Captured Heart (A Garrett's Point Novel) (10 page)

BOOK: Captured Heart (A Garrett's Point Novel)
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Jack approached the dance floor slowly, letting Sydney’s words seep in to his rage-clouded brain. He didn’t know who the man was that Emma was dancing with, but he knew he wanted him to get his damn hands off her petite little ass before he decked him. He wasn’t even going to rationalize why it mattered so much to him who she was dancing with. He just knew that if the guy didn’t relinquish her to him, there was going to be trouble.


Chapter Nine

“May I cut in?” Jack’s deep-timbered voice interrupted Emma’s humming along to the song in her head. Tom stopped dancing, and Emma raised her head from his shoulder.

She wasn’t angry anymore. She was happy to see Jack. It seemed that alcohol made Emma’s soft side even gentler. “Jack. You’re here. I was just thinking about you.” she smiled dreamily up at him.

His brows furrowed as he looked from Tom and back to her. “Yeah. It looked like it.”

Tom, being the gentlemen that he was, introduced himself to Jack and offered his condolences. “Thanks for the dance, Emma. I’ll see you and Tucker at your next appointment.” Tom hightailed it off the dance floor before Jack had an opportunity to deck him, which was what Tom thought he was originally going to do. He wasn’t looking for any trouble.

Emma and Jack stood there for what felt like ions to Emma just staring each other down. Then Jack took her in his arms, swaying with her to the sultry ballad. “Dance with me, Emma.” He whispered in her ear.

“I thought that’s what I was doing.” she replied seriously and snuggled up to him. Where her arms had been loosely hanging around Tom’s neck, she now wrapped her arms around Jack’s waist pulling him tightly to her. With each step to the beat, his groin rubbed against her. Jack’s body temperature jumped a good twenty degrees.

“Isn’t this nice, Jack? I love to dance. I hate arguing with you. I don’t want to fight.” She mumbled against his chest and snuggled in closer. “I like you Jack. Don’t you like me too?” Her words were spoken with such simple honesty, Jack was taken aback.

Hell yes, he liked her. He realized as he held this soft, gentle and loving woman, that he more than liked her. He wanted her badly, and that scared the hell out of him. He felt protective of her. That was part of the reason he’d been so angry this afternoon when she hadn’t come back from her walk. He didn’t want anything to happen to her. His grip tightened around her, his hands caressing her back.

He also realized that she was slightly inebriated, which seemed to make her more open and comfortable with her words. He was treading on fragile ground here. He was used to difficult situations in a courtroom, but this was something entirely different. Emotions lived in the realm of murky waters. He didn’t like swimming in water where he couldn’t see what was in there with him. He liked things to be kept within the lines – black and white.

She made a sound that was almost like a purr as she rubbed against him. Jesus, it was about to get extremely embarrassing for him when she moved away. Everyone would know the effect she had on him. His crotch couldn’t deny it and neither could he.

“Yes, I like you too, Emma.” He breathed in her scent. It reminded him of wildflowers. All of his anger had drained away, replaced by a driving need to be close to her. Never had a woman taken him on such an emotional roller coaster.

“I’m sorry for how I acted this morning after we left the lawyer’s office, and for how I spoke to you down by the river. Will you give me the chance to explain? I never meant to hurt you.” Emma stared into Jack’s eyes, not only hearing but seeing the sincerity reverberating from them. “Let’s go home so we can talk.” Jack waited for her answer. He hoped it wouldn’t turn into an argument. The last thing he wanted to do with Emma right now was fight.

Nodding she took his hand and led him off the dance floor. It was then that she noticed Grady, Kathryn and Sydney at the bar. With raised eyebrows, she approached them. The fuzziness was wearing off. She didn’t feel quite so unbalanced.

“Fancy meeting you all here. Come here often?” she questioned sarcastically.

“Listen Mary Poppins, Sheriff Taylor over here was just looking out for you. Don’t get your panties in a wad.” Kat sputtered defensively.

Grady hung his head. God, when would the woman ever think before she spoke. Probably never. And why was he so freakin’ turned on by her incorrigible behavior? Grady figured he was in for it.

Emma reached over and planted a sloppy kiss on his cheek. “Thanks for caring, Grady.”

Jack was really getting tired of this guy’s attention on Emma. Without realizing it, he had stiffened next to Emma. Sydney leaned over and whispered in his ear. “Down boy. He’s a childhood friend, and he can arrest you.” She patted Jack’s shoulder as he frowned back at her.

“As for you two, I’ll catch up with you Thursday night.” Emma hugged both Sydney and Kathryn and looped her arm through Jack’s.

“Take me home, Jack.” she said sweetly, and then she stopped. “Wait. My car. I …” Sydney intervened. I rode with Jack. My car is still at your house. You ride with Jack, and I’ll switch out your car for mine.”

“Great! Let’s go.” Emma truthfully was ready to leave. She remembered why she didn’t drink. It made you feel different and out of control. Even now she felt guilty for coming here, like she’d been a child acting out, only in an adult fashion. It could have gotten her into trouble if she hadn’t had her friends there to support her.

Jack held the car door open for her to slide in. He leaned over and fastened the seat belt for her. His face was so close to hers she could feel his breath on her cheek. If she turned her face ever so slightly, her lips would touch his.

“I…” She didn’t get any further. Jack stopped her with a quick demanding kiss that sent her senses scattering, a very similar effect to being under the influence of that tea, only this time it was Jack making her feel all warm and fuzzy.

“We’ll talk when we get home.” He shut her door and came around to the driver’s side. When he looked up, he saw that Sydney, Kathryn and Grady were all watching nearby. He smiled and tipped his head in acknowledgement to them and drove away.

“I still don’t think I like that guy.” Grady grumbled.


It was just a ten minute drive across town, but it was enough for Emma’s thoughts to run rampant in the silence. “I guess it probably complicates things that I want to jump your bones, doesn’t it?”

Jack jerked the steering wheel slightly at her comment. Smacking her forehead, she replied, “I said that out loud, didn’t I?” Mortified she sunk down lower in her seat.

“Alcohol is not your friend.” she muttered. “Loose lips.”

Smiling, he said, “I don’t know. It seems to have made you very friendly.” He chuckled at her look of chagrin.

It was approaching nine when they pulled in the drive. Her hand reached over to stop him from opening the car door. “I’m sorry I ran off this afternoon. It just all came to a head, I guess. We really do need to talk, Jack.”

His hand covered hers with a gentle squeeze. “It’s forgotten, Em as long as you can forgive me for being such a jackass earlier, and yes, we definitely need to talk.”

Flipping her hand over, she clasped his. “We are going to get through this, Jack, together. We’ll figure it out. We have to for Olivia’s sake.”

“No argument there.” He raised her hand to his lips and placed a gentle kiss. Warmth spread to her center. Just his mere touch made her insides flutter. “We are also going to have to talk about whatever this is between us. I don’t think I can ignore it, Emma.” Leaning over so that he was looking directly into her eyes, his tone direct, “especially since I know you want to jump my bones.”

He planted one last quick kiss to her lips and jumped out of the car, a genuine laugh escaping as he listened to her sputter and fuss trying to release her belt and exit the car.

Sydney pulled in behind them as Emma slammed the car door shut.

“Of all the nerve…”

“Please tell me you two aren’t at it again? I have to be in the office early tomorrow.” Sydney leaned on her open car door.

“Everything is fine, Syd. Thank you for checking in and bringing Jack to Bottoms Up. I’m sorry if it inconvenienced you. I know you must be tired. Go home.”

Melanie exited the house after Jack had gone in. “Do you want me to spend the night to play referee for the two of you?”

“I don’t think that is necessary any longer, Mel. Not after the little dance they shared tonight.” Sydney informed her.

Emma should have known they wouldn’t cut her any slack. That’s what was so special about their friendship. Honest and gritty.

“Do tell. Sounds like I missed the fun.” Melanie said.

“Thursday night. We have a lot to catch up on.” Emma said. “Good night.”

“Can’t wait. Hold ya to it too.” Melanie blew her a kiss and was off. Sydney followed suit.

The house was dark except for the light over the stove in the kitchen and the family room. Olivia had fallen asleep on the couch waiting on them to return.

“I’m a bad guardian.” Emma said aloud. Jack was behind her and whispered in her ear. “No, you’re human. Just like me.”

He walked around and stepped down into the family room, scooping Olivia up. As he passed Emma he stopped and said, “Gotta tell you it’s kind of nice to know, because it was tough living up to Super Em.”

He’d let her off the guilt hook. Smiling, she straightened the family room, folding blankets and straightening coloring books. Feeling unsettled, she decided on a shower.

Maybe coffee and cake would crack open the conversation she and Jack needed to have, but first a cold shower would help clear the remaining fuzz and cool down her hormones, she hoped. Guys weren’t the only ones that used that as a go to.

She passed Jack in the upstairs hallway. She peeked inside Olivia’s bedroom where the soft glow of a night light illuminated the room. She was sound asleep. “I’m going to take a quick shower. Can we talk after that? I’ve got chocolate cake and coffee if you’re in the mood for it.”

What he was in the mood for fell in the dessert category, but it wasn’t actual food. “Sure. I need to send off a few emails. I’ll be in the office, unless you need any help in the shower?” he teased.

Wrinkling her nose and scrunching her lips like a duck, she responded, “Nice try. I’ll give you an A for effort.”

His laughter followed her into the bathroom.

The hot water streamed down her neck and back, releasing built-up tension. Emma sighed at the relief. It had only been four days since the accident, but it felt like months as tired as she was. Rinsing the shampoo from her hair, the last four days flashed through her mind.

Jack had really been so quiet. She knew he was hurting just like she was, but he hadn’t talked about it. Truly they hadn’t been presented with the right time to discuss the next steps, whatever the right time was.

For Emma, being made guardian of Olivia was no hardship. She loved the little girl and had no issue with raising her. It was the joint guardianship that created the hurdle. If she and Jack had been a married couple, it would have been no problem, but how were two people that lived in two different towns and led separate lives supposed to do anything jointly?

Throw in the mix their apparent mutual attraction for one another, and it was a recipe for trouble.

Jack’s career was his primary focus. She knew he loved Olivia too, but how did his career and life in Richmond fit Olivia in? This was going to be a tough discussion? One of them was going to have to concede somewhere. She knew what she thought was best but didn’t know if Jack would be relieved and agree or have a solution of his own. Only one way to find out.

She finished up her shower, glad that it had at least cooled her down and cleared the remaining fog. Pulling on sweats and a t-shirt, she headed downstairs to serve up her own brand of comfort food – a thick slice of double-layered chocolate cake.

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