Caressed by a Crimson Moon (Rulers of Darkness) (11 page)

BOOK: Caressed by a Crimson Moon (Rulers of Darkness)
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Eva closed her eyes as his words settled over her. How could she find what he was saying sexy? God, she had to be twisted. After all the time living amongst her father’s pack, her mind must have snapped. He was describing how he wanted to kill her and she was getting hot?

“My grip on reality is fragile, my control razor thin.”

The harshness of his voice faltered ever so slightly and Eva snapped her eyes open.

Anguish. Despair. Loneliness. Hate. It was plain to see the emotions that flickered to life within his red eyes. He spoke of being a monster, but all she saw was a tortured man. She did not doubt what he said was true, yet, as she stood, bewitched by his glowing red eyes, she knew evil was not his true nature.

Slowly, she raised a hand, cautiously reaching out to him. She expected him to growl at her, to slap her hand away or vanish. Instead, he stood firm as a marble statue. His hellish gaze fixed on her.

Something within her cried out to comfort this vampire.

He admitted he wants to kill me.

Eva snapped her hand back. Preparing to scream as loud as she could. Taking in a large gulp of air, she prayed that Falcon would find her. Rescue her from—

“No,” his whisper was barely audible. “Touch me.” She had not seen him move, but now, he towered over her. “Please.” His eyes narrowed as if willing her to reach out to him. “Please, Eva, I
you to touch me.”

Chapter Ten






Hadrian needed to feel her hands on him. He ached for her to chase away the loneliness that tore at his soul, even if for a moment.

Eva hesitantly came closer as he battled the demon for control. He did not want to frighten her, though he should. He ought to strike terror in the girl, show her what sort of beast he truly was. He was a vampire, death incarnate, but with her—

Her fingers hovered just above his heart. He shivered. Her warmth was inviting and torturous.

Leaning forward, he silently encouraged her.

Eva’s tongue slid out, wetting her upper lip before she bit the lower. Hadrian groaned. Waves of need pulsated through his shaft, swelling it, making it even harder. He wanted to take her lips, to feel their fullness beneath his, to taste her tongue.

She tentatively placed her palm flat on his chest and he flinched. She scalded him, her heat banishing the chill that resided in his very bones and surrounded his heart.

“More,” he bit out.

Eva brought up her other hand and traced the lines of his muscles with her fingertips, making him shudder. Her delicate hands moved over his chest, down his sides, and over his abdomen. She stopped before reaching his hips, drawing away.

He could not suppress his growl. Was it a warning or a demand that she continue?

Her hands came back to his flesh, this time beginning at his abs and, with agonizing slowness, worked their way up his solid pecs, to his shoulders.

Eva’s vanilla scent surrounded him. It invaded his lungs and attacked his mind, soothing his thoughts, chasing away his guilt, and sending Imbrasus’s memories into hiding.

Unable to resist a moment longer, Hadrian snatched her to him. Her breath escaped her lungs as her soft body slammed into his. One massive hand fisted her jacket as the other cupped her nape, his fingers entwined with her dark, luxurious satin hair.

Hadrian did nothing more than gaze into her eyes and Eva began to tremble from the force of his sexually charged stare. Pure, animalistic desire glittered the depths of his eyes.

God, what was she doing? Just a moment ago, he had detailed how he wanted to kill her. She had seen the bloodlust flicker like flames in his unholy red eyes, but she did not want to believe he was evil. She did not want to believe that he was a lost cause, that he was crazed like the rumors claimed. But, the truth had been standing before her. His demonic eyes had bore into her, searching for her soul, as his long, lethal razor sharp fangs stood proud and ready to tear at the tender flesh of her throat.

His hold tightened as if he sensed her inner turmoil. He pressed her even more tightly to him, molding her form to his.

Nervously, she asked, “Are you going to kiss me?”

Hadrian stared at her perfect lips for what seemed like an eternity before dragging his gaze back to hers. “No.”

“Why not?” Eva knew disappointment rang in her voice and she dropped her head, hiding the confusion that surely clouded her eyes.

Eva’s pulse stuttered and a gasp of surprised pleasure caught in her throat as his lips brushed her ear, taking the sensitive lobe into his mouth.

“W–wait,” Eva panted. This was not right. He had just said this would not—his lips moved to her neck.
No. Focus.
This should not be happening. “Your Highness,” she squeaked, “We shouldn’t be—”

“Hadrian,” he grated, his voice deep and husky, “During moments like these, please, call me by my given name.”

Eva could not help but nod in agreement as he tasted her flesh with his tongue, drawing circles over her throat, pausing at her pulse. A thrill of excited fear rushed down her spine, curling her toes.

Trying one last time to hold on to her senses, she tried to pull back, but his arms were like unyielding steel bands. Deciding it might be best to use her fighting skills, she hooked her boot about his ankle. Tripping him, he went crashing to the ground, but he took her with him. They rolled through the snow until he pinned her arms above her head.

His expression was one of surprise while his eyes darkened. Eva knew he would not let her get away. This was happening, whether it should or not and something deep within her roared with triumph.

Hadrian lay over her, his eyes studying her as if carefully calculating his options. Finally, with his voice rough with need, Hadrian vowed, “I will bring you pleasure.”

If Eva had suffered as he had since their last encounter, then he would ease her. His heart began to beat in time with hers and he prayed he would be able to maintain control.

Hadrian shifted, his erection pressing between her thighs. Freeing one hand, he held her wrists in the other. He traced her jaw with his index finger, before his hand slipped to her throat, brushing the pad of his thumb over her pulse. His hot gaze followed his fingers, searing her skin.

Running his tongue over his fangs, he frowned. Her bulky jacket was in the way, concealing her ample breasts. With a frustrated snarl, he bent his head, took the zipper between his teeth, and tugged.

Eva wore a black sweater with a deep V-neckline. It clung to her breasts, hugged her waist, then flared at her hips.

His lethal yet delicate hand drifted over her newly exposed skin until his palm hovered above her breast. Eva’s back arched, thrusting her breasts upward, but he did not touch her. His gaze lingered on the tops of her honey colored swells. Her nipples were hard and strained against her sheer bra. His eyes traveled lower, his hand following down her side to her hip. He looked over his shoulder at her legs that were spread wide to accommodate his size.

Was he envisioning her naked?

Hadrian’s obsidian gaze captured hers. Eva’s heart pounded out of control, her breaths came in painful gasps as unadulterated lust laced her blood. His eyes promised lethal passion.

Finding her voice, Eva asked, “W-why are you looking at me like that?”

“Like what?”

“Like you want to devour me.”

Hadrian’s lips pulled back from his gruesomely sexy fangs as he snarled, “Because I do.”

As if to prove his hunger for her, he ground his hips against her, his solid shaft stroked over her center.

“Oh…God,” she sighed.

Eva’s eyes slipped closed as he continued to move over her. Again and again he thrust his hips forward, rocking his hardness against her core. Instinctively, her knees came up, her snow covered boots hooked about his thighs. Her fingers curled, her nails biting half-moon imprints into her palms. She struggled against his hold on her wrists, craving to feel his muscles move beneath her hands. His grip tightened and he pressed her more firmly to the ground. Did he think she was trying to flee?

Hadrian’s lips descended to her throat. His teeth grazed her soft skin, his fangs tickled and teased. Trailing kisses down her neck, he nipped at her collarbone as he slowly ran his free hand over her hip and up her side to cup her breast. His powerful fingers massaged her and occasionally gave a pinch to a hard peak.

Fire. She was on fire. Her clothes felt rough against her sensitive skin. She wanted to feel his hands on her body, his lips on her breasts, his fingers on her sex as he tongued her nipples.

As if knowing exactly what she desired, Hadrian tugged at her shirt, pulling the sleeve down revealing one shoulder and her breast.

She cried out as he took her aching nipple into his hot mouth, suckling her through the transparent material of her bra. He tongued and nipped at her while his hand continued to massage her other breast.

Each sigh that escaped her luscious lips drove him closer and closer to the edge of madness. But he could not stop, would not stop. He had vowed to bring her pleasure and he would.

Eva arched beneath him, her arms straining for freedom. She wanted to clutch his head to her breast. She wanted to run her hands over his back as he worked his hips against hers.

He growled, refusing to release her. “I’m going to make you scream my name in ecstasy,” he whispered.

She knew he would.

Craving to taste her flesh, Hadrian roughly ripped her shirt as his teeth tore at the thin black fabric of her bra. He traced his fangs along the curve of her exposed breast, his tongue lightly teasing, sending delicious chills over her body. Then, he captured her nipple again with his lips and Eva’s cry echoed in the night.

Eva trembled beneath him as he savagely assaulted her breast. Dear god, she had never known pleasure like this.

With a husky groan, Hadrian’s thrust grew wild as he aggressively pumped his swollen cock against her. Eva rocked her hips, matching his tempo. The world melted around her until there was nothing but Hadrian and the wonderfully torturous things he was doing to her.

Urgent, undeniable want consumed them as their movements became frenzied. The rougher Hadrian became, the more Eva cried out in bliss.

Take her
, the beast within him whispered.

He took in a deep breath. God, she was ready for him. He could scent her arousal, she was drenched in sweet honey…He could easily undo her jeans, shove his down and slide into her.

His entire body quaked. He could almost feel her clenching around him, milking him as she came. To drive into her would be bliss, a heaven he did not deserve.

The vampire in him roared, demanding that he mark her

His fangs began to tingle as he thought of sinking them into the tender flesh of her breast. Her pulse pounded the sweetest of rhythms in his ears, luring him like a sinful siren’s song, as her body writhed with need. Hadrian grazed her nipple with his fangs and Eva gave a small cry of ecstasy. Again, she tried to wrench her hands free, but he tightened his grip. Hadrian knew he had precious little control. He was barely hanging on, barely able to keep the beast in its cage.

Releasing her wrists would be dangerous, the things she could do with her hands—He couldn’t think about that now. This moment was not for him. He would give her the release she desperately craved and leave. Or, at least, he prayed he would leave.

“Please, Hadrian,” Eva sighed, snapping him from his thoughts.

She was close, so very close. Reluctantly freeing her nipple, Hadrian drew himself up. Arching his back, he pounded against her.

Dear lord, she was lovely. Her eyes were closed and her brow was creased as she sought her orgasm. Her lips were parted, begging him for a forbidden kiss. The moonlight glittered over her dark hair and made her skin glow. A goddess lay writhing beneath him. Gorgeous.

Free of inhibitions, Eva matched his thrusts. She arched her back, causing her breasts to brush against his chest with every frantic gasp. Grinding against him, she moaned, whispering his name again and again.

Every muscle in his body tensed, his control stretched razor thin. The beast was just beneath the surface, ready to drink her, ready to claim her. There was no stopping.


“Come hard for me,” he rasped.

Her thighs clenched his hips as she threw her head back. “I’m…Oh, Hadrian…you are making me—”

Eva cried out, her body fragmenting into a thousand pieces. Shock after shock ripped through her. Her legs wrapped about his hips as she road out her pleasure, savoring her explosive orgasm.

Hadrian became deathly still. An odd pain tore through his chest as he slowly released her wrists. He pulled her tattered sweater back into place. Every fiber of his being protested as he came to his feet and stepped away from the heat of her body. Curling his fingers into fists, his claws cutting his palms, his blood trickled to the snow, marring its purity.

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