Buzz (The Riley Brothers Book 1) (9 page)

BOOK: Buzz (The Riley Brothers Book 1)
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Noah glowed with pride but tried to downplay it. “Oh, I've been slowly decorating it.” In reality, he didn't have much more room for art. He'd chosen paintings proportionate to the space they took up, matched frames and furniture, and exploited thematic similarities. All in all, his living room was soothing, the dining room energetic, and the kitchen very simple. It just had one old hand-drawn map of Fredericton hanging behind glass.

Cameron paused to examine it, then came to lean next to the sink and checked his phone. Noah smiled to himself at the moment of distraction and the way his lashes dipped over his eyes.

When Noah offered it, Cameron took the glass of water, his lips downturned. Instead of sipping, he leaned in to press their lips together in a proper kiss. Warm, moist lips against his own made Noah shiver and turn his body into Cameron's. He fumbled to turn off the tap and avoid wasting water.

After a moment of probing his lips, making Noah melt with the slow deliberation of his moves, Cameron chuckled and pulled back. “Get yourself a drink, too,” he murmured. “I don't want to keep you from proper hydration.”

“Everything okay?” Noah asked, staying close for now.

Cameron's eyes flickered to the phone and his frown lines deepened. Something was definitely wrong, but it was probably too personal for him to tell Noah.

“Just a friend... got bad news. Some friends plural, actually,” Cameron answered, his thumb tapping across the phone keyboard.

“I'm sorry.”

Cam shook his head, then ducked it to type a text at blinding speed.

Noah swallowed and turned his attention to gulping a few sips of water, giving him a moment's privacy. Their tension was on pause but not killed.

When he looked back, Cam's phone was back in his pocket. The man leaning back against the counter was... fucking beautiful.

Cameron was back-on to the counter, one foot propped up on a drawer handle. His trousers clung to strong thighs. His face tilted back, Cam slowly drank from the glass of water. His other hand was braced behind himself against the edge of the counter.

The evening light poured through the dining room window and struck him sideways. A sharp line of light skirted a slightly crooked nose and danced along the curves of his lips...

“I'd tell you to take a picture, but I'm enjoying it too much,” Cameron drawled. He'd finished his glass of water and was gazing at Noah with both heavy-lidded seduction and amusement.

Noah finished sipping from his glass and took Cameron's, placing both in the sink. Cameron stayed where he was, so Noah shifted to press up close to him against the counter.

Noah had been waiting for this moment, and it didn't disappoint. Warm, solid thighs pressed against his, their knees bumping. Their chests rose and fell against each other as Cameron leaned down and kissed him hard.

Now was no time for sweet.

Noah's body, already burning for contact, only ached more for the sensation of skin on skin. He cupped Cameron's cheek in his own, his thumb rubbing along Cameron's strong cheekbone to his hair as he pressed forward and demanded more.

Cameron's tongue slipped between his lips and played at the tip of his own, stealing Noah's breath. His cock hardened against his jeans, a distinctive firmness pressing into his hipbone too.

Noah ground slowly against Cam, slotting their thighs together to press his cock harder into Cam's inner thigh. Cameron kissed like a fucking tease, slowly catching Noah's lower lip and sucking. He flicked his tongue along the flesh, let go, teased again, and turned his attention to his top lip...

Noah whimpered his protest under his breath, already seeing stars. He was fucking desperate now – desperate enough to rut against Cameron until the man carried him to bed. His stomach was taut with arousal while his chest heaved. He couldn't catch his breath. Cameron tantalized his lips and tongue, then moved his kisses around to his jaw and behind his ear.

Somehow, the fucker instinctively sought out the spot right below his ear. It made him physically jolt and moan again, much louder than before.

Then, Cameron chuckled and kissed it again, gentler this time, and Noah swatted him away. “Goddamn tease,” Noah breathed out. He rubbed a hand up along Cameron's chest and down again, under his hem, and his eyes widened.

Washboard abs rippled under his hand all the way up to unmistakably defined pecs. There was a faint, burning graze of shaved hair growing out on his chest.

Jesus, Cameron was hot.

Noah wasted no time unbuttoning his shirt, ducking his head to kiss at Cameron's neck. It was his turn to treat the man and get his mouth on every inch of this hot body. Noah wanted Cameron moaning and grunting and thrusting into his mouth with the same desperation he, too, felt.

He sucked on Cameron's neck, but not hard enough to leave a mark. As he finished fumbling to pull open the last few buttons, Noah shifted to kiss a slow trail along the smooth skin to his collarbone, then down to his chest.

Cameron had a few healing bruises. One was splashed across his chest, another near his hipbone.

Noah pulled back for a moment, quickly glancing up at Cameron.
That looked painful.

“It's nothing,” Cameron assured him with a smile. “I play rough, that's all.”

Noah's fingers darted around the outside of the bruise as he ran his hand down to Cameron's waistband. “It won't hurt too much?”

“I grew up with two brothers,” Cameron snorted. “You can slap it and I'll cope.”

Noah burst out laughing. “I won't slap it.”

Cameron winked. “Thanks.”

Noah kissed Cameron's collarbone instead, his hand running down to cup the bulge in his trousers. Fuck, Cameron was big. A shaft strained at his underwear and trousers, and Noah was hungry to taste it. He wanted to see if something as big and gnarly did taste better.

“Mm,” Cameron whispered.

Even this quiet sound of fulfillment was gorgeous, but Noah wanted it to be a cry of pleasure.

Noah licked at Cameron's nipples a few times and kissed his upper chest, then sank to his knees, pressing his lips hard against Cameron's stomach near his hipbones.

Cameron laughed and shifted on his feet with a sudden twitch as Noah kissed near his belly button. He raised a hand to cover his mouth, his body twitching.

By the third twitch, Noah's eyes gleamed with amusement. He trailed his lips back down to the waistband, licking that gorgeous line that disappeared into his trousers. He loved a man with a good V in his trousers. “Ticklish?”

“Maybe,” Cameron admitted in a mumble, dropping his hand to Noah's shoulders. “Just when you go too light.”

“I'll be firm,” Noah promised, darting his tongue for badness and licking along the waistband.

“Jesus. When you're ready, of course.”

Noah popped open the trouser button, and dragged down the zipper. He relished the sound, and Cameron's breath caught at the same moment.

Noah kissed a few more times near the center of the waistband as he hooked his fingertips into the garment. Once the trousers pooled on the floor around Cameron's ankles, Cam stepped out of them.

Cameron's hands brushed across Noah's sweater before he poked his finger through the sweater holes. He tickled Noah's shoulders and plucked at the garment.

“Patience,” Noah chided with a grin, but it was easier said than done even for him. His gaze fell to the bulge pressing at Cameron's tight briefs.

Poor guy. He'd take care of that.

Noah caught the opening in a finger and dragged it to the side, parting the fabric to tug out that cock.

Oh, fuck, he's big.

Noah licked his lips instinctively as the flushed red length bobbed free. The head was pinker than the rest, and the shaft was straight and thick. The foreskin gleamed with a drop of moisture.

His breathing was shallow as Noah curled his fingers around the smooth shaft, pulling the skin down as he went and then back up again. God, it was velvety and heavy, and... it just

He leaned in to press his lips to the side of Cameron's shaft, mouthing at it a little while he slid his hand down to cup Cameron's balls.

“Nnh, fuck,” Cameron whispered, his voice already hoarse.

Noah kissed the base of the shaft, then pressed open-mouthed kisses all the way up the thick length to the very tip before kneeling up straight. It was standing straight already, demanding more attention, and who was he to say no?

“You're fuckin' hot,” Cameron murmured.

“Pretty hot yourself, there, Cam,” Noah grinned. He gazed up the length of Cam's body, running the tip of his tongue around the head. The shaft gripped in his hand was about ready for anything.

Cam's hips twitched like he wanted to thrust but was keeping himself back against the counter. One hand wrapped around Noah's shoulder, the other around the edge of the counter as his nails dug in.

Noah closed his lips around the tip of Cam's cock, turning his gaze demurely down to the length he was sucking into his mouth an inch at a time. He shifted on his knees a little, getting closer to angle his head a bit further down and better take the length of it.

Fuck, he was salty and musky and...
The masculine taste and the velvety weight of Cam against his tongue made Noah shudder. He felt Cameron's eyes on him as he reached down to rub himself through his jeans.

He sucked slowly, dipping his head towards the base and back up again a few times. Then, he sett into a faster rhythm and closed his lips a little harder. All the way, he cast quick glances at Cameron now and then, letting him get better glimpses at the pink flesh sliding back and forth between his lips and the sultry expression in his eyes as he sucked Cameron's cock.

Cameron caught his breath a minute later and squeezed Noah's shoulder. “Get up.”

That voice was a low command that Noah didn't hesitate to obey. He sucked one last time, bobbing his head all the way down until Cameron pressed at his throat. Then, he pulled his head back up and let the thick cock pop free.

hoped this meant what he thought.

“Where's your bedroom?”

Noah grinned. “Upstairs,” he purred, pressing close and leaning in to press his lips to Cameron's jaw and neck a few times.

He expected Cameron's hands at his ass, but not those hands squeezing and pulling, hoisting him up into Cameron's arms.

Noah's eyes widened as he threw his arms around Cameron's shoulders. Cam crushed him to the counter and kissed him until he couldn't think straight.

His thought felt loud:
take me to bed.

While moaning through the quick, fierce kisses and the demands of teeth and lips against his own, he managed to lift his legs. One at a time, he wrapped himself around Cameron's waist. Cameron was fucking
. He didn't even feel a wobble as Cameron kept pushing close. His damp, hard, needy cock ground against Noah's stomach while Noah's throbbed in its tight trap.

“Take me to bed,” Noah finally managed when Cameron came up for air and kissed his chin and neck. He rolled his head back, his whole body pulsing with need and pleasure. He
to be naked; he
to have that body blanketing him, pushing his legs up by his ears; he
to have that thick, swollen cock plunging deep into him.

He hadn't been this desperate in
. He was going to go fucking crazy without Cameron.

“With pleasure,” Cameron whispered. Noah caught his breath and held tight as Cameron spun them and carried him – unwavering the whole way – around the corner and upstairs.

“Oh, Jesus,” Noah moaned as Cameron shouldered through his bedroom door. He was almost shaking with adrenaline after the flight of stairs. He'd felt safe in those strong arms the whole time, but he'd never had a man show off like
before. “You're fuckin' ripped.”

“I lift now and then,” Cameron teased. “You're the most fun of anything I've lifted, though.”

Noah's cheeks were flushed. Exhilaration raced through him as they tumbled onto the bed together. He untangled his legs from Cameron's, squirming his way up to the head of the bed.

Cameron followed him the whole time, crawling across him with the eyes of a predator and the body of a Greek god. He grabbed the bottom hem of Noah's sweater and yanked it up and over his head, then ran a hand slowly down across his tank top. His fingertips teased and grazed Noah's nipples. “Too many layers,” he teased.

“Two is too many?” Noah grinned, already reaching down to push off Cameron's shirt and leave him almost naked.

“Far too many.”

Noah arched off the bed to let Cameron pull off the plain white shirt.

Cameron leaned down to kiss Noah's chest just as he'd had done to him in the kitchen, and Noah squirmed into the bed. “Mmmph,” he whimpered, his thighs clenching as he almost held his breath. “Hnnh, I can't-- fuck, don't tease me anymore.”

“Sorry,” Cameron whispered across the moist nipple once he let go of it, but he still darted his head over to lick the other one.

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