Caller of Light (28 page)

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Authors: Tj Shaw

Tags: #Fantasy, #Medieval

BOOK: Caller of Light
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She nodded, but kept her head buried in his shoulder as he led her into the castle, leaving the door open for servants to close. When they reached the staircase for the master suites, he swept her into his arms. She linked her arms around his neck and murmured his name.

He wanted to go slow so they could get reacquainted, but holding her was too much. He was kissing her by the time he burst into the bedchamber, kicking the door shut behind them. She responded with an eagerness that fueled the desire racing through his blood.

He set her down beside the bed, his hands and mouth never leaving her body. She pressed against him, but he couldn’t get enough of her. His lips whispered down her face. She moaned and bent her head, giving him access to the elegant curve of her throat. He shrugged out of his duster and resumed his exploration. He was a man parched with need and Carina was the cool water who would replenish his body and soul.

She shivered when his hands traveled underneath her riding tunic, and gasped when he nibbled an earlobe. She pulled his shirt out of his pants to touch his skin. Her hands glided up to his shoulders before her fingernails raked down his back, the pleasure-pain sensation driving him crazy. His cock swelled and throbbed. His teeth grazed along her jaw until he found her mouth and his tongue darted inside. He ravaged her with a savage, uncontrollable hardness, taking her breath into his lungs before replenishing her with his own.

With a teasing smile, her fingers skimmed up the sides of his body. He fisted his hands and struggled to remain still so she could remove his shirt. He trembled when her fingers breezed across his chest and stomach.

Although strangely pleased that he could endure the torment of Carina’s curiosity, even a god couldn’t withstand the need he held at bay. He savored the sensations from her touch, but his pulsing cock acted as a painful reminder of the desperation taking control of his body. So, when she glided a hand across his nipples, the time for tolerance was over.

He grabbed her riding tunic and yanked it over her head. Smothering kisses down her chest, he released the clasps to her undergarment and let it fall to the floor. She unbuckled his belt while he slid her pants down her hips and stepped out of his leathers. Desire, and a bit of fear, burned in her dark eyes. His thumb swept across her swollen lips before caressing down her jaw. Immersing his hand in her jumbled hair, he lowered his head until his mouth almost touched hers.

“You’re beautiful,” he murmured. Lifting her into his arms, he placed her on the bed and lay beside her. His mouth captured a breast and sucked while his hand squeezed the other. She moaned and arched her back, digging her fingers into his hair. Her body reacted to his touch with an enthusiasm that shot straight to his groin as if the Gods had made her especially for him. His tongue rolled over a nipple and she whimpered. Her rapid heartbeat heightened his desire and he plundered her parted lips.

She reciprocated by wrapping her arms around his neck and plunging her tongue into his mouth. He slipped two fingers inside her and she cried out, bucking against him with her hips. His cock surged. Gods, how he wanted her. His lips foraged down the front of her while his fingers moved inside her. She was slick and ready. Her every moan and gasp beckoned him to lose himself within the silky heat of her body. He clenched his teeth as hot blood lengthened his already engorged shaft.

Her hair cascading on the pillow around her, reminded him of the seductive nymphs of legend whose beauty would drive men insane. With her eyes closed, her eyelashes acted like small fans against her skin. Her breathing came in short, panting gasps. One hand, across the small of his back, held him tight while her other hand dug into the sheets until a twisted bunch of linen lay trapped within her fist. Her hips moved in rhythm with his fingers. He stared at her in wonder, memorizing her forever in his mind.


Liquid fire sizzled through her veins. His hands and lips were the spark, igniting her body wherever he touched. She was losing herself within his caress, his kiss…within the very essence of the man who could make her heart stumble with a sideways glance. And when his mouth covered hers, she returned his kiss with greedy lips until she had to break away to gulp air. But that didn’t stop him.

He moved to her jaw then to her ear. His hand traced along her thigh and slid over the curls between her legs. She gasped when his fingers entered her causing the ache building in her belly to explode. The yearning for him magnified the more his fingers moved inside her.

He brushed his lips across hers. “This time will be different,” he whispered with a sheepish smile.

Did he blush? As she gazed into his blazing eyes, her warrior king seemed hesitant. Concern, that simple display of compassion, pushed her over the edge. No one had ever shown such care for her wellbeing until Marek, who even now struggled to control his desire. She could no longer deny what her heart knew. She loved him. Her love was absolute. A part of her soul now belonged to another. A secret piece of her beating heart she treasured most, given away. She was the maiden and he, her champion, who unlike Azriel had the courage to claim her.

Basic emotions dominated her, coursing through her body in wild, uncontainable beats. She cried out when his teeth grazed across a sensitized nipple before seizing the other one. His mouth nibbled and sucked while his fingers and hands manipulated her body like a puppet. She pleaded for him to stop his unrelenting assault that had her teetering on the precipice, and satisfy the longing ravaging her body. She bucked and thrashed underneath him.

“Marek, I need you inside me…” she trailed off, lost to the passion consuming her. He covered her, the hard thickness of his shaft pressing against her. She spread her legs, begging him to stop the ache. He pushed his tip inside her and paused.

She grabbed his shoulders and opened her eyes. His rugged beauty stole the breath from her lungs. “Please…” she implored.
The desire he’d nurtured within her burned out of control. And the longer he denied her, the more the flames scorched her.

He leaned forward and tracked kisses down her jaw. His breath tickled when he murmured in her ear. “As you wish.”

In a fluid movement, he thrust deep inside her. She screamed, welcoming his thickness. He plunged inside her again and again. She wrapped her legs around his waist giving him deeper access, and dug her fingernails into his shoulders. The pressure inside her grew, swelling and expanding until every cell within her shouted for release, but she refused to let go. She flung her arms wide and seized the headboard, pushing against the iron bars in rhythm with Marek’s thrusts, propelling him deeper.

She opened her eyes at the intensity of emotion racing through her. Unable to contain the rising force, she yielded to the wave crashing over her, racking her body with spasms. She rode the sensations ripping through her as Marek drove into her until he tensed and cried out. His body trembled. He collapsed on top of her and dropped his head to her shoulder, his breath hot against her neck.

She held him as the rise and fall of his chest slowed. Stroking his broad back with lazy fingers, she listened to their breathing return to normal while little tremors rippled through her. If she died this very moment, her last prayer would be to thank the Gods for giving her Marek.

He adjusted his weight and stroked her cheek before bending over to kiss it. “Carina,” he whispered. The timbre of his voice shot through her like a brilliant star, blinding her even though her eyes remained closed. His teeth scraped along her jaw. “Carina,” he murmured against her skin.

Unable to resist, she opened her eyes. The corners of his mouth twitched upward, and she smiled at his self-satisfied grin. Sleep lurked at the edge of her mind and her eyes flickered closed. For a day that had started out with such sadness, the wonderful turn of events left her exhausted as weeks of not sleeping caught up with her. She wanted to fall to sleep wrapped in Marek’s arms, but could sense his penetrating gaze, waiting for her to speak.

She lifted her heavy lids and cupped his face with her hands. He turned his head and kissed her palm broadcasting small shivers down her arm. Her tongue felt thick and heavy, but somehow she whispered his name. He leaned forward, his head only inches from hers. Oh, how she loved him this close. She stared at the amazing man covering her.

“My Marek,” she murmured again.

“Aye, luv.” An undercurrent of concern threaded through his voice.

do that again.” She sighed and dropped her arms to the bed. Her eyes fluttered closed and a peaceful quiet settled over her.

Marek’s laughter filled her heart as he grabbed her and rolled so she rested on top of him. She nuzzled into his shoulder while his muscular arms insulated her in a shelter of contentment.

37 – CALL of the CRITON

As if he’d never left, Marek took to the air on FireStrike as the sun rose with Carina cradled between his legs. They traveled far and fast so he could re-familiarize himself with the terrain. Although the season of rebirth was upon the Mother Source, a chill hung in the morning air. But Carina seemed warm enough snuggled against his chest. Saffron had hated Criton riding, so having Carina share his passion was an unexpected pleasure. As they flew over his land, peace bathed his heart in a warm glow.

Somehow, Carina had become part of his existence. Just like the air he breathed, he could no longer imagine a life without her. Her laughter brightened his soul. He buried his face in her hair, smiling at his sudden revelation. She’d been created for him, and he for her. He couldn’t turn back even if he wanted to. She’d imprinted herself in his mind and burned her spirit into his heart. He’d never known such happiness.

As he wrapped an arm around her, he realized how empty his life had been before her. Carina had shown him what it was like to enjoy the company of someone so much it hurt to be apart. Her quarters were no longer necessary. He’d have the servants move her belongings into his chambers.

He spotted the mountain marking the edge of his northern border and guided FireStrike toward it. Steep, vertical sides contrasted with the trees and grass peppering the top of the flat peak. After FireStrike landed, he jumped off and reached for Carina. Holding her hand, he led her to the ledge overlooking a meadow with a wide, meandering stream.

“You can see forever,” Carina whispered.

He stood behind her, enjoying her weight as she leaned against him, and pointed toward the morning sun. “Aye, if you look in this direction, you can see the lands of Saffron’s father.” He turned her 90 degrees. “And if you look over here, you can see the forest marking the border of King Gaiwane’s lands. This is an excellent strategic viewing spot.”

Carina laughed. “It’s also a wonderful place to enjoy the beauty of the land.”

He wrapped his arms around her and dipped his head to whisper, “Aye, that too.”


She shivered at Marek’s voice rumbling in her ear, and smiled. Her traitorous body would always give her away. She wanted to focus on the sensations zinging around inside her, but FireStrike bumping them from behind distracted her.

Marek released her to stroke FireStrike’s sleek neck. “Don’t worry, my friend. I won’t forget about you.” The Criton lowered his head, begging for attention, and Marek scratched behind his ear.

She watched the interaction between man and beast. Marek had wrapped his arm underneath FireStrike’s neck while FireStrike stood over him, and both scanned the meadow below. An overwhelming sense of rightness enveloped her. Out of all the Critons and men traveling this world, they’d found each other without the help of the Caller. What an amazing feat. Her heart swelled and tears threatened. Why was she so emotional? As if on cue, both turned to stare at her. She giggled at Marek’s toothy grin.

Although the nightmares had ended, the image of Marek bursting into flames would still resurface in her mind during the quiet, tranquility of night. She’d lie in bed, her lungs constricted to the point she couldn’t breathe as the flames consumed him. She tried to turn off her mind’s eye, but the flames were unrelenting. Each time she witnessed his death a burning tendril would lash out and strike her too, vaporizing her heart. Once the flames finished tormenting her and the vision died to just smoldering embers, she’d draw comfort in the heavy weight of Marek’s arm draped over her and the steel wall of his chest pressed against her back until the steady rhythm of his breathing lulled her to sleep.

At first, she cowered from the flames, praying for them to disappear. But their cruel persistence had ignited a spark within her and each night that ember grew until she no longer feared the fire. Burrowing into Marek’s body, she’d curse the flames and dare the living inferno to try its best.

She shuddered, shaking her head to clear her thoughts from the ominous path they had traveled as Marek stepped from under FireStrike’s neck. He pulled the bridle over FireStrike’s head and uncinched the saddle before trailing his hand along the Criton’s body to the pack on his hindquarters. With two pulls of a string, the pack dropped into Marek’s hands. Holding the pack with one hand, he slapped FireStrike’s rump with the other and the magnificent beast jumped off the edge. The breath rushed out of her lungs as she watched the spectacular, red Criton soar toward the meadow below.

Marek reached out with his free arm and hauled her close. “He’ll be happier exploring instead of staying up here with us.”

“And just what are we going to do?” she asked turning to face him, linking her arms around his waist. Aware they were alone, she nuzzled his neck. With ill-behaved fingers, she slipped her hands underneath his shirt to enjoy unhindered access to the muscular curves of his back. She smiled at his intake of air.

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