Read Cameron's Contract Online

Authors: Vanessa Fewings

Cameron's Contract (13 page)

BOOK: Cameron's Contract
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She slipped from me and I felt the loss of her.

She searched my face. “You did it!”

I cupped her cheeks and kissed her passionately, despite this ache making me want to push her away. Reluctant to tell her, I tried to find the words to let her down gently. This battle had been just as much hers.

“I went exploring,” she said. “There’s this nice little deli one block away. I bought lunch for everyone.”

“Thank you,” I said. “We won’t be needing it now.”

“But Henry’s on his way over? And Shay? Why don’t you get some sleep before they get here? You look exhausted.”

“They’re not coming.”

Her smile faded.

I took her by the hand and guided her farther in. “Mia.”

“Cameron, what happened?”

“Everyone we visited yesterday rescinded their vote.”

“But that doesn’t make any sense.”

I moved away, hating myself for allowing this to go so wrong, for failing my dad, failing everyone.


“Someone got to them.”

“The men behind the buyout?”

“Pure and simple blackmail.”

“Go to the police.”

“It doesn’t work like that.”

Her eyes watered. “Your dad’s lawyers then.”

“An investigation would end the same. Their privacy shattered. Then they’d willingly throw us to the wolves. It’s lose, lose.”

“There must be something you can do?”

“We’ve run out of time.”

“No, I refuse to believe that. Not after everything you did?”

I shrugged, not wanting her to see me like this. “I have to make some calls.”

“What can I do?”

I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts.

Striding away, I headed into the study, needing to put distance between us.

The morning sun burst like shards of fierce orange through the window, and I blinked against the assault and strolled over to close the blinds.

Making my way back toward the desk, I felt useless and stood there merely staring at the wall.

Too tired to sleep. To eat. Do anything of value.


This inner violence found its freedom.

There came a sense of movement, yet at the same time standing still.

“Cameron?” Mia lingered in the doorway. “What did you do?”

“It was right there,” I said. “We had them.”

“Surely there’s something you can do?”

Had I just promised to return her to Richard? I couldn’t remember, couldn’t think straight. The thought of losing her was impossible to contemplate.

Was this the bitter taste of insanity?

I turned and I too stared in horror—

The contents of the desk were now strewn on the floor. Papers, files, pens, and even the computer was tipped over on the carpet. I had a vague memory of being responsible.

Seconds passed with stubbornness.

The last time I’d wrecked a room like this, it had been Richard’s dungeon in London when I’d realized I couldn’t have Mia. I’d allowed rage to own me as I’d ripped the place apart and tipped over that Saint Andrew’s Cross. It had taken two men to right it after the fact—proof of super human strength when consumed with torment, with gut wrenching heartache.

Cole Tea, an empire I was never destined to save.

It had always been Henry’s. His to master whenever he chose. Had some part of me reasoned with this? The second born destined for the shadows.

The rush of business had absorbed me these last few days, having resigned to my destiny, the promise of new challenges. An adrenaline ride like no other.

I was my father’s son.

“You’re going to get some sleep.” Mia pulled me out of there, down the hallway, and into the bedroom.

Her hands were on me, removing my coat, jacket, shirt, stripping me naked, and I stood there letting this out of body experience ease my exhaustion.

My gaze fell on the contract.

Mia caught me looking at it, headed over, and grabbed it off the table.

She threw it out the room. “It’s probably not even in there.” She shut the door and returned to my side.

Mia knelt before me. “Master, I’m going to help you relax.”

My head fell back as she took my cock into her mouth, her tongue lapping my length. My eyelids grew heavy with need and my gaze drifted to the door.

That document out there supposedly held the answer. Again, I ran over those endless words of endless assertions, with citations to prove their authority and quantify their reasoning. Where was that one line that would shore up the weakness buried somewhere in those endless pages.

A yell of frustration threatened to tear from me.

My gaze lowered to take in the stunning beauty at my feet suckling, giving me what I needed, bringing me closer to clarity.  

She stared up at me. “We’re going to sleep together tonight.”

Those words had become our private mantra of affection.

I wished that were possible.

…give her back?

Let her go.

I leaned unsteadily.

My thoughts trailed behind the illogical.

A company’s future no longer hanging in the balance.

It really was over.

Mia rose to her feet and stepped back. “What did you just say?”

“Didn’t say anything.”

“Yes, you did.” She looked stunned. “You just said something about returning me to Richard.”

Blinking, I tried to read her.

Yes, I’d thought those words, but had I really spoken that threat out loud? Was I this tired?

“He mentioned it,” I whispered.

“You don’t know what I went through,” she snapped. “I fell in love with Richard because you wanted me to. You orchestrated it. You made it happen. Then he gave me to you. Thrust me into your arms and I fell hard for you, Cameron. You became my reason to live. When you gave me back to him, I was drowning. You couldn’t see it—”

“I did—”

“All I thought of was you.”

“Everything’s changed.”

Our lives turned upside down.

She hugged herself. “What did you tell him?”

“I delayed my answer.”

The call had dropped. The only reason. Blackmail had never been my thing.

Mia stepped back. “I’m happy you’ve lost it all.”  

“Well that’s enlightening.”

“Now you know without any doubt I didn’t care for this.” Her hand swept around us. “I love you, Cameron. I love being in your presence, and I love everyone knowing you and I are in love. I’m proud to be your woman.”

I reached for my shirt and pulled it on. “You’re happy I failed?”

“You now know without a doubt I love you.”

“You make me lose control, Mia.” I shook my head. “This is not good.”

“No, I’m the only certainty you have, Cameron. I yearn for your control. Crave it. I’m the yang to your yin.”

“Other way round.”


“Male is yin, female yang.”

“Thank you for correcting me,” she snapped.

“I’m used to it.”

“Fuck you.”

“Technically male’s fuck females.”

“Are you being purposefully obtuse?” she said. “I know you’re hurting and my heart aches for you but—”

“Big word for you.”

“You arrogant ass.”

I arched a brow. “I’m merely proving you’re the lesser species.”

“Someone’s going to want sex later. That someone will not be getting any.”

“You’ll get over it.”

“I meant you.”

I took a step closer. “This is all very idiotic.”

“Not as idiotic as telling me you’re considering giving me back to a man I don’t love. Not like that anyway.”

“So you admit you still love him?”

“I’m not a piece of property to be handed around.”

“Welcome to my world.”

“Cameron, I love you. And nothing you say or do is going to change that.”

“As soon as we get back to L.A., I’m going to lock you in that cage.”

“And I’m going to thrive in it,” she snapped. “Because knowing you are going to rescue me from it will be what keeps me alive.”

I flew at her, lifting her up and flinging her on the bed, and she reached for me.

Tugging her dress up and over her, I was greeted by a smile when her face reappeared on the other side.

A fucking smile.

God, how I loved her.

I flung her dress on the floor and her bra and panties soon joined her dress.

I shrugged out of my shirt. “Did you honestly believe I’d ever give you up?”

“You considered it?”

“No, Mia. The call dropped before I could tell Richard that was ridiculous.” I pinned her arms above her head. “You doubting me has its consequences.”

“What does that mean?’

“You’ll apologize”

“I will not.”

“What was that about a sex ban?”

She suppressed a smile. “Have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“You’re easily swayed, Ms. Lauren.” I pressed my cock against her sex.

Mia opened her legs farther and rocked against me. “You’re also the master of persuasion, Dr. Cole.”

“I’ve lost everything, yet you make me feel like I’ve won.”

“You need to sleep.”

“Want me to stop?”

“No, I just feel selfish right now.” Her head fell back, her long moan making me harder.

Tangled together, our kiss deep and passionate, our tongues intertwined, our fight was not for supremacy but to prove to each other how deep our love went, as though words failed us. The only truth was this, my mouth taking hers in a desperate fucking of souls.

Inside her now, I was unable to fathom how I’d not taken her like this, hard and fast, when I’d first stepped out of the elevator. This was the best way to find my center again.

Mia, where truth and beauty always waited for me.

“I was fighting for us, Mia, for our future.”

“You did everything you could, Cameron. You’ve given it your all.”

“Wasn’t enough.”

“We have each other,” she whispered.

Rocking into her, her tight and demanding sex caused my mind to splinter into a vortex of nothingness and I came hard. My warmth filled her, and my thoughts were gone, lost in this sea of pleasure.

I rose up and stared down at her.  

She smiled. “You needed that.”

I shook my head, trying to rid myself of this fatigue.

I’d never come before a woman before. Ever.
I was losing my edge.

Rising off Mia, I left the bed and went in search of my tie, bringing it back and tying her wrists together. I secured her to the headboard with the other end.

“Bring your legs up,” I said.

She obeyed, blinking with curiosity, watching.  

Mia, my only hope of ever forgiving myself.

Sitting up beside her, I stroked her sex, resting a fingertip there now, circling slowly, feeling it swell. Her thighs trembled.

On and on I caressed, patiently allowing her climax to ascend and comforted by seeing her rise. She rose ever more until she reached that pinnacle. I continued on, sustaining Mia there until her jaw became slack, her body quivered, and her endless orgasm seduced her.

Pride swelled in me at seeing proof I’d marked her as my own with my seed, fused with this gratification at how she responded to my touch. Her cries of bliss filled the room.

That all-consuming tension of titillation burned between her thighs, concentrated in her core, making her nipples hard and erect. Shards of morning light danced over her complexion. I was at a perfect vantage point to admire the curves of a woman, watch her writhe, see her beholden to me.

With my other hand, I lowered her pelvis back down when she raised her hips, again demanding she surrender to the intensity.

This was the very same reward and punishment I’d bestowed when I’d released her from Chrysalis’s dungeon. Those days and night of her confinement seemed like light years away now. Those profound hours spent together working through her darkest memories and freeing her from the emotional chains that had bound her.

In my world, our self-inflicted bondage with chains, cuffs, and ropes was never about containment, but freedom, a letting go.

An allowing.

Finding freedom through another and proving without a doubt we are not islands of being, but needful of each other.

And God how I needed her.

Her deep gasps for air filled the room. Her orgasm stole her breath.

I slid beneath her with her back to my front and I glided into her again. Her wrists still bound together ensured her powerlessness.

“I don’t think I can go again,” she said in a rush.

I reached around for her breasts, tweaking her nipples. “When is fucking finished, Ms. Lauren?”

“Oh, God.”

“Answer me.”

“When you say it is, sir.”

“Good girl.”

Raising my hips, thrusting into her, my one hand played with her nipples. I took my time on one and then the other. My other fingertips trailed between her legs, flicking her clit expertly. My cock drove into her and her slickness aided my fierce pounding. This heat of pleasure rose and burned through my core.

Her head rested in the crook of my neck, and her small gasps were endearing. My hand delighting in sliding over her wetness, not caring about the noise of a squeaking bed, or her screaming as she came…

Despite all of it—

Empires falling, enemies taking aim and sealing our fate—Mia outshone all those falsehoods, those desperate men who’d failed to learn what it was to truly love. To find peace in the center of a storm.

We came together and collapsed together, our body’s spotted in perspiration and heated from all this tussling, our fucking the purist form of any bondage.

My body yearned for sleep but didn’t find it. I was too tired to let go.

My only comfort was Mia laying her head on my chest, her leg flung over me, breathing softly as she slipped into sleep. I didn’t move for fear of waking her. Instead I stared up at the ceiling, running through the last few days and re-living them until I’d improved on my strategy and fooled myself I’d won out.

I’d been working in the dark, moving forward in an unfamiliar world, and unlike the science based career I’d chosen, business was full of trap doors and secrets and misdirection.

“What did you say earlier?” I whispered.

BOOK: Cameron's Contract
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