hips gyrating, the rattle and scrape of the chains kissed his ears.  Her legs restlessly rubbing together as she tossed about on his bed.

Her eyes fell upon him and Hadrian’s lungs turned to stone. Glowing amber gazed at him. Wild. Her eyes burned with lethal passion, they silently beckoned him to come closer.

“I–I’m so hot,” she panted.

Her trembling voice snapped him from his trance. He heard her cry out as he vanished.

Hadrian appeared in the kitchen. With shaking hands, he filled a bowl with ice and grabbed a pitcher of water. Taking in a deep breath, he let it out slowly through his nose.

Control. He could do this. He could keep the demon buried. He heard its demands and could feel its sexual hunger and bloodlust, but its voice was distant and the sensations weak.

He took form beside the bed. Eva would have gasped if she weren’t panting so hard. Hadrian set the bowl and pitcher on the bedside table then quickly retrieved a crystal tumbler from the set on his desk.

“Where did…don’t leave.”

He kept his back to her as he poured some water into a crystal tumbler. “Your first hour is almost completed,” he said, trying to sound calm.

“Y–Yay for me.”

Hadrian closed his eyes, prayed for strength, and turned towards the bed. Her beautiful, smooth mocha skin was flushed. Her dusty rose nipples were hard, her stomach was flat and taut as she writhed, her hips rocking wildly as her legs twisted in the black silk sheets.

Leaning down, he cupped the back of her head. Eva raised trembling fingers to the glass as he pressed it to her lips. She took a few sips before another surge of hot sensations swept through her. Her muscles constricted, her arms fell out to her sides as her head thrashed back and forth. Moans slipped past her lips as the tension continued to grow within her core.

Sweat dampened her brow. Hadrian smoothed the dark strands of her hair from her face. He could feel the heat radiating from her body and winced as his fingers brushed her cheek. Eva immediately turned her face towards him and rubbed her chin against the scar of his wrist. Her rapid breaths caressed his flesh.

“Feels good,” she whispered. Her body twisted towards him, seeking his cool touch.

Hadrian backed away. Eva screeched in protest. Lunging for him, her claws slashed at his shirt. With a venomous curse, she fell back, wrapping her arms about her waist. She groaned and threw her arms out to her sides again. Her skin was too sensitive to touch.

“Oh, god, H–Hadrian. I’m b–burning.” Her body bowed, her legs falling open.

Hadrian spun about, squeezing his eyes shut.

Dear lord, she was ready and drenched with need. Tiny rivulets of pearly white ran down the insides of her thighs. His jaw clenched as her scent slammed into him like a slug to the chest, knocking the unnecessary air from his lungs, leaving him breathless.

His body shook as his hands fisted. He wanted to tear his clothes off, cover her body, and thrust so hard and so deep, she would come instantly.

Hadrian bit the inside of his cheek, drawing blood, praying the pain would distract him.

“Fire,” she helplessly sighed. 

“I know, little one,” he rasped.

“I d–didn’t think it w–would be like this. So bad.”

“Shh, Eva, it will be all right.” He ran his hands over his head, the stubble of his hair pricking his fingers.

“P–please. Help me.” Another longing, sorrowful growl ripped from her throat. “Pain. M–make it go away.”

Her words a tormented whisper, they seared his soul. The demon roared, not for its own pleasure, but for hers. Hadrian frowned, his hand rubbing his chest as an odd sensation gripped his heart.

“Yes,” he hissed past his elongated fangs.

Hadrian sat on the edge of the mattress.

“Oh, yes,” she sighed when he brushed her knee with his hand. “Your touch feels…so good.”

His fingers slowly traced up her inner thigh. Her hands shot out. She was desperately seeking more contact, but he sat just outside her reach. Her claws swiped at the air.

“More,” she groaned, bucking her hips, trying to force his hand closer to her core and the burning, tension that built there.

“Eva,” Hadrian warned, his voice strained as he pulled away. “My control.”

“No,” she snapped. “I want y–you to snap. I need your cock—”

“Enough!” he roared.

He clamped one hand over her mouth, silencing her words as he drove two fingers deep into her heat.

Her climax was immediate. Relief swept through her and her body relaxed. Her breathing remained harsh, her heart did not slow, and the haze of passion still clouded her eyes, but her mind was calm. She did not know how long this reprieve would last.

Hadrian’s eyes were closed, his jaw clenched so tightly, she could hear his teeth grinding. His entire body was still. He sat like a beautiful Roman statue beside her. She pressed a thankful kiss to the palm of his hand that remained over her mouth, while she savored the feel of his fingers still buried inside her.

“Thank you,” she gratefully sighed.

Hadrian slowly withdrew from her. His gaze dropped to the floor.

“Is the first hour over?”

He did not speak, but nodded in response.

It is here
, she thought.
Decision time.

Eva sat up, the chains heavy about her wrists. She had been glad they allowed her movement even though she was restricted to the bed. She brought her knees up to her chest and leaned against the cool wood of the headboard, which concealed the chains home in the wall. She briefly wondered if he had ever been confined on the bed or if it were just for the women.

“It will come again. Each wave more painful and intense than the last.”

She nodded. She knew how it worked.

“The Levo will allow you remain coherent but sluggish. You will be weak, but I cannot release you from the chains.”

“I know. We can’t have me running around and terrorizing the villagers. Although, I don’t think the men would mind too much since I would be naked. Do you think they would notice my glowing eyes and jaguar like teeth and claws?”

His lips twitched with a smile.

“Well,” she raised her hands and shook her wrists, “I’m not going anywhere.” She licked her dry lips and before she could ask, he handed her the glass of water. She could feel the tension rising in her body again. It started at her center then spread through her system.

He became tense, sensing the change in her. He shifted on the bed and Eva’s eyes fell to his lap. Her eyes widened, she could see the line of his hard shaft straining against his jeans. She ran her tongue over her lip.

She quickly gulped down the water. Then wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.

Their fingers brushed as he took the empty glass.  It was a light caress but it sent massive waves of need crashing over her. 

“You don’t have to choose me. You can take the Levo and we can just relax,” he offered, his hands clenched into fists at his sides.

That warm, loving feeling crept up on her again. He was not pushing her to choose him. He was willing to just sit with her, hang out and talking. Well, she didn’t know how much talk she would be able to do since the drug could affect her speech.

“Kick it or have a repeat of last night?” she said. Her words were shaky as she struggled against the desire that was quickly rising within her. The fever had returned. Her breasts felt heavy and she rubbed her thighs together attempting to ease the throbbing at her core.

“What do you want?” he bit out. “Tell me so I can help you.”

She tried to speak but she could not get the words past her lips. Her throat had gone dry and rough. She swallowed and the action hurt. A blast of energy shot through her and vibrated the room as her need claimed her. Her vision blurred as the world around her began to spin. She doubled over, falling onto the mattress. She wrapped her arms about her middle and blinked hard, desperately trying to focus on Hadrian. His face was set in harsh lines, his black eyes a strange mixture of lust, sympathy, and determination.

He reached for the vile of the Levo and filled the syringe.

Turning to her, he whispered gently, “Breathe, Eva.”

“Not…that.” She reached for his arm, but the chains weighted her down.

“I cannot tolerate your suffering,” he said, raising the needle.

She shook her head, her tangled hair trashing about. “You.”

“Eva, I want to…service you. Gods, I want nothing more. But this is better, it will be easier on you.”

He would deny her? The thought made her see red. No. She would have him. She would
him. Her muscles coiled and she lunged for him, her claws tearing at his shirt, laying open his chest. The wounds vanished as quickly as they had appeared.

Hadrian did not flinch. He did not retreat. “Lay back.”

She hissed, baring her teeth as she collapsed back on the bed. “You,” she whimpered. “You.”

He forced himself to his feet and set the syringe back on the table. In a flash of movement, he was undressed. Eva’s eyes widened, her hands reaching for him.

“Yes,” she panted as her body arched.

Hadrian lowered himself on the bed. Slow. He would need to take things slow. Conserve their energy. This was only the second hour, they had twenty-two more to go and with each passing minute her need would grow until she was mad and completely wild—out of control.

“Eva,” Hadrian rasped, drawing the tip of his finger over her slick folds. “I want to feel you come beneath my lips.”

His deep, rough whisper sent chills racing down her spine to curl her toes. Damn the vampire and his erotically hypnotic voice. She loved it.

She tried to sit up. She tried to reach for him again. Yes, she wanted to feel his mouth on her but she needed his long, hard length inside her. Pumping, driving into her. She craved to feel him release within her.

His sensual lips curled into a smile as he circled her clitoris. “Will you let me?”

“You,” was all she could manage to gasp.

The simple word gave the vampire all the permission he required.

Hadrian caught her waist, dragging her to him. He hooked her knees over his shoulders. Flashing her a devilish smile that stole her heart, he bent his head and scrapped his fangs along the inside of her thighs. Eva shuddered as he masterfully, nipped, slowly kissed and suckled his way up to her center.

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