Can't Get Enough of You (17 page)

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When Lincoln cautioned that they were going to spoil her, Laura fought back, saying, “There was no such thing as too much love. Besides, we had two birthdays and Christmases to make up for.”

Sherri Ann asked, “Where's Scott?”

The inquiry caused Jenna to momentarily lose her smile. “He's running late.”

Jenna was annoyed with herself for caring. She had every reason to be over the moon because she was sharing the holiday with her family. The people she cared about were all here. Why was she letting a man she didn't love spoil her pleasure? Shame on her!

“He's coming, right?” Laura persisted.

“Any minute now. Poor Lincoln has been watching the football games with only Corrie for company,” Jenna teased, hoping to change the subject.

“Poor Lincoln will get cleanup duty later,” Carolyn teased. “Come on, ladies. You have to see the pies Jenna made. I had no idea she was such a good cook.”

“Oh, yes. Mrs. Green made sure our education was complete.” Sherri Ann linked arms with Jenna. She whispered, “Smile. He'll be here. He knows how important this day is to you.”

Jenna complied, grateful for the support. Evidently all the planning and anticipation of this big day, along with the disappointment that her sister hadn't been able to come, had left her feeling a bit emotional.

“Jenna, these are fabulous!” Laura exclaimed as she admired the two golden-brown sweet potato pies, a deep dish apple cobbler, and a lemon meringue pie. Jenna had just that morning made the apple as a special thank-you for Scott.

“When did you have time to do all this?” Sherri Ann gushed. “The house is spotless, and the dining room table is fabulous. I see you brought out Mrs. Green's tablecloth.”

Jenna laughed, deeply touched by the compliments. The foster sisters cherished the heirloom that had been passed down to them from their beloved foster mother.

“Thank you, Laura and Sherri Ann. I'll admit I've been working hard to . . .” Just then the doorbell chimed. “I'll get it,” she called, hurrying out of the kitchen, unaware of the knowing smiles the ladies exchanged.


enna's heart was racing when she opened the front door. “It's about time,” she scolded, determined to hold on to her frown.

“Sorry I'm late, babe,” Scott said, taking her into his arms for a hug.

With her cheeks pressed against his chest, she inhaled his favorite special scent of sandalwood soap with a hint of vanilla, mixed with his warm scent. For the first time that day she completely relaxed.

“I thought you weren't coming,” she reluctantly admitted, close to tears.

He lifted her chin so he could see her face, but she kept her lids lowered. She didn't want him to see the doubt that she'd been harboring, the irrational worry lingering deep inside that she couldn't count on him to be there for her. She had no idea where the fear came from or why it had hit now, when she was in the midst of her party. Nonetheless it was there.

She'd tried so hard to guard against exposing the vulnerable core deep inside, and the well of emotions. She thought she'd put aside the countless nights when he hadn't heard her awake alone after that awful dream of being abandoned. The dream always left her shaken and feeling all alone in the world. It was a reminder that she had no one to care if she lived or died. In the dream she walked down a long hallway filled with doors. She opened door after door, endlessly searching for her family. During the time she and Scott had been together, he had been there to hold her, dry her tears, and remind her that she was not alone.

As Jenna clung to him, she knew she was overreacting. Yes, she'd had the dream last night, but when Laura had asked if Scott was coming, it had triggered the memory.

“Sorry, I was delayed. I was stuck over at Donald's folks, where they were showing the video of their recent trip to Africa.” He kissed her cheeks and her lids until she opened her eyes and looked at him.

Jenna sighed as he brushed his lips over hers, then lingered.

“With so many people here, I hoped you wouldn't notice I was late,” he teased.

“Will you look who the cat dragged in out of the cold,” Laura laughed.

Embarrassed to be caught clinging, Jenna quickly stepped back. “Just for being late, you get cleanup duty, and it won't be pretty.”

Laughing, Scott gave Laura a hug. “Hey, short stuff. How are you?”

“You'd better stop. I brought the macaroni and cheese, and the cranberry and orange relish. Be careful or you won't get any,” Laura teased.

Sherri Ann said, “Don't worry, Scott. I brought the collard greens and cream corn, so you won't starve. Move over, Laura. It's my turn.” She also received a welcoming hug from Scott.

“You made it,” Lincoln greeted him from where he stood with an arm over Carolyn's shoulders.

“Glad to see that you two made it.” Scott shook hands with Lincoln and gave Carolyn a kiss on the cheek. “What's the score? Are the Lions still behind?”

The ladies groaned at the mention of the football game.

“What?” Scott asked.

Shaking her head, Jenna said, “Come on, ladies. Let's get this show on the road. We've got food to get on the table.”

Jenna couldn't have asked for a better culmination to the long-awaited day. Her heart was full as she took in the ready smiles and laughter around the table, including little Corrie. When it was her turn to give thanks, her eyes filled with happy tears. Everyone smiled in complete understanding. Going around the table expressing thanks was one of the family traditions that she remembered from her and Lincoln's childhood and had wanted to preserve.

Sherri Ann and Jenna told stories about Thanksgivings with Mrs. Green. Laura laughed as her foster sisters told about her refusal to clean or eat chitlins.

Lincoln talked about growing up in the Nicholas household. He'd been adopted into a white family, who'd loved and accepted him completely. Unfortunately, he'd been the only black child in the neighborhood and elementary school. David Nicholas, his adopted father, had understood and had made sure that Lincoln had had blacks in his life. He'd attended private but racially mixed middle and high schools. David's best friend and law partner was African American and was like an uncle to him. Lincoln considered himself blessed to have grown up surrounded by love.

Scott told a story about being on the road during Thanksgiving. He and his teammates had ended up eating at a Chinese restaurant in San Francisco. He'd really missed his mother's candied sweet potatoes and cornbread dressing that year.

Jenna's pies were a real hit. She had no idea how he managed it, but Scott ate two helpings of her apple cobbler with ice cream.

After the meal Lincoln and Jenna excused themselves and went into the home office to place a call to their sister. On the speaker phone the three siblings were overcome with emotions as they talked, so thrilled to have finally found each other after so many years apart.

The highlight of the call was when Lincoln and Jenna managed to convince their sister to consider relocating in Detroit, even though Leah would only commit to an extended visit. Lincoln promised to send an airplane ticket. And Jenna promised to have her room ready and waiting for her. Jenna assured Leah that she was welcome to stay as long as she liked.

Delighted with the outcome, brother and sister rejoined the others, eager to share the exciting news. It wasn't long after that that Laura turned on the sound system and Scott started a fire in the fireplace.

It was close to midnight by the time Jenna's house was put to rights, her guests had gone, and Lincoln and his wife had gone to bed.

Exhausted, Jenna soaked in a hot tub. She was baffled as she recalled her emotional meltdown at Scott's being late. And she was too tired to even try and figure it out. She roused herself enough to dry off before she climbed into bed and fell asleep.

he Thanksgiving weekend passed so swiftly that Jenna could hardly keep up with all they said and did. One of the most poignant moments came on Saturday afternoon, when she and Lincoln pored over old photo albums. Carolyn had thoughtfully brought one of Lincoln with his adopted family, and Jenna shared the ones from her elementary, middle, and high school years.

She couldn't help being sad on Sunday when she waved good-bye to Lincoln and his family. But mostly she was happy, grateful for what they'd been given.

She called Laura and Sherri Ann for a three-way chat. She admitted how much she was looking forward to spending the Christmas holidays with both her siblings. The three laughingly recalled the holidays they'd spent growing up.

A little later, Jenna said into the telephone, “I've got to go. The doorbell just rang.”

“Are you expecting company?” Sherri Ann asked.

“Naturally, it's Scott. They haven't seen each other all day,” Laura insisted.

“How do you know it's Scott? He didn't say anything about coming over this evening,” Jenna said, getting up from where she had been curled on the love seat.

“Laura's right. It has to be Scott. You two haven't been alone during the long weekend,” Sherri Ann teased.

“It's him. Got to go. Talk to you tomorrow.” She left the cordless telephone on the table in the foyer and unlocked the door. “Hey!”

“I know I should have called first,” Scott said, wrapping his arms around her waist.

“It doesn't matter.” She tilted her head up for his kiss and lifted her arms to encircle his neck.

He dropped his head, covering her full lips with his own. He groaned deep in his throat as she welcomed him, giving him access to her soft, sweet mouth.

She had no idea how he'd known that she needed him. She was just glad he was here.

“Hurry,” she urged as she began unbuttoning the tan-and-black plaid flannel shirt he'd worn beneath a dark brown leather jacket.

Caught up in desire, she'd forgotten they were standing in the open front doorway. Anyone passing by could see them. Scott moved them inside and closed the door. All she wanted and needed at the moment was in her arms.

Scott chuckled as she pushed and pulled off the jacket and shirt. Then he groaned heavily when her soft hand caressed his bare chest, then slid over his hard, cloth-covered shaft. Her hands trembled as she unfastened his belt, opened his jeans, and eased down the zipper.

Jenna felt his big body shake as she slid a hand inside his black knit briefs. She traced the prominent crown of his sex, smoothing moisture over the crest with a fingertip. She heard his surprised gasp when she dropped to her knees to pleasure him the way he'd generously pleasured her in the past. It was something she'd never gotten up the courage to do until now. Tonight was special, and she wanted to please him.

She was determined not to spoil the moment by rushing. Scott groaned her name when she moved from laving the head of his shaft to suckle. Hoping to increase his pleasure, she intensified the suction.

Suddenly, he was pulling her up until he was ravishing her mouth. He didn't slow until they were both gasping for air. With her arms wrapped around his neck and his arms around her, her gaze locked with his.

“Why did you stop me?”

He shuddered, releasing a throaty laugh. Against her lips, he said, “Isn't it obvious? I couldn't take more. Thank you.” He gave her yet another slow, deep kiss, then lifted her to carry her into the bedroom.

Jenna vaguely considered protesting that she was too heavy, but in truth, she was oblivious to everything but him as he placed her on her feet. Her black blouse, jeans, and underthings hit the floor, along with his jeans and briefs, socks and athletic shoes.

She barely had time to push the top sheet, blanket, and quilt down before he was there, giving her yet another toe-curling kiss.

“If you kiss me like that again, I think I'll die,” she gasped.

“Then prepare yourself for heaven, sweet thing. I plan to do a lot more than kiss your lips.”

Jenna didn't try to control her shivers as Scott kissed his way down her body. He left nothing to chance. He was thorough as he warmed every inch of her body until she was close to screaming from sexual frustration.

“No more,” she begged, reaching for one of the condoms he'd dropped on the nightstand.

“It's called sweet torment,” he whispered into her ear.

Even though she was trembling from relentless need, she managed to get the packet open and cover his erection. His large frame shook when she stroked his steel-hard length, then gently squeezed his heaviness below.

Before she could take her next breath, he had her beneath him, filling her completely. She cried out her enjoyment as his long, rhythmic thrusts quickly took her to the point of no return. A heart-pounding climax sent her senses soaring and left her numb from exquisite pleasure. He shuddered with the force of his powerful release. With arms and legs wrapped around him, she clung to him, focusing on the sheer beauty of their closeness. Nothing could be more intense or feel better.

When he rolled onto his back, he took her with him. The sound of the clock was the only noise in the room as the minutes ticked away. Leisurely, Scott caressed Jenna from her nape to the base of her spine and round hips and back again.

“Wow!” He pressed a kiss to her forehead.

“Yeah . . .” she echoed.

“You liked it when I lost control.”

She giggled, pressed her lips to his. “Do it again.”

He laughed, giving her a hard kiss. All too soon, they were caught up in each other again. It was late when they were raiding the refrigerator to make turkey sandwiches smeared with cranberry and orange relish. While they polished off the last piece of the sweet potato pie, Scott asked about her twin.

“Does she still plan to come for a long visit?”

“We talked to her again on Saturday. She sounds excited about the trip to Detroit. Lenn—I mean Leah—made no mention of how long she plans to stay. But you better believe I'm going to do everything I can to convince her to stay indefinitely.”

He nodded. “She may not realize it yet, but it will do her a world of good to take advantage of the opportunity you're giving her. It's no small thing, Jenna. Are you prepared to disrupt your life to help her?”

“It's not a sacrifice. We're talking about my twin sister. Besides, I don't see it as a disruption. I'm looking forward to sharing my home with her.” Placing the empty plates in the sink, she went back to where he sat in only a pair of briefs. She was wearing a thigh-length, lavender silk robe.

Lifting her arms to encircle his neck, she whispered, “Are you concerned that her being here will cut into our time together?”

His dark gaze locked with hers. “I'd be lying if I didn't admit I've thought about it, but only in passing. Neither of us has a lot of idle time. You're busy establishing yourself at the university, and I'm busy trying to finish up my degree. We will find a way to work around our hectic schedules, include Leah in our lives, as well as find time to be alone.” He boasted, “No worries.”

Jenna brushed her lips against his. “I'm glad you feel that way. And you're right. It may get a bit crazy trying to get everything done and finding time to see each other.

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