Cadillac Desert (102 page)

Read Cadillac Desert Online

Authors: Marc Reisner

Tags: #Technology & Engineering, #Environmental, #Water Supply, #History, #United States, #General

BOOK: Cadillac Desert
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Sewall, Derrick.
Water: The Emerging Crisis in Canada.
Canadian Institute for Economic Policy, Ottawa, 1981.


Snyder, Nathan.
Water from Alaska.
Ralph M. Parsons Company, October 15, 1980.


A Summary of Water Resources Projects, Plans, and Studies Relating to the Western and Midwestern United States.
Senate Committee on Public Works, Washington, D.C., 1966.


Tunison, M. C. Letter to Senator William King of Utah, December 15, 1938.


“U.S. Demands Say in Stikine Dams.” Telkwa Foundation
May/ June 1981.


Van der Leeden, Frits.
Water Resources of the World.
Water Information Center, Port Washington, New York, 1975.


Crisis. Ralph M. Parsons Company, Pasadena, 1980.


“Water Diversion Proposals.” Idaho Water Resources Board, July 1969.


Water Use on Western Farms: An Examination of Irrigation Practices and Ways They Can Be Improved.
INFORM, New York City, Spring 1982.







Agriculture Department, U.S.:


cattle liquidation program of


Salinity Control Laboratory of


Tulare Basin rivers and


Ah Pah Dam


Ainsworth Project


Alabama Gates, seizure of




Albright, Horace


All-American Canal


Allenspur Dam


aluminum production


American Falls Dam


Anderson, Clinton


Andrus, Cecil


and projects targeted by Carter


Tellico Dam and


Teton Dam and




CAP and, see Central Arizona Project


climatic extremes in


Colorado River and


Columbia River diversion and


Coronado in


groundwater of


growth of


Hohokam culture of


Hoover Dam and


irrigation in




Pacific Southwest Water Plan and


Parker Dam and


rainfall in


Reclamation Act in


Salt River Project in


Wellton-Mohawk Project in


Arizona v. California


Arkansas River


Army Corps of Engineers, U.S.


achievements of


Allenspur Dam and


artificial farmland created by


Bowman-Haley Dam and


California North Coast rivers project and


California State Water Project and


competition between Reclamation


Army Corps of Engineers


conservation movement and


CRSP and


CVP and


and dams in Pacific Northwest


and drowning of Three Tribes


Garrison Dam and


Grand Coulee Dam and


Marysville Dam and


Missouri Basin projects and


motto of


Narrows Dam and




neutral impact of


New Melones Dam and


origins of


pork-barrel system and


and projects targeted by Carter


Rampart Dam and


range of activities of


river-basin planning and


Spewrell Bluffs Dam


Teton Dam and


Tulare Basin rivers and


Yellowstone River dams and


Arthur, Harold


Aspinall, Wayne


CAP and


Dominy’s relationship with


Grand Canyon dams and


Narrows Dam and


Pacific Southwest Water Plan and


Aswan High Dam


atomic bomb


Auburn Dam


Austin, Mary


Avery, Ben





Baker, Howard


Banks, Harvey


Barry, Frank


Bashore, Harry


Bear River


Bechtel, W. A.


Belle Fourche Project


Bellport, Barney:


American Falls Dam and


Fontenelle Dam and


Teton Dam and


Berkey, Charles P.


Bevill, Tom


Big Pine Canal, demolition of


Bijou Creek


Bocking, Richard


Boke, Richard


Bonneville Dam


Bourassa, Robert


Bowman-Haley Dam


Boyce, H. H.


Bradley, Bill


Bradley, George


Bradley, Tom


Bridge Canyon Dam


British Columbia:


logging in




Broder, David S.


Brower, David


Colorado River and


dams opposed by


Dominy’s conflicts with


Brown, Edmund G., Jr. “Jerry,”


New Melones Dam and


Peripheral Canal and


State Water Project and


Brown, Edmund G., Sr. “Pat,”


Long Beach’s tidelands oil contract and


Marysville Dam and


State Water Project and


Brown, George


Brown, Hank


Brown, Herman


Brown, Russell


Brownell, Herbert


Bureau of Reclamation, U.S.


achievements of


American Falls Dam and


artificial farmland created by


Auburn Dam and


Belle Fourche Project and


Bowman-Haley Dam and


Burns Creek Project and


California contract water and





California North Coast rivers project and


California salmon fisheries and


California State Water Project and


CAP and


cash register dams and


Colorado River and


Columbia River diversion and


competition between Corps of Engineers and


conservation movement and


creation of


CVP and


and dams in Pacific Northwest


and diverting Owens Valley water to Los Angeles


Dominy’s positions with


Dominy’s rise to power in


during droughts


Dust Bowl and


Echo Park Dam and


failures of


Federal Center headquarters of


Floyd E. Dominy Building of


Fontenelle Dam and


and Garrison and Oahe projects


Grand Canyon dams and


Grand Coulee Dam and


Hoover Dam and


Interior’s relationship with


Kendrick Project and


Klamath Diversion and


land speculation and


Marysville Dam and


Mississippi River water diversion and


Missouri Basin projects and


Narrows Dam and




New Melones Dam and


Orme Dam and


in Owens Valley


Pacific Southwest Water Plan and


Parker Dam and


and projects targeted by Carter


Rampart Dam and


Reclamation Act and


relationship between USGS and


reputation of


reservoir siltation and


river-basin planning and


under Roosevelt


salinity problem and


Tellico Dam and


Teton Dam and


Texas Water Plan and


Topock Marsh and


Tulare Basin rivers and


UWI and


Wellton-Mohawk Project and


Westlands Water District and


in working on behalf of wealthy and powerful


Yellowstone River dams and


Burger, Warren


Burns, Hugh


Burns Creek Project


Burton, Philip


Butler, Warren


Byrd, Robert





Cahn, Robert


Caiderwood, Jay




agriculture in


Arizona v. California


Auburn Dam and


breakup of DiGiorgio Company holdings in


CAP and


climate in


Colorado River and


Columbia River diversion and


CVP and,
Central Valley Project


droughts in


earthquakes in


floods in


GNP of


growth of


homesteading in


Hoover Dam and


irrigation in


Klamath Diversion and


land fraud in


livestock industry in


Long Beach’s tidelands oil contract and


Marysville Dam and


migrations to




New Melones Dam and


North Coast rivers project of


Pacific Southwest Water Plan and


Parker Dam and


Peripheral Canal and


population projections for


Proposition 13 in


Reclamation Act in


reservoirs of


salinity problems in


salmon fisheries in


Spanish colonization of


State Water Contractors of


State Water Project of


superstorms in


Texas compared with


Topock Marsh and


Tulare Basin rivers and


underground aquifers of


California Aqueduct


Campbell County, Wyo.




James Bay Project of




water shortages in


Cannon, Clarence


Cannon, Lou


Carey, Joseph


Caro, Robert


Carr, Jim


Carter, Jimmy


CAP and


Missouri Basin power and


Narrows Dam and


pork-barrel system and


Reclamation Act and


Spewrell Bluffs Dam


Tellico Dam and


water projects targeted by


Westlands Water District and


Carter, Rosalyn


Carter, Tim Lee


Carver, John


Casey, Jim


on Ogallala Aquifer


Texas Water Plan and


Cassidy, William F.


Castro, Raul


Central Arizona Project (CAP)


California Guarantee and


Carter and


economic analyses of


farmers’ faith in


Indian water-rights issue and


Pacific Southwest Water Plan and


Central Utah Project (CUP)


Central Valley, Calif.


Dos Rios Dam and


groundwater reserves of


salmon fisheries and


State Water Contractors on


Central Valley Project (CVP)


beneficiaries of


during droughts


Marysville Dam and




Reclamation Act and


reform of


San Joaquin Valley and


State Water Contractors on


State Water Project and


Chaffey, George


Chall, Malca


Chandler, Harry


background of


Colorado River aqueduct and


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