Cameron, Paige - Commando Cowboys Rescue Their Bride [Wyoming Warriors 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance) (4 page)

BOOK: Cameron, Paige - Commando Cowboys Rescue Their Bride [Wyoming Warriors 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)
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“Anything for you, darlin’.” He gave her a wink and motioned the men out of the room. Justin and the other man, who had the sexy voice, hesitated, but once Daren frowned and nodded again, they followed him out.

“What happened?” Morgan asked her friends.

Sara sat on the bed. “Do you remember anything?”

“It’s coming back. I was unhappy, mad at myself for going to Bill’s party. Ellen”—she frowned at her friend—“was too busy to go with me.”

“You know I had to work, Morgan.”

“I know. It’s my own fault. I was lonely, and I’d been staying home a lot lately. Anyway, I asked for a virgin daiquiri because I didn’t want my head fuzzy, and then I ate. Shortly afterwards I got sick. How did I get here?”

Jack stepped to the bedside. “Let me check her vitals, and then I’ll let you ladies talk.”

“Who are you?” Morgan asked.

“I’m a physician. David asked me to check on you.”

Morgan watched him closely as he took her blood pressure and listened to her heart. “Am I all right?”

“You’re going to be fine. I’ll leave and let you three visit.”

“Drink some water.” Ellen leaned across and put the straw in her mouth. “You’re dehydrated, and this will help flush out the drug they gave you.”

“Drug?” Morgan raised up in the bed.

Sara put her arms around Morgan and laid her back down. “Relax. All your questions will be answered eventually. You need to rest, eat, let us care for you.”

“Just one more question? Who’s the blond guy who just walked out of here?”

“You must mean David,” Sara said. “He, Daren, Jack, and Justin are friends.”

Ellen glanced across the bed and frowned. “That seems very strange. I guess he’s from Wyoming, too? There have been more men from Wyoming coming through our town lately.”

Sara shrugged. “I don’t know David that well. I have no idea what he’s doing in Rhodes Creek.”

“That’s where I saw him,” Morgan exclaimed. “One day a week or so ago, he came into Bill’s office.”

“Look, you need to rest,” Sara said. “Ellen will sit with you, and I’ll be right outside if you need me.” Sara looked across at Ellen. She nodded in agreement.

The room was quiet after Sara left. Ellen started to let go of Morgan’s hand. She stopped her.

“I’ve missed you and Sara.”

“I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you today.”

“You had to work. I understand.”

Ellen stared away from Morgan. “I didn’t really. I’ve been out of sorts, so I’ve volunteered to work more. I miss our threesome. Sara was the middle that held us together.”

“I know.”

“Rest. I’ll be right here in this chair.” She motioned toward a lounge chair by the window.

Morgan closed her eyes. Her head hurt, and she was confused in her mind and her heart. She let sleep pull her under.

* * * *

“All right, Ethan, tell us what’s been happening,” Daren said.

Justin, Sara, Jack, and Daren were seated around him. Ethan waited a moment, putting his thoughts together. “I infiltrated the group several weeks ago. It took some investment of money, as you know. Justin, you were right about Bill. I’m sorry to say he’s right in the middle of it all, but he’s not the head guy.”

Daren leaned forward. “You think he knows who is?”

“I’m not sure. I suspect the one we want is very clever, and few know his identity. Bill’s not that far up the chain. As far as I can see he got into this about eighteen months ago or thereabouts.”

“Is Morgan involved?” Justin asked.

“Until yesterday, I didn’t see how she couldn’t be. I think she handles the finances.” Ethan glanced at Sara. “But at the party there had been a definite agenda to knock her out and give her to a man who calls himself Mr. Brown.”

“Not very creative,” Justin mumbled. “Why would Bill allow that? From what she told me, she’s worked for him for years.”

“She has.” Sara spoke up. “About six years. Right after college we all decided to come here. I’d had an offer of a teaching job, and Ellen got one from the lab where she still works.”

“If she graduated college with you two why did she settle for working as a secretary for Bill?” Justin asked.

“I’m not sure. You’ll have to ask her yourself.”

“What are your plans from here?” Daren asked Ethan.

“Bill wants to meet with me, Monday. He threatened to put me out of the group until I mentioned withdrawing my money. Apparently, Mr. Brown had paid him a handsome sum for Morgan.”

Justin sat up straight. “I’ll kill him.”

Daren raised his eyebrows. “Strange comment from a man who doesn’t like her.”

Red-faced, Justin sank back into his chair.

“I don’t like people talking about me behind my back.” Morgan stepped into the room, leaning heavily on Ellen.

All Ethan’s blood went straight down to his dick. She’d put on his dark blue silk robe and tied it tight around her small waist. The soft material hugged every curve, and then fell into a puddle around her feet. He wanted to pick her up and carry her away, lie down with her, and bury himself in her sweet, hot pussy. He tightened his hands around the arms of his chair to keep from striding across the room, throwing her over his shoulder, and disappearing into his bedroom. Ethan glanced at Justin and saw the same hunger reflected on his face.

“My question for you all is, can I trust you?” Morgan faced them, head held high. She looked at each one of them directly. “I know Sara does, but Justin’s behavior didn’t foster trust, and I hadn’t met Jack until today. David did rescue me.”

Her glance stopped briefly at Justin. She tipped her chin higher, frowned, and moved on. When she got to Ethan, she frowned again.

“Did you rescue me because you’re a good guy, or because you suspected I’m involved in something sinister and you could get information from me?”

“Perhaps a little of both,” Ethan acknowledged.

He saw her flinch, stiffen, and look away. Maybe it was best. They had a job to do. He needed distance between them. Internally, he focused his thoughts, pulled himself in, and tried to bury his emotion.

Chapter Three

Morgan saw the change in David’s expression. She forced her legs to move forward and sat beside Sara on the couch. Sara squeezed her hand.

Ellen still stood in the doorway, looking puzzled. “This seems to be a good time for me to leave. I believe you all have things to discuss, and I’m in the way.” She glanced at Morgan. “I’ll call later.”

Sara walked to the door with her and gave her a hug. “I’ll keep in touch.”

Ellen reached for the doorknob. Jack put his hand over hers.

“Thanks for the help. You won’t talk about anything you saw or heard here today.” It wasn’t a question, but a command.

“I came to check on my friend.” Ellen stiffened and frowned at him. “I saw her, and now I’m going home.”

“Good.” He stepped back and she opened the door. “We’ll meet again, Ellen.”

“I seriously doubt it.”

The group sat silent for several seconds after she left. Morgan had leaned back against the sofa and closed her eyes.

She smelled his particular scent before he spoke.

“I’ll help you back to bed.” David hovered over her.

“No. I have something to say. Then I’ll have Sara drive me home.”

“I can’t allow you to be home alone.”

“You have no say in the matter.” She glared at David.

“Well, it’s either me or Justin. Take your pick.”

“Enough! Sit down,” Daren ordered. “We have serious problems with this job. Morgan, whether you like it or not, because David chose to rescue you, you are now part of this group.”

“I don’t understand any of this. One minute I’m thinking about telling Bill I was going to leave, and the next I’m sick and passed out.”

“What kind of business is Bill really in?” Daren asked.

“He deals in electronics.”

“Come on. You know there is more to his business than simple import and export.”

“I resent your tone, Daren.”

“Your boss is involved in an international spy ring, and we suspect is procuring arms for our enemies. If you don’t want to talk with us, we’ll let you talk to the CIA.”

“What?” Morgan’s face went pale.

Sara slid close beside her and put her arms around her friend. “Daren, you didn’t have to frighten her. You know she isn’t a part of their outfit.”

“No I don’t, Sara. She’s your friend, but you don’t know what’s been going on this past year.”

Sara turned and faced Daren. “I believe in her.”

“Listen,” Ethan interrupted. “Let me talk with Morgan alone. You all go away for a while, go eat or something.”

He locked eyes with Daren.

Daren took a breath. “All right. You have an hour. When we come back we’ll discuss where we go from here.”

They all started going out the door. Justin stopped for a second, started to say something, but went on out. Daren was the last to go. He glanced across at Morgan, pale and motionless on the couch. “Are you thinking with your dick or your brain?” he snapped.

“What do you think, boss?”

He chuckled, easing the tension. “A bit of both, I suspect. I noticed when you tried to settle down and cut out the emotion. This is too new for you. I should send you and Justin both back to the ranch.” He let the words hang in the air. “But, I won’t. I have faith you’ll do the right thing.”

“Thanks,” Ethan said.

Daren clicked the door shut and Ethan listened to hear the elevator door open and close. When he turned, he found Morgan had stretched out on the sofa and was sound asleep.

“Time to wake up, princess. We have one hour, and a lot to talk about.” He raised her to a sitting position, then picked her up in his arms. He carried her down the hall and into his bedroom, strode across to the open door to his bath, and sat Morgan on a padded stool by the sink. He held her upright.

“Wake up.”

She blinked her eyes open. “I’m still sleepy.”

“Sit right here. I have something that will help.” He reached around the glass block wall to the shower controls and turned on the cold with just a little warm. Standing her up, he took his robe off of her. He’d already removed her dress, before he had put her in bed. She swayed in front of him dressed in a tiny bra and matching lace panties.

Her rosy nipples taunted him through the thin fabric. He reached behind and unfastened the clip and drew the bra away. Her perfect, full breasts tempted him to touch and taste, but when he finally made love to her, she’d be fully awake and agreeable. Moving quickly, he removed her panties, sat her back down while he stripped, and then, carrying her, stepped into the cool water.

“That’s cold. Let me out of here,” Morgan yelled as soon as the water cascaded over her face and body.

“As soon as you get fully awake, I’ll let you get out.”

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