Captive (7 page)

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Authors: Gale Stanley

Tags: #Menage a Trois (m/m/f), #Menage Amour

BOOK: Captive
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“So good,” he groaned.

Noah’s fingers parted her labia, and he licked around Wade’s cock where it disappeared inside her pussy. When he nuzzled Wade’s groin and licked his balls, Janis grabbed his hair and tried to move his head back where she wanted him.

Noah traced slow circles around her clit as she moved on Wade. She lifted her arms, twined them around Wade’s neck, and pressed back against him.

“Fuck, Noah. I’m close,” Wade grunted.

Noah sucked her clit into his mouth. Something clenched inside her, and she arched her back. She cried out, and Wade held her through wave after wave of shuddering contractions.

Noah squeezed Wade’s balls as he rose to his knees and kissed him, sandwiching Janis between them.

Wade gave one last thrust up and shuddered with his own release.

She finally opened her eyes and saw Noah staring at her. Her gaze locked with his, and some understanding passed between them. She felt Wade stirring behind her.

“Let me up.” Wade kissed her shoulder. “I’ll get Noah off.”

Noah’s passionate stare bored into her soul. “I want Janis.”

His words made her shiver. Molten heat pooled in her belly again.

Noah lay back, pulling her down on top of him. She rubbed her hips against his while he kissed her.

“I want to fuck you.”

“Yes,” she hissed. She wanted Noah, needed him desperately.
She took a condom from Wade, opened it and smoothed it over Noah’s very stiff prick.
Then she straddled his hips and guided him inside her. He felt so good, she hardly noticed Wade get off the bed.

The mattress shifted as Wade settled in behind her. His hands rubbed circles on her ass and pushed her farther down on Noah’s cock, making them both moan.

She felt something cool between the cheeks of her ass, and she went rigid when Wade’s finger pressed against her tiny hole.

“Relax, sweetheart. I won’t hurt you.” Wade leaned over and kissed her shoulders, her back. “I want to be inside you with Noah. I want to feel his cock while I fuck you. Tell me you want us both.”

“Yes,” she moaned.

“Yes what, Janis?” Wade pressed.

“Yes, please fuck me, Wade. I need you both,” she whimpered.

Noah pulled her down, giving Wade access. She gasped when his finger slipped past the tight ring of muscle.

Noah whispered encouragement while Wade slid a second finger inside and stretched her.

“Are you ready, sweetheart?” Wade murmured.

“God, yes,” she hissed, as the head of his cock nudged her opening. Every slow push drew another moan while the men told her how beautiful she was, how good she felt.

The burn turned to pleasure, and she pressed back against Wade. “Oh, God, Wade. More.”

Wade stopped, and Noah started moving. He took control from beneath them. Wade adjusted his tempo to Noah’s, and Janis was content to follow their leads. The men moved in tandem, and the musky scent of their coupling grew stronger with each synchronized thrust.

The feeling of being filled so completely was new and exciting. She’d never felt so connected to anyone as she did with these two men. The heat built between them, and she teetered on the edge of a climax.

“I’m close,” Noah said harshly.

Wade grunted. He reached around Janis and rubbed her clit. Her muscles contracted around the thick cocks inside her. She felt the men tense.

“Fuck!” Noah shouted. He and Wade thrust hard and deep. Wade growled and leaned over her back. He sank his teeth in her left shoulder, and Noah bit down on the right.

Janis threw her head back and screamed, feeling their orgasms as acutely as her own.

Chapter Six

Noah woke first. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and looked at Janis sandwiched between him and Wade. His mark on her shoulder stood out against her pale skin. Confused thoughts whirled in his brain.

Lycans were territorial by nature but he’d never felt the need to leave a mark on Wade. Nor had Wade ever left one on him. Yet it had seemed so natural to brand Janis.

The woman was smart and funny and easy to be with. And so responsive to him and Wade. The sex had been phenomenal. No pressure to perform, no worries about reproducing. Maybe being with a female he liked and felt comfortable with brought out some inborn Lycan instinct to claim a woman.

He thought about Roy and Janis together. Maybe his dislike of the man made him want to leave a mark on Janis. A no trespassing sign? Absurd. What did he care if Janis saw
again? More likely, petty jealousy led to it. A message to his rival—you might have Alex, but I had something that belonged to you.

Wade’s eyes opened, and he sat up. He looked at Janis, then Noah, and shrugged.

A fleeting thought crossed Noah’s mind. Would he and Wade have the same relationship after this? The three of them together set off an explosion of feeling that took him higher than ever before. Would it be as good between them without Janis? It had to be, because they were never going to see her again. This was a one-time only fuck. He tried to put it out of his head. They’d learned all they could here. It was time to go. The sooner, the better.

* * * *

When Janis woke, the men were gone, leaving only the heady scent of their sex behind. She felt lonely and bereft without them, but she wasn’t surprised. They had each other. She was only a diversion. She never expected to be a permanent part of their relationship. Still, she expected to see them again. Probably for lunch since they hadn’t gotten around to discussing furniture.

She showered and slipped on a blue dress, the same shade as her eyes. Then she grabbed her purse and headed downstairs to make coffee in her office. Sitting in the lonely apartment didn’t appeal to her.

As soon as she entered the office, she saw the paper on the floor. She knew immediately who had slipped it under her door, and she felt a cold chill go up her spine.

Sorry we had to leave so quickly—something came up back home. W & N

Her heart sank. Not even a
thanks for a great
or a
call you
at the end. Definitely a kiss-off. It wouldn’t surprise her if they never came back.

It hurt that they didn’t want to see her again, but she didn’t regret one minute of last night. It had been wonderful. A once in a lifetime fling that erotic fantasies were made of. It all seemed like a dream anyway. Well, it would fuel her dreams for many nights to come. And s
he knew one thing for sure, she’d had the best sex of her life and she’d never settle for anything less again.

Janis tried to lose herself in work, but she felt lonely and at odds. She didn’t want to be here. Suddenly she wanted her family. She picked up the phone and felt better immediately when Sable answered.

* * * *

“Home is where the hearth is,” quipped Janis as she poked at the logs in the fireplace. Yesterday she’d been in the city. Today she was in a totally different world. It felt good to be back.

Jude smiled indulgently. “I’ve missed you, but not your puns.”

“And I’ve missed you. All of you. Especially these little guys.” She looked down at the twins, sleeping peacefully in a crib that now occupied a permanent space in the den. A stab of envy hit her.

Would she ever have a child? Her biological clock sounded louder than Big Ben. She reached down and caressed each downy head. Undisturbed, the babies snored softly. It wasn’t fair. Sable had two. Why couldn’t she have one of her own?

“They changed my life,” Jonas said. “Added something that I never knew I was missing until they came along.”

“You’re very lucky.” She actually got misty eyed. These two beautiful boys had changed both of her brothers. Or maybe it was Sable’s doing. She’d never seen either of them so happy and content.

Jonas stood and came up behind her. He put his arms around her and squeezed. “If you moved back home, you wouldn’t have to miss us.”

Janis squirmed out of his hold, turned and narrowed her eyes at him. “Jonas, have you forgotten it was you who sent me to
in the first place?” Her twin brothers were younger than her, but Jonas had always been the one to take charge.

“It was only supposed to be temporary. You did a great job handling the settlement and managing the building, but now I can hire someone to look after things.”

“It’s been six months. I’ve made friends—”

“You have friends here who miss you.”

“Jonas, you don’t understand,” Janis protested. “I like what I’m doing.” How could she tell him that she wanted what he had, and if she couldn’t have it, then she needed to bury herself in work? What else did she have in her life? “I’m going back to school. I intend to get my real estate license. I love you all, but I don’t want to come home and be chief cook and bottle washer.”

Sable guffawed. “Little chance of that. I’ve inherited your job.”

Both Jonas and Jude turned and stared at Sable with stricken faces. She jumped up and went to one, then the other. “And there’s nothing else I’d rather be doing.” She looked at Janis. “I just meant that you’d be free to do what you want. As long as you gave me a hand with the babies once in awhile.”

“That would be a labor of love.” Janis smiled at Sable. “There’s just more opportunity for me in the city. And I’ve grown to like the hustle and bustle.”

“To each his own,” Jude said. “Do you want a drink? Jonas and I have become teetotalers. Hard to believe, I know.”

“Not at all. You don’t need it. You both look like you’re high on life. I guess this unconventional lifestyle agrees with you.”

Jonas looked at his twin brother before responding. Jude stared back and gave Jonas the smallest shake of his head.

What silent message had passed between them? Her curiosity piqued, Janis forced herself to keep her mouth shut. Evidently she wasn’t privy to some secret they shared. Oh well, she had her own secrets now. She wasn’t about to reveal a thing about her ménage. What happened in Philly stayed in Philly.

“We’re very happy,” Jonas answered at last.

“And so am I,” added Sable. “Doubly happy.”

Janis sighed. “Two babies and two men. I don’t think I could manage it.”

Sable pulled both men into a group hug. “It’s amazing what you can do when you’re in love. I’m very lucky.”

“So are they,” Janis added.

“I’m glad you think so, Janis. I was afraid you wouldn’t approve of our relationship.”

“Are you kidding? I was at your wedding. Remember?”

“Yes. But I married Jude that day. You had no idea that I was also in love with Jonas.”

“Hey, I don’t blame you. My brothers are gorgeous.” Janis stopped smiling as thoughts of Wade and Noah crossed her mind. Unfortunately, Sable looked enough like them to be their sister. She was a constant reminder of Janis’s one night of lust.

“Seriously, Sable. I’ve never seen them happier, and that’s good enough for me.” She almost opened up about Wade and Noah. She thought she could put that night behind her, but she couldn’t get the men out of her head or her heart. Her family would surely understand. But something held her back. Maybe it was because she knew she probably wouldn’t see them again. It was humiliating to admit to her family that she’d been so wanton with two strange men. And for what? A one night stand. It wasn’t the love story that Sable shared with Jude and Jonas. “Besides, I finally have the sister I always wanted. And two beautiful nephews that I’m crazy about.”

“And I finally have a family.”

Wow. Sable looked like she wanted to cry. It might be time to change the subject. Sable didn’t talk much about her family. Jonas had told her they were all dead and she had a hard time dealing with it, so Janis usually steered clear of the subject. “You must be superwoman,” she joked.

“Sex is great exercise.” Jude winked at Jonas. “And exercise keeps you fit and wanting more sex.”

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