Callie Marries Four Brothers (4 page)

Read Callie Marries Four Brothers Online

Authors: Nikki Palmer

Tags: #virgin sex, #future erotica, #nikki palmer, #multiple partners, #polyandry

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Callie shook her head. “No,
and if any of your husbands hurt you in any way, you can report
them. Every girl deserves to be with men who treat her like a

Jocelyn grinned. “So,
William was the one to pop your cherry?”

Actually, they had already
agreed to let Daniel go first. They wanted me to be more
comfortable the first time.”

Wow, that’s the sweetest
thing I’ve ever heard,” Maisy said. “You got good

Callie grinned widely. “I


When she arrived home, she
found that Daniel, who was a student at an online university, had
cleaned the house and made dinner. “My role in the family, until I
finish school, is to keep up with household chores. It’s a pain,
but it will take some of the pressure off of you until you get out
of school, and when the babies start coming. We’re hoping it will
mean more turns for each of us between your legs,” he said laughing
when she blushed.

I do have a lot of
homework tonight,” she said quietly. “I’d better get started on
that now, so we can get started on each other right after dinner.”
She gave him a slow wink to let him know that no matter how
embarrassed she was, she was looking forward to the night with her

Do you need any help?” he

No, I’m good. I just need
some time to actually do it. Taking a day off of school to get
married really put me behind.” She had a stack of make-up work that
she needed to get done tonight.

Well, why don’t you work
until dinner, which is in about two hours? If you’re not done by
dinner time, one of us will help you, so we can get to the good
part of the evening,” he said.

She smiled and sat at the
dining room table and started working. She had just closed her last
book, when Daniel came in to set the table.

Let me help with that,”
she said.

Why don’t you go and
change from your school clothes into your sexy wife clothes,” he
suggested. “Then right after dinner, you and I can go and have some

She hadn’t seen the other
brothers since she’d arrived home, but she knew they all had jobs
that required them to work outside the home. Soon, Nate arrived
home, seeking her out while she was changing and kissing her
quickly. “I hope you’re feeling frisky tonight, because I would
love another turn, and you have to do two of my brothers before

She grinned. “I’ll try to
fit you all into my busy schedule,” she told him.

Oh, good! I didn’t want to
have to make a date with Mr. Hand.” He held his hand up and moved
it slowly in a back and forth motion leaving her in no doubt about
what he meant.

She blushed at his words. “I
don’t want any of you to have to date Mr. Hand anymore. I’ll do my
best to take care of all your needs.”

You are going to have one
busy pussy, then!” He kissed her quickly again and went off to get

She sighed and walked out to
join the others for dinner. As soon as they were finished, she
stood to help clear the table.

William stopped her. “We’ve
got the dishes. Go and take care of Daniel. We’d each love to have
a turn tonight. If we can take your household chores from you,
maybe you’ll have more energy for the good part of married

Tomorrow night, since none
of us have to work or go to school on Saturday, maybe we can all be
together on my bed,” she suggested with a blush.

William grinned. “We’d love
that!” He kissed her and patted her butt, then turned her in the
direction of her bedroom.

She went into the bedroom
and Daniel followed her. “It feels so strange to come in here to
fuck you when all of them know exactly what we’re doing.” She
wondered if it would bother him that she’d asked the others to join
them the following night.

He just laughed at that. “Of
course they know what we’re doing. And I know what you’re doing
with each of them. It’s our way of life. I think we all love the
idea of having a huge session with all five of us,

She nodded. She’d put on a
white silk nightgown that she’d been given as a wedding gift. She
seemed to have a drawer full of similar items. She wasn’t sure if
her husbands had purchased them or other friends, but it didn’t
really matter. She had a feeling they’d be all she’d wear around
the house for a while.

Daniel walked up behind her,
wrapping his arms around her and roaming his hands over her tits.
He thrust his hard cock against her ass. He was still wearing the
jeans and t-shirt that he’d worked in that day, so she couldn’t
feel him as well as she would have liked.

She turned in his arms, her
hands immediately going to work on the opening of his jeans. “I’m
ready for you to make love to me, Daniel,” she said. “Let’s get
these clothes off of you.”

Daniel grinned happily. He
was thrilled to see that Callie was such a lustful wife. It was
exactly what he and his brothers needed.

He left her silky gown in
place, liking the way it looked. He brushed her hands away from his
crotch and quickly stripped. She sat down on the edge of the bed to
watch. She couldn’t believe that at this time yesterday, she’d been
embarrassed to see his prick, and now she couldn’t wait to have it
inside her.

All day, all she’d been able
to think about was how good it felt to have a nice hard dick moving
in and out of her cunt. She’d spent the whole day with wet panties
as a result. She leaned back on her hands and enjoyed the show.
Tomorrow night, she was going to invited have them all in here, she
reminded herself with a grin.

Daniel pulled her up and had
her bend over the bed with her palms flat. “I think you’ll like it
this way, Callie.”

She did as she was told,
sticking her ass up in the air for him. He moved her legs a little
further apart, and thrust deeply into her. She was already dripping
wet and he groaned as soon as he was fully embedded. He took her
hips in his hands and pulled her on and off of him.

Oh, Daniel, that’s
wonderful! I love it when you fuck me!” she moaned. She imagined
his brothers in front of her. William was kissing her. Nathan had
one of her tits in his mouth and Jason had the other. Oh, yeah.
Tomorrow night she was doing them all at once.

He moved in and out of her
quickly, and shot his load just before she could finish. “I’m
sorry, Callie. Do you want me to use my hand to finish you?” he
asked. He seemed embarrassed that he hadn’t been able to hold out,
but she didn’t mind at all.

No, just get William,” she
said. “It’s not a big deal if I don’t finish because there’s always
someone waiting with a hard cock.” She hugged him quickly. “I don’t
mind. Really.”

I’ll do better next time,
Callie,” he said. She kissed his cheek.

When I’m finished with the
others, will you sleep with me again, Daniel? Will the others mind
if I always sleep with you as long as I don’t do you more often
than them?”

Daniel shook his head. “No,
they know we’re in love. It’s not a big deal to them as long as
they get their turns in your pussy.”

Okay,” she said. “Come
back then.” She kissed him quickly and then sat down on the edge of
the bed to wait for her next husband.

After she was done with all
of the others, she felt Daniel crawl into bed behind her and pull
her spoon position against him. She was utterly exhausted. She’d
come seven times between his three brothers. He stroked her through
her nightgown.

I love you, Callie,” he

I love you too, Daniel.”
She did love Daniel. She was rapidly beginning to love his brothers
too. Maybe it was a weird lifestyle compared to generations past,
but she was glad that she lived in this one. She got to fuck four
men in a night, and everyone thought that was a good thing. She
sighed contentedly. Life was going to be good now that she was

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