Capturing the Cowboy's Heart (32 page)

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Authors: Lindsey Brookes

BOOK: Capturing the Cowboy's Heart
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Katie bristled slightly.  “It’ll be my pleasure.”

He arched a brow. 
“Hmm, that
should be
a sight to see.  Katie O’Brien in something other than jeans.”

“While we’re doing the asking,” Cade cut in, “Burk, I’m hoping you’ll agree to be my best man.”

“I thought you’d never ask.”

Katie grabbed him by the sleeve.  “Come on, Burk, let’s give these two a little privacy.  They’ve got wedding plans to make.”

“Thank you both for everything,” Lacy said, her eyes tearing up again.   

“Just make him happy, Lace,”
told her with a sentimental sniff.  “He deserves that much.”

Cade groaned.  “Dammit, Burk, don’t go getting all gushy on me.  I’ll have to fire you again.”

their friend
called back over his shoulder as he and Katie walked out.


The little white church that sat on the outskirts of Deep Creek was filled to capacity with the smiling faces of all Cade’s friends and neighbors. 

His gaze moved to where Doc Andrews sat in the front pew.  A row reserved specifically for family.  Something Doc would always be to him. 

Then he looked to Burk who stood next to him at the front of the church, best man and best friend all rolled into one.  They had been through a lot together, both good and bad.  They
had long ago
accepted each other’s shortcomings, Burk’s being his desire to do good deeds
almost always
on him.
  Bringing Lacy into his life being one very big exception.

“You got the ring?” Cade asked
with a nervous smile.

“Safe and sound.”  Burk patted the front of his tuxedo jacket.

The organ began to play and Burk’s attention slid toward the back of the church.  His freshly shaved jaw went slack and then a huge smile moved across his face.

Cade turned to see Katie O’Brien standing beneath the flower covered archway, in her hands the silk bouquet Lacy had made to go along with the deep green bridesmaid gown Katie had chosen to wear for the occasion.  Katie O’Brien in a dress.  Now that was something to see.  No wonder Burk was grinning like an idiot.

But it was the beautiful face behind Katie that drew Cade’s attention.  A sheer veil hung down from the crystal tiara atop Lacy’s head, but it couldn’t hide those incredibl
y large
amber eyes and full, pink lips.  Lips he would soon be kissing, not only as her lover, but as her husband.  A man who intended to spend the rest of his life loving her with all his heart.

“Excuse me,
” Burk said.  “
I’ve got a job to do.” 
side and made his way down the white runner to where he was about to perform his other wedding duty, walking
the bride
down the aisle.

Cade had to admit it was a bit unconventional to have the best man stand up for the groom and walk the bride down the aisle, but then nothing about his relationship with Lacy had been conventional.  And he liked it that way.  It kept him on his toes.   

Burk gave Lacy a
hug and then linked his arm with hers.  The bridal march began to play, making Cade’s heart lurch.  This was it.  Despite having sworn never to love again, ever to marry again, here he was.  And he couldn’t be happier.

Katie winked at him as she walked past and took her place next to where his bride-to-be would soon be standing.  Then the music stopped and everyone stood, turning to watch Lacy as she made her walk down the aisle.

She was a vision that took
breath away as she moved toward him on Burk’s extended arm.  She had chosen to wear a simple white satin gown and...

Cade did a double-take as the toes of the fawn colored boots he’d bought her the week before peeked out at him from beneath her gown with every step she took.  Boots she’d worn in his honor.  Lord, how he loved this woman.

He looked up to find
smiling at him from beneath the sheer netting that veiled her face.  He smiled back.  He knew then that this was the moment he had waited for all his life.  While he had loved and respected Karen, there had never been the meeting of souls he’d found with Lacy.  She was his heart.  And her love had given him back his life.

He couldn’t keep from smiling.  Life was too damn good. Cade turned as Lacy joined him at the altar.

The minister opened his book.  “Who gives this woman to be married to this man?”

“I do,” Burk replied as he turned to lift Lacy’s veil away from her face.  “Her best friend.”

Tears shimmered in her eyes as she mouthed the words, “Thank you.”

He squeezed her hand, then placed it in Cade’s before stepping away to fulfill his duty as best man.

The preacher smiled.  “Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today...”


“Dance with me, Mrs. Tyler.”

“I’d love to.”  Lacy smiled as she stepped into her husband’s welcoming arms, her heart overflowing with love for him.  Together, they moved out across the makeshift dance floor that had been assembled in the front yard of their ranch house.

“Have I told you how beautiful you look today?” he whispered against her ear. 

She rolled her eyes upward as if in thought.  “Oh, let me see, about a zillion times.  But rest assured a woman never tires of hearing it said.”

His lips brushed over her hair.  “Good, because I intend to say that to you every day for the rest of our lives.”

“Pardon the interruption...”

Lacy turned to find Burk and Katie standing there, both grinning as if they were up to no good.

“Everything ready?” Cade asked.

Katie nodded.  “All set.”


“What’s all set?”  Lacy looked up at her husband.  “What are you up to
, Cade Tyler?”

“That’s for me to know and
you to find out.”  He released his hold on her narrow waist and took hold of her hand, leading her off the dance floor.


Katie smiled as she watched them go.  “Cade looks so happy.”

Burk nodded.  “He sure does.  Happiest I’ve ever seen him, I think.  Lacy’s good for him.”

“And she makes such a beautiful bride.  No wonder Cade’s so anxious to make off with her.”

“Lacy’s not the only one looking fetching today.”  His gaze moved over her.  “I never thought I see the day when Katie O’Brien was sporting a dress and wearing heels.”

“I did it for Lacy.”

He smiled.  “Remind me to thank her.”

“Well, you’re not looking so bad yourself in that penguin suit.”

“It’s a tuxedo.”  Burk tugged at its lapels and wiggled his brows.  “Makes me look distinguished, don’t you think?”

“Older men look distinguished—”

“I’m not that old,” he grumbled.  Katie sure knew how to get under his skin.

“As I was saying, before I was so rudely interrupted by you as usual, older men looked distinguished.”  She leaned toward him.  “You, Burk Lowry, look hot.”

  Katie thought he was hot?  And he wished to hell she would straighten back up.  He wasn’t sure how long he could fight off the temptation to look down the low cut front of her dress.  “How much of that rum punch have you had?”

She held up her hand, thumb and forefinger extended.  “Just a
tiny bit

How had he not noticed that she was a little on the tipsy side when she’d gone with him into the barn to saddle
for Cade?  Maybe because it was hard to think when she was around.  “Well, there you go.  It’s the punch talking.  You’d best get some coffee past those lips or you’ll be hurting tomorrow.”

She stepped closer, draping her arms about his neck.  “My lips have other plans.”  That said, Katie r
up and pressed her lips to his.


“Where are we going?” Lacy asked as Cade led her away from their

“It’s a surprise, Mrs. Tyler.  You’ll just have to wait and see.”

Wherever they were going, she realized as they stepped around the barn,
was going to be done by horseback. 
awaited them, already saddled up.  No doubt seen to by Cade’s cohorts
in mischief.

“Cade, I really should change first.”

“No.  You’re perfect the way you are.”  He caught her by the waist and lowered his head to brush his lips over hers.  “Trust me.”  That said he lifted her up onto the saddle.

Laughing, Lacy adjusted the satin skirt of her wedding gown to make room for him.  “I never thought I’d be spending my
wedding night
on horseback.”

“And here I thought you were the adventurous type,” he teased as he swung up into the saddle behind her.

leaned back against him, completely at ease in her husband’s arms.  “I am.  So how about a hint?”

He lowered his mouth to her ear and whispered, “I can see patience isn’t going to be one of your strong suits.”

She closed her eyes and felt the fire move through her as his mouth grazed her earlobe.  “Cade...”

“Soon, Dalton, soon.”

She peeked up at him.  “You are such a tease.”

He grinned.  “You know it, Mrs. Tyler.”

“Mrs. Cade Tyler.  It has a nice ring to it.  Don’t you think?”

“I’m kind of partial to it already.”

They rode away, leaving the ranch and wedding festivities behind.  Cade ran his hand down her arm.  “Time for you to close your eyes.”


“Just trust me.”

She did as he asked, taking in the subtle scent of Cade’s aftershave.  Leaves rustled on the trees as a light breeze swept through, caressing her face.  “I love it out here, Cade.  It’s so beautiful.”

He leaned over her shoulder.  “Lacy
, are you peeking?”

She laughed softly.  “No.  But it’s amazing how much more I can see with my eyes closed.”

Cade pulled back on the reins, bringing the horse to a stop.  “Well, it’s time for you to open them.”

Her lashes fluttered open, bringing about a gasp of surprise as
took in the scene before her.  With the pond and distant trees as a backdrop, a blanket had been spread out across the deep green grass.  At the foot of the blanket sat a brown wicker picnic basket.  Beside that a bottle of wine and two glasses. 

“When?  I...I mean how?” 

“I rode out here after you and Burk left for the church.  Then Burk and Katie took care of saddling
up for me when we returned from the wedding.” 

He swung his leg over the back of the horse and dropped to the ground.  “I take it you like your surprise.”

“It’s wonderful.”

He caught her by the waist and lifted her from the saddle, keeping her body against his as he lowered her to the ground.  “If I remember right, we still have some unfinished business here.”

draped her arms around his neck, her heart racing, just as it always did whenever he held her close.  “We do?”

“Yes, we do.” 

Her fingers played at the buttons of the starch white shirt he wore, his tuxedo jacket having been discarded long before.  “Then what are you waiting for?”

“Patience, darlin’.”

She smiled up at him as she flicked open the buttons one by one.  “I’m afraid that’s not one of my better virtues.”

“Yeah, well we have the rest of our lives to work on that.” 
swept her up in his arms and carried her over to the blanket.  “Right now I intend to explore every inch of my beautiful wife.”

shuddered at his words, at the promise of what was yet to come.  “I love you, Cade.”

He settled onto the blanket beside her, drawing her into his arms.  “I love you, too.  And I’m about to show you just how much.”

“Promises.  Promises,” she teased, stealing Burk’s favorite saying.  But she knew Cade would be true to his word.  He would love her with everything he had to give, body, heart and soul because she had finally succeeded in capturing th
cowboy’s heart.

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