Read By Private Invitation Online

Authors: Stephanie Julian

Tags: #Romance, #Salon Games#1, #Usernet, #C429, #Kat, #Extratorrents

By Private Invitation (38 page)

BOOK: By Private Invitation
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“Oh.” Dolores waved a hand in front of her like the question
was inconsequential. “Since shortly after your grandfather and you moved here. It
was a painful time still for both of you and people in this town know everyone deserves
their privacy to mourn.”

“But…who else knows?”

“A few have put it together over the years. Most still don’t. And it won’t matter
to them. At least, it shouldn’t. You know there’re going to be some idiots who’ll
try to use it against you but you’re stronger than that. Now, I’m going to make sure
Teddy knows what he’s supposed to do.”

Before she left, Dolores raised one soft hand to her cheek and patted her gently.
“Everything will be fine. And if anyone tries to start something, we’ll sic Teddy
on them. That boy could talk a politician to death.”

Dolores turned and walked away, a two-hundred pound, bleached-blonde mother tiger
in a bright blue pantsuit.

Annabelle had no doubt Dolores would tackle anyone who tried to embarrass or humiliate
her tonight.

Her eyes dampened and she blinked fast, biting her tongue so she didn’t ruin her makeup.
They’d kept her secret. All this time and no one had said a word.

Okay. No tears. This was no time for them. And no need for them.

Unless Jared never showed up.

Then she’d shed those tears in private.

Nearly two hundred people mingled in the shop.

The turnout surprised Annabelle. Nearly all of the art crowd she’d invited had shown
up. Dealers, gallery owners, agents, and artists mingled with her friends and neighbors.

Turns out she’d chosen a slow night in the art world for her grand reopening. It was
a little…overwhelming.

Many of the guests had known her parents. And several recognized Annabelle immediately.
Their amazement had turned to remembrance, and Annabelle had listened to wonderful
stories about her parents.

Enough to keep her mind off the fact that Jared hadn’t shown wup.

Maybe he hadn’t received the invitation. Maybe he just hadn’t cared.

If that was the case…Well, she’d live through that too.

An hour into the night, she walked into the gallery and, with a deep breath and a
smile, she prepared to tear away any remaining bandages.

“I’d like to thank you all for coming, especially on such short notice. My name is
Annabelle and my parents were Peter and Catrina O’Malley and Danton Romero. Peter
O’Malley was an incredible talent and for many years, I’ve let fear dictate how I
deal with my father’s legacy. That stops here.”

“Jared, chill, dear. We’re only an hour late. The flat tire didn’t set us back that

Jared stifled a restless sigh as he reached into the backseat of Tyler’s Mercedes
to help Beatrice from the car.

“I know, Nana. I just don’t want her to think we’re not coming.”

Beatrice patted his arm as Jared shortened the length of his stride to accommodate
his grandmother’s shorter legs. “I think she’ll be more than pleased to see you.”

Jared wasn’t so sure. Yes, she’d sent the invitation, but it could have been more
out of gratitude than a desire to see him again.

Judging by the amount of cars parked along the street and in the store’s lot, she
had a full house tonight, which was great.

He’d just wanted to be there from the beginning to make sure no one hassled her.

Which probably would’ve earned him a glare from those gorgeous green eyes.

He had no doubt she could handle herself and anything else thrown her way. The woman
had a backbone of steel.

And he wanted her. All of her.

Christ, he’d been an idiot.

Opening the door to usher his grandmother into the shop, he checked out the remodel.
She’d taken much of his advice but added her own stamp to everything. It certainly
set the shop apart from anything else on the strip.

He didn’t have time to take a close look though because he heard Belle’s voice coming
from the new gallery space.

Leaving Beatrice to his brother, he headed toward her.

“No, I won’t be selling any of my father’s work but I do plan to promote and sell
the work of other artists, particularly new artists.”

Stopping in the entryway into the gallery, he immediately saw Belle addressing the
crowd, extending thanks to her friends and neighbors who’d helped her get ready for
the night.

The sight of her hit him like a punch to the gut. A stunning vision in green satin,
her gorgeous hair loose and curling on her shoulders.

When she flashed a smile at the audience, his cock responded by hardening almost painfully

She looked confident, poised, and he wanted to throw her on her bed and ruffle all
that calm.

He forced back the lust. He refused to embarrass her or make her uncomfortable.

When she locked her gaze with his, her smile remained, though he
thought he saw some darker emotion cross her expression. Would she forgive him? Maybe
he’d be learning how to grovel after all. Should’ve asked his dad for a few lessons.

“I have one more person I’d like to thank. Without him, I don’t think I’d be in this
position. Ladies and gentlemen, Jared Golden was the catalyst for tonight’s event.
He provided me with the final piece to my father’s Passion series. Thank you, Jared,
and thank you all for coming tonight.”

Annabelle turned and Jared realized Kate had been standing behind her the whole time.
The women exchanged a few words, both of their gazes darting toward Jared before Kate’s
veered off to Tyler, standing behind him.

He swore he felt his brother tense.

“See, we’re not that late at all.” Beatrice slipped her hand through Jared’s arm.
“Why don’t we go over and say hello, boys?”

Jared couldn’t agree more.

Belle was speaking to another woman when they reached her but as soon as she ended
the conversation, she turned to greet them with a warm smile.

“Mrs. Golden, I’m so glad you could come.”

“I wouldn’t have missed it for the world, Annabelle. Your shop is beautiful and the
gallery is amazing.”

“I have your grandson to thank for some of that. The design was mostly his.” When
she turned to him, her smile was a little warmer, though he still couldn’t read her
expression. “Jared, I don’t honestly know how to thank you for the painting. I’d like
to keep it for few months for display but I have to insist on returning it.”

She didn’t give him time to answer as she turned back to his grandmother and slipped
something from the pocket of her dress. “And I must insist you accept this.”

“I already told you, dear. The pin is yours.”

Kate stepped up beside Belle and held out her hand, palm up. “But the set shouldn’t
be parted.”

Beatrice gasped and her expression broke into a wreath of smile. “Oh, Annabelle, you
found the ring!”

“Actually, Kate did. Amazingly, she picked it up at one of the stands at Renninger’s
Market. If you hadn’t shown up tonight, I would have contacted you tomorrow.”

Beatrice’s smile couldn’t be contained. “Well, now, I’m absolutely stunned.” She turned
to Kate with a smile Jared had learned to be wary of. “Kate, dear, why don’t you give
that to Tyler? He’ll hold on to it for me, won’t you?”

“Of course, Nana.”

The hot look that flashed between Kate and Tyler as he reached for the ring didn’t
escape Jared’s notice. But then Belle held out the pin to him.

He covered her hand with his, the pin trapped between them. “I want more than just
the pin, Belle. You know that, don’t you?”

She didn’t say anything right away but she didn’t pull her hand from his either. “I’m
not really sure what to think, Jared.”

Not an outright rejection. He could work with that. “Then let me convince you.”

Her chin tilted up. “How?”

Good question. How did he convince this woman that he wanted more than a casual relationship?

“What do you want me to say? What do you need me to do? Whatever it is, I’ll do it.”

Disappointment flashed across her expression before she blinked and it disappeared.
“I’m afraid I need more than you’re willing to give.”

A cold ache gripped his chest. He was going to lose her. He felt
her drawing away emotionally, her gaze becoming more distant. The weight of strangers’
stares, something that’d never bothered him before, now made him feel self-conscious.

“I’ll give you anything you want, Belle. Just tell me. The paintings—”

“No.” She shook her head. “No, that’s not what I meant. That’s not…”

She grimaced, as if unable to put into words what she wanted.

Damn it, this wasn’t how this was supposed to go. What did she want? What could he

He felt her tug on her hand, wanting to draw away from him.
No way
. “I love you.”

She blinked and her expression began to thaw. But she didn’t melt. “I’m looking for
more than just a passing relationship. I want a partner for life, not just in bed.”

“Then I’m your man, because that’s exactly what I want. I promise no more secrets.
I don’t want to lose you. No matter what, you’ll always be the most important person
in my life. I love you, Belle. I can’t imagine living without you.”

Her smile made his heart pound and his mouth dry. “I love you, too, Jared.”

He bent to kiss her, trying not to let his libido overcome propriety. His grandmother
standing only a few feet away from him.

But later…

He reluctantly drew back before he took things too far.

And was rewarded with one of Belle’s amazing smiles.

“Later,” she said.

“That’s a promise.”

“How mad will Kate be if I just rip this dress off you?”

With Jared’s lips on her nape and his hands working to divest her of the dress, Annabelle
let herself drown in sensation.

She’d locked the door to the shop barely five minutes ago. As soon as she’d set the
alarm, Jared had swung her into his arms and took the stairs two at a time.

He hadn’t bothered with lights and moonlight bathed her bedroom in cool gray shadows.

Finally, the top of her dress loosened. They both groaned as it fell to her waist
and his hands cupped her breasts.

Still dressed, she felt the smooth surface of his suit against her bare back, sending
a shiver through her.

His fingers tweaked her already hard nipples, his erection nestled against her ass,
and she hoped her knees continued to hold her.

But she knew if they didn’t, Jared would catch her before she fell.

Then she hoped he’d throw her on the bed and fuck her until she passed out.

Burning lust bubbled low in her gut, spreading like lava into her pussy.

“Jared, hurry.”

His hands tightened on her breasts, squeezing and molding. “We’ve got all night.”

“Then we can do it more than once. I need you in me now. Please, Jared.”

His answer was string of words she rarely heard come out his mouth and made her that
much more insane for him.

With a cry, she twisted in his arms, her mouth lifting for his kiss as her fingers
dealt with the buttons of his shirt and the zipper of his pants.

BOOK: By Private Invitation
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