Read Caress Online

Authors: Marina Anderson

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Erotica, #Contemporary

Caress (3 page)

BOOK: Caress
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Her nipples grew so tight they were painful, and she could hear the sound of her own breathing, ragged and fast. Pushing her up against the wall, he unzipped her jeans, and his tongue played over her stomach as he pulled them down round her ankles, along with her bikini pants.

Grace slipped off her shoes so that he could lift her off the floor, freeing her legs. He was moving so fast, so urgently, that she could feel her orgasm starting to build. Pausing only to tear off his own clothes, David drew her into the bedroom then fell backwards onto the bed, pulling the now naked Grace on top of him. His right arm reached round behind her, pushing her up his body until she was straddling his face.

With his head buried deep between her thighs he let his tongue tease and tantalize her, and she fell forward so that her hands were flat on the bed each side of his head, supporting the weight of her upper body.

She was frantic now, moaning and crying out as the pleasure grew and grew. Still his tongue teased her, flicking around her swollen, aching clitoris before thrusting deep inside her for a few seconds, then returning to the clitoris again.

Every time she felt she was about to come he would change what his tongue was doing, and the breaks in rhythm meant that she remained balanced on the edge of her orgasm for what seemed like an eternity. Then, as her cries grew more frantic he drew her clitoris into his mouth, sucking gently on the mass of nerve endings while at the same time slipping a finger between her buttocks and caressing the paper-thin skin around her second opening.

As her climax exploded, the pleasure spread through every inch of her body and then she screamed with delight. Without pausing, he rolled her onto her back, hooked her legs over his shoulders and thrust himself deeply inside her.

The last tingles of her long-delayed climax were still dying away as he moved in and out of her, his movements slow and steady at first but then quickening. She felt the sparks of pleasure reigniting and once more her muscles contracted in a spasm that was so intense it was almost painful.

Her back arched off the bed as she climaxed for the second time. Now his hands gripped her hips, and he continued to move in and out of her, rotating his own hips until he found her G-spot. To her surprise she realized that her body was tightening once more, the heavy pressure building deep within her belly until, with a groan of pleasure mixed with despair, she was shaken by another intense orgasm.

She heard herself cry out, and then heard David gasp loudly as finally he allowed his own pleasure to spill, and she felt him shuddering above her, until finally he too was still.

Rolling off her he then pulled her against his damp, sweat-soaked body. “You were wonderful, my darling,” he murmured, “absolutely wonderful. Now you’d better get that beauty sleep I promised you.”

As her breathing slowed and her sated body lay limply on the sheets, Grace was keenly aware that although it had been some of the best sex they’d ever had, David had got his way. Her body would definitely be tired when they arrived at the Dining Club the following morning.

* * *

By ten the next morning they’d already called in at Grace’s apartment and were on their way. Waiting at some traffic lights, David saw that Grace was almost half-asleep beside him, and felt a fleeting moment of guilt about what had happened the previous night.

He’d known full well that what he was doing wasn’t fair on her, but hadn’t been able to stop himself. When he’d learned that she and Andrew had met at the King’s Head, and that Andrew had gone back to the flat with her, he’d experienced a moment of jealous fury that was totally new to him. Even though she’d been open and honest about it when he’d phoned her, the jealousy had lingered all the following day, distracting him from his work, and he hadn’t liked it. Possessing her last night had been both a primitive need to reaffirm that she was his, and also a punishment for her, because of what he knew was waiting for her at the Club.

If jealousy was the price of love, then that was another reason for trying to avoid it, he thought to himself, yet Grace already meant too much to him. Somehow she’d found her way under his skin and into his heart, and he’d never felt so vulnerable before. The only way he could stop their relationship now was if she failed this weekend. Then he would have to walk away, but he was torn between his need for her and his fear of how his life would be changed once he admitted his love.

If she succeeded this weekend, he would then have to tell her about table five, because that was in the rules. Normally no one was interested in table five, but he knew her well enough to be fairly certain that now, after all she’d seen and done at the Dining Club, she would be interested, because of Amber, who hadn’t managed to hide her determination to make Grace fail.

That inability to conceal her feelings had almost certainly allowed Grace to realize the full extent of the other woman’s importance to him. His feelings for Amber were nothing like his feelings for Grace, but he liked the security of knowing that with her running the Dining Club he would never be sexually bored.

If Grace should succeed in both the trials then David’s life would change radically, and he didn’t know how he’d cope with that. He’d always liked the sheer animal magnetism and wonderful perversity that Amber brought to the sexual challenges at the Dining Club, as well as their occasional private moments, and didn’t believe that any one woman was capable of being all things to him. There had been times during the last week when he’d faced the fact that perhaps he couldn’t ever fall in love in the way that other men did, yet he didn’t want that either. If Grace failed this weekend he wouldn’t have to keep turning the problem over and over in his mind, which might well be the best solution, and not impossible to arrange.

“Each man kills the thing he loves,” he murmured to himself.

“Oscar Wilde,” said Grace sleepily.


“Oscar Wilde wrote that. He said the coward does it with a kiss.”

“Did he indeed,” said David, wondering why she’d quoted that particular line. “We’re nearly there now, darling. How do you feel?”

“Still nervous, but sad in a way too. I think I’ve become addicted to the Club, although I might change my mind after tonight I suppose.”

David stopped the car at the gate at the end of the road and waited for the man to let them through. “Actually, this trial is in two parts. It begins after lunch and then concludes tonight,” he explained. “Obviously as it’s the last one it’s more complicated.”

“And more difficult?”

“Well yes, of course.”

“It’s spread over two sessions in one day and yet last night you…”

“I got carried away,” he said apologetically. “Here we go,” he said, and eased the car down the road and into the drive of the Dining Club. Once parked, he turned, and took hold of Grace’s hands. Whatever happened, whatever he decided to do as the weekend progressed, he wanted her to understand the depth of his feelings at this moment, and he knew that she needed to hear it too.

“I really want you to succeed, darling. I know you may be doubting that now, but I do. Success for you this weekend will make me happier than I’ve ever been in my life before.

“Also, if you succeed then I can tell you about table five, and table five is very special to me.”

“Does table five involve another trial?” she asked nervously. “I thought that there were only four.”

He felt another twinge of guilt. “Only if you choose; it’s an option that’s rarely offered and has never yet been taken up.”


“Sweetheart, I can’t tell you yet. Just remember, if you succeed this weekend I’ll be happier than I’ve ever been in my life before. That’s all you need to think about over the next two days. Whatever happens, however difficult it is, think of us and remember that’s why you’re doing it, for us and our future.”

With that he leaned over and kissed her gently on the lips, just as Oscar Wilde’s coward had done.

Chapter Three

Sitting on the end of the bed watching David unpack, Grace wondered what lay ahead of her and if she would ever return to the Dining Club after this weekend. For the moment she was pushing all thoughts of table five to the back of her mind. This weekend was what she’d always thought of as the top trial.

She remembered the woman who’d hoped to marry her lover, and how she’d failed. So many sensual struggles had already taken place, and yet two more sessions of pleasure mixed with frustration or pain still lay ahead of her. Two more tests of her ability to control her own sensuality, a sensuality that had been honed and heightened by the three trials she’d already passed.

“When does the first trial begin?” she asked.

“At two o’clock,” replied David. “I’ll have a sandwich sent up to you soon.”

“Aren’t you eating?”

“I’ve got to help make sure everything is ready for you,” he explained. “I’ll come and fetch you when it’s time.”

“So, I have a test this afternoon, and then another one after dinner tonight?”

“That’s right.”

Grace bit on her lower lip, wanting to know more, but well aware that he couldn’t tell her anything. She must remain in their suite and wait for everything to unfold.

When David finally came for her, he was brisk and businesslike. All traces of the affectionate lover had disappeared. “Here’s what you’re to wear to begin with,” he said, holding out a small black and red garment. “Take off your clothes,” he added. “It’s time. The twins are waiting.”

The change in him made Grace even more nervous, despite the fact that she realized this was the intention. When she was naked he helped her into the tight-fitting bondage body-shaper, which thrust her breasts upwards while the bones of the corset nipped her in at the waist. Where it flared over her hips the material fitted so tightly that she could feel the pressure on her naked stomach and hips.

It ended at the top of her thighs. When she was standing still with her legs together, she looked perfectly decent, but the moment she started to walk she knew that she was no longer totally covered either at the front or the back, as she felt the air against her pubic hair and the bottom of her buttocks.

“Very nice,” said David appreciatively, running his fingers over her naked shoulders and upper chest. Lifting her hair he kissed her softly on the back of her neck, and then his teeth nipped sharply at the flesh at the top of her spine and she squealed with surprise. With a light laugh he let her hair fall back into place. “This should be very interesting,” he promised her. “Let’s go downstairs.”

On the way down they passed several members of staff, all of whom smiled at Grace, but every time they did this she averted her head, aware of how indecent the costume was.

“Stand up straight, be proud of your body,” David instructed her. “You look sexy and you’re meant to arouse excitement and interest in people. Don’t forget that, or you’ll be punished.”

Pushing her shoulders back, Grace obediently lifted her head high, and heard him make a sound of approval as he led her into the room where she’d met the twins on her arrival for the very first trial.

This time the twins were standing naked, apart from a black strap around their waists, standing side by side with their backs against two poles that had been lowered from the ceiling. Moving nearer she realized that the black straps were keeping them fastened to the poles, so that they couldn’t move away.

Amber and Andrew were sitting on the sofa where she’d first had to touch Laura’s breasts. They both smiled at her. “Welcome back, Grace,” said Amber sweetly. “You should enjoy this. All you have to do is bring both of the twins to orgasm within thirty minutes. You can use anything that’s on the side table over there, plus any part of yourself you choose of course. The only thing you can’t do is unfasten them.”

“Not too testing, is it?” said Andrew.

Grace didn’t reply. She was too busy looking at the twins and realizing that since they must have done this many times before, it wouldn’t be an easy task. Neither was it one that she felt in the least bit comfortable doing.

“The three of us will stay and watch,” added Andrew. “We have to make sure that the game is played fairly.”

Amber glanced at her wristwatch. “Any questions before you begin?”

Grace shook her head.

“Excellent, then we’ll start the clock. Oh, and remember twins, if Grace succeeds, whichever one of you came the quickest will be punished by me afterwards.”

“In your own time, Grace,” said David. “The clock starts now.”

Grace’s mind began to race. From everything she’d seen and learned of the twins, she was sure that Amy would be far more difficult to bring to orgasm than Laura. So, if she started with Laura, then Amy would have to listen to her twin’s rising excitement, and hear her having her climax before Grace got round to touching her. By then she should already be a little aroused.

She hesitated, wondering what she should do to Laura to get her to climax quickly, unsure that she could even manage to touch either of the girls in the way that was being asked of her. Then, as she heard the clock ticking she felt a sudden surge of determination. Having come this far, she had no intention of failing, and the sooner she started the sooner she’d discover what she needed to do in order to tease an orgasm from Laura.

Quickly she went to the table Amber had mentioned and picked up a tube of scented lubricating gel. Pouring some into the palm of her hands she began to massage Laura’s heavy breasts. She didn’t dare stop to think about what she was doing, or what she must look like to the three people watching her, because she knew she had to concentrate on the task she’d been set.

As her fingers massaged the undersides of Laura’s gradually swelling globes, cupping and lifting them as she worked, she was shocked by what she was doing, but even more shocked to discover that as Laura’s large nipples hardened and the tips turned bright red, she herself was excited.

After a few minutes Laura’s breathing quickened slightly, so Grace teased each of the nipples in turn, rolling them between her thumbs and index fingers, and she saw Laura swallow hard, trying to subdue her quickening flesh.

BOOK: Caress
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