Read Caramel Kisses Online

Authors: TJ Michaels

Caramel Kisses (15 page)

BOOK: Caramel Kisses
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His dark mop of hair was plastered to his head, curling about the ends as he made his way toward her, dripping wet. The dripping made her think of how he made other things…drip.

Yes, he looked great in shorts, and even better in nothing. His chaise groaned as he settled down in it right next to her with a contented sigh.

“Whoever thought sex on the beach was a great idea must have been crazy,”
mumbled watching him try to get the stuff off his legs. It hung on to the fine little hairs for dear life.

“Not crazy, just a fraud.”

“You mean the person who thought of selling it as something sexy had never done it before?”

Who would be stupid enough to fuck on the beach? The last thing a man wants is sand up his cock.”

laughed, enjoying Drew’s wit. She settled deeper into the cushions of her lounger, more relaxed than she’d been in years. In truth, the man made her feel comfortable. Like an old robe or her favorite pair of slippers, she was becoming so used to his
she didn’t want to think of what it would be like without him. Nor did she want to think about breaking in a new pair of

Sigh. Yes, Drew was a keeper.

After a few minutes of trying to read her novel, her attention was caught by a movement from the direction she couldn’t keep her eyes from straying to anyway. Drew had risen and now stood next to her. She looked up and came face to face with a cock pushing against the front of his swim shorts. Oh boy.

dropped her book, grasped his hand and let him lead her into the house and straight to the shower.

After rinsing the sand from their bodies, Drew snatched
favorite massage oil off the dresser and headed for the screened-in private veranda out back.

“Coming?” he tossed over his shoulder. She grabbed a couple of clean towers and scrambled after him. Naked, he lay down on the leveled lounge and held out the bottle to her. “Do
, first?”

No problems there.
Touching the man, easing her fingers over those miles of muscles, teasing him with her hands until he went crazy.
Yep, she could certainly do him first.

She took the bottle from his hands and dumped a liberal amount into her palm, rubbing it back and forth so the friction would warm it. Working her fingers into the muscles of his shoulders and upper back she massaged and stroked, smiling at his groan of appreciation.

“God, that feels so good,
.” After a few sighs and moans she eased up on that part of his back and concentrated on the tight muscles around his lower spine. Then it was down to his perfectly formed, trophy-deserving backside. Pressing her elbow into the hollow of one butt cheek she applied pressure a bit at a time to loosen the muscle. It was amazing how much stress a person carried in their butt cheeks. And since she planned to make sure Drew worked his thoroughly later, it was only fair to make sure he was good and relaxed now.

Working her way down his hamstrings, she finished with his calves and finally his feet. And since she’d been wicked, pressing hot open mouthed kisses and little nips to his heated skin from the time she started the massage, she wasn’t surprised to find a fully erect cock rising up to greet her after she instructed him to turn over.

“You are a wicked, wicked woman.” She grinned until he said, “And payback is a bitch.” He flashed a lascivious grin as he sat up, swung his legs off the low lounge and stalked her.
“Your turn.”

took off at a dead run.


There was one thing he’d learned about
on this trip—the woman could run for the U.S. Olympic team if she’d been so inclined. Quick as a whip and agile, his sweetheart had a pair of legs that weren’t just for show.

But today, he was ready for her. The second she took off out of the veranda and around the side of the house, he was on her in a flash. Shrieks, followed by wild giggles, filled the private alley when his arm snaked around her waist and hauled her back against his chest.

“Little minx,” he murmured against her ear,
proceeded to tickle her until she squealed. All the while her ass tortured his cock as she tried to get away.

Drew’s tickling morphed into sensuous slides of his fingers over her bare skin. Her giggles became sighs as the skin of her back rubbed against sensitive male nipples. She sucked in a ragged breath as one of his hands slid over her belly and up to palm a warm breast. The other lowered to tease the pouty lips of her now glistening sex.

So that little massage back there turned you on as much as it did me?” he whispered into her ear before pulling the lobe into his mouth to suckle.

“Oh god, yes,” she panted. The swivel of her hips and arch of her lovely back screamed how far gone she was. God, the woman was so hot and uninhibited something inside of Drew snapped. He had to have her now.

Drew’s fingers slid through the folds of her pussy. As always she was amazed at how the easy glide of those fingers were so at odds with the brute strength that lay just underneath the surface.
So tender, yet so strong.
Sensitive, but as far from sappy as
was from West.
Dominant, caring and giving.
How on earth did the man find room in that body of his for all the different facets that made him who he was?

, your pussy if so wet for me.”

found herself whirled around and pressed up against the nearest surface—a wall on one side of their carport.

“I can’t wait,
. I need you now.”

And in one stroke, he was home. Balls deep in her cocoa pink heat, the flared head of Drew’s cock stroked over bundles of nerve endings, making her shiver. She’d already been hot after giving him her little teasing rub down. Now her pussy was a-blaze and she needed relief right damn now.

With one leg pulled up over the crook of his elbow,
held onto Drew’s biceps for balance as he pushed into her like a madman. Fast, deep, hard strokes that sent her streaking toward climax so fast her head spun dizzily.

“Is it good,
?” he panted.

“Yes. God, yes,” she yelled, trying to move her hips to meet his strokes. It was so good. Hell, beyond good.
wasn’t sure there was a word for the explosive attraction they shared.

“Fuck!” Drew roared, trying to get even deeper. The muscles in his neck began to strain and stand out in stark relief to the smooth planes of his chest. He was wound up tight. And
wanted him to blow right along with her.

felt her climax gathering power as it circled around and around her womb. Then Drew reached behind her, dipped his finger in the dewy cream where his cock disappeared into her pussy, then smeared it around her puckered rear hole. The sensation sent her rocketing toward the edge.

Then he slipped the tip of a finger inside.
toppled over that edge. But Drew didn’t go with her. The man had something altogether different in mind.


completely off her feet, Drew hurried back through the house and out the backdoor to their private stretch of beach, still buried deep in
lush, warm body.

He stopped in front of the lounger where it all began.

looked down and laughed, squeezing his cock, making him groan.

“You know good and well this little ole beach lounge is not going to hold our heavy asses.”

“Of course not,” he leered. “I plan to hold your ass, while the chair holds mine.”

He sat down, careful to keep her sweet cunt wrapped around his gridiron cock. Straddling him, her feet were planted firmly in the sand. The angle was just the slightest bit different and made the ride nothing short of exquisite.

“Ride me, baby. Take me hard,” he entreated, eyes almost crossed with lust. And she did.
Rode him hard and wild, just like he wanted.

“Oh god, Drew!” she yelled. “Oh this is so…so…” Yeah, he knew exactly how she felt. He couldn’t seem to find the words either.

was positive she’d never been so full of cock before. This position was different than riding from her knees. Her feet in the sand gave her just a bit more leverage, caused her hips to cant just a bit more forward. In turn Drew’s cock stroked a bundle of nerves that had never experienced the touch of a man’s flesh. Eyes closed,
let the sensations wash through her—the oneness she felt with her lover, the soft scented ocean breeze blowing across her bare skin, softness of the powder-fine sand sifting through her toes. The fine short hairs of Drew’s groin rubbing against her tender folds.
His fingers plumping her nipples as he fucked into her body.
The last rays of the sun shining on her back as it sank into the sea. And the voice of the man she couldn’t imagine being without telling her, for the first time, that he loved her.

Chapter Twelve


After spending a couple of days recuperating from jet lag, it was time to go back to the office. And once
got there, she wished she’d stayed in bed when
-san patched a call through from one of the secretaries upstairs.

listened carefully unable to keep her mouth from falling open in shock. This couldn’t be right. No way. No how.

“What the hell are you talking about?”
demanded from the woman on the phone.

The secretary hissed in response, obviously trying to keep her voice down. “I said…”

“I know what you said. Now what the hell did you really mean?”
didn’t think she’d been this upset since the day her parents announced they were moving back to the South just as
was due to start her first semester of college. Unfortunately, they’d taken their money with them and
had to figure out how to pay for
books and get her tuition in so she could actually start classes on time. And she had no million dollar bonuses headed her way from anywhere at the time.

was just led out of the building by security. He’d just come into his office a half-hour before and booted up his laptop when the senior management team called him up here. Next thing I knew, security showed up and took him out. They didn’t even let him go back to his desk to get any of his personal things. I heard him ask someone to at least have his administrative assistant bring his briefcase and keys so he could get into his car. Rumor has it that Alex
is behind this.
Claiming sexual harassment or some such.”

“Son of a bitch!”
didn’t even bother hanging up the phone and was out her door in a flash. When she got to Drew’s office his things appeared undisturbed. Good. She’d gotten there before anyone else had a chance to ransack his belongings.
packed his stuff as quickly as possible. Her hand was on the top of his laptop, lowering it so it would shutdown so she could toss it into his big attaché case with everything else that looked important.

She knew it was a risk, but one she had to take. There was no way in hell Drew had committed such a crime. But if there was anything that might clear him, it was probably somewhere in this room.

Whoa, what was this? Just as she was closing the laptop, an instant message alert flashed at the bottom of his screen. Curiosity got the better of her.

I hope I don’t end up like that cat who did the whole curiosity thing
, she thought, then clicked on the little icon noting the date was the same day they’d left for vacation. Obviously Drew hadn’t had a chance to check his messages.

Hey handsome. I’m glad you weren’t upset at our little interaction. Hope I answered all of your questions. And most of all, thank you for being a gentleman. Good luck with everything. And let me know if you change your mind about dinner…or any other things you might happen to want.
Always, Alex.

What was that about?

closed the IM, careful to save it first,
reached for the files that were open on his desk. One of them was the Sony contract. The same damn one that had her stumped before. Drew had highlighted several sections with questions and comments.
Looked like he was on to something.
didn’t have time to figure it out now. She had to get out of here before anyone caught her. If the
security folks got here before she could get out again, they’d confiscate everything. They certainly wouldn’t give him his laptop. No, they’d scrub it clean and send it back to inventory. They’d also probably
the little note from Alex that might be all it took to get Drew off the hook in the first place.

The only things she left were his keys on the desk and his suit jacket on the hook behind the door. Silently locking up behind herself,
put the thick leather strap over her shoulder and hauled Drew’s attaché to her car then returned to her office for a second.

After placing a few bogus off-site meetings on her calendar she
her secretary.

-san, I’m heading out for some last minute meetings. I’ll be back right after lunch. With that she made a call to
on her way out of the parking lot.


Drew couldn’t believe it. The one woman he’d made crystal clear that he wasn’t interested in sex was now claiming he’d harassed her for sex. He wondered when the hell that was supposed to have happened considering he and
had been out of the country for the past two and a half weeks. Bitch.

BOOK: Caramel Kisses
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