BWWM Interracial Romance 5: Love After Halftime (5 page)

Read BWWM Interracial Romance 5: Love After Halftime Online

Authors: Elena Brown

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Romance, #Women's Fiction, #90 Minutes (44-64 Pages)

BOOK: BWWM Interracial Romance 5: Love After Halftime
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“Oh no, baby,” he purred, licking her generous thighs as the heat from her fiery furnace bathed his face the more he spread them. “I like it bushy and natural.”

“You sweet talker,” she panted, before squealing as at last Joe tasted the forbidden fruit that he’d long denied himself. She was ripe and raw; her liquor musky and fragrant as he lapped at her wrinkled labia, moist and dripping with desire.

Her words fell away, along with the bed and the room, the condo and the city. All that remained was her heat, her musk, her throbbing bud beneath his pursed lips, sucking her to a ripe and swollen flower as she moaned and slid her pubic mound along his sweet embrace.

“Jesus,” she gasped as he felt the tremors growing, the moisture building, the frenzy approaching. “Oh, damn… Joe… not so fast…” And she came, a glorious wave of heat and moisture, her body trembling, chocolate skin bathed in sweat as he paused to lick her slickness from his lips and watch the tremors pass like waves across her gloriously curvy ripeness.

“No… no more,” she begged even as she spread her legs for him, writhed beneath his tongue and lips and came once, twice, three times more. When at last she pressed him away, insistently, he could resist no more. His cock was leaking, throbbing as he pressed against her.

Her velvet pussy was so slick and moist the tip slid in with no further assistance, a perfect fit he’d been searching for all these years. “Yes, baby,” she said, watching his every move, warm hands on his bare ass as he slid inside her hot, dripping tightness. “Come to Mommy, oooohhh, damn…”

Joe smirked to hear his favorite professor egg him on with her salty tongue.

“Oh,” she began to grunt as he thrusted, long and deep inside that burning hole, his every cell awake and throbbing as she clung to his ass, a pumping piston that threatened to blow at any moment. “Yes baby,” she panted, sweaty and jiggling beneath him. “Yes, yes, yes!”

He felt the coming wave and slid himself out, still perched above her rolling, glistening flesh as he slid his juicy cock amidst her damp, curly bush, the moist, damp heat and his aching desire bringing him to the kind of climax he hadn’t felt in years. It spurted and gushed white hot jizz across her ebony skin, making her gasp and laugh a throaty, salty chuckle as those glorious breasts shook and she rose on her elbows to watch him milk himself across her trembling belly.

“Kiss me, Joe,” she panted, breathless and wanton.

“With pleasure,” he grunted, lying beside her and dragging her down onto the twisted, sweaty comforter.

Her lips were full and moist and slick, drowning him in their passion as they lay, face to face, arms and legs entwined as if to be apart might break the spell. “Stay with me,” he begged, sinking into her warm, soft flesh as if he’d found his home.

“Try keeping me away,” she murmured, offering him her back as his arms slid around her waist and he brought himself closer, spooning her sticky skin with his own.

“Mmmmmm,” he murmured into her damp curls. “What now?”

“Now we rest, baby,” she purred, breath growing heavy. “We’ve got a lot of catching up to do.”

“You’re telling me,” he growled, hands gently playing with her warm, full breasts. “It might take longer than one night.”

She murmured, purring as she pressed her full buttocks against his pelvis. “Lucky it’s a long weekend,” she sighed as her breath – and his cock – thickened. “And we’ve got the number for Brick Oven pizza.”

“I’m getting hungry,” he said, nuzzling on her shoulder.

“Already?” she sighed but he could feel the rhythmic grind of her ass against his thickening cock, the hitch in her throat when his hand left her firm, pointy nipples and drifted down her sides toward her glistening bush.

“I’ve been waiting for this a long time,” he reminded her, finger sliding through his still damp cum as they drifted toward her fiery furnace.

“Me too,” she said, spreading her legs for him. “Me too, baby.”

“Not sure I can wait any longer.”

She slid from him, rising to her knees and pressing him back into the sheets. “Who says you have to?” she murmured, sinking between his knees as she admired his stiffening staff. “Mama’s ready for a little snack before her pizza, anyway.”

With that, she bent to him, thick, wet lips on his throbbing cock, and the world fell away again. However long they’d waited, for whatever reasons, they were here now, in bed together at last, 72-hours stretching out like heaven in the clouds, red wine on the counter, pizza cooling nearby, and Marlene’s mouth all over him, that welcome heat and those tight lips bringing him closer to another climax even as he lay back and admired her glistening skin, and the wonders it still held for him as their long weekend in bed played out, again and again and again…



* * * * *



“You okay, girl?”

Marlene looked up from her salad, realizing she hadn’t even taken a bite. Tina had clearly noticed and sat across from her, smiling uncertainly, her own fruit and cheese platter untouched.

Marlene sighed and pushed her salad away. “Not really,” she said, her voice tremulous and low as her belly twisted and shrank.

Tina was suddenly alarmed, putting down her raspberry iced tea and reaching for her friend’s hand. “What’s wrong, Merl?”

Where to begin?,
she thought to herself, peering into her friend’s eyes and burning with shame, betrayal and sadness.

Marlene hadn’t slept, hadn’t eaten, hadn’t felt like herself since those fateful 72-hours with Joe. She had never felt that good, with anyone, ever. Merely to think about it, here in broad daylight, made Marlene damp and eager to return to his bed and never leave again. And that was just it: she had been sex-starved, sex-crazed and clearly sex-crazy! How else to explain the fact that she could forget all about Tina, her friend – Joe’s ex-wife – and leap right into bed with him?

Obviously, she had been in a temporary state of insanity, so thrilled at Joe’s attentions, so relieved that her love hadn’t been unrequited, so eager to indulge in the fantasies she’d built up over years that now that she’d returned to the “real” world, so found herself at odds with, well… herself. She couldn’t look at herself in the mirror, could barely concentrate on work, and had been avoiding Tina at all costs.

But that wasn’t all. She’d debated whether or not to tell Tina, and realized that while it might make her life easier in the short term to lie to her friend, it would ruin them both in the long run. And so finally, at last, she’d agreed to meet Tina and come clean. Suddenly, though, she was regretting her decision – even though she had no intention of going back on it.

“I’m fine,” Marlene said, screwing up her courage and facing her friend at last. She fixed on a smile, though she didn’t feel its warm and rosy glow. “I just… Something happened this weekend, with Joe, Tina, and I feel like I should…”

Tina slid her hand off Marlene’s, immediately on high alert. “
kind of ‘something’ happened?” she interrupted, face growing tight and looking pinched after all the weight Tina had lost after the divorce.

Marlene winced and, before she could chicken out, blurted, “Sex happened, Tina. Sex happened...”

Tina’s face fell and her eyes narrowed. “You and Joe?” she hissed, leaning closer so the whole restaurant wouldn’t hear. When Marlene could only bite her lip and nod, Tina barked a joyless laugh and sat back, throwing up her hands. “I knew it,” she said, seeming almost satisfied with herself as she nodded vehemently. “I
you had the hots for him. And this whole time, you’ve been playing me for the fool, just waiting for your chance to—”

              “You can stop that chatter right there,” Marlene interrupted, waving a hand and lowering her tone so there would be no mistaking her intent. “Joe and I were friends long before you entered the picture, Tina.”

“Friends?” Tina said, rolling her eyes. “You just fucked my ex-husband, Marlene, what the
would you know about friendship?”

“Emphasis on ‘ex’ husband, Tina.”

“So that makes it right?” she huffed. “How… how long has this been going on?”

“It hasn’t been going on,” Marlene explained. “It just happened. Just now…”

Tina leaned close and wagged a finger. “It might have just happened, Marlene,” she said, no longer using her nickname for her old friend. “But you two were just biding your time, admit it!”

Marlene sighed against the leather barstool of their high-top bistro table. “Please don’t let it be like this, Tina.”

“How else can it be?” Tina said. “What kind of reaction were you expecting when you dropped this little bomb on me today?”

“I didn’t know what to expect,” she said. “I just knew I had to tell you.”

“Why? Why tell me, to make yourself feel better?”

“Would you rather I lie to you?”

Tina stood, tossing down crisp bills on the table for the check. “Better a liar, Marlene, than a whore!”



* * * * *



“You can’t do this to me, Bro,” Brad said, pacing the deck of Joe’s penthouse suit. “I’ve got two sweet birds lined up for us, man, you wouldn’t believe.”

“Did you hear what I just said?” Joe chuckled, sipping his beer. “Merl and I finally hooked up. I thought you’d be happy for me!”

Joe was certainly happy. Shit, he’d been walking on air since that long, luxurious weekend he’d spent with her, neither leaving his king-size bed for more than a few minutes before returning to sweet, sexual heaven. If only he’d known that Marlene felt the same way that he did, he would have hopped on that train years earlier – and avoided a whole lot of heartache.

Then again, he thought, maybe the love he hadn’t felt is what made the love so sweet this time around. Either way, there was no way he could go back to being Brad’s wingman after what he and Marlene had shared.

“Happy?” Brad gasped. “The fuck would I be happy about? I mean, sure, fine, Marlene’s a great gal and all, but… you just got out of a relationship. Now you want back in?”

Joe chuckled. “I dunno, Brad, it feels like I’ve never been out of a relationship with Merl. It’s like, I’ve never known any other woman.”

“Come on, man,” Brad groaned. “This can’t be happening. I’ve got two tight, barely legal ladies waiting on us down at the club.”

Joe chuckled. Despite the sizzling way Brad had sold it, banging some vapid tramp was the last thing he wanted right now. “So great, go,” he said, grabbing Brad’s empty beer bottle out of his hand. “That’s one more chick for you.”

“They want the package deal, bro,” Brad said, the desperation so thick it smelled like some new cologne fragrance. “It’s both of us or nothing.”

Joe drifted back inside, expecting Merl at his place at any minute. “Brad, you know that was never going to happen, Marlene or no Marlene.”

“Since when?” Brad huffed, following him inside. “You were always up for hanging and banging before?”

“No,” Joe explained, “I was just bored and lonely and you were relentless. It was easier just to go out with you than hear you whine like a bitch about it for four days straight!” He’d meant it as a joke, but it had come out darker than he’d intended. Then again, maybe that was how he really felt.

“Who’s the bitch?” Brad spat, angrily, waving his large hands. “A guy who just wants to drag his friend out of the dumps, or some bitch who just wants to sit around knitting all night?”

“Brad,” Joe said, hands up in surrender. “It came out wrong, it’s not that I’m not grateful for what you tried to do, but… that’s just not me.”

“You’re lying to yourself, bro,” Brad said, grabbing his phone and keys off the marble countertop. “I know you, from way back. You’re just like me, the only difference is, you won’t admit.”

Joe followed him into the foyer, not sure why he was desperate to prove Brad wrong. “I’m not like you, Brad. I never was. I just couldn’t admit that to myself until now.”

“Perfect,” Brad sneered, whipping open the door. “Your own personal ‘Oprah’ even has you talking like her now!”

Joe’s temper flared but, before he could do anything about it, Brad was halfway down the hall, chuckling to himself. Joe slammed the door so hard, the whole wall shook. He fumed, pacing the kitchen, until his cell phone bleated, skittering across the countertop.

He smiled, softening suddenly. It was from Marlene. “I can’t do this,” read her text, and not another word. And yet, somehow, he knew exactly what she meant. Grabbing his keys, he smiled.

“Oh yes you can,” he chuckled to himself, riding down the same elevator that Brad was just on. If he sniffed heavily enough, he could still smell the cheap cologne his buddy always wore on the prowl…



* * * * *



Marlene was just tugging on her robe when the doorbell rang. “What in tarnation?” she murmured, thinking for a fleeting moment that it might be Joe, not taking her “no” for an answer. But she’d only just sent the text! Even a pro quarterback couldn’t run that fast! She slid on her fuzzy red slippers and peered out the keyhole, spotting an array of fresh colored flowers.

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