Burnt (15 page)

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Authors: Lyn Lowe

Tags: #Epic, #Fantasy

BOOK: Burnt
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He never talked to the man who escorted him to and from the stables every day. They worked together, and if Kaie spent any time thinking on it, he probably knew the man’s name. But since that first day when the man wrapped a meaty hand around his arm, just like they did his first day as a slave, he didn’t like the guy. It was mutual. The man was always the first to start the laughter and always the last to let it go. And there was no question who spoke against him when Stephan entrusted him with the feeding. But he didn’t see any way to solve it by exchanging words. So he let it go.

Still, the man seemed determined to change the nature of their animosity that day. The grip on Kaie’s arm was much tighter than necessary, and the glares sent his way were more frequent and intense than usual. He got the distinct sense that he was being pr
ovoked into a word of protest, one that would give the excuse for violence.

Kaie didn’t intend to give it. It wasn’t a good
day. Those were long gone. But for the first time in a long time, he didn’t feel quite so empty. He had the solution to a puzzle, one he cared about. He won Peren’s name. Not because someone else helped him, either. He wasn’t sure what he’d done to deserve it but he didn’t care. It was his victory, and he meant to enjoy it.

But the man holding him was spoiling for confrontation. They were just drawing on the well when the pressure on his arm jerked and shoved, sending Kaie down to his knees without the benefit of two hands to cushion the impact.

“Bastard!” The word flew out before he could stop it.

He was answered with a blow to the side of his head that made the world lurch.

Kaie scrambled to his feet, blinking against the dizziness from the hit. “What in the Abyss is wrong with you?” He needed to keep his mouth shut. This wasn’t a fight he could win. The days in the stables were making him stronger but he was still the small and weak boy who needed Sojun to do battle for him. The man staring him down was no bigger than his heart’s brother but that was plenty big enough.

The man spat, splattering his feet with saliva. “You ruined one girl already. You think I’ll let you break another?”

He tried. Really, he did. But he couldn’t stop himself. “So that’s what we’re doing? Acting like idiots, because you’ve got a hard-on for Peren and don’t have the balls to talk to her?”

The man blanched. It was all the encouragement Kaie needed to continue his assault. “Does she remind you of a girl back home? Another one you didn’t talk to? Did you see her do dirty things to other guys, wishing it was you? Do you think
, if it weren’t for me, Peren would be doing them to you? Maybe pulling you back behind the stable, getting down on her knees for you?”

The man’s face went from bone white to bright red in an instant. Kaie saw the next punch coming, aim
ed for his head again. He twisted away, catching it in the shoulder. It hurt for a second, and sent him stumbling backward a step or three.

“You won’t turn her into a slut like your
other girl!” the man bellowed.

It was his turn to spit. There was blood in it, from where his teeth cut the inside of his cheek. “She doesn’t even know you exist, you sorry sack of shit. With or without me, it’ll never be you who sticks her. She’s got way too much self-respect to settle for filth.”

There would be no avoiding the next hit. Kaie saw the promise of death in the man’s clenched teeth and tensed muscles. He didn’t flinch from it. If this was the end, so be it. He would make it a nightmare of a fight.

Kaie smiled.


The soft voice cut through the air like a knife. Both of them froze, eyes locking together in a shared panic that momentarily overwhelmed the battle between them.

His hands fell open then squeezed closed again, the promised fight and blinding need to flee twisting his body into a storm of vibrating nerves. Slowly, praying silently that he was wrong, Kaie turned around.

She was just as
plain looking as he remembered and her skirts just as big. And the sick, cruel smile playing on her lips was like a bucket of ice water dumped down his back. Her pace wasn’t hurried. She seemed quite confident that her presence was enough to hold them in place until she arrived. It was. The huge man at her side was superfluous. Luna Autumnsong was terrifying all on her own.

Behind her
the hide covering his home fluttered. Kaie saw Amorette’s head peer out just for a second, then dart back inside. But that didn’t make any sense. He left before her and he returned before her. Dinner was always ready before she got home. Always. Amorette and Luna being here, when neither should be, couldn’t be a coincidence. But there was no time to figure out the implications. His nightmare was descending.

“What is your name?”

Kaie’s mouth went dry. His lips refused to move. She was going to punish him if he didn’t answer her. And the older Lady Autumnsong couldn’t stop it this time. He was supposed to keep his head down and become invaluable. Instead, he was fighting in East Field, inviting another culling. What was wrong with him?


Kaie blinked, only then realizing that Luna was talking to the other man.

Her lips turned down in a frown that still found a way to be mocking. “You hit my puppy, Keegan. That’s not very nice of you.”

“I… uh… I didn’t know. Ma’am. Mistress. Lady Autumnsong.”

“You didn’t?” Her head tilted to the left, as if she were considering this answer. Kaie knew better. The truth was written clearly on her unimpressive face. She was eager for blood. This exchange was just a game.

“No, Lady Autumnsong. I didn’t know he was yours! I would never…no one would…Please, forgive me! Mercy!” Keegan knew it too, by the terror in his voice.

“Indeed? I suppose you do make a good point, Keegan. I can hardly hold ignorance against a person, else I would have to put down every slave in all of Lindel. Very well. I will forgive you. This one time.”

The man sagged in relief. Kaie almost joined the sentiment, until he saw Luna’s smirk return. “Puppy, tell me, is this East Field? I get so terribly turned around outside the manor.”

His tongue stuck to the roof of his mouth. Keegan didn’t see it yet, by the way the man was all but sobbing in gratitude, but the bitch was about to make her move. Kaie wanted to press his eyes closed until it all went away. Moments
ago he hated this other man, but that didn’t mean he wanted a hand in what was coming.

He nodded. There was nothing else to be done.

She smiled and clapped her hands together, pleased with his obedience. Kaie wanted to be sick.

“It is? Oh my! I thought, surely I was lost. No one would be so foolish in East Field. Not after my aunt made such a decisive proclamation about the punishment for fig
hting here. But if I’m not lost and this is indeed East Field, I’m afraid my mercy simply won’t help poor Keegan here.”

The sob that came out of Keegan sound
ed like it was wrung loose. Now the man saw what was coming. Too late. It was too late the moment the overdressed bitch spotted the two of them.

She snapped her stubby fingers. The sound vibrated through Kaie, echoing the click of a latch pressed into place. The flurry of movement that caught up the entirety of East Field that followed was all unnecessary. Keeg
an’s life ended with that snap.


It all happened so terribly fast.

Before Kaie even processed the crowd that was suddenly swallowing him, Keegan was tied to a post he never noticed before. It stood a me
re ten paces away from the well but somehow blended so completely with the surroundings that it was invisible. Until someone was strung up on it, arms encircling the expanse and bare back turned to the world. Then it was impossible to look anywhere else.

The brute who was following in Luna’s wake tugged at the rope wrapped around Keegan’s hands. The man whimpered
, and Kaie’s fists clenched in sympathy. The brute nodded and took several slow steps backward.

The boy beside him gasped. Kaie was distracted for a
second, trying to figure out if it was Sorley or some other child. Shouldn’t he be able to tell? His eyes were drawn back to the slab of a man in the center of their mob an instant later. Air caught in his throat.

The first lash of the whip hit the dirt at the brute’s feet. The whole of East Fi
eld seemed to hold its breath. Hoping, like he was, that it was just a nightmare? That this would end with them jerking awake, covered in sweat and panting? Or in anticipation? Some of these were his people, his family. He tried to believe it was the former, but he knew better. He could feel the excitement coursing through the crowd. They were as eager for Keegan’s pain as Luna.


Kaie charged forward, knowing it was pointless. If he was overmatched by Keegan, he was nothing to the brute. But he couldn’t let this happen. This wasn’t because of his curse, or the gods’ desire to inflict suffering. It was his fault. If he just kept his mouth shut the other man would be walking home now. Angry and spoiling for a fight, but safe. And no one else was going to do a damn thing.

The brute didn
’t even glance in his direction, just lifted an elbow at the right moment. Kaie tried to adjust his trajectory but it was too late for that. Momentum carried him into the extended bone. It hit just above his left eye, splitting the skin like a ripe fruit and sending him sprawling.

Blood spilled down his face, obscuring half his vision, Kaie pushed himself back up. Everyone was staring at him with a look that reminded him of dogs waiting to be fed. He wiped at his eye, trying to come up with some way to make this sto
p. He took another step forward but hands burst out of the crowd and jerked him backward.


He stared up at the woman hissing at him. Josephine. East Field’s overseer. The whip cracked. Keegan screamed.

“You have to stop this!” She could. She was in charge here. Vaughan explained that to him, back when they saw each other regularly. The overseer spoke for the Lady Autumnsong.

Josephine scowled. “I can’t,” she said lowly. “No one can. Poor sot is dead already. Keep at it and you’ll be strung up there after they peel him off. Then you’ll go off with Lady Luna to recover. Is that what you want?”

It wasn’t. Another crack. Another scream. “I can’t just let him…”

“You can.” She tugged him up like he weighed nothing. “You have to.”

It continued for nearly an hour. Kaie fought some. Not enough. Josephine’s grip was iron.
He watched as Keegan was flayed. After a while, the screams stopped. Soon, it was nothing more than whipping dead flesh. Even the bloodthirsty crowd was spent of their sport at that point. Still, the brute kept going.


The same word, the same voice, the same tone. It ended exactly how it began. Except now Keegan was nothing but a lump of bloody flesh, held to a post by nothing but arms belted together.

Luna was beside him. Kaie didn’t know when that happened. Josephine held him still, but everyone else was at le
ast two steps away. She smirked and he knew with that look that this was never about punishing Keegan.

She patted him on the head. “Good boy. See you soon.”

She walked away just as slowly as before, the brute at her heels once more.

The crowd milled around, their purpose lost. He heard talk of taking the body down
and figuring out something to do with it. The body. Like it was never a man. Kaie’s fists clenched. Stopping the brute wasn’t possible but he could punish those left behind for their acceptance, their eagerness. There was no family here. No people. Not even animals would draw pleasure from a murder like this.

Josephine’s grip never loosened as she yanked him away from the crowd, toward the well.

“Let me go!”

She cuffed the side of his head. “Quit being stupid. One man died on account of that already today. How many more do you plan on getting killed before you do what Mistress told you, and quit drawing so much
gods’ damned attention?”

“At least one!” He spat.

Josephine flashed all of her teeth in a predatory smile. “Lady Luna just declared her claim on you in front of the whole of East Field. That means every soul here is in danger of being used against you. How long, do you think, before these people start figuring that out? How many days before they get it in their heads to drive you out?”

“Is that supposed to scare me?”

“It would,” she answered lowly, “if there was half as much brain in that head as Mistress seems to think. No one will dare to touch you. Not after this display. So how, exactly, do you think they’ll chase you into Lady Luna’s waiting arms?”

Kaie’s knees buckled. Peren. Amorette. Vaughan. Those were the tools they would use.

Her message received, Josephine finally dropped her hold on him. “I’m putting East Field on lockdown tomorrow. No work. Go home, boy. Don’t do anything. Don’t talk to anyone. Keep your gods damned head down.”


Amorette waited in the shack. But then, he knew that. He saw her peering out at him. She was standing in front of the fireplace, arms extended for him. Kaie stopped the moment he was inside, staring at the offered embrace, wondering why all he felt about it was a bit sick. “Don’t.”

She blinked and dropped her hands. “Don’t?”

Kaie scowled as he dropped to the floor and pulled his blanket up around his shoulders as he lay down. He laid facing the wall, feeling no desire to watch her tears when they came. “If you’re paying attention to me you’re trying to get me to say yes. I hate myself enough already. You don’t need to make it worse.”

A cool hand pressed against the back of his neck. This was a new trick. Usually it was her lips. He wanted it to go away just as much as he wanted it to stay there. So
he did nothing. After a moment her other hand was there too. Then they were massaging his neck and the back of his head. It felt good.

“I miss the hill.” Her voice caught him by surprise. “I miss everything, but I think about our hill the most.”

Kaie closed his eyes. For a second, he could almost taste the sweet roll on his lips and smell fall in the stale air of the shack. “Me too,” he admitted.

“I’m sorry.” She sighed and pressed her thumbs into the muscles connecting his neck to his shoulders.

He grunted his appreciation. “Don’t apologize. Feels good.”

“I mean about the way I’ve been. It was wrong, what I asked of you. I know that. I knew it then. I wanted to hurt you. Both of you. I’ve just felt so lost…”

He turned around, catching her hands in his. He smiled because the only other thing to do was cry, and he still couldn’t seem to manage that. “You’re not the only one.”

She kissed his hands, then his forehead. That was new
, too. “You’re always there, aren’t you? No matter what I do, what I say, you’re always going to be waiting for me.”

He chuckled. “I don’t have much else going on at the moment.”

She slid down beside him, climbing between his arms and tugging the blanket until they shared it. Her back was pressed against his chest, and she didn’t seem to be making any attempt at his pants. Uncertainty held him in place. He hardly dared to breath. He wanted this to be her, his Amorette. “What are you doing?”

“I don’t want to be alone anymore. I’m not asking you for anything, Kaie. Not tonight. Tonight I just want to be that boy and girl on the hill.”

He tightened his arm around her waist and pressed his forehead against the back of her neck, trying to imagine that the puff of strawberry hair was long and smelled the way it did back then. “Okay.”

Kaie wasn’t
sure when they started kissing or who initiated it. The progression was natural. It just happened. When her cool hands slid up his back, slipping his shirt up over his head, that seemed natural too. It wasn’t until all their clothing was off that he realized what was happening. He pulled away from her lips, though he couldn’t bring himself to let her go. “Ams…”

“Shh,” she admonished with a smile. “This is about you and me. The boy and the girl on our hill. You understand?”

Kaie hesitated. He did understand. But it wasn’t right. He needed to say so. Before the words made it past his lips, almost before he realized it was happening, Amorette shifted and he was inside her. Everything else stopped existing.

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