Read Cage Match Online

Authors: Bonnie Dee

Tags: #Romance, #Gay, #Fantasy, #Science Fiction, #LGBT Futuristic Fantasy

Cage Match (12 page)

BOOK: Cage Match
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shoulder and kissed his mouth while continuing to grip his wrist hard.

Andreas angled his head, his mouth seeking a deeper kiss. He lifted his free hand

and reached back to cup Jabez‟s jaw.

Jabez felt the flex of the other man‟s wrist in his punishing grip. Lust boiled

through him, making him clutch even tighter. He wanted to leave his mark, a bracelet

of purple bruises.

Andreas moaned and squirmed against him, his ass rubbing Jabez‟s growing

erection. Mingled pain and pleasure was a powerful combination, as Jabez well knew.

He nipped Andreas‟s lower lip and squeezed his wrist until the bones creaked.

With a gasp, Andreas pulled away, eyes wide, but a moment later he attacked

Jabez‟s mouth again with a kiss that tasted of copper. Jabez let go of his wrist and

grabbed hold of his waist, then let his hand slide over the bulge in the front of his pants.

He moved his palm up and down once before latching on with a squeeze that made

Andreas gasp again.

“Too rough?”

“No! More,” he begged.


Bonnie Dee

Jabez slipped his hand under the waistband and down to the heat and warmth of

Andreas‟s cock. He seized and massaged the shaft with hard strokes, all the while

grinding his erection against Andreas‟s tailbone.

It wasn‟t nearly enough. He‟d felt the man‟s smooth skin last night and couldn‟t

be satisfied with anything less. Abruptly, he jerked down Andreas‟s pants as he‟d

imagined doing during their run. Jabez pressed his cock into the groove of Andreas‟s

ass and rubbed, exhaling a sigh of relief. He stared at the erotic sight of his dark cock

sliding against Andreas‟s pale ass.

“Fuck me now!” Andreas ground against him.

Jabez didn‟t need more invitation. He pushed Andreas over the weight bench so

his ass thrust up into the air, then went to the supply cupboard to grab the bottle of oil

for slicking their bodies when they wrestled. After pouring some on his hands, he

rubbed them together and began exploring Andreas‟s hole, inserting one finger, then

two, massaging and stretching the tiny opening. All the blood in his body raced to his

cock, leaving him light-headed and dizzy. Andreas whined and pressed onto his

fingers, his sphincter clutching them.

Jabez slicked his cock with the oil. Removing his fingers, he gazed for a second at

Andreas‟s clenching hole before guiding his cock into it. Astonishing heat surrounded

him. He pushed hard past the outer ring and into the tight channel, which gripped him

like a fist.

Andreas groaned. He cursed softly and lifted his ass higher, pushing back against

Jabez, taking him deeper and deeper. Jabez grabbed his hips and held on as he pressed

all the way inside. He didn‟t stop until his cock was entirely swallowed up. Relief

flooded through him. This was right where he belonged, exactly where he needed to be.

The sight of Andreas‟s dark, bowed head and the sweat-soaked back of his shirt

was more beautiful than a painting to Jabez. He let go of Andreas‟s hips to push up his

shirt and gaze at the expanse of his back and the ridge of his spine. He pulled out the

glistening length of his cock, then thrust again, enjoying seeing it engulfed by Andreas‟s


Out and in again. Jabez thrust into that delicious, sweet, hot ass. He held

Andreas‟s hips hard enough to leave more bruised fingerprints as he filled him again

and again. The other man grunted as Jabez hammered into him. He whimpered and

begged. “More, more, more. Harder!”

Jabez fucked him deeply, groaning with every thrust. Rage and bliss and lust rose

in him higher and higher, filling him until he could hardly see from the haze of red

before his eyes. It was like the bloodlust of a match where part of him was detached and

aware of every move he made, while the rest became a growling animal that wanted to

attack and tear with its claws.

He slapped the other man‟s ass as he reamed him.

Andreas groaned, signaling his pleasure in the treatment.

Cage Match


Jabez stared at the red mark he‟d left and spanked him a few more times. Then he

grabbed Andreas‟s hips once more and held tight as he thrust his way to climax—balls

slapping against the back of the man‟s thighs, groin smacking his ass. Jabez squeezed

his eyes closed, his balls drew tight, and he came in hard, shuddering pulses.

He continued to press deep while pleasure rippled through him, and he bent over

Andreas‟s back, licking his spine and tasting his skin, so soft. He wanted to stay inside

him forever. Keep him close and fuck him or be fucked by him whenever he wanted.

He could live in this house the rest of his life, safe at last, cared for, wanted.

This was the secret dream he‟d pushed down so deep inside for so long he‟d

almost forgotten it, the dream of a home and a special person who wanted him. Now it

seemed his childhood dream had actually come true, but Jabez knew better than to

believe in such fantasies. He straightened and pulled out of Andreas one last time

before stepping away from the other man‟s warm body. This couldn‟t last. Better to stop

himself from growing too used to this pleasure and to Andreas‟s friendship before it

was snatched away from him.

With a groan, Andreas straightened. He pulled up his pants and glanced over at

Jabez, who was tucking away his cock. “That was unexpected.”

Jabez noticed his erection outlined by the fabric of his pants. “You didn‟t come. I

can take care of that.” He reached for his waistband.

“That‟s okay. You don‟t have to.”

“No. I owe you.”

“You don‟t „owe‟ me anything. I want you to know that. Things don‟t have to be

perfectly equal between us, and you don‟t ever have to do anything you‟re not in the

mood to do.”

“Maybe I want to.” Jabez hooked a finger in his waistband and pulled him closer.

Andreas smiled and let him free his cock and grasp it in his hand. “I‟m not going

to turn you down, but you understand what I mean about not feeling obligated, right?”

“Right.” He shut him up with a kiss. Andreas could babble about no obligation all

he wanted to, but Jabez knew he owed him his life.

He pulled Andreas‟s erection with hard jerks, rough, the same way he‟d do it for

himself, and soon he was swallowing the other man‟s groans. Breaking off the kiss,

Jabez watched his face, the fine, even features, straight dark brows, and riotous black

curls—his pretty, young prince.

“Like it hard?” he whispered as the friction built between his hot, oiled palm and

Andreas‟s shaft. “Like it rough?” A flutter of arousal stirred in his belly again, although

his cock was still limp.

“Yes, yes.” Andreas‟s moans increased with the rapid tugging of Jabez‟s hand.

“Come on then. Come, bitch.” Jabez continued to mutter encouragement and slurs

that whipped Andreas into a frenzy. His hips jerked, and he thrust into Jabez‟s fist. He

groaned as he came at last, spurting warm jets of cum over Jabez‟s knuckles.


Bonnie Dee

Jabez kept his arm around his back, supporting him as he swayed on buckling

knees. He gazed at the blissful expression that made the other man‟s face practically

glow. Only when Andreas‟s eyelids fluttered, then opened, did he finally let him go.

Jabez examined the spunk on the back of his hand and licked it clean while staring

into Andreas‟s eyes. The air between them vibrated with something—not sexual tension

since they‟d both released it, but something—and the sensation made him anxious. It

was time to put some distance between them.

He jerked his thumb at the abandoned knife on the floor. “We‟ll work on this

later.” Without another word, he walked from the room.

Cage Match


Chapter Seven

Living with Jabez was like being in the eye of a hurricane—momentarily calm but

with winds whipping to a frenzy if Andreas stepped out of that zone. No. It was more

like climbing up a slippery sand dune—three steps forward, then a slide back down.

Jabez had been living with him for over a week now, and Andreas loved having

him there; loved the amazing sex and the flashes of friendship he occasionally allowed,

but hated the inevitable shutdown that followed every glimmer of a connection.

Andreas found the analogy he‟d been searching for—a turtle. All he could do was wait

for Jabez to emerge from his shell and maybe try to coax him out with a lettuce leaf. He

couldn‟t poke or drag him out.

He realized he was making some headway one evening when Jabez volunteered

some personal information without a prompt. Andreas had been trying to get him to

choose which audio book they‟d listen to that evening. Usually, Jabez would randomly

point at the screen and say, “that one,” but finally he‟d admitted the truth. “I can‟t


“Oh.” Andreas felt like an idiot for not figuring it out before. Of course he

couldn‟t. Who would have taught him? He‟d lived on the street since he was a child,

and had no formal education. “I could teach you, if you‟d like to learn.”

“Yeah?” Jabez cocked a brow, looking doubtful.

“Sure. If I can learn to fight, you can learn to read.”

“Who says you‟ve learned to fight?” His rare smile was like unexpected sunlight

on a gloomy day and made Andreas‟s heart flip-flop in a way that was becoming a


“Hey, you said I was improving.”

“Maybe enough to beat up your candy-ass friend Timon, but I wouldn‟t put you

in a street fight.”


Bonnie Dee

“Timon. Don‟t remind me.” Andreas flopped back against the pillows and stared

at the media-viewer displaying the library of book titles. “He keeps calling, and I can‟t

avoid him and my other friends forever.”

“Don‟t. Go out with them. Live your normal life.”

Andreas brushed his hand from Jabez‟s naked chest down his torso as far as he

could reach. He cupped his flaccid penis and felt it stir even though they‟d just had sex

about fifteen minutes before. “I don‟t want to. I‟d rather be here with you.”

As if he‟d pushed a button, the turtle‟s head and legs drew back inside its shell.

Jabez rolled off the bed and walked toward the bathroom.

“Don‟t stick around here because of me. Go with your friends. And I don‟t need to

learn to read. I‟ve gotten by just fine without it so far.”

. Andreas closed his eyes and sighed.

The next day Andreas took a break from the fight training to do some work

related to Fortias. He spent hours at his computer terminal preparing a comprehensive

proposal for various outreach programs he wanted the corporation to fund in Brick

Town. The most important things were to educate the people and make them capable of

something more than menial labor, as well as to revitalize the community with new

businesses and job opportunities. Andreas had plans to accomplish the revitalization of

Brick Town but had to make the plan palatable for the board. That was the difficult


When he was ready, he‟d call a special meeting so there‟d be nothing else on the

agenda to distract them while he presented his ideas. But first he wanted to run them by

his father and get his support. Another difficult part.

A knock at the open door of his office took his attention from the screen. He

turned with a smile, expecting to see Jabez, but Mrs. Gamble stood at the door with a

sour expression on her face.

“Your friends are here. Does this mean I should plan dinner for five or that you

won‟t be home tonight?”

Andreas cursed and tapped the screen to close the document. “I‟ll let you know

when I know, Mrs. G.”

He went downstairs to find Timon, Rabi, and Simeon at the bar in his living room

helping themselves to the scotch.

“He lives!” Rabi proclaimed, throwing open his arms in a dramatic gesture. “We‟d

begun to think the gladiator killed you.”

“Or that he was keeping you in a little cage and only feeding you cock,” Timon

added with a grin. “Does he?”

Simeon gestured with the drink in his hand. “Coming here wasn‟t my idea. I hate

drop-ins. Don‟t blame you if you send us away.” He downed the whiskey in a gulp and

poured another.

Cage Match


Andreas exhaled and crossed to the bar to accept the glass Simeon handed him.

The tall blond rolled his eyes at the others and mouthed,

Rabi threw himself down on the couch, his weight making it creak. “So come on.

Let‟s see him. Timon told us all about him. I want to see the muscles.”

“He‟s not an animal in a zoo, Rabi.” Andreas couldn‟t keep the annoyance from

his voice, and that mistake was like a whiff of blood to a shark. Rabi and Timon were

lethal when they found a soft spot. They‟d dig until their victim bled.

“Oh my God, you‟re starting to fall for him!” Timon exclaimed. “I knew

something was weird by the way you sounded on the phone.”

BOOK: Cage Match
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