Capturing Our Lady's Heart [Commando Cowboys and Renegade Texans Unite 1] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance) (27 page)

BOOK: Capturing Our Lady's Heart [Commando Cowboys and Renegade Texans Unite 1] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)
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“No. But I’m a fast learner.”

“You aren’t sweet on our wife are you?” Lann asked.

“I love her like a sister, and I owe her a debt. That is the truth.”

Lann stared hard at Walker. He must have seen something that satisfied him. He grinned and shook Walker’s hand. “All right then, Bern will teach you all about being a cowboy.”

“Not me, but my foreman, Cadel Maddox. He grew up in these parts and is the genuine cowboy. He’ll take you under his wing.”

“You won’t regret it.” Walker shook Bern’s and Lann’s hands.

Elle came to Bliss’s side. “I thought we’d walk to the gazebo and check it. Then I’ll bless the area. You understand you come to the gazebo at dawn?”

“Yes. Sara said she’d go over everything with me again, before tomorrow morning.”


At the gazebo, Bliss stood to the side while Elle gave the blessing, and then they returned to the house. People were milling around, talking and laughing. Bliss looked for Lann and pulled him to the side.

“Where are they all going to sleep, and who’s cooking?”

“Not the bride for sure.” He kissed her nose. “I’ve got enough bedrooms for the threesomes and the single men will sleep in the guest house. Cameo is cooking for us. She’ll stay in the small downstairs bedroom. She volunteered to do dinner tonight and breakfast in the morning before everyone leaves.”

“Does she know her ex-husband has been jailed?”

“She does, but I think she likes Saddlespurs. She’s thinking about opening a restaurant on the outskirts of town between Saddlespurs and the next town over.”

“That was a quick decision.”

“Don’t be suspicious. She hasn’t hit on Bern and I at all.”

“She’d better not.”

Lann gave her a hard kiss. “After tomorrow we’re all yours forever.”

“I can’t wait.”

Bliss had to admit the dinner was great. Everyone enjoyed the meal and the camaraderie. At least until Sara announced the men would share two rooms and the women were having a slumber party in the master bedroom with the bride.

Lann and Bern didn’t look too happy, but then accepted being separated from Bliss. Cameo was invited and Lann’s sisters. His mother said she was too old for such foolishness, but she encouraged her daughters to join in. Elle declined as she was going to spend the time preparing herself for their ceremony.

The huge bedroom was full. But between wine, food, jokes, and getting to know each other, no one cared about sharing the floor. The wives whispered secrets to Bliss and had her blushing.

“This is wonderful. I’m so glad to get to know you and feel a part of the family.”

“We all stick together,” Sara said, and the others nodded.

Rae talked to Bliss on the side about Cad and Lann. “Cad is so happy for his brother. He knows Lann took on being the tribe’s leader knowing Cad would hate the restriction. To see Lann the way he is now has made us all grateful to you and Bern.”

“We’ll be sisters-in-law. Can I call you if I have questions regarding how to handle certain situations?”

“Absolutely. We’re all in this together. Although I’m part of the tribe, Sara, Morgan, and Ellen were not. They’ve learned a lot.”

Close to two, they dozed off. Bliss, Sunn, and Rae grabbed the bed. Cameo went to her room downstairs, and the rest slept with pillows on the floor. At four, Elle knocked on the door. She stuck her head in.

“Get up and dress the bride. Dawn will here before you know it.” She laughed at the groaning, but she didn’t shut the door and leave until they were all awake.

They dumped Bliss into a cold shower, and then Sunn blow-dried her hair and left it down around her shoulders as Elle had told her to do last night.

The others took turns showering and giving advice to Sunn and Sara, who were helping Bliss dress.

Suitcases were opened and soon the others were dressed in their wedding finery. “We all look great,” Sara said.

Sunn and Sara slipped Bliss’s gown carefully over her head. The violet silk sheath dress glided past her curves to her feet. Sunn fastened the row of satin-covered buttons which went from the top of her neck to the curve of her back. The dress had a cowl neckline and long, loose sleeves trimmed in lace. Bliss also had satin shoes the seamstresses had made. She slipped her feet into them.

“The simplicity of the style denotes the sacredness of the ceremony. There is a choice about the color of the dress except for the leaders’ wife. I wore white,” Sara explained. “All the weddings are very similar. I’m wondering if Elle will make some changes since one of the grooms is not from the tribes? We’ll see.”

Then Sara fastened a fragile, violet veil over Bliss’s black hair. She turned Bliss to face the other women.

“That color looks good on you,” Morgan said. “We’ll go on ahead. Elle showed us the gazebo yesterday before you all got here,” she explained to Bliss. “We know our way. See you soon.”

Everyone followed Morgan out except Sara.

At the front door, Sara said, “There’s your horse-drawn carriage to take us to the trees. Then we’ll walk the rest of the way.”

“Lann said he’d have a carriage to take me. I thought he was joking.” She stood bemused at the sight.

“Get in,” Sara directed. “The sky is getting a touch of light.”

On their way, Sara explained more about the ceremony. “Our Priestess will be dressed in her red-and-gold gown. It proclaims happiness and prosperity for the lucky threesome. She will chant much of the ceremony in the ancient language of her people.” Sara took Bliss’s hand in hers. “You will exchange rings with Lann, probably not with Bern since you already did yesterday. Elle will ask if you accept Lann and Bernardo to be your husbands, if you promise to love them, and will never reveal the secrets held close for many centuries. After you agree, your wrist will be tied with a golden cloth to Lann’s and Bernardo’s. They will promise to love and care for you and any children you all may have, for the rest of their lives.

“Then we’ll go to the ranch house, have the wedding breakfast, and you three can leave on your honeymoon.”

“Thanks for explaining so much to me. I feel a bit calmer now.”

“I remember how it was for me. You’ll do fine.”

When they arrived, Bliss heard the guitar and flute music. They crept around the edge of the trees and walked briefly inside the treed area. A white satin runner had been placed on the ground leading to the gazebo. Their visitors sat in chairs facing the east side of the pavilion. The men had built it with an opening on both the east and west side.

It was still dark, but Bliss saw the shadows of the people in the chairs and the three at the front of the gazebo. Sara squeezed her hand and took a seat. Sunn joined Bliss. She would walk down the aisle in front of her.

The sun came across the horizon flooding the area with light. Voices joined in song, singing of joy and happiness.

Bliss saw Elle and her men clearly and the pavilion covered in white and purple flowers. Their sweet scent blew through the air on the gentle breeze that came with the sunrise.

The Priestess raised her hands. “Bliss Meades, have you come to be joined with Lann Quinlain and Bernardo Aznar?

“Yes,” Bliss said.

Lann’s mother and father stepped behind her and handed her a bouquet of white roses. Sunn started walking toward the gazebo with Bliss behind her, followed by Lann’s parents. Soft flute music played as they promenaded down the aisle.

When Bliss got to Lann and Bern’s side, they moved close and took hold of her hands. Lann’s parents put a hand on each of their shoulders.

Elle smiled at the threesome, then looked at the parents. “Do you agree to represent all three of them and accept their joining?” she asked.

“We do,” Mr. and Mrs. Quinlain said in unison. They bowed and stepped back to the front row to sit with Sunn.

Lann and Bern were dressed in dark-blue suits with a white rose in each lapel. Their warmth and scents surrounded Bliss.

The Priestess raised her hands and spoke in a lovely flowing language. She swayed back and forth and moved her hands from over Bliss’s head to both the men’s. Bliss didn’t understand the words, but the gentle tone and the musical sound of the words touched her heart.

The words to marry them were similar to the ceremony yesterday except they were repeated with each man. When they finished the vows, Lann and Bern handed a ring to the Priestess and Bliss handed her the ring for Lann.

The Priestess blessed the rings and said, “Two rings make a whole.” When she handed their rings back to Lann and Bern, Lann slid his ring on first, and then Bern’s moved into place, making one wide gold band. The ring had a large diamond in the center and one smaller on each side.

Then the Priestess blessed the ring Bliss had handed her. Bliss placed the ring on Lann’s right hand as her new ring was also on the right. Lann’s was a wide gold band with an emerald in the center.

“Now, we are all three equal.” Bliss spoke softly and Lann’s eyes glowed with happiness.

“Hold out your hands,” the Priestess said. She held a golden cloth.

Bern put his hand out first, Bliss put hers on Bern’s, and Lann’s was on the top. The cloth was wrapped snuggly around their wrists. The Priestess raised their hands and sang more of the beautiful, flowing words. The ones who knew the song joined in. When they finished, the golden cloth was unwrapped and placed around Bliss’s neck.

You are the center, the one who holds the whole together.

A cheer rose from the crowd and dozens of flower petals flew through the air onto them.

Lann pulled her to him and kissed her, and then Bern did the same. The guests laughed and cheered as the threesome ran down the aisle.


* * * *


Bliss stood on the balcony watching waves roll to the shore. Bern put his arms around her waist and whispered in her ear. “Are you happy?”

“I may die of an overload of happiness.” She turned in her arms to face him. They’d arrived a few hours ago and walked the beach, had lunch, and strolled through some of the shops.

“What’s Lann doing in the bedroom?”

“He has a surprise for you. If you don’t like the idea, just say no. We won’t be upset.”

“You’ve aroused my curiosity. When do I see the surprise?”

“I’m ready,” Lann called out.

Bern grinned. “I think you got your answer.”

He led her to the master bedroom. The lights were dimmed and soft music played in the background. Lann met them at the door.

Lann took her hand and walked to the bed with her. A small tray with chocolate-covered strawberries and orange sherbet sitting on a bowl of ice were on the bedside table. There was also a bottle of wine in a bucket.

Bliss looked questioningly at Lann. “What’s all this?” Then she glanced at the bed. There were black, silk scarves at the top and bottom.

“I thought we’d try something new.” Lann picked up a small jar. “This is a wedding gift to us from Garth. I’d forgotten about it until he handed the jar to me. Our scientist created a cream that relaxes the body and enhances the sexual feelings. It works particularly well for our women, but the women our men have married outside of the tribe also enjoy the effects. Are you game to try it? We’ll only use a small amount.”

“What about those?” She pointed at the scarves.

“We’d like to fasten your wrists and ankles to the bed, and then we’ll have our way with you.” Lann moved his eyebrows up like he did when he was having fun. “If we start to do something you don’t want, just say

“And I suppose I’m naked on the bed.”

“Of course. If you weren’t, it wouldn’t be any fun,” Lann said.

“Lann, I told you she has trouble exposing herself so conspicuously,” Bern warned.

Bliss flushed looking at the bed. Her heart raced and her insides quivered. She glanced from Bern to Lann. “If I can’t handle it, you’ll stop and let me cover up?”

“We promise,” Lann said. “In fact, we don’t have to do this. Bern warned me, but I didn’t realize how uncomfortable you’d be.”

Lann started to untie the scarves at the foot of the bed. Bliss stopped him. She bit the edge of her lip. “I want to try and be completely open with both of you.”

“You really don’t have to try.” Lann pulled her close and kissed the top of her head.

She took a deep breath and smiled. “What the heck, you’ve both seen all of my body.” Bliss quickly removed her clothes and got on the bed before she could change her mind. She lay back and spread her arms, and then her legs. When her chest tightened, she took a deep breath.

Bern watched her closely as he tied her ankles. Lann tied her wrists. The ceiling fan blew cool air across her body and her nipples puckered.

Lann bent down and kissed each one. “I couldn’t resist.”

Then he opened the jar and scooped out a small amount of cream.

“I’ll start at your feet.”

She nodded as a sizzle of fear shook her inner core. It was the unknown that caused her uneasiness. She was certain neither Lann nor Bern would do anything to hurt her.

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