BWWM: BEFORE I WAKE: A Bad Boy Billionaire Book Collection (African American Interracial Series) (367 page)

BOOK: BWWM: BEFORE I WAKE: A Bad Boy Billionaire Book Collection (African American Interracial Series)
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“Thank you. You look like a queen.” Her white dress was embroidered with pearls all along the bodice and it was sleeveless. Her arms were toned and glistened in the sun. Her hair was braided up around her head and she had baby’s breath flowers all the way around it. She really did look stunning.

“Thank you. Aaron was so happy you agreed to come with him tonight. He’s been telling me what an amazing job you’re doing at the gym.”


She laughed. “Yes, really. The other guys all seem to agree too. As a matter of fact Aaron said he thought you should have your own facility one day.”

I couldn’t help but smile. That was my goal! How did he figure that out?

“You know I’ve always wanted to go out on my own… I’ve already looked at some buildings…the really nice ones are expensive…maybe it would be fun and economical to do something together…if you’d really even be interested in having your own place.”

I wanted to hug and squeeze her and then kiss Aaron for mentioning it to her. “It’s been my dream for a long time. I’d love to explore that more with you.”

Amara giggled with a nod “Great. I will call you soon then!” I thanked her again and she hugged me.

When I looked up I saw the photography session breaking up on the beach. As most of the men strode our way, Aaron hovered in the background. His eyes met me and he gave me a sexy smile as he motioned me forward.

I walked towards him and met him in the sand. He was taking off his shoes just as I reached him. I noticed how well his suit fit across his chest and he looked up to the sky.

“Looks like it might rain.” Glancing back towards the wedding party I saw people leaving or heading for the hotel.

“Yeah it looks like everyone’s going in.”

“Good. Then it’ll be just us then. Take a walk with me?”

His eyes hovered on my lips and once again I couldn’t resist. He left his shoes and took my hand and we started walking up the coast. We walked in silence at first, just enjoying the beauty of the evening and the sounds of the waves lapping around us.

“My father was a rage-a-holic when I was growing up.”

I waited patiently for him to go on. I loved the lilt of his accent.

“He was one of the best fighters that Europe ever saw. I was only five when he started taking me to the gym with him. By the time I was ten I was doing full-circuit workouts and he had me sparring at thirteen.  My mind and my body were both too young, but I tried hard. All I wanted was for him to tell me that I’d done well and he was proud of me…just once. Instead he told me I was doing everything wrong and I was an embarrassment to him. He would yell and scream and belittle me…and the next morning he’d wake me up like nothing happened and we’d go back to the gym again. It got to where I hated it.”

“Wow. I’m sorry to hear that, Aaron. Can I ask a question?”

“Of course.” He squeezed my hand.

“If you hated it so badly, why’d you become a fighter on your own?”

“When I was sixteen, my mother left. My father just shut down… I mean everything stopped. He went down into a dark hole and I think his anger somehow stayed me. I was so young and all I wanted was to be happy. I thought that I could fight it out. I fought…and I won a lot. I had a following in Scotland that bled over to the U.S. by the time I was twenty two…but that was years ago and I never lost the rage.”

My heart ached for him. I wanted to take him in my arms and hug and kiss the hurt away.

Suddenly feeling emboldened by the warmth of his body so close to me I turned to him. “You know…there are other ways to work off pent up aggression.”

Aaron looked down at me and his lips pulled into a soft smile. He leaned towards me and I knew he was going to kiss me. The anticipation of it gnawed at my insides and suddenly I couldn’t wait. He was moving too slow.

I stood on my toes and wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him down. Our lips met and something exploded in my heart. We kissed and I felt his tongue come out and slowly run along my lips like he was tasting me. I opened them for him, allowing him to let it delve in between them and explore the warm, wet depths of my mouth while I explored his in return.

He tasted like champagne and I was fueled by the desire that had been burning deep in my core since we first met. We were both so into the kiss that it took us several seconds to realize that it had started raining. He pulled back and looked at me with a laugh. God, he was beautiful.

Taking my hand he led me hurriedly back to the hotel. We dripped our way through the lobby and ducked past the room the reception had moved into. The wedding party was staying here and Aaron led me onto the elevator and up to his suite.

As soon as the hotel door closed he nudged me into the wall and kissed me again, cupping my face with his rough hands. I gripped his shoulders as he moaned into my mouth. We kissed deeply for a long time, taking turns licking and tasting each other’s lips. He tangled one of his hands up in my wet hair while the other tugged on my zipper. I was soaking wet already…and not just from the rain. I wanted him to move faster…I was dying for him to touch me there.

When he suddenly pulled away I almost complained. But then he guided me backwards over to the bed as his eyes roamed me intensely. Our breaths came in ragged spurts as he sat me on the edge and leaned over me to pull open the back of my dress. He sucked deliciously on my top lip as he guided the dress up over my head and tossed it on the chair behind him.  

He knelt down and reached behind me to unhook my strapless bra. It fell off and he gasped before leaning forward and sealing his lips around one of them. He began to suck on it while letting his tongue trace the hard nipple.

“Watch me, lass.” He smiled seductively with my nipple in his mouth before closing his lips tightly around me. I moaned loudly as he kept opening his mouth wider and sucking in more until my entire breast was in his mouth. His voice rumbled in approval as my thighs began to spread open on their own. It was so erotic to watch him…and it felt amazing.

He moved his gorgeous face over and gave the other the same treatment. I leaned into him, holding him by the back of his head and moaning with desire. How was it that he still had his suit on?

I suddenly felt his hands underneath my thighs. He massaged his way up so I was sitting on him, his hands cupped around my ass. He squeezed in time with the rough sucks to my nipple It was crazy hot and my blood ignited. He pulled me roughly forward so my ass slid off the edge towards him. I heard the clink of his belt buck as my pussy made hard contact with his lap. I cried out as he flexed his hips and rubbed up against me. My pussy quivered as I felt how thick he felt against me. So heavy.

He sucked my nipples so hard that the line between pleasure and pain blurred. It was the most exhilarating torture I’d ever experienced. He slid one hand to my  inner thigh and I felt him drag his thumb along my outer lips. My body convulsed on contact and I still had my panties on.

“Jesus Aaron…that feels so good…”

He stopped sucking my breast and looked up at me, his eyes shining with desire. “You like that baby? Then let me get started.”

He hooked his fingers in my panties then and pulled them off. He threw them aside as he stood
His eyes burned a hot path down my body as he hovered over me. The tension between us was thick and I knew that I was wet and ready for him.

For one brief second I tried to tell myself I shouldn’t be doing this…I was his trainer… I shivered as he ran a warm finger along my top lip.

“You’re all mine tonight coach. I’m gonna fuck you so good...”  

I lost any capacity for conscious thought then. I was doing this…The idea of making love to him consumed me.

I got to watch him strip off his wet jacket and shirt and when he revealed his naked chest…I was speechless. One tattoo for a thorny flower stood over his heart but the rest of him was all smooth skin and rippled muscles. Something about all that unmarred flesh made my mouth go dry. What would those hard planes taste like? His pecs were massive and the the ripple of abs led to a faint happy trail. Ah, God, he’s fucking gorgeous.

He saw how I watched him and he smiled seductively as he reached for his belt buckle. He stripped his trousers off and stood openly for me to see him. His cock lifted proudly to the sky, a bead of precum moistening the thick tip. I swallowed back a groan. How was that going to fit?

“It’s your duty to make me fit, lass.”

My eyes widened. Had I just said that out loud? And did h
just say it’s my… His chuckle was dark and husky as he leaned down and gave me another hot kiss. He slowly pressed me back onto the bed until I was lying all the way down on my back. He climbed on top of me and I could feel his thick, hard erection pressing into me now. His hard muscles felt so good pressed up against me.

I had my eyes closed when I felt him lift up and grope for something near the floor. His hand came back from his wallet with a silver package. He kissed me quickly again before opening the package with his teeth. He kissed the corner of my mouth as he reached between and sheathed himself with one hand. That same hand found my pussy and he slipped one thick finger inside of me.

“Oh God!” He grinned as he started moving it around, in and out, crooking it to rub against my G-spot. I was writhing and moaning when he slid in a second one. I was tempted to close my eyes and let myself get lost in the sensation…but he is so damned gorgeous, I didn’t want to take my eyes off of him.

He pounded into me with his fingers, using his thumb to circle against my clit. I was quickly on the verge of an orgasm…but I didn’t want to come on his hand. His face strained like he was in pain and I reached up and touched his gorgeous cheeks.

“Please baby… Give it to me.”

“I want to taste you Stella…”

“Fuck me first. I need to feel that cock…”

He moaned and pulled his fingers out and positioned his sexy body between my legs. Using one of his hard thighs, he pushed my legs open wider and then I felt the head of that glorious cock pressing against my entrance.

I reached down and touched him…I wrapped my hand around his thickness and I felt him shudder above me. He had his eyes closed as I guided him inside of me. Once he was halfway in he opened his eyes and I saw the dark flame there.

“Dammit lass. Yer so tight.” His accent thickened with his desire and I felt him swell inside me. I raised my hips to take him in more.

He grabbed my hips then and plunged his cock all the way in, jolting the breath from both of our bodies. I felt so full. I put my hands on his tight ass and held him inside of me as he pulled back, urging him to go in as far and deep as he could. He crashed his hips onto me and set a quick pace, moaning my name in my ear. God he felt so freaking good. It was like he was custom made for me. I’ve never felt such an amazing fit.

I gasped and gripped onto those rippling biceps as he drove his big cock in and out of me. Each time he pulled out he would drag across my clit and drive me wild. It took me only minutes before my orgasm was beyond my control. I cried out and dug my fingers into his arms as I arched my butt up off the bed and let the waves engulf me.  

He moved slowly in and out of me until he felt me stop shaking. As soon as I did, he picked up his pace again, leaning down to kiss me hungrily. He sucked on my lips and tongue and pounded into me harder and faster. The bed shook as he griped my hands over my head. I felt like such a wanton woman.  

His breath was ragged in my ear. “That’s how you wanna be fucked lass?”

He grabbed one of my legs and put it up on his shoulder, and then the other one, his hands rubbing the soft flesh at my thighs. He thrust into me so deep and hard I could hear the sounds of our flesh slapping against each other.

I felt like his gaze burned me from the inside out as I heard him let out a long, deep groan. He stilled and threw back his head with a loud grunt, gripping onto my legs tightly until his orgasm passed. He slowly let my legs down and his sexy body fell forward onto mine.

I don’t know how much time passed before I heard his breathy voice in my ear. “Can you breathe baby?”

I grunted out, “No, but I don’t care.”

Laughing, he rolled over. He fell out of me and took off the condom, tossing it into a trashcan beside the bed. Then he rolled back into me, draping his arm under my shoulder and pulling me over his big chest for a cuddle.

I laid there, completely relaxed and even on the verge of going to sleep, when all of a sudden I felt him pull me back onto my back. I popped my eyes open and gazed into his handsome face. He was grinning, of course.

Before I knew what happened he had slid down and his wet tongue pressed against my clit.

“Oh fuck! Aaron!” My head flayed to the side as he played with my swollen clit. It felt so incredible. He moved his tongue in circles against it and I wanted to scream.  He shook his hea
as he pressed deeper into me, driving me mad. No other man had ever felt like this. It was the highest high I’d ever felt.  It was so intense that he had to grip me down tightly to keep my hips still. It was almost too much for me to take.

After driving me to the brink of insanity by pleasure, he released the pressure and slid his tongue along my lips from top to bottom. His face was pressed tightly up against me and when he shoved his tongue all the way up inside, I screamed. I had the most powerful, earth-shattering orgasm of my entire life.

BOOK: BWWM: BEFORE I WAKE: A Bad Boy Billionaire Book Collection (African American Interracial Series)
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