Caledonia Fae 04- Druid Lords (7 page)

Read Caledonia Fae 04- Druid Lords Online

Authors: India Drummond

Tags: #Fantasy, #urban fantasy

BOOK: Caledonia Fae 04- Druid Lords
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The announcement surprised Munro. “But surely it’s better for the Andenans to integrate into Caledonian society fully. By keeping themselves apart, wouldn’t it appear Koen wanted to set up a kingdom within a kingdom?”

The two princes gasped and the others stayed silent, but Griogair chuckled. “My friend,” he said. “You have hit on the truth immediately.” He smiled at the two princes. “Of course our queen’s new subjects will not wish to appear to desire the destabilisation of her reign. I’m sure they will agree they must stand shoulder-to-shoulder with Caledonians.”

“This is outrageous,” Prince Estobar interjected. “To suggest anything untoward about our request is an appalling insult.”

The atmosphere in the room grew tense and silent. Eilidh gripped the arms of her throne. “I insult you? I have offered your son the protection of my bloodline.”

“Which we all know you were forced to do,” Estobar countered, “or risk losing the Andenan gates to Queen Konstanze.” He shrugged slightly. “There is no reason not to speak the truth.”

“The truth?” Griogair asked.

“In fact, I suspect if our negotiations fail, the Stone might choose to send our people to Konstanze even now.”

Suddenly, Munro understood. Estobar was jockeying to use the situation to get as much influence and power in Caledonia as he could scrape together. Munro felt Eilidh’s fury ripple through their bond. The uncomfortable silence stretched as Eilidh worked to collect herself.

Munro turned to Koen. “Did you know the Source Stone was druid made?” He kept the question light, but he held the attention of every faerie in the room.

“No,” the prince said. “I hadn’t realised. Your people have achieved more than many suspected possible,” he said slowly, as though choosing his words with care.

“Do you understand how it works?” Munro asked. “How it determines when to shift and to whom?”

“No,” Koen said again. He glanced at his father, then back to Munro expectantly.

Rather than answer, Munro nodded. “No, I thought not.” He said nothing more, but left the implication hanging. Doubt played across Estobar’s angular features.

“Of course,” Estobar interjected. “We would much rather ally with Caledonia than Ashkyne.”

“Ally?” Eilidh said, sitting forward on her throne. “You imply we are equals and that you are more than refugees, subjects of a queen murdered by her own people for her greed and incompetence.”

Prince Koen paled and stepped back a half-pace as though Eilidh had slapped him.

Eilidh softened her tone. “Caledonia has offered you refuge, Prince Koen, despite the crimes your mother committed, and our offer stands. However, your father’s words indicate you may harbour second thoughts. If you do not wish to become my mate, third to Prince Griogair and Lord Druid Quinton Munro, I will not force you. You may stay in Caledonia as any of my subjects or find a place in another kingdom. Surely some queen will agree to take you in, despite your reckless treatment of Caledonia’s offer. No matter what you choose, remember this: the portal has closed. The gates will not shift again today.”

Koen looked back to his father, but Munro shouted, “Boy!” The startled young Prince met his harsh glare. “The queen is talking to you. Are you a child? Do not show her disrespect by turning away. Speak for yourself and let your answer be your own.”

With effort, Koen tore his gaze away from Munro and met Eilidh’s eyes again. “Of course, Your Majesty. I’m honoured by your offer and will, as I pledged, become your mate.” He placed his hand over his heart and bowed at the waist.

“Very well,” Eilidh said. “You shall take your place in Canton Dreich with me and my first mate, Griogair. The joint-conclave will see to your people. Former Andenans are now Caledonians and will be treated with the same heart as any in my kingdom.”

Prince Estobar once more interrupted. “Your Majesty,” he said. “I’m delighted all will be as you have promised. I would ask one small request, to seal the formality.”

“Yes?” she said, her voice tight and her patience clearly wearing thin.

“I ask that the bonding to my son happen right away. Tomorrow or tonight even. My son and I have little need for a large, lavish ceremony as you might undoubtedly wish to hold. However, we are content for you to simply keep your word and to become your subjects. My son would find it unbearable to go any extended amount of time outside the embrace of your bloodline. I might even suggest that when you visit the new gates Andena added to your kingdom, you and Koen will be able to cement your pledge by offering a sacrifice to the Mother of the Earth together as mates.”

Munro had to credit the guy’s audacity. First he wanted basically his own fiefdom within Caledonia, and when that didn’t work, he tried to make his son Eilidh’s second mate, not her third. The real topper, though, was him suggesting Koen should have an immediate opportunity to give her a child.

“As you are surely aware, I am taking Lord Druid Quinton Munro as my second mate in less than a week,” Eilidh said.

“Of course!” Estobar said. “We are aware of your intention to take a human mate. I would never suggest you alter those momentous plans.”

“I will wed your son at the
Festival of Meir
in thirteen moons’ time.” She paused a beat. “And, Prince Estobar, when I choose to visit the borderlands with my mates is a private matter and not open for discussion.”

“Of course, Your Majesty,” Prince Estobar said, giving no indication of frustration or disappointment in her refusal. “As a gesture of good faith, I will inform you now, the gate that leads to the borderlands the humans know as Belgium is unstable. Queen—” He paused and corrected himself. “Vinye had forbidden its use and did her best to ward and seal it.”

Eilidh tilted her head, considering. “Do you know what is amiss with the gate?” she asked.

Estobar shook his head. “No, Your Majesty. I bring it up because with Vinye gone, her protective wards will have failed. I am sure you will know what to do to safeguard Caledonians from harm by using this unstable borderlands entrance.”

“Thank you for informing me. Now, I am certain you wish to get settled,” Eilidh said. Her face went momentarily vacant as it did when she was communicating telepathically. “Our head steward is on his way. He will show you and your son to your rooms.” She stood and turned to Griogair and Munro. “Shall we retire so we can speak privately?”

“Your Majesty?” Estobar said, somewhat more tentatively than before. “If you are going to have a conference with your mate and bonded druid, perhaps Koen should also attend?”

Eilidh laughed, startling the older faerie. “Good morn, Prince Estobar. I hope you and your son will find your transition comfortable. The sun is rising, and we are all tired. Take the day to rest. I will speak with you both after the first evening meal.” Without giving him further opportunity to reply, she quickly departed through the back archway. Munro and Griogair stepped after her.

She didn’t slow her pace until she’d reached her private rooms. As soon as the three of them were alone in the cosy chamber none would dare enter without an invitation, she sighed. “I’m so sorry,” she said. “I’m so very sorry.”

“Hey,” Munro said, and pulled her into an embrace. “None of that. You did the right thing.” Just a half hour before, he’d felt annoyed and conflicted. After seeing how Estobar tried to manipulate her, he had an idea of what she was up against. She must dread the thought of taking Koen as a mate.

She melted into his arms with the kind of vulnerability she only ever showed to these two. She tilted her chin up and looked into Munro’s eyes. “I sensed how angry you were when I proposed to him.”

“Not angry. Surprised.”

She turned to Griogair. “And you. I can’t sense your thoughts, but I know you well enough, my mate. My decision didn’t please you either.” She slid out of Munro’s arms and sank into a long, low seat and kicked her slippers off.

Griogair sat beside her and slipped an arm around her, kissing her on the cheek. “You are a queen. You made a difficult decision. I have never been more proud to be your mate as I was today.”

“Besides,” Munro said, “this Koen kid is a lightweight. If he gets out of hand, Griogair and I can take him, easy.”

A tired smile crept over Eilidh’s face. “It would be better if you took him under your wing. He will need help and guidance. Estobar has too much sway over Koen and will meddle at every turn.”

Munro made a face. “I’m not sure you want the kid learning from me. I’m not a good influence.”

Griogair chuckled. “We’ll do what we can. Won’t we, Munro?”

“Oh, all right,” he said in a mock long-suffering tone.

“Quinton,” Eilidh said, quickly becoming serious. “Why did the Stone choose me? Of all the queens, why me? Geography? That’s never been the primary reason in the past, although most queens’ borderlands are somewhat close in the human realm.”

“I don’t know,” he said. “None of us understands the Stone, but I’ll make it my priority to learn what I can. It’s so overwhelming to be near the thing. We haven’t been able to study it with any objectivity, but I’ll try. I’m sure the keepers will help.”

Griogair stroked her hand. “Do you have further need of me today, my love?” he asked. “If not, I will take my leave.”

Munro silently thanked him. The arrangement worked in no small part due to Griogair’s tact and consideration. Munro wondered once more how Koen would fit in to their strange little family.

“Good day, Griogair. I hope to see you at the first evening meal, if you have no other arrangements to attend to.” She hesitated. “I need to speak with both of you before I depart to inspect the new gates and welcome our new citizens.”

Munro glanced at Griogair. It was plain from the prince’s expression he had no idea why she would make such a request.

“Of course,” Griogair replied. “At moonrise.” He stood with grace and leaned over to kiss her on the cheek. Nodding to Munro, he departed through the archway.

Eilidh rose and went to her dressing room. After a few moments, a flurry of attendants entered. Fabric bustled as they helped her remove her ornate dress.

Although he could have attendants help him undress, take away his laundry, and prepare new clothing for him to wear come nightfall, Munro preferred to do things himself. He made his way to Eilidh’s bed chamber and sat on the edge of the swing bed. He removed his shoes one at a time, the same as he'd done when he was a beat cop in Scotland. Thinking of his old home for the first time in a long time, of the life, friends, and family he’d left behind, he glanced around the lush surroundings. He struggled to imagine himself walking into his aunt’s sitting room and having tea and cakes like he did so long ago, or being out on patrol with his old partner, PC Getty, or taking orders from Sergeant Hallward. Would they be waiting if he walked through the door?

The fleeting fantasy vanished from his mind when Eilidh swept into the bedroom, naked except for a long, sheer robe. Even with the trials and worries of her first years on the Caledonian throne, she’d bloomed since returning from exile. Although she still had the lithe frame of her race, she appeared softer, her hips slightly fuller. Living in hiding for decades had made her lean, but now she’d come into the fullness of maturity. She’d never looked lovelier.

“What were you thinking just now?” she asked as she approached. He noticed a flutter of unusual energy about her aura, but the moment passed quickly and he dismissed the distraction as a trick of his mind.

Munro shook his head and reached out to take her hand. “I was in another world.” Without missing a beat, he added, “You’re beautiful.”

The early morning sunlight streamed towards them from the outer chamber. “Liar. I’m exhausted,” she replied, and they curled up on the swing bed together. After a long, languid moment, she said, “I didn’t think you’d come.”

“Why?” he asked, genuinely surprised.

“You’ve been distant of late. I know my choice to take Koen didn’t please you.”

“I’ve been giving you and Griogair the opportunity to be together without tripping over me. Besides, it’s been hard work establishing the Druid Hall.”

Her expression turned serious. “Griogair asked you to stay away?”

“No, of course not,” he reassured her. “But he is your mate, and you love him. You deserve time alone with him.”

“I need
,” she said. “When you are across the portal from me, I feel empty. Will you return to live in Caledonia? Perhaps after we are mated?” Something in her expression and the quiver of their bond told Munro she was holding back. This was the most vulnerable he’d seen her in some time.

“I can spend more time here if that’s what you need.” He kissed her temple and she nestled into him. “We’ve had an interesting development at the Druid Hall,” he said. “Huck thinks he’s found a female druid.”

“Really?” she asked.

“We can’t be sure until we talk to her, but he said she read some runes.”

“That’s an unusual gift, even among the fae. She must be well developed. Where is she?”

“Amsterdam,” he said. “A city outside the Ashkyne borderlands. Konstanze has been giving him pretty much free reign to visit the human realm through her gates.”

“He’s travelled into our borderlands as well. My Watchers tell me he makes a few trips a month through our gates.”

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