Bush League: New Adult Sports Romance (43 page)

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I had never had so much fun at a wedding before, it was just too bad it wasn't the wedding I was supposed to be at. Never had I done something so daring, sneaking into a stranger's reception and acting as though I had been invited the whole time. It was so brazen and out of character for me; so was dancing so suggestively with a family member. It was hard not to notice just how freeing and exciting it was.

Rorke and I tumbled out of that reception giggling like little kids, amazed it had worked out so well. Though I would've kept dancing the rest of the night, the party we had crashed was just starting to die down and our welcome was starting to wear thin. My stepbrother and I made our way back towards our parents' boring reception, or at least I thought that's where we were going.

"Nah," Rorke said when I noticed him starting towards the opposite direction, "it's so boring in there. Let's go get a drink in my room."

Ditching our parents reception to go dance at a different party was one thing but scampering off to his room together? That idea was just preposterous.

"Rorke..." I started to say without any idea of how to finish the sentence. Didn't need to, Rorke beckoned me to look over by the door, pointing towards the boring reception where I was trying to get us to go back to. There, on a bench right outside the door, was an elderly couple, each fast asleep. The absolutely wild times inside had worn them out. Going against my instincts and dancing with him at that other reception turned out to be a great idea, I wondered if maybe getting a drink with him would be just as fun.

"One drink and that's it," I clarified to which he happily accepted the terms.

The hotel where we were staying was in a building adjoining the hall with all of the parties going on. Though there weren't many people around, I was still on guard, doing my best to not be spotted absconding with my new stepbrother. Clinging to the shadows outside between the buildings, I walked as quickly as I could, unable to believe what I had agreed to do. The new irresponsibility gave me a little rush, excitement I tried my best to ignore.

Once we arrived just outside of the hotel, we both heard the sound of footsteps and people taking. It could've been anyone but I couldn't take that chance. My alarm was picked up on by Rorke and he quickly pushed open the heavy door to the stairwell, pulling me inside of the dark chamber quickly before letting the door slam shut and hiding us in there all alone.

"Thanks, I..."

He didn't let me finish, instead taking the opportunity to plant his soft lips against mine as I tried to complete my sentence. I didn't resist but was incredibly conflicted. I knew full well that this was wrong but at the same time, was something that made my heart flutter. He was my stepbrother now. My hands betrayed my heart by pressing against his chest, trying to create distance. Rorke looked wounded once we were apart.

"How about we go get that drink?" I asked, realizing after that it had sounded way more flirtatious than I had meant it to. He just grinned and let me follow him up the stairs, the dark stairs where we had little chance of running into anyone we knew.

Something about the privacy and secrecy of that stairwell caused my conflicted feelings to heighten. Never before had I felt so drawn to someone, so desperate for their physical touch. But it was wrong and I knew that. This debate continued in my head as my body took over and I impulsively grabbed him by the collar and returned my stepbrother's lips to mine. In the near darkness and privacy of that stairwell, we kissed deeply. All of the passion I had held myself back from unleashed and likely overwhelmed him but he certainly wasn't complaining. Our hands returned to each other's bodies with urgency.

Just go with it
," I silently urged myself to concentrate on what I wanted, not what I thought was the right thing to do. It wasn't long before my conscience demanded I stop before it went too far. I regretfully disengaged from my stepbrother's touch, making quick distance between us and assuredly frustrating him further.

"I'll need a rain check on that drink, I'm going to go to my room," I said without even looking his way. Though it wasn't an invitation, he clearly took it as one.

"Then I'll come with you."

There was no use trying to get him to see where I was coming from. My feelings of how wrong this was didn't seem to ever transfer to him. We had a lot of fun together at a wedding and got carried away. We had to stop before we did something we couldn't ever undo. Without the ability to explain this again and have him understand, I needed another plan. My fists hiked up my dress, high enough so I could move quickly, and I raced up the stairs as fast as I could. My contagious giggling only encouraged him to follow close behind.

While running giddily down the hall, I was able to remove the key card from my bag and had it ready when I reached room 316 before he did. It slowly entered and slid into the slot when Rorke appeared suddenly at my side, not out of breath like myself but instead barely even sweating. My back was to the door as I turned to face my stepbrother one last time.

"Rorke, we can't..." I started to say before laying another kiss on him, a last series of quick kisses that I promised meant to end the night, to be the last scandalous touch we ever had. The fact that anybody from our parents' wedding could walk down that hall and see us thrilled me more than it should have. The thought of such a scandal managed to make me only want Rorke more.

Before I could put a stop to things again, Rorke reached around and pushed the door behind me, the resting keycard unlocking the door and causing us both to tumble inside before I even realized what was going on. Somehow I had landed on top of him, I think he positioned himself to break my fall, and we lay in a pile by the door. My foot kicked off my heels and I pushed the door closed, lest anybody peek inside. This only encouraged Rorke.

"You have to go, ok?" I demanded he confirm while my hands pinned his arms to the floor in an effort to get him to take me seriously. On top, I had the power, I called the shots. All I had to do was pull myself off of him and send him on his way. The feeling of the hard bulge in his pants pressing between my legs made getting off of him really difficult though.

I thought I had rendered my stepbrother immobile but he was still able to lift and crane his head, trying desperately to find my lips. Without even realizing it, my hips began to rock back and forth over his stiffening lap, his manhood causing friction against my most tempting spot. It had always been easy for me to do the right thing but with my stepbrother underneath me, I was overwhelmed by the temptation to finally do what was so wrong.

With all of the strength I could muster, I finally lifted myself off of my stepbrother and put a great distance between us, trying my best to compose myself. If I could just get him out of my room, I'd be able to have a little private time to release the intense pressure that had been building up inside of me. Practically running to the opposite side of the only bed in the room, I stood defiantly and pointed my finger towards the door.

"Go," I instructed though it was hard for me to do so. He looked hurt again, frustrated that I had ended things yet again. This time he didn't protest though, clearly having had enough. Rorke gave me one last longing look in hopes of a change of mind before turning to leave the room. Though it pained me to have to send him away when I wanted him so badly, it was the right thing to do.

"Uh oh," he said while looking through the peephole. If this was a trick, I wasn't falling for it. My arms crossed and my face let him know I didn't believe him. "Here," he said while waving me over, "look."

Slowly I went to the door to see what he was going on about. Standing on my tiptoes, I looked through the peephole and saw that the worst possible group had congregated right outside of my door: my mother, my new stepfather and an assortment of guests were having a conversation mere feet from where Rorke and I were hiding. I fell to the ground as though they might be able to somehow see through the hole, afraid they’d be able to tell who I was in there with.

"Ok," Rorke said cheerfully while reaching for the door handle, "see you later." My hands lunged at him to stop him from going out there. My eyes begged him to please not even joke about going out there. He was amused to see how desperate I was.

"It's fine," he whispered, "I'm sure they'll understand why I'm sneaking out of your dark hotel room with a massive hard-on. Just let me explain to them..." His wide, cheeky grin gave no indication of whether or not he was going to actually do it and I was panicked. My panic only increased when I heard a knock at the door.

Rorke slid down next to me, his eyes wide. He mouthed the words, "Your mother," while pointing at the door. My heart raced as we sat as still as possible, soon hearing my mother's voice through the door.

"Well, where could she be? I thought she'd be in there."

Mother knocked one more time as Rorke and I sat frozen on the floor, hoping she'd go away.

Mother's impromptu visit left me stuck in the hotel room with Rorke while I was incredibly tired. All I wanted to do was have a little intimate private time with myself before allowing myself to drift off to a peaceful sleep. There was only one bed in the room and it looked so inviting. Rorke and I slowly made our way towards it, distancing ourselves from the door in case our shadows would give us away.

"What do we do?" he whispered as if I had an answer.

"Rorke, I'm really tired. I need to go to bed," I delighted him.

"Me too," he happily let me know.

"You can stay here until they get out of the hallway." I didn't know another solution. "Turn your back to me and promise you'll be a gentleman." Rorke nodded along to the terms I firmly laid out. After removing his jacket, shirt and pants, he plopped down on the side of the bed and turned his back to the middle, just as I had requested. I gave an annoyed sigh to protest his nakedness but he made it clear that he wasn't going to rumple up his nice suit. He had a point, I also couldn't expect to sleep in my elaborate dress and undergarment contraption. After taking a few items from my luggage, I excused myself to the bathroom so I could change.

When I packed the small bag to bring with me to the wedding, the one thing that had apparently never entered my mind was some pajamas. My thought process was that I would be sleeping alone in the room so it wouldn't matter. At the time, even in my wildest fantasies, I had no idea my stepbrother's muscular body would be occupying half of my bed. With no other option, after removing all of wedding attire, I put on the only extra bra and panties I had packed, the matching pink combo that was definitely a little too flirty for what had to be an innocent night.

"Whoa," Rorke said loudly as I tried to sneak back into the room. My discarded dress and other clothes were hugged close to my body to prevent him from seeing too much but at the same time, I wasn't able to cover anything. I felt my stepbrother's eyes searching for any sign of bare skin, burning the spots when he found them. After dropping my clothes on a nearby chair, I hurried over to the bed, keeping his peepshow as short as possible.

"You've got one smokin' body going on there, sis," he said over his shoulder to where I was setting up behind his turned back. Lifting the comforter, I was awarded my own view, a fantastic view of his chiseled back and sculpted rear. It took all willpower I had to not reach out just for one quick feel of him. Knowing the temptation would be too much, I turned my back to his and closed my eyes, hoping for sleep to quiet the throbbing passion reaching a tipping point inside of me. Our breathing rhythm soon synced up and our bodies lifted and lowered at the same time. The pheromones sent off from his body enticed and excited me, every part of me soon felt alive. I closed my eyes as tightly as I could, trying to think of literally anything else other than the warm body behind me.

My whole being almost exploded when I heard him turn and felt his arm slowly drape over my body.







"Rorke, what are you doing?" I asked after feeling his arm embrace me. Every inch of me yearned for more of his touch but it was wrong, we couldn't.

"Can I just get a little closer? It's a little cold," he asked.

My solution was quick, "Fine, you can get closer but no touching. I'm serious."

I quivered as I felt his arm withdraw while his whole body moved closer. The heat radiating off of him enveloped me like a comforting blanket, making me feel embraced even in the absence of direct contact. It felt like it had been so long since I had someone's warmth so close. He had removed his touch as promised but there was only so much he could control. Between my legs and just barely making contact with the fringe of my panties, I felt the very edge of his hardened dick, extending far out from his body. Slowly it started to press a little more firmly and I was powerless to stop the good feeling, my body was betraying me for what it wanted instead. Tired of arbitrary rules and stiff morals, my hips pushed back onto his pole, relishing the sensation of the forbidden direct contact.

I swear my only intention was to help him get to sleep. The way I figured it, he'd never get to sleep with a raging boner. Ever so helpful, my delicate feminine fingers soon found their way behind my back and wrapped around his swollen cock. My hand betrayed me by gripping his member tight and as I gave gentle strokes, positioning its head right between my closed legs.

"We can't..." I started to say even though I only wanted to continue. Rorke knew I was painfully conflicted, leaning in close to my ear, his energy electrifying my skin, and whispering "Shhh," as his cock drove harder between my legs. Pressing my thighs together to hold him there for a moment, I knew there was no way I could turn back.

From his position behind me, Rorke made quick work of my bra, unclasping it skillfully. My arms slipped out of the pink lingerie and let it fall, my sizable, perky breasts now out in the open and absolutely aching to be touched. The two cherries that rested on top of my firm breasts were stiff and pointing out, causing my body to tremble with each hint of a breeze. My stepbrother understood my need and when his hands came from behind and enveloped them, I let out a soft moan. Rorke moved my hair to the side and kissed the nape of my neck as his thumbs and fingers toyed with the pink pleasure centers atop my breasts. My shapely, pink pantie covered behind pressed harder into him as out hips grinded together in rhythm.

The thoughts running through my mind were fast and fleeting. Many warnings to myself that this was wrong and needed to stop. Those musings were soon conflicted by other scandalous thoughts that insisted that I needed this, that I wanted Rorke more than anything in the world. The strong desire inside of me could be satiated by only one thing, and that thing was gingerly rubbing between my legs.

With athletic ability I wasn't aware I possessed, I swung around quickly and landed right on Rorke's lap. My boobs shook in delight as I settled, only the thin layers of our underwear separating us. My wanting mound landed directly on top of where his throbbing cock was positioned, our parts pressing firmly against each other, daring the both of us to finally give in. While staring deep into his eyes, I lifted myself briefly and pulled those pink panties down, kicking the slightly damp underwear from my ankles. As I did this he slipped out of his own tight boxers, our bare skin ready to finally meet. Lowering myself down on him, I let my naked femininity rest on top of his manhood, letting my wetness lay claim to his shaft. Rorke appeared amused the whole time, hoping it would finally happen while not rushing me at all.

"What about your two week rule?" I asked while gingerly maneuvering my soaking lower lips up and down his engorged shaft, teasing him, giving him the opportunity to be the one to stop things. Rorke sat up straight with me in his lap, looked deep into my eyes while telling me, "I don't care," before planting a firm kiss right on my lips.

Our mouths merged and tongues danced with intense passion as our lower halves came together in a forbidden union. He slid inside of me with ease, causing me to bite my lip, stifling another moan from escaping as he stretched my tight pocket. Our lightly stubbled parts rubbed together in perfect rhythm as I moved like a belly-dancer, my hips circling all around my stepbrother's lap while he slid in and out of me. He was quite preoccupied with my breasts, his mouth attentive to both of them, breaking contact for only seconds at a time. My right hand fell behind me for support as I brought Rorke in and out, slightly increasing the speed at which I made him disappear inside of me. My special nub pressed against his hard body as he stretched me pleasurably with defined thrusts inside. When one of Rorke's hands met mine, he interlocked our fingers and I drove even harder down onto him.

My mind stepped out of itself for a moment to remind me that this wasn't a good idea. A few weeks out of school and these were the kinds of decisions I was making. I mean, how could I ever judge anyone, for anything, ever again? All of the tabloid stories about Rorke made me feel as though I was better than him but now, I was just as scandalous. God, if anyone took a cellphone picture of him and I walking into this room together? Realizing the foolish risks I had taken, it dawned on me that if they wanted to, security could very well sell the footage from the hallway or wedding if they thought to look for it. Shit. This decision was going to live with me forever. I'd forever been known as some spoiled step-heir to a giant fortune. The kind of girl who would screw her stepbrother on the night of her parents' wedding. No matter if I stopped suddenly, right in the middle of this...it was too late, this had definitely happened. He was inside of me. It was a reality. If I could never say that I had never slept with a family member. This new reality was a scarlet letter. Part of my permanent record. Still though, looking down at his thick shaft sliding in and out of me, I couldn't help but think it was all worth it.

In an effort to try and forget the taboo nature of what we were doing, I tried to focus on him. Looking down at the boy I was riding, I felt a giddiness wash over me. At least in that moment, I felt it was all worth it and I wanted that feeling forever. I watched his face as my hips dragged Rorke in and out of me, his hands and eyes continued to be preoccupied with my breasts. When he eventually caught me watching him, his eyes locked with mine and we both got lost in each other, all while moving together as one.

My head soon felt light and full of sunshine as an intensity started to crest from deep inside. My eyes closed again as I focused, my knees propelling me all around. I felt Rorke's strong hands take hold of my hips in an attempt to bring me even closer, to take control of my body. My head shot back from the explosion inside of me, the fragments of which spread down to the tips of my extremities. My own hands clasped my breasts as I bucked and bulled all around, completely out of control, the wild flailing was proof of that. I continued to slide on my stepbrother's well lubricated cock in an attempt to keep the amazing feelings coming, to get as much life as possible out of the climax.

Our hands joined together as I slowed down a little, my orgasm slowly starting to recede. When I had blissfully pushed myself all the way down, so that Rorke was all of the way deep inside of me, I felt it. A warm feeling filled my lower half, the sensation soon overwhelming.

It was then I realized that my stepbrother hadn't put on a condom.

"Rorke!" I leapt off of his naked body as quickly as I could. When I had landed on the side of the bed, his warm juices crept out of me and down my inner thigh, some collecting on the bed. In a panic I tried to wipe it far off of me, using a tissue from the desk beside the bed. The worry and anxiety set in as I wondered how much worse I had just made this situation. Our moments of bliss may very well soon have serious consequences and I silently chastised myself for another poor decision. Looking over at Rorke, he matched my incredulous glare with one of confusion, he had no idea what he had done wrong.

"My stepbrother just fucking came in me, that's what," I informed him when he insisted to know what was wrong. It's kind of difficult to shame someone while wiping their jizz off of your own thigh. He still didn't appear worried.

"Wait, you're not on the pill?" he asked as though he couldn't even believe the question as it left his mouth. When I angrily explained that I wasn't, the look of concern on his face was intense. For a few moments, he just stared at me, the both of us quiet, processing the gravity of our situation. Rorke's head then cocked as if he was about to say something, something to make this all better, but no words came out. Finally he collected his things and got up from the bed.

"Yeah, I should really get going," he finally decided without even looking at me. Though I wanted him to be careful about walking in the hallway, I wanted him gone much more. He made sure to fix his clothes as not to look like he just banged his sister and reached for the handle of the door. After one quick look back, he left the room. I sat on the bed, head in hands, wondering how I had let my life get this messed up.





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