Cameron, Paige - The Billionaire Rancher Buys a Wife [Wives for the Western Billionaires 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) (14 page)

BOOK: Cameron, Paige - The Billionaire Rancher Buys a Wife [Wives for the Western Billionaires 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)
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“I don’t think you enjoyed that episode,” she said. “I must try harder next time, and not be the only recipient of such delight.” She smiled at him and brushed his hair off his forehead.

“Definitely, if I can ever move again,” he managed to gasp out between deep breaths. “I will expect you to work much harder on trying to please me.” His eyes raked along her body, stopping for a second at her full breasts, and then at her pussy. He pulled her close and nuzzled his head between her breasts. “Sleep. The pilot will alert us in time to shower and dress.”

Janice ran her hand through his thick, dark brown hair. His breathing quieted. His long, lean body relaxed against her. She held him close and wondered what in the world she was going to do. Her love for him grew each day, especially seeing him with his family. She barely remembered her original impressions of him.

He was not what her family would want for her. Her mother and father had loved her fiancé, Ted. He had been cultured, reserved, much like her father when she thought about him now. Their affection had been much less explosive, more a gradual respect and admiration, increasing until he asked her to marry him. She’d thought her life would be unruffled, calm, predictable. Nothing like her time with Drake.

She hated to admit the truth, but Ted had been more a close, affectionate male friend. Their few sexual encounters had been quick, sweet, and respectable. Not the hard, fast, uncontrollable fire that raced in her with Drake’s slightest touch of his hand or mouth.

Her mother would turn up her nose and declare her daughter had lost her mind to carry on in such loose moral behaviors.

She’d emphasized women must demand men treat them with utmost respect in all places, including the bedroom. Whores, loose women behaved in the awful actions mentioned on television.

She could not believe the gross information put out today in the media and expected her daughter, Janice, to remember who she was and whom she’d hurt if she was to involve herself in the tiniest bit of such goings-on.

Janice had been embarrassed by her mother’s lecture, and relieved that she never repeated it. Apparently, she assumed her daughter would be completely obedient in all areas, at all times.

And Janice had been, until Drake, the handsome man asleep lying against her body, had stormed her defenses, knocking every one of them down. She gazed along his long, lean body and thought of how mysterious and dangerous his eyes could look at times. He was her own personal conquering hero. She smiled at the thought.

And for the moment, Drake had made her forget both her parents’ instructions, and the man intent on killing them.

Chapter Nine

Samantha and Jackson were at the airport when they landed. “I’m so glad you’ll be with us tonight,” Samantha said. “We’ll stay up late and talk.”

smiled at his wife. “Thanks for warning us, honey. Drake and I will go to my study and drink my good bourbon.”

“Sounds like a plan to me,” Drake agreed.

They all got into
’s car and were soon at the house. “I can’t wait to see your new baby girl, Jessica,” Janice said.

“I can’t believe she’s already three months old. I told
since we have a girl and boy our family was complete, but he thinks four is a much nicer number than two.” Samantha smiled and glanced back at her husband.

“You’re really very happy, aren’t you?” Janice asked.

“I can’t explain how much.”

Samantha led the way inside. The men followed, carrying the suitcases.

A blond-haired, blue-eyed child toddled into the room with a young woman close behind. Samantha scooped her son into her arms. “I believe you’ve met Colin’s nanny,” she said to Janice. Janice nodded and greeted the woman.

Samantha carried Colin and led Janice into a pink bedroom to see Jessica. She lay on her back, kicking her feet in the air. She had her father’s golden brown hair and the same intense blue eyes.

“She’s going to be a heartbreaker, Sam.”

“That’s why I’m practicing my aim with my gun,”
teased as he and Drake entered the baby’s room.

Jessica gave a loud cry. “You pick her up,
.” Samantha looked across at Drake and Janice. “She knows his voice and cries to be held every time he speaks. Definitely a daddy’s girl.”

“Can I hold her?” Drake moved to the side of the crib.

“Do you know how?” Samantha asked.

“Of course. Well, I haven’t held many babies. But it can’t be hard.”

Samantha laughed and, reaching in, picked her daughter up and put her in Drake’s arms. “Just be sure and support her head.”

Apparently surprised to see another man holding her instead of daddy, Jessica stopped crying and stared at Drake. She blinked her bright, blue eyes, put her thumb into her mouth, and went to sleep.

touched his shoulder and said quietly, “You’re a natural, old man.”

Janice stared at the awe on Drake’s face. He raised his head and their eyes met. Something shifted in Janice’s heart, and she knew her life had changed forever.


* * * *

The men had said good night and retreated to
’s study. They left Samantha and Janice to visit. Samantha popped corn, turned on an old movie for background noise, and joined Janice on the long, soft sofa.

“Tell me everything,” Samantha said.

“About what?” Janice said, playing coy.

“Spill the beans. I saw your face in the nursery. You’re in love with him.”

“I am. He charged my fortress and knocked all my defenses down.”

“Are you glad?”

“I think so. We’ll see how it all works out.”

“Do you want marriage and children? I’d say from his expression today while holding Jessica that he’s ready.” She laughed. “I wouldn’t have thought so two years ago when we first met him, and he looked so dark and dangerous.”

Janice grabbed a hand full of popcorn. “I know he didn’t feel that way even three months ago. I’m not sure I trust the sudden change.”

“Love can do that to you.”

“You believe he loves me?”

“Do you?”

“I’m beginning to think he does. I hope to heaven I’m right, because I’ve completely lost my heart to him.”

Samantha leaned forward and wrapped her arms around Janice. “Believe me, it will all turn out right.”

“Spoken by a wife who’s madly in love with her husband.”


Janice giggled. “Completely crazy about him. You look at
and glow.”

“I have to agree. And your day is coming.”

They ate popcorn, discussed children and love in general. But since Samantha didn’t mention the man trying to hurt her or Drake, Janice didn’t bring it up. She suspected
had refrained from telling Samantha so she wouldn’t worry.


* * * *

“Here are the papers.”
slid the contracts across the desk to Drake. “Look them over and, if you agree, sign on the dotted line, and you’ll own a ranch.” He strolled across the room and poured two glasses of bourbon, bringing one to Drake.

Drake read through the contract and signed at the bottom.
witnessed his signature.

“You have to be at the title company at three tomorrow, and they’ll finish up the process.”
took a sip of his drink. “Drake, are you sure you’re going to be happy settling on a ranch, giving up the excitement of your job?”

“If you’d asked me a few months ago, I’d have said hell no.”

“I gather Janice changed your mind.”

“She did. And today I’m surer than that first day I called you.”

“I’m glad you’re going to be nearby. What’s happening with the stalker?”

“He’s covered his tracks. But Brent is good. If there’s a clue, he’ll find it.”

“Be careful.”

“I always am.” Drake sipped his whiskey and studied his friend. “You gave up a lot to move back here.”

“No. I gained a lot.”

“You don’t miss the rat race?”

“Not a minute.”

“Neither will I. All I have to do now is convince Janice she won’t miss it, either.”

finished his drink. “Let’s go get the girls.”

Samantha and Janice had fallen asleep on the couch.
scooped his wife up and took her to bed. Drake carried Janice to their room, placed her in bed, and moved his body against her sexy backside.

“Go back to sleep, honey,” he whispered in her ear when she stirred. “We have a big day tomorrow. You get your surprise.”

“I know, it’s probably a horse. I have to learn to ride,” she mumbled the words.

He chuckled. Her eyes closed. Drake bent forward and breathed in her sweet scent. He was excited about showing her the ranch, and worried about her reaction. His arm wrapped around her middle. She was his. He’d win her heart. He never lost when he wanted something or as in this case someone so much.


* * * *

“We’re going by truck to get my surprise?”

’s loaned us his big, bad, black truck. Get in.”

“This is all very mysterious.” She stepped onto the running board and swung into the leather seat. Drake went around to the driver’s side.

“Is my surprise far?”

“It’s a few more miles than if we rode across the fields.”

“Hmm, that’s not much of a clue.” Janice stared out at the wide pastures as they rode along a paved, two-lane road. Wildflowers stretched across the land. Their scent blew in the open window. In the distance cows huddled together under a small spot of shade. The road curved around, and they crossed a short bridge over a narrow river.

“I don’t know why, but I thought we’d be heading toward town. What kind of surprise might be way out here?” And yet her heart pounded, because she suspected he had very much taken what she said to him seriously. She was sure of it when they turned into a long, tree-lined drive. The driveway curved to the right, and then stopped in front of a large ranch house.

Wide verandas circled the white, wood-frame house. The paint looked new, and four rockers stood guard at the front. Hanging baskets of mixed flowers lent color to the porch.

Drake turned to her. “And I quote, ‘you’d have to buy a ranch, change your career, want children to make me believe you were serious enough for me to take a chance.’ Is this enough to convince you? I bought this for
. Town folks call it the old Simpson place. We’ll have to come up with another name.”

He nodded toward the house. “I’m going to be a rancher. I want children, more than ever since holding Jessica last night, and most important, I love you.”

BOOK: Cameron, Paige - The Billionaire Rancher Buys a Wife [Wives for the Western Billionaires 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)
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