Campbell's Reaper: Soul Reapers #2 (11 page)

BOOK: Campbell's Reaper: Soul Reapers #2
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I turned in a
circle trying to figure out what the hell I was going to do. I saw red tail
lights up ahead. I ran my hands through my hair gripping it as I tried to hold
onto my sanity. I noticed my leather covered arms and immediately started to
pat down the jacket praying that his phone was in a pocket and not on him. I
reached into the last pocket, my heart hammering as I brought out his phone.
The screen was cracked but with trembling fingers I swiped it, bringing it to
life. I hit the phone icon and then recent to find 25 unanswered calls to  the
phone. The name below sang to me as I hit the name Colton. It rang once and

glorious voice came through.



interrupted him before he even had a chance to say anything else.

oh my God, there was an accident. You have to help us.

I paused and my stomach

. . . leave a message,


voice said, indicating I was in his voicemail. The adrenaline started to leave
my body and the pain started to set in. I stared straight ahead at the
taillights wondering if they could see me as I waited for the beep.


Colton. Oh shit. Oh shit.
Fuck. Some fucking car just bumped us and shit . . . we crashed . . . I can

find Tank. I think he slid down the fucking side of the road. Tank,

I yelled,

Answer me damn it.

I paused trying to catch my breath when I
noticed the taillights were becoming headlights.

. . . oh shit. The fucking car is turning around. Shit . . . what am I supposed
to do? It

s coming back. Oh. My. God.

I turned, running away from
the car. I could hear the roar of the engine as it sped towards me.


I screamed as the car
stopped right next to me.

No, don

fucking touch me. No. Tank!

I yelled as I heard their footsteps getting
louder as they got closer.

Come here bitch,

one of them yelled as he
hit me in the back of the head and all went dark, again.





The sound of doors closing was the
first thing I heard. Tires moving along the pavement, then the shifting of
gears came next. The steady purr of an engine followed as it picked up speed
and rode off into the distance. What I felt next was misery. Burning.
Throbbing. Pain and more pain. I tried sitting up but had to settle for rolling
to my side and easing my way up onto my forearms before sitting all the way up.
My lungs burned as my shallow breaths hammered my aching ribs. I took stock of
my arms and legs finding them all in one piece but much worse for the wear. My
arms were bloodied from scrapes and scratches while my pants had several large
tears in them with frayed edges that were covered with blood. My trembling
fingers on both hands made contact with my face, traveling over it and into my
hair where I felt a knot the size of a golf ball. No wetness or dampness which
told me no bleeding from the head or face.

I must have stayed conscious long
enough to actually roll into the impact.
As the fuzziness started to
recede, I took in my surroundings wondering what the fuck just happened. God,
my body felt like it had the one time I was thrown from my bike.
Holy Shit.
of Sunshine, the gas station, and then the SUV assaulted me as everything came
into crystal clear focus. It took me three tries to get up and even then I
bellowed as pain raced through my body making me feel sick to my stomach. I
hobbled up the side to the road. My arms and legs protested against my brain

commands but I powered through when I closed my eyes and saw Sunshine



I yelled, waiting and
praying for a response.


The only sounds were from
my thrashing about as I got up to the road. Breathless and hurting everywhere I
took in the scene around me. I grabbed my side as I struggled to catch my
breath. My wheezing and the grating of my ribs told me they were badly bruised
possibly fractured. There were only two things I could see clearly; my messed
up bike and the two red taillights growing smaller as the SUV drove my life
away from me.

The moon lit my way as I limped towards
my bike, taking in the destruction. The guardrail

hold on it was too much for me as I tried to walk the bike backwards and out of
the wreckage.
I reached into my pocket, then the other, for my
phone but came up empty.


I roared into the night,
coughing and wheezing as I tried to catch my breath.
I am a worthless piece
of shit.

My eyes sought my only connection to my
Sunshine. The two red specks were both calling and taunting me at the same
time. I took a deep breath as I felt the anger, the wrath, boil my blood. This
dark feeling was something I was used to and had not felt since Campbell lit my
world. My inner-Hulk was nothing compared to the demon inside who now took
notice and was fucking pissed.

The guard rail never knew what hit it
as I wailed away at it with my feet, my fists, and my rage. I fucking owned it
by the time I was done. The bike easily moved away as I gave one final tug. A
quick inspection told me that my bike had seen better days but could ride if
she needed to.
This bitch is always willing for a ride.

I grabbed the two helmets before racing
off after the SUV. The wind ripped through me, hammering at the scrapes and
scratches all over my body, drying the new blood that spilled from my work-out
on the rail. Nothing was going to stop me from saving Sunshine.





Muffled laughter was the first thing I
heard as I slowly returned to the living. My head was throbbing hardcore. It
was as if my heart had moved from my chest to permanently reside there.
the hell happened?
My brain was struggling to catch up as I slowly cracked
my eyes open taking in my surroundings. My nose caught up before my mind as the
potent smell of mildew hit me, making me gag as I tried to sit up. My progress
was stopped midway when I felt my wrist get tugged back towards the headboard.

Fuck me!
Second time tonight I was fucking tied to a piece of wood, only this time it
was a headboard. And not just any headboard, the fake kind that was nailed to
the wall and did not connect to the bed.

Well shit.
needed to get the fuck out of here. I quickly scooted up to sit up against the
headboard, tugging on the rope around my wrist to no avail as the door to the
motel opened. The brightness from outside was shocking against the darkness of
the room. I lifted my unbound hand to try and help block some of the brightness
and saw two silhouettes entering the room.

Well, well,

came a nasally voice,
followed by vile laughter that made me wish I was anywhere but here. The door
closed and the distinct sound of the lock froze me in place as the faint glow
of a nearby floor lamp had my eyes adjusting yet again. A cold dread raced
through my body as I took in the two intimidating figures before me.

Glad to see you awake
little girl,

second and much, much scarier guy said as he came to stand next to the bed. His
large frame towered over the bed, making me believe that he and Tank were about
the same size. His cheeks were the prominent feature of his face as they
protruded out, making him look like he had a square jaw. Scary was bald with
eyes as green as grass, and most likely in another situation, in another
lifetime, he could have been cute. But instead his intensity scared the shit
out of me.

What should we do with her?

crackled the first guy, who
had the beadiest eyes I had ever seen and was so greasy it looked as if it was
dripping from his hair. I curled away from them as Scary sat on the bed next to
me. He ran his hand from my knee to my ankle, gripping it as I tried to pull
away from him even more.

What do you want?

I hated the quiver in my
voice. My bottom lip trembled displaying my fear and apprehension of what was
about to happen.


be scuuured!

said as he laughed, showing his rotting teeth and black tongue. I gagged as he
rounded the bed to stand on the other side. I was stuck in the middle of these
two perverts and it felt like the walls were closing in on me. My breath sawed
in and out as panic started to take over.


touch me,

yelled as I looked from Greasy to Scary.

swear to God, Tank is going to kill you.

A dead man is not going to
save you,

Greasy, rubbing his hands together.  The look in his eyes was half past crazy
and borderline insane.
Maybe I should call him scary like crazy, fucking
Scary released my ankle as he grabbed my chin turning me to face


right little girl.

A tear escaped as Greasy

words sank in.
No, not Tank!

knight is dead and no one knows where you are but us and Crazy Z.

I gasped at the knowledge
that Crazy Z was behind this.


right. And we are to bring you to him first thing in the morning.

I tried to shake my head as
tears streamed down my face. Tremors ran through my body as I thought back to
the time with Crazy Z in the tent.
Not again.


snickered Greasy. I turned
my head slightly to see as he crept closer to the bed, his fingers wiggling
like the legs of a spider right before it landed on its prey.


Scary said, drawing my eyes
back to his,

What should we do to pass the time?

He raised his eyebrows in
question as if waiting for me to respond.

My breathing was ragged as anger
replaced my fear.

Go fuck yourself,

I gritted through my teeth.

Now now little girl,

Scary warned, releasing my
chin and shaking his head back and forth.


want to piss us off.

Greasy laughed like a hyena in a loud,
high-pitched voice.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Oh. My. God!
reached out to me, causing me to turn towards Scary. Anything to get away from
him, but he did not stop as he took a strand of my hair, wrapping it around his


he crooned.

it Blaze.

Shut the fuck up. No names
we said,

Scary, now Blaze, screamed
at Greasy as he knocked his hand away from me. I cried out as my head jerked
towards Greasy, because he still held onto my hair.

See, she wants me. Untie

howled Greasy as his second
hand cupped my face. Blaze tugged on the ties, undoing them as Greasy leaned
forward like he was going to kiss me while I screamed,


Sunlight filled the room blinding us
all right as the most random sound, of what I can only describe as a book being
slammed on a table, shot through the room as Greasy

body slammed into the wall behind him. The dark room enveloped us once again as
Blaze yelled,


I watched breathlessly as

body slid down the wall leaving a trail of blood that followed his limp body.
Blaze jerked my body in front of his as he stood up. He continued to yell at
someone but my eyes never left Greasy as his body came to a stop. The bed
blocked most of his body with only his head sticking up, but ever so slowly it
started leaning to the side as he fell out of view. All that was left was a red
streak with chucks of what I was guessing were bits of brains stuck to the
wall. I gagged, closing my eyes, but I still saw the image play across the
darkness; a sight I knew would haunt me forever.

BOOK: Campbell's Reaper: Soul Reapers #2
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