Can't Get Enough of You (26 page)

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“I'm so sorry, Scott. So very sorry,” Taylor said with tears in her eyes. “You and Jenna have been through so much. You two don't need any more heartache.”

He nodded. Words weren't enough to ease the incredible pain of his loss. With a heavy heart, he knew that all he needed was for Jenna to believe in him and their love. At that moment, her trust meant everything to him, but as badly as he wanted it, Scott couldn't see it happening . . . not ever again. Jenna believed what she'd seen that morning.

“She wouldn't listen to your explanations?” Donald surmised.

“She wasn't interested in anything I had to say, not after seeing us in bed together. I suppose I should be grateful that Leah was wearing a nightgown and not in the nude.

“I was at the point of pushing Leah away, only I wasn't quick enough. Jenna saw us kissing. I wasn't even wearing briefs. I've never been more furious or felt more helpless in my life.” He hung his head. “No matter what I said, Jenna didn't want to hear it. Not from either one of us. She wanted us out of her house . . . gone from her life.”

He growled his frustration and impotent rage. “I can't even blame her. Nonetheless, I'm still disappointed that she flatly refused to hear me out. That's what hurt the most. She didn't give me a chance to explain.”

“Goodness!” Taylor exclaimed. “It sounds more like a scene out of one of Mama's soap operas than something in real life. How could you let yourself get caught in a situation like this? It's nasty.”

“He didn't let himself do anything, baby,” Donald said. “These things happen, especially when large sums of money are involved. That's what Scott was to Jenna's sister. Apparently when Leah looked at him, she saw dollar signs. She hasn't known him long enough for anything more.” He asked, “Taylor, have you forgotten? Something similar to this nearly broke us up?”

Her eyes went wide. “That female fan who waited inside your hotel room, expecting to see you? Instead I came along. I assumed the worst. If you hadn't come after me, I honestly don't know if we could have gotten past that. I can only imagine how much worse this has to be for poor Jenna. She must be devastated. It's a nightmare.”

Scott nodded. “Yeah, a nightmare. Only it's my life, and at the moment it reeks. I figured spending the holidays in Aspen will give me time to cool off, to stop feeling and start thinking. I'm a mess right now. Sis, you don't want me around this Christmas. Besides, if I'm out of town, I can't very well strangle Leah. You have no idea how much I want to go after that woman.”

“Scott! Stop exaggerating. It's not funny.”

“Sis, do I look amused? I'm dead serious. Until now, I've never actually considered physically harming a female. But considering what she did . . . man! I'm angry enough to want to do some serious damage. Leah has got it coming.”

Donald said, “Leah isn't coming out of this unscathed. She has lost her sister. Or do you think that Jenna can ever forgive her for doing this? I'd say that was highly unlikely. It certainly isn't going to happen anytime soon, if ever.”

Taylor frowned. “I don't like this talk of you hurting anyone, but the way I feel, I'd like to snatch that woman bald. That little witch! How could she do something so despicable to her own sister? It's outrageous. Jenna has shown her nothing but love. What more could Jenna have possibly done to please her?” Taylor didn't wait for an answer but rushed ahead with, “She opened her home and heart to that dreadful woman. Just look at how she repaid her. While Jenna's back was turned, Leah helped her fast tail to her sister's man. What did she expect you to do? Fall in love with her and throw what you felt all those years for Jenna into the trash? If you were that low-down, why would Leah even want you?” Taylor ended in an indignant huff, so upset that she was shaking.

“Honey, calm down.” Donald placed his arm around her.

The men looked on as Taylor suddenly burst into tears. Wringing her hands, she said, “I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cry, but I'm just so angry. You and Jenna don't deserve this, especially not now. You two were finally finding your way back to each other. You bought her that lovely ring because you loved her and wanted her to be your wife. We should be talking about your wedding, not trying to wade through garbage like this.”

After taking a seat near his sister, Scott took her hand. “I'm sorry to dump this in your lap. It's Christmas. You have a family to consider. Little Donnie and Brianna come first. They expect their mommy to be as excited as they are. See why I have to leave town? I don't want my problems to take away from the kids and your happiness.”

“You're an important part of my family.” Accepting the tissues Donald gave her, Taylor dried her eyes. “Besides, this isn't about me. I may be a little emotional, but basically I'm fine. You, little brother, look as if you haven't slept in days. And going off alone to Aspen isn't going to help. Maybe if we put our heads together we can come up with a way out of this catastrophe.”

“Taylor's right, Scott. Flying off to Aspen isn't going to fix this. We'll find a solution together.”

“Jenna hasn't returned any of my calls or answered my text messages. Like I said earlier, I can't blame her for being hurt. Hell, I would have done the same thing if our positions had been reversed.” From the depths of despair, Scott grated bitterly, “I can't get past the fact that Jenna has walked away as if what we shared no longer matters. It's tearing me apart.”

The possibility of losing her was something he still couldn't fully entertain. Damn it! He wasn't a quitter. There had to be a way of clearing up this misunderstanding. That's all it was—a horrific misunderstanding.

Why couldn't Jenna see that? He'd tried in every way he could think of to reach her, but she wasn't willing to listen to anything coming out of his mouth. He couldn't help being hurt because of it. Had her love and trust in him simply vanished in an instant? Why couldn't Jenna have a little faith in his decency as a man?

Frustration battled with hurt feelings and acute disappointment. Why had she had to walk in at that exact moment? If she'd only waited a few seconds, he would have been out of that bed and raising hell with her sister. He hated that she'd caught them at the worst possible moment.

Scott complained heatedly, “What would I want with Leah when I had Jenna? When I look at Jenna I see a heart of gold in her eyes. She loves deeply and gives freely to those she cares about. Leah is plain selfish. She doesn't come close to measuring up to the goodness in my Jenna. I'd be a fool to settle for less.”

“All you have to do is to figure out a way to convince Jenna,” Donald said, deep in thought. “Jenna does know you didn't actually have sex with Leah, right?”

“Absolutely. I tired to tell her that I thought I was in bed with her, not her twin. It wouldn't be so complicated if she'd let me explain my side of this compound.”

“Scott! This not some chemical formula to be solved,” Taylor snapped.

Donald advised, “If you want to save your relationship, you're going to have to find a way to sit her down and tell her in detail exactly what you did and did not do.”

“How? She's not interested in the particulars. She's going by what she saw with her own eyes. That leaves me out in the damn cold! Don't I at least deserve a hearing?” He swore in frustration. “She broke it off with me saying that she's sorry she took me back. I'd like to know what happened to the love. How could she say she loved me and then days later take her lying sister's word over mine?”

Donald interrupted, “Well, you aren't going to get her to hear you out if you don't get a handle on your emotions. You can't let the hurt and disappointment get the best of you. You have to find a way to step back and think this through.”

“Donald's right. You're upset . . . too close to the situation. Clearly, Jenna's not ready to talk, so you're going to have to back off for a while and give her some space. For goodness' sake, Scott, she caught you in her bed with her twin sister.” Taylor insisted, “No matter how badly you want to straighten this out, you must respect her boundaries. Keep your distance for now. She has to heal a little before she can listen.”

“You mean she needs time to find more barriers to put between us. She's got a truckload of them as it is. Each day seems to shorten my temper and deepen my bitterness and resentment. Dragging this out isn't working for me.”

Taylor threw her hands up in the air. “Knucklehead! Donald, talk to him. Maybe you can get him to see that if he pushes too hard, he'll only make things worse.”

“Sis, you just said that a female fan tried to come between you and Donald. My brother-in-law didn't sit around twirling his thumbs until you were ready to listen. The man went after you and straightened things out.”

“Which part doesn't Jenna have straight? That it was you wrapped around her sister? Or that you had a hard-on when you got out of bed?” Taylor challenged.


cott said, “Oh, man! Sis, I don't believe you said that.”

Taylor lifted her chin. “No one is disputing that you have good reason to be upset, but so does Jenna. Giving your temper free rein isn't helping. You're making things worse. Jenna apparently needs time. And you have no choice but to respect that.”

“I have a choice. I'm done with begging her to listen to me. Whose side are you on, anyway?”

“I'm on your side, but only because I've loved you since the day Mama and Daddy brought you home from the hospital. Don't go doing something you'll regret for the rest of your life. Why do you have to be so stubborn? First you're talking about going away for Christmas. Scott! Why are you punishing Mama and the kids? Or didn't you think they would notice you're gone? Are you sure you weren't dropped on your head when you were a baby?”

Scott gasped so suddenly that it made him swallow incorrectly, sending him into a coughing fit. Donald snorted, his large frame shaking with laughter.

“Now, honey,” Donald soothed. “Scott's in over his head and knows it. Family's about all the poor man has left. This thing has hit him hard, and he's not thinking straight.”

Scott frowned. He didn't like being discussed as if he hadn't been in the room. Yet considering how much he'd upset his only sister, he decided to give in.

“You win. Christmas is a time for family. Why should I upset Mama? Besides, I've been looking forward to going with you all to Christmas Eve service and hearing my favorite nephew recite his lines in the Christmas pageant.” Scott smiled for the first time. “Donnie's so excited about Santa. He can hardly wait. Even baby Brianna is fascinated by the lights on the Christmas tree.”

Taylor was right. Why should he go off as if he'd done something wrong? He hadn't had sex with Leah. The worst he'd done was kiss her, and he hadn't enjoyed it. The more Scott thought about the situation, the angrier he became.

For weeks, he'd been doing everything in his power to prove his love to Jenna. He'd gone out on a limb and told her how he felt. He'd even given her his ring. How much more could he have done to save what suddenly felt like a one-sided relationship?

Jenna had certainly never given them a clear shot at happiness. She'd fought him every step of the way. Why had she accepted his ring? She'd hidden it under her clothes, as if it had been a dirty little secret.

Judging by the way she'd flung it at him, she hadn't had any trouble turning her back on them. Did she know him at all? How could she just assume he would lie to save his own skin? She believed the worst because of something as common as a morning erection! He'd never forget the look of horror on her face when he'd gotten out of bed.

Hell, he was a man. His natural response had been to Jenna. An erection didn't mean he was prepared to jeopardize what they felt for each other and a lifetime of love. Scott was beginning to feel like a class-A fool for giving her another chance to break his heart. She'd nearly destroyed him emotionally when he'd entered the draft in the NBA and she'd turned her back on his first proposal. She hadn't thought that his offer to marry her and pay for her education had been a serious one. All he'd asked in return was that she take a year off college to travel with him during his first season. Her refusal had been crushing.

Now, more than ten years later, she was rejecting him again. She wasn't giving him the benefit of the doubt. Although her refusal was devastating, he wasn't going down on his knees to get her to listen to him. Nor was he about to beg for forgiveness. No way! He had some pride.

He'd made a fool of himself years ago trying to convince her to come away with him. Once was enough. He didn't need a sledgehammer upside his head to show him what had been there for all to see. Jenna didn't really love him. How could she, when she didn't trust him? Love and trust went hand in hand. It was time he faced the facts. Jenna wasn't going to trust him, not after finding him in bed with her low-life sister. It was over.

Breaking into his troubled thoughts, Taylor said, “I'm so glad you changed your mind about going to Aspen. That gives us time to figure out the best way to convince Jenna you didn't betray her. I could call—”

Scott interrupted, “There's nothing to figure out.” His voice had taken on an icy calm. “It took me a while, but I've finally taken a hard look at what's right in front of my face. Jenna was never the right woman for me. I should have left it alone. Instead I attempted to repair a relationship that ended over a decade ago. I should have known better than to try again. It was my mistake. I apologize for dragging you two into my mess.”

“Scott, no. Let us help. Now isn't the best time for you to be making decisions about the future. You love Jenna. We all know it.”

“Yeah, I do. But the problem is that feeling has never been mutual. It's time I accepted it.” He rose to his feet. “I'd better get going. I'll see you tomorrow. I promised Donnie to take him Christmas shopping, help him pick out your gifts. I'd like to take him ice-skating afterwards, if that's okay?”

“Scott . . .”

“That sounds fine,” Donald said. “Donnie is look forward to going. Right, honey?”

Taylor nodded, getting up to give her brother a hug. “Yes. We'll see you tomorrow. Come by anytime. You know you're always welcome.”

Scott forced a smile. “Thanks. Bye.” He pulled on his jacket before hurrying away, taking care to close the side door quietly behind him.

How could he have been so blind? He'd been so busy chasing after her that he hadn't taken into consideration what he really wanted, what he valued and needed from a relationship. Jenna didn't love him the way he needed and deserved to be loved.

Yes, he'd been wrong not to have shared his suspicions about her sister with Jenna, but the blame didn't stop with him. Jenna had also been wrong not to at least have given him a chance to explain. After all they'd gone through, she owed him that much.

It hurt like hell knowing that Jenna wasn't deeply in love with him. Regardless of how much it hurt, Scott was fresh out of options. When all was said and done, he was George Hendricks's son. He would deal with the gut-wrenching truth like a man. Then he could put it behind him and get on with the rest of his life.

Trying to recapture the past had been a colossal error in judgment. It was an error that had apparently left a bitter taste in her mouth and a hole the size of a basketball court in his heart. In the end, they'd both suffered and lost.

incoln, at the rate you're downing that punch, Jenna's going to have to make a bucketful,” Carolyn laughed.

Lincoln grinned. “Can't help it. Jenna's got me working up a sweat to earn my keep,” he teased from where he was reaching up to put the ceramic angel on the top of the Christmas tree.

“You call decorating the tree work?” Carolyn quizzed, hand on hip.

“I do, especially when you consider the drive to the country, and then hiking through the snow to find the perfect tree. When you ladies finally made up your minds, I had to cut the darn thing down with a handsaw. Jenna's idea of an old-fashioned Christmas was a workout,” Lincoln complained affectionately. “Isn't that right, Sis?” He smiled at Leah, who was stringing popcorn from where she was seated on the sofa.

Leah smiled. “Lincoln, you always were a big old tease. The day was like something out of one of those old picture books Mama used to read to us when we were little. Remember the time you took off my baby doll's clothes and hid them?”

While the others laughed, Jenna averted her face. She sat on the floor, helping Corrie place ornaments on the lower branches of the fragrant pine tree. In an effort to keep the mood festive, she said, “Lincoln, you were always tickling or chasing us. You might as well admit it. You enjoyed chopping down that tree. Lucky for you, big brother, I'm on my way into the kitchen to check on the pies in the oven. Only because I'm such a generous person and wonderful sister, I'll bring you another cup of punch.” She nestled Corrie's baby-soft cheek. “Would you like more punch too, sweet pea?”

Corrie shook her head vehemently. “Cookie!” she said, clapping her small hands.

Laughing, Jenna scooped up her niece in a hug. “See! Someone likes my sugar cookies.” She blew loud bubbles against the little girl's tummy until she broke into a fit of giggles. After placing her onto her tiny feet, Jenna called from over her shoulder, “Anyone else want more punch?”

“I'll take more,” Leah said, “but I'm going to add my own kick.” She referred to the bottle of rum on the side bar.

“I'd also like some,” Carolyn sang out, patting her swollen tummy. “Since I'm eating for two these days. Need any help, Jenna?”

Holding back the angry retort for Leah to get her own punch, Jenna had to concentrate to remain calm. She said to her sister-in-law, “After the long trip here and taking care of Corrie and Lincoln, my dear Ms. Carolyn, you need to relax and conserve your energy. Santa may need your help later, getting things set up.”

“Santa has two left thumbs and definitely needs all the help he can get,” Lincoln volunteered, squatting down to steady Corrie as she placed another ornament on the tree.

“Turn that up, Carolyn. I love that song!” Leah began dancing to the Temptations' Christmas song “Jingle Bell Rock.”

Jenna mumbled beneath her breath, “I can do this . . .” as she hurried into the kitchen. She clenched her teeth to keep from screaming her frustration. She'd been planning the Gaines family Christmas gathering for weeks, down to the smallest detail. What she hadn't counted on was feeling as if she'd like to slap her twin senseless and order her out of the house again. Not for a moment had she believed that having Leah back would be easy, but it was proving to be a lot harder than she'd anticipated.

Knowing how much Lincoln and Carolyn had been looking forward to spending time with Leah, Jenna hadn't had the heart to disappoint them. So for their sake, Jenna had chosen to take the high road and pretend all was right in her world. After only one day, Jenna's nerves were stretched thin and her temper even thinner. Plus she hadn't slept well in nearly a week. She yearned to crawl beneath the covers, pull them over her head, and shut out the world. Unfortunately, hiding from her problems wasn't an option.

Soon after Lincoln and his family had arrived, Jenna had told them that she and Scott had broken up. Both Lincoln and Carolyn liked Scott, and they'd admitted being disappointed by the news. Though Leah had been out of the room, Jenna had been unable to explain, and she'd quickly changed the subject before she revealed too much.

Jenna had assured herself that reuniting her family was more important than her personal heartache. Lincoln and Leah hadn't seen each other since they were small children. She had also feared that Lincoln would change his mind about driving such a distance if he'd known about the rift between the twins. Having him and his family here for the holidays was a huge comfort to Jenna, and one she'd been unwilling to forgo.

Even though Laura and Sherri Ann pointed out that by keeping quiet, she was protecting her sister, Jenna was determined to stick to the plan. This Christmas was special for their family, and she refused to let Leah take anything else from her. Surely she could put up with her twin for a few days and remain silent?

“That smells wonderful.”

When Carolyn joined her, Jenna nearly dropped the mug she was filling with the fragrant brew from a large simmering pot on the stove.

“And it tastes better than it smells,” Carolyn continued. “You have to give me the recipe.”

Jenna nodded. “I'm glad you like it. Mrs. Green used to make it on Christmas Eve. It doesn't feel like Christmas without it. Aren't you supposed to be relaxing?”

“I'll relax once Lincoln has put together Corrie's kitchen and stove set. I know we should have left it for her to see when we got back, but Lincoln and I were the excited ones who couldn't wait. This will be the first Christmas that she will really know what's going on. She knows Santa.” Carolyn laughed, but then sobered as she studied Jenna. She placed a comforting arm around Jenna's waist and gave her a quick hug. “How are you really doing, kiddo? The breakup can't be easy.”

“I'm fine.” Jenna forced a smile as she handed Carolyn the cup. “It's alcohol free. No worry about harming the new baby.”

“Thanks. Jenna, if you need to talk, I'd be happy to listen,” she offered softly. “Lincoln and I had our ups and downs before we got married. Maybe you and Scott can—”

Unable to explain that it was more serious than the normal emotional swings many couples experience, Jenna shook her head. “I appreciate your wanting to help. It's not our first breakup, only this time, it's over.” Eager to change the subject, she asked, “I'd like you and Lincoln to feel at home. I do appreciate the sacrifice you two made to spend Christmas here instead of with your families.”

“Being here isn't a sacrifice. You and Leah are family. The three of you really deserve this special time together, especially after being apart for so long.” She hesitated before she said, “Lincoln and I are a little worried about you. The breakup came at the worst possible time. Plus you have to put on a happy face for us. Jenna, what I'm trying to say and doing a terrible job of, is that I care about you. I hope we can be friends. I'd really like to help.”

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