Bylines & Skylines (An Avery Shaw Mystery Book 9) (31 page)

BOOK: Bylines & Skylines (An Avery Shaw Mystery Book 9)
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“Oh, you’d like that, wouldn’t you?” Cara made a disgusted face. “I’m no one and you’re the queen of the world. Isn’t that how you see yourself?”

Only on good days. “Cara, this really isn’t a good time,” I gritted out, hoping she was smart enough to remain close to the door instead of charging in my direction. “If you want to fight later, we can set up a time to meet in the parking lot. I’ll even let you get in a good hair pull or two before I throw a punch.”

“I’m not playing this game with you, and I don’t care about pulling hair,” Cara spat, taking a step closer. She was still out of Griswold’s reach – which I was thankful for – but if she took another three steps that would change. “I’m a mature adult. I don’t pull hair.”

“That’s great,” I said. “I really don’t like hair-pulling contests either. I find them annoying and immature. We’ll do a slap fight instead.”

“What is the matter with you?” Cara took another step. “Do you think this is a game? Jake broke up with me!”

“Who’s Jake?” Griswold asked. He still held his nose but the blood had slowed to a trickle. “Is this the guy with the long hair or the one who looks like he has birds living on top of his head?”

“The bird guy,” I replied. “He’s not my boyfriend, for the record. My boyfriend is the one with long hair. He’s the one who is going to kill you if you don’t run away right now.”

“She’s lying,” Cara said, causing my stomach to flip. “She wants both of them. She’s greedy.”

Griswold glanced at me for confirmation.

“I’m totally greedy,” I conceded. “I think a threesome might be fun. Eliot vetoed it, though. As for wanting them both, that’s ridiculous. I can barely keep up with the one boyfriend I have.”

“I hear that,” Griswold said, shaking his head. “I couldn’t keep up with Kristen either. She was going to leave me.”

“Is that why you killed her?”

Griswold shrugged. “She threatened to tell people I was a fraud when she realized I couldn’t really read minds,” he said. “I thought she already knew that. I mean … hello! No one can read minds.”

“I can,” I countered. “I use the Force, not magic, though. Forget that. Did you mean to kill Kristen?”

“I didn’t do it on purpose,” Griswold said. “She kept demanding money to keep her mouth shut. I can’t stand blackmailers. It’s not my fault she didn’t know how the game worked.

“She was so full of herself,” he continued. “She thought everyone here was straightforward and pure. That only lasted until she got to know them … or at least hear the whispers. After that, she didn’t want to know them at all. She thought she was above them. I wasn’t lying when I said I liked her because she was different. In the end, though, she was just as jaded as everybody else. She wasn’t the woman I thought she was.”

Looking at him now, I couldn’t believe he fooled me. There was an undercurrent of crazy racing across his features. I brushed it off when I first met him because I believed he was genuinely mourning. He probably regretted what he did, but he obviously wasn’t balanced enough to stop now. He would kill all of us to get away with Kristen’s murder.

“What are you two talking about?” Cara demanded, taking another step forward. She was dangerously close to Griswold, although she apparently hadn’t taken notice of the knife gripped in his hand. “We’re supposed to be talking about me. My heart is broken. Wait, why are you in a Wonder Woman costume?”

“I’m fighting crime,” I replied, my agitation bubbling up. Is she blind? “In case you haven’t noticed, this man is a criminal.”

“He looks like a magician.”

“He’s that, too,” I said. “He’s Griswold the Magnificent Tool. He’s also a murderer and he stabbed this poor kid.” I nudged Chucky with my foot in the hope he’d regain consciousness. He remained deathly still. “Right now we’re talking about why he killed his girlfriend. You should probably stay out of it.”

Cara didn’t look impressed. “You’re just trying to get rid of me,” she complained. “I’m on to your games.”

I exploded. “What do you want, Cara? I didn’t end your relationship. You did that. You didn’t trust Jake even though nothing is happening between us. You pushed him until he broke. Haven’t you seen how unhappy he’s been over the past few months? Think about him instead of yourself for five freaking minutes!”

“He was unhappy because you led him on,” Cara shot back. “You’re the reason we broke up. I know the truth.”

“You’re an idiot,” I muttered, shaking my head as I glared at Griswold. “What are you going to do, Gris? Are you going to kill all three of us? How do you think you’re going to get away with that?”

“I haven’t figured that out,” Griswold admitted. “I will, though.”

“Because you’re magnificent?”

“Exactly,” Griswold said, bobbing his head. “I got away with Kristen’s murder. I wasn’t even planning to kill her. Things just got out of hand.”

For the first time since entering the room, realization dawned on Cara and she widened her eyes as she focused on the knife. She wisely kept her mouth shut, but I couldn’t bank on that lasting for more than a few minutes. She was bound to panic.

“You didn’t get away with Kristen’s murder, though,” I pointed out. “The police are unraveling it right now. You might’ve gotten away with it if you hadn’t enlisted Delroy to do your dirty work, but he’s spilling his guts to the sheriff right now. That was rotten to take advantage of him the way you did. He doesn’t understand what’s going on, and you used him.”

“He doesn’t even remember what happened,” Griswold shot back. “I made sure he would forget.”

“He remembers, though. He recognized me.”

“I’m still not sure how that happened,” Griswold admitted. “It doesn’t matter, though. He won’t turn on me. I’ll kill the three of you and perform my show tonight as if nothing happened. I’m still the star.”

“You’re nothing more than a con man in a robe,” I countered. “Why did you send Delroy after me at all? He’s the reason we caught you.”

“I saw you asking questions and I knew you’d figure it out if I didn’t do something to distract you,” Griswold replied. “I ran your name once I figured out you were questioning people about Kristen’s death. You’ve quite the reputation.”

“All well-deserved,” I said. What? If now isn’t the time for an ego boost, I don’t know when is.

“Delroy was supposed to kill you in the parking lot,” Griswold said. “If he did as he was told, this would already be over. I would be happier. This chick would definitely be happier.” He jerked his thumb in Cara’s direction. “Now, though, I have to kill you, her and Chucky. You have no one to blame but yourself. You should’ve stayed out of it.”

“That’s not in my nature,” I said. “You’re not going to kill anyone. I already told you that Eliot is on his way back.”

“You told me that ten minutes ago,” Griswold argued. “He sure is taking his sweet time, isn’t he?”

I shrugged. “Perhaps he’s waiting to make his move.”

“Perhaps he’s not coming at all,” Griswold growled, leveling his chin. His nose no longer bled and he looked as if he was ready to charge me. “I don’t think he’s coming for you.”

“Wait, this isn’t an act, is it?” Cara asked, her voice cracking. “Is this guy really a killer?”

“You are slower than a Kardashian realizing she’s naked in front of a camera,” I snapped. “That’s exactly what I’ve been telling you.”

“I … didn’t realize,” Cara said. “I thought you were just messing with me.”

“For the record, if I’m messing with you, it won’t involve a knife and a passed-out Goth boy,” I said. “You’re so freaking annoying!”

“Don’t yell at me!” Cara screeched. “I didn’t create this situation. You did. I … Omigod!”

Griswold lunged in Cara’s direction, but she was already running. The door was closed and would slow her, but I had one chance to end it all. I reached forward and grabbed my shopping bag from the floor. I grunted as I hefted it, the heavy candles causing my muscles to protest as I scampered behind Griswold. I waited until I was right on top of him to swing the bag, making contact with his head and causing him to list to the side.

Cara’s eyes widened as she threw open the door. “Help! There’s a murderer in here! Help!”

An enthusiastic roar erupted from the crowd. Apparently they thought she was playing a part. I couldn’t focus on her with Griswold still active. He was dazed, but still gripping the knife. I didn’t have a choice. I reared back and swung the bag a second time, making a face when I heard the hard wax balls make contact with his head and force his body to crumple to the ground.

“If you broke any of those, I’m going to be so ticked,” I screamed while standing over Griswold. “These were the first things I bought for my new house and you ruined them!”

And, just because I never quit when I’m in the middle of something, I hit him one more time to make sure.

It was over … and I did it all in a Wonder Woman costume. It was still my lucky week after all.


Cara to get help and sank to the floor, making sure to kick Griswold’s knife away with the vinyl boots and keep an eye on him should he wake. Eliot and Jake were in the room before that happened, though.

“Avery!” Eliot ran to my side, dropping to his knees and drawing me toward him. “Are you okay?”


“You’re not?” Eliot’s face was a mask of concern as Jake cast a worried look in my direction before hurrying to Chucky’s side. “What hurts?”

I pointed toward my shopping bag. “I think I broke my new candles.”

Eliot stilled, his expression unreadable. “And?”

“They were the first thing I bought for the new house,” I explained. “I’m kind of sad.”

“I’m going to kill you,” Eliot muttered, pulling me close for a hug before releasing me. “You scared me to death. I’ll buy you new freaking candles. I just … what is wrong with you?”

“Some say it’s genetics,” I replied, not missing a beat. “You’ve met my mother. I’ll leave you to decide if she’s to blame. I’ll blame her regardless.”

“Son of a … .” Eliot kissed my forehead before helping me to my feet, giving me a good once over before turning his attention to Griswold. “Delroy just told us who to look for. We were trying to find him when Cara flew out into the other room. She was screaming like a maniac.”

“Where is she now?”

“She’s with one of my deputies,” Jake replied, yanking his phone from his pocket. “This kid needs an ambulance.”

“Is he going to be okay?” I asked, finally remembering that Chucky absorbed a stab wound to his shoulder. “He dropped like a rock. It wasn’t the wound as much as the blood. As soon as he saw the blood it was just like … goodnight. I tried to hold him up, but he was too heavy.”

“His wound doesn’t look too bad,” Jake replied. “I’m not sure why he’s unconscious. Did he get hit on the head?”

“He passed out when he saw the blood.”

“Oh, well, at least I left you with someone strong to protect you,” Eliot muttered, smoothing my hair. “What happened?”

“Griswold came in and asked us about seeing Delroy led away,” I answered. “I didn’t suspect anything was up until Chucky let it slip that Griswold hypnotized Delroy from time to time. That’s when things kind of slipped into place.”

“I’m not sure that Griswold ever actually hypnotized Delroy,” Jake said. “I think it’s more that Delroy is highly susceptible to suggestion. Griswold used that for his own gain.” Jake unhooked handcuffs from his belt and tossed them in Eliot’s direction. “Lock him up. Make it tight.”

“That’s not legal,” I pointed out.

“I didn’t ask him to read Griswold his rights,” Jake said. “I’ll do that when he regains consciousness. I just want to make sure he’s incapacitated.”

“Oh.” I watched Eliot take grim satisfaction in making Griswold’s cuffs as tight as possible, forcing a smile when he turned his attention back to me. “I’m fine.”

“You look a little pale, but you’re in one piece and didn’t get hurt, so I’ll take that as a win,” Eliot said. “Did he tell you why he killed Kristen?”

“They were dating and Kristen found out he couldn’t really read minds,” I answered, my tone even but quiet. “She blackmailed him and he lost it. Griswold said he sent Delroy after me because he was afraid I’d discover the truth. He read about me in the newspaper. I really am famous.”

“You’re something,” Eliot said, pushing a strand of hair from my face. “Delroy said he attacked you in the parking lot because Griswold told him you killed Kristen. I think Griswold was only a magician – a hypnotist, too – in his own mind. I think he lied to get his way and convince others he was something he wasn’t.”

“That doesn’t surprise me,” I said. “He convinced me he was sad and mourning. I didn’t suspect him at all.”

“And yet you held it together and kept this kid and Cara safe,” Jake said. “You did well. Perhaps it was the outfit.” He risked a smile as he looked me up and down. “You fill it out well.”

“Don’t make me punch you,” Eliot warned. “This is my Wonder Woman. You need to find your own.”

“Yeah, that would be nice,” Jake murmured, glancing toward the door at the sound of feet scuffling against the floor. The paramedics were here. “Take him first. The one in the cuffs might have a head wound, but the kid is the priority.”

“Got it.”

Jake watched the paramedics work and then sidled over to us, pursing his lips as he locked gazes with me. “Cara said you hit him with a bag to save her. She said you could’ve run the other way but you didn’t. Why?”

“I hate her, but she doesn’t deserve to die. I was the one goading him.”

“I can believe that,” Jake said, patting my head. “Nice job.”

“I think I broke my candles.”

“Eliot will buy you new ones,” Jake said, smirking when Eliot shot him a death glare. “What? We both know you will. There’s no reason to make her suffer.”

“I already told her I would replace the candles,” Eliot said. “You’re kind of a punk when you want to be. You know that, right?”

Jake shrugged. “I’ve been called worse,” he said.

“What’s going to happen to Delroy?” I asked. “You’re not going to arrest him, are you?”

“We’ll take him into custody and get his statement,” Jake replied. “After that … I’ll have to talk to the prosecutor, but I doubt we’ll press charges against Delroy unless you insist we do. You were the one injured. He didn’t kill Kristen Reardon.”

“I won’t press charges.”

“I know you won’t,” Jake said, grinning. “Wonder Woman would never press charges.”

“Speaking of that, where are your clothes?” Eliot asked. “Do you remember where you left them?”

“They’re behind the curtain,” I answered. “I’m thinking of staying in this outfit, though. I think I’m going to keep it.”

“You can’t just keep it,” Jake argued. “That’s stealing.”

“She can keep it,” Eliot shot back. “I’ll pay the owner if it comes to it.”

Jake scowled. “You want her to wear it home because you want to do filthy things with her.”

“I see no sense in denying that,” Eliot said. “She’s cute.”

“See!” I stuck my tongue out in Jake’s direction before batting my eyelashes at Eliot. “I need a lasso, too.”

“Wow, you’re going to milk this, huh?” Eliot cocked an eyebrow. “I’ll buy you a lasso. You’re going to need it if you want to continue fighting crime.”

“Ugh. I’m done with crime for a bit,” I said. “I’ve decided I’m going to focus on politics instead. At least I know all politicians are crooked and I don’t have to figure out who is guilty because they’re all guilty.”

“Hey!” Jake was affronted. “I’m a politician.”

“And you’re the only one I like,” I said. “I wasn’t talking about you. I was talking about the county commission race. I would much rather deal with a dirtbag like Tad – and a possible deviant like Dick Aiken – than this guy.” I nudged Griswold with my toe. “I really thought he was sad and mourning. He snowed me.”

“Well, even the best get caught off guard from time to time,” Eliot said, slipping his arm around my waist. “If you want to mess with Tad until the special election, though, I’m all for it.”


“That is after we get back from our vacation.”

I creased my forehead as I tried to grasp what he was saying. “What vacation?”

“The one you bought me for Valentine’s Day.”

“That’s not until June,” I scoffed. “We have plenty of time.”

“What month do you think it is?” Eliot challenged.

“I … .” Crud.

“There it is,” Eliot said, his eyes twinkling as he winked at Jake. “She’s really looking forward to our vacation. I can already see it.”

“Oh, man! We’re going camping in a week, aren’t we?”

“We are,” Eliot confirmed. “You promised not to complain. Once we’re done camping we’ll close on the house, start moving, and you can enrage politicians in your spare time. If you have the energy, that is.”

“Holy crap!”

“Wonder Woman is getting excited again,” Jake said, his eyes twinkling. “She’s kind of cute.”

“She’s always cute,” Eliot said. “She’s always a pain in the ass, too, but the cuteness somehow manages to outweigh that.”

“If we’re going camping, I’m going to need camping stuff. I’ll need you to buy that, too.”

“Is something wrong with your debit card”?” Eliot challenged.

“No, but since I fought off an evil magician – kind of like Harry Potter when he took out Voldemort – I’m tired and I need you to spoil me.”

Eliot pursed his lips as Jake dissolved into laughter.

“Aren’t you glad you decided to move in with her?” Jake asked. “It’s going to be nothing but fun going forward.”

Eliot smiled. “I am glad. I’m also terrified.”

I pressed a quick kiss to his cheek. “It will be okay,” I said. “I have faith.”

“Since when?”

“Since … now,” I said.

“Well, if you have faith, I guess I do, too,” Eliot said. “Come on. Let’s go shopping.”

“Ooh, can I get ice cream, too?”

“You can have anything you want,” Eliot said. “I’m apparently whipped.”

“At least you’re man enough to admit it.”

“I would never suggest anything else,” Eliot said, chasing me toward the door. “You have to wear that costume for the rest of the day if you expect me to buy you all of this stuff, though.”

I smiled. I couldn’t help myself. “Consider it done.”

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