Careless (22 page)

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Authors: Cheryl Douglas

BOOK: Careless
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He chuckled. “Sounds good to me.”

She sighed as her eyes drifted closed.
“Tomorrow’s a big day; we should get some sleep.”

The first day of their tour, and if Mike
had his way, the day he closed in on the bastard who seemed determined to
torment Tori until he found a way to make his sick fantasy a reality.

Chapter Fourteen


Tori groaned when the sound of Mike’s alarm
clock woke her from a deep sleep.

“Sorry, hon,” he muttered, reaching for the
button to silence the offensive noise. “I must’ve forgotten to turn it off
before we fell asleep.”

She rolled over and buried her face into
his chest. The lingering scent of his spicy cologne aroused her all over again.
“Hmmm, what time is it?”

His arms tightened around her. “Does it

“Yeah, it does.” She pressed a kiss to his
chest. “Things have been so crazy, I haven’t even had a chance to pack yet, and
I think Luc wants us to be at the airport by two. Fortunately, we’re takin’ the
company plane, so that always makes the trip a little easier.”

Mike chuckled. “Yeah, imagine the riot.
You, Trey, Nikki, and Ty on one airplane together. People would be goin’

The last thing she wanted was to deal with
crazed fans today, especially after her outburst last night. “I guess I’m gonna
have to talk to Avery about a statement. People are gonna be demandin’ to know
what’s goin’ on between us.” Tori knew a sure-fire way of driving a man away
was to start talking to him about commitment, but her fans would expect some
answers, and she had to tell them something.

“Tell them we’re together, we’re happy…” He
tightened his arm around her waist. “And we’re gonna stay that way.”

Tori knew how cynical people were about relationships
lasting, especially when it came to famous people. Country artists did seem to
have a better track record than most, but given her reputation as a wild child,
she knew people would be skeptical. She tipped her head back to look at Mike.
“I don’t care what other people think, but I need you to know, all that stuff
you read about me datin’ dozens of men, sleepin’ around… it was all B.S.”

“I know, sweetheart.” He kissed her lips.
“Besides, I don’t give a damn about the past. All I care about is the present
and the future. That’s what matters to me now.”

Knowing she’d finally found someone who
loved her in spite of herself was more than Tori had ever dared hoped for. “I
feel the same way.” She sighed. “I guess I should hit the shower. Looks like I’m
gonna be takin’ the walk of shame in my little black dress. Let’s hope we don’t
have any reporters camped out in front of your building.”

“Why don’t you go grab a shower while I
make breakfast and see if Victoria has something you can borrow?”

“Sounds good. Thanks.”

He grabbed her wrist when she tried to roll
out of bed. “I love you.”

She smiled as she reached up to stroke his
cheek. “I love you, too.”



Mike slipped into a T-shirt and pair of
running shorts before he made his way over to his brother’s apartment.

Jay answered the door, a grin splitting his
face. “I’d ask you how it went last night, but thanks to these paper-thin walls,
I already know.”

“Get outta my way,” Mike said, elbowing him
aside. “I’m here to see my sister-in-law, not you.”

Victoria came out of the kitchen, gripping
a coffee mug in her hands. She smiled as soon as she saw Mike. Walking toward
him, she paused long enough to grip his jaw firmly in her hand. “Do not, I
repeat, do not screw this up.”

“I don’t intend to.”

“Are you sure?” She narrowed her eyes as though
she was trying to gauge his sincerity.

“Scout’s honor.”

Jay shoved him from behind. “Shut up, you
were never a Boy Scout.”

Mike laughed and raised his hands when his
sister-in-law glared at him. “Okay, you got me, I wasn’t.”

“I’m serious about this,” Victoria said. “Tori
is crazy about you, and if you screw this up I’ll—”

“I’m in love with her.”

Victoria’s mouth dropped open before she
thrust her coffee mug into her husband’s hands so she could launch herself into
Mike’s arms. “I’m so happy for you guys. I knew from the first night I met her
that she was the one for you. The way you reacted to her… and she tried to
pretend… Oh, listen to me going on. None of that matters now. The important
thing is you two are together and we couldn’t be happier for you.”

Jay came up beside his wife, wrapping an
arm around her waist. “Victoria’s right, man. Just do me a favor, treat her
right this time.”

“Trust me, I intend to.”

“You know it’s not gonna be easy though,
with her bein’ on the road all the time.”

Mike shrugged. “Sierra and Trey make it
work. So do Ty and Avery, and J.T. and Nikki. We’ll find a way.”

“I’m glad to hear it,” Jay said, smiling.
“Can I get you a cup of coffee?”

“No, thanks, Tori’s in the shower. She just
has her dress from last night and—”

Victoria held her hand up. “Say no more.
I’ll grab her a change of clothes.”

Jay waited for his wife to leave the room
before he pointed at his brother. “Listen to me, Tori’s my friend. You hurt her
again, and you’re gonna have to answer to me.”

Mike rolled his eyes. “So much for
brotherly love, huh?”

“Oh yeah, how would you feel if I did a
number on Victoria?”

“I’d have to kick your ass.”

“I rest my case.”

“You have nothin’ to worry about. I know
how lucky I am to be gettin’ a second chance with Tori.” He smiled when
Victoria returned and handed him some clothes and flip-flops. “Thanks, hon.” He
kissed her cheek. “I’m headin’ out this afternoon, so I’ll text you guys when
we get to Kentucky.”

Jay opened the door for him. “Any leads on
this guy who’s been after Tori?”

“I’m workin’ a couple of angles. At least
I’ll be there to keep an eye on her. I can’t imagine this guy is crazy enough
to follow her around the country, but even if he does, I’m on it.”

“The local police still on the case?”
Victoria asked.

“Yeah, I’ll be in contact with Smith every
day. He’s workin’ the case from this end, followin’ up on leads, and if she
continues to get calls or letters while we’re on the road, we’ve got it covered.”

Jay shook his brother’s hand. “I gotta
admit, we feel a hell of a lot better knowin’ you’ll be out there with her.”

“There’s no way I’d let her go out there
alone knowin’ this lowlife is out to get her.” He sighed, wishing they didn’t
have this cloud hanging over them. He just wanted them to be able to start
planning for the future, not wasting their time and energy on a guy who didn’t
deserve to breathe the same air as Tori. “Anyways, give my niece a kiss for me
when she wakes up. Tell her I love her and I’ll bring a really cool present
back with me if she promises to be a good girl for her mama and daddy while I’m

Victoria giggled. “You spoil her rotten,

He grinned. “Hey, I’m her uncle. It’s my



Tori stepped out of the shower and listened
for the welcome sound of Mike banging around in the kitchen, but there was only
deafening silence. She missed him already and they’d only been apart a few
minutes. She didn’t know how she’d cope being away from him for months at a

A soft tap on the door made her smile as
she stepped out of the shower and secured a towel under her arms. “Who is it?”

He poked his head in the door, a scowl on
his handsome face. “Who the hell do you think it is? You expectin’ company?”

She laughed before sticking her tongue out
at him. “You’re so easy, Lieutenant.”

“Yeah, well quit messin’ with me and get
dressed.” He reached out to pull her into his arms. “I need to feed you and get
you home. I have to drop by the station and see Smith before we go to the

She rested her head against his chest.
“When is this nightmare gonna be over?”

“Soon, angel, I promise.” He smacked her on
the bottom, though the thick terrycloth towel absorbed most of the impact.
“Okay, let’s get a move on. The sooner we get to Louisville, the sooner we can
check into our hotel room.”

Tori stood on her toes to press a kiss to
his lips. “I can’t wait.”

“There are some clothes on the bed.”

“Victoria’s the best.”

He reached down to kiss her, a smile
tugging at the corners of his full mouth. “She’s second best. You’re the best.”

“Oh, I just realized… I don’t have a

Mike nodded toward a bank of drawers lining
the center of the double cherry wood vanity. “There should be some new ones in
the top drawer.”

She raised an eyebrow. “You always have to
be prepared in case one of your little hook-ups wants to spend the night, huh?”

He pulled her back against his chest and
stared at their reflection in the wall-to-wall mirror above the sink. “Those
days are behind me, Tori. In case you didn’t get the message loud and clear
last night…
are my future.”

She wrinkled her nose. “I know. I’m sorry.
It’s not like me to be this...”

Mike kissed her neck. “I think you’re cute
when you’re jealous.”

She reached around to slap his arm. “Get
out of here so I can get ready.”

“You want anything special for breakfast?”

“Surprise me.”

Tori watched him leave the room, barely
able to contain her excitement. He was finally hers. She’d been secretly
lusting after this man for four long years, trying to suppress her feelings so his
family and their friends wouldn’t feel sorry for her. And now she didn’t have
to hide it anymore. She could let the world know how she felt about him.

She quickly finger dried her hair, brushed
her teeth, and slipped into the clothes Victoria lent her before going out to
the kitchen to find out what kind of surprise Mike had in store.

Mike turned away from the stove to admire
the black yoga shorts and tank top that fit her like a second skin. He whistled
as his eyes traveled down the length of her body and back up again. “Remind me
to thank my sister-in-law later.”

“Behave yourself or we’re never gonna get
out of here.” She poured herself a cup of coffee and reached into the fridge
for the milk. It felt so right being here with him, starting their day
together. She didn’t even want to think about the mornings they would have to
be apart. “What’re you makin’ for breakfast?”

“Omelets.” He reached for his coffee mug
and brought it to his lips. “You good with that?”

“Honey, I eat just about anything. I’m not
like those waif creatures you usually go out with. I love my food. I hate it
when Rob has to put me through my paces to work it off, but at the time, it
always seems worth it.”

“Who’s Rob?” He set an omelet on each plate
as she reached for the toast.

“My personal trainer.”

He grunted. “Is he another one of those
poor stiffs who follows you around like a dog in heat?”

“No, he’s engaged to my make-up artist,
Dawna.” She carried the plates to the wood and wrought iron table in the middle
of the spacious kitchen. “They’re gettin’ married in a couple of months


She laughed. “Now who’s jealous?”

He looked at her a long time before he
said, “I hate feelin’ this way… jealous… insecure. It’s not like me, but when
you’re involved with a woman who routinely scores a sweet spot on the world’s
most beautiful people list, it kind of does a number on you.”

Tori gestured to her face. “This is gonna
fade in no time. I want a man who’s still gonna love me in twenty years when
the lines are deeper and the hair’s grey. Think you can be that guy?”

“Honey, I love you in spite of the way you
look. Not because of it.”

“Excuse me?”

He framed her face with his hands, looking
serious. “With other women, I always looked at what was on the outside, ’cause
I knew I’d hate what I found on the inside. They were all so damn shallow, but
you… you’re different.”

“How so?”

He sat down on a kitchen chair and pulled
her into his lap. “The money you raise for all of those charities, the concerts
overseas, the random visits to the children’s hospitals…”

“I don’t do those things because I expect a
pat on the back, Mike. I do them because it’s the right thing to do. I’ve been
so blessed in my life. The least I can do is give back.”

“That’s my point.” He pressed a kiss to her
temple. “You’re not like any other woman I’ve ever known.”

She snickered. “Thank God.”

“I’m serious.” He looked her in the eye a
long time before saying, “The women I dated in the past may have been beautiful
on the outside, but I’m ashamed to admit there was no depth there. You’re the
total package.” He sighed. “And I’m not gonna lie, it kind of scares me.”

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