By the Book (54 page)

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Authors: Pamela Paul

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Dance of Anger

Dancing to the Precipice

Dangerous Book for Boys, The

Daniel, Susanna

Daniel Deronda

Dante Alighieri

Dante to Dead Man Walking

Danticat, Edwidge

Daredevil comics

Dark Universe

Darlings, The

Darrow, Clarence

Darwin, Charles


Dass, Ram

D'Aulaire, Ingri and Edgar

David and Goliath

David Copperfield

David-Weill, Cécile

Davies, James

Da Vinci Code, The

Davis, Clive

Davis, L. J.

Dawkins, Richard


Day, Sylvia

Day at the Beach, A

“Dead, The” (Joyce)

Dean, Cornelia

Death by Black Hole

Death in the Family, A

Death of Bees, The

de Botton, Alain

Debussy, Claude

Dee, Jonathan

Delafield, E. M.

Delany, Samuel R.

Delicate Truth, A
(le Carré)

DeLillo, Don

Demick, Barbara

DeMille, Nelson

Demon-Haunted World


Dennett, Daniel C.

Den of Thieves

Deraniyagala, Sonali

Desai, Anita

Desperate Characters

deWitt, Patrick


Diamond, Jared

Diamonds Are Forever

Diaries of Auberon Waugh, The

Diary of a Nobody, The

Diary of a Provincial Lady

Díaz, Junot

Dick, Philip K.

Dickens, Charles

Dickey, James

Dickinson, Emily

Didion, Joan

Different Seasons

Difficulty of Being

Digital Fortress


Divine Comedy, The

Dixit, Avinash

Doctor Dolittle books (Lofting)

Doctorow, E. L.

Doctor Sleep

Doctor's Wife, The

Dominican Republic
(Moya Pons)

Don Camillo stories (Guareschi)

Don Casmurro
(Machado de Assis)

Don Quixote

Don't Bump the Glump!

Doonesbury Chronicles

Door in the Floor, The

Dostoyevsky, Fyodor

Dotter of Her Father's Eyes
(Talbot and Talbot)

Doubleday Cookbook, The
(Anderson and Hanna)


Dreiser, Theodore

Dreisinger, Baz

Drifting House

Dropped Names

Drunk Tank Pink


Dubus, Andre

Duel, The

Dumas, Alexandre, père

du Maurier, Daphne

Dunham, Lena

Dunthorne, Joe

Duras, Marguerite

Durell, Lawrence

Dust Tracks on a Road

Dyer, Geoff

Eagleman, David

Eating Animals

Eat, Pray, Love

Ecco Anthology of Contemporary American Short Fiction

Echols, Damien

(Krugman and Wells)

(Samuelson and Nordhaus)

Economic Sentiments

Eddison, E. R.

Egan, Jennifer

Egan, Tim

Eggers, Dave

Eichenwald, Kurt

826 National

Eisenberg, Deborah

Eisner, Will

Elementary Particles, The


Eliot, George

Eliot, T. S.

Elkin, Stanley

Elliot, Geraldine

Elliot, Jason

Ellison, Harlan

Ellison, Ralph

(Thompson and Knight)

Emerson, Ralph Waldo


Emperor's New Drugs

Empire State

Encyclopedia Brown books (Sobol)

Encyclopedia of Disability

Endo, Shusaku

End of the Affair, The

End This Depression Now

Enemy of the People, An

Engels, Friedrich

Enormous Changes at the Last Minute

Enright, Anne

Ephron, Nora

Episode of Sparrows, An

Epstein, David

Epstein, Mark

Erdrich, Louise

Escher, M. C.

Etched City, The


Eugenides, Jeffrey

“Eureka” (Poe)

Evans, Harry

Evans, Trish

Everything Ravaged, Everything Burned

Evolution of Cooperation

Exit, Voice, and Loyalty

Exley, Frederick

Exorcist, The

Fables and Folktales

Faircloth, Sean

Fall, Bernard

Falwell, Jerry

Famous Five books (Blyton)

Fanny Hill

Fan's Notes, A

Fantastic Four comics

Farewell to Arms, A

Far from the Tree

Fariña, Riachard

Farrell, Walter

Father of the Rain

Faulkner, William

Faust, Drew Gilpin

Favolette di Alice, Le

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

Federalist Papers

Fehrenbach, T. R.

Femicide Machine, The
(González Rodríguez)

Fenton, James


Ferguson, Niall

Fernandes, Naresh

Ferris, Timothy

Fey, Tina

Fiennes, Joseph

Fifty Shades of Grey


Finishing the Hat

Finkel, David

Finnegans Wake

Firm, The

Fitzgerald, F. Scott

Fitzgerald, Penelope

Fitzhugh, Louise

Flame Alphabet, The

Flamethrowers, The

Flaubert, Gustave

Fleming, Ian


Foer, Jonathan Safran

Foote, Shelby

Ford, Ford Madox

Ford, Richard

Foreskin's Lament

Forester, C. S.

Forrest Gump

Forster, E. M.

“Foster” (Keegan)

Foster, Douglas

Fountain, Ben

Four Days in November

Four-Gated City

Fowler, Karen Joy

Fox, Paula

Fraction, Matt

Fragoso, Margaux

Francis, Dick

Francis, Robert

Franzen, Jonathan

Fraser, Antonia

Frasier, Debra


Frayn, Michael


Free Man, A

Free to Be You and Me

Free to Choose
(Friedman and Friedman)

French, Tana

Freud, Lucian

Freud, Sigmund

Friedman, Bruce Jay

Friedman, Howard Steven

Friedman, Milton

Friedman, Rose

Frog and Toad

From Dawn to Decadence

From Eternity to Here

From Hell
(Moore and Campbell)

From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler

Frost, Robert

Fry, Stephen

Fuller, Alexandra

Funder, Anna

Funnell, Pippa

Furst, Alan

Gaddis, William

Gaiman, Neil

Gaines, Ernest J.

Gaitskill, Mary

Gallant, Mavis

Gallico, Paul

Galouye, Daniel F.

Galsworthy, John

Gamal, Arif

Game of Thrones, A

Gamow, George

Gannett, Ruth Stiles

Garbo, Greta

Garcia, J. Malcolm

García Márquez, Gabriel

Garfield, Leon

Garland, Hamlin

Garm—A Hostage

Garner, Alan

Gaskell, Elizabeth

Gathering Storm, The

Gauntlet, The

Gender Outlaw

General Theory of Employment, The

Genet, Jean

Ghosh, Amitav

Gilbert, David

Gilbert, Elizabeth

Gilbert, Jack


Giles, Molly

Gilmore, Ruth Wilson

Giovanni, Nikki

Giovanni's Room

Girl Below, The

Girl of the Limberlost, A

Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, The

Give and Take

Giving Tree, The

Gladwell, Malcolm

Glass, Ira

(Greenwald and Kahn)

Glory of Their Times, The

Glück, Louise

Gnostic Gospels, The

God and Man at Yale

Godden, Rumer

God of Small Things, The

Gods of Guilt, The

God's Secretaries

Godwin, Gail

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von

Gogol, Nikolai

Gold-Bug, The

Golden Boy

Golden Gulag

Goldfinch, The

Goldmark, Kathi Kamen

Goler, Lori

Gombrich, Ernst

Gone Tomorrow

González Rodríguez, Sergio

Good Earth, The

Good Lord Bird, The

Good Man in Africa, A

Good Soldiers, The

Goodwin, Doris Kearns

Gopnik, Adam

Gorey, Edward

Gormenghast trology (Peake)

Goscinny, René

Goudge, Elizabeth

Gourevitch, Philip

Graat, Junko

Graham, Billy

Grand Meaulnes, Le

Grand Pursuit

Grant, Adam

Grant, Ulysses S.

Grapes of Wrath, The

Grass, Günter

Grass for My Pillow

Graveyard Book, The

Grayling, A. C.

Grealy, Lucy

Great Expectations

Great Gatsby, The

Great Railway Bazaar, The

Greene, Graham

Greenlanders, The

Green Mile, The

Greenwald, Bruce

Gregg, Victor

Grimm Brothers

Grisham, John

Groom, Winston

Grossman, Vasily

Group, The

Guareschi, Giovanni

Guide to Getting It On!

Gulliver's Travels

Gunn, Anna

Guns, Germs, and Steel

Guy, John

Gypsy Boy


Haien, Jeannette

Hainey, Michael

Halberstam, David

Hallstrom, Lasse

Halperin, Mark

Hamilton, Edith

Hamilton, Nigel


Handler, Daniel

Handmaid's Tale, The

Hanna, Elaine

Hannah, Barry

Happy All the Time

Hard Measures

Hardy, Thomas

Hardy Boys books (Dixon)

Harriet the Spy

Harris, Mark

Harris, Sam

Harris, Thomas

Harrison, Jim

Harrison, Kathryn

Harry Potter books (Rowling)

Hart, Moss

Hartley, L. P.

Hartzler, Aaron

Has Man a Future?

Having It All

Hawking, Stephen

Hawthorne, Nathaniel

Hayek, Friedrich

Heaney, Seamus

Hearst, William Randolph

Heart of Darkness

Heart of the Matter, The

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