Burning Up (37 page)

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Authors: Marie Coulson

Tags: #Romance, #Adult

BOOK: Burning Up
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Nick nudged Eric in the ribs. “Dude, isn’t that the girl Ollie used to fuck?”

I shot Ollie a horrified look, and shaking his head, he pulled me to him and rested his forehead against mine. “It’s going to be fine. I love you, Layla. I want you and only you. I fought too long and too hard to throw it all away. She was a one-time thing. I want you. Layla, you can trust me.”

Gazing into my eyes, he pressed a kiss to my lips softly.

“I promise. You can trust me.”

Taking the woman by the hand, Charlie pulled her into the center of the group.

“Guys, I want you to meet the newest member of DOA. Everyone, this is Shaye. She’ll be touring with you.”

Mel and Amy gave me an uneasy look.

Turning on her heels, Shaye climbed back onto the bus, followed by an uncomfortable looking Eric, and a grinning Nick. Ollie lingered a moment and clutched my hand.

“Layla, I love you. I don’t need to think about anything. It’s you and me. I’ll be back before you know it.”

I nodded weakly but couldn’t tear my gaze from the bus. Mel and Amy had told me about a musician Ollie had been sleeping with, but this was surreal. Not only was he leaving for three months, but he would be spending it with a woman he used to fuck. I watched as Ollie boarded the bus, and my heart pounded while my stomach churned. The tables had been turned on me, and now I was the one left wondering where I stood. The irony wasn’t lost on me. I stared at the bus until it was out sight. I had given Ollie a choice, and suddenly I had no idea if he would choose me after all. My phone buzzed in my pocket and pulling it out, I smiled at the message.


I’ve thought it over and it wasn’t hard to decide.  I’ll always choose you, Layla. Trust me.


Ollie xx


From: Ollie

Received: 06.25


This was going to be the longest three months of my life.




Where do I begin? There are so many people that I want to thank for the support, love and care they showed me while writing this novel. First, I want to thank my partner. Thank you for being there for me when it got tough. Thank you for your endless support and shoulder to cry on when things became difficult and fatigue consumed me. But most of all, thank you for my gorgeous little boy. Our son is the light of my life and I cannot express how in love I am. I could not write a love as powerful as this feels.

To my family and friends, thank you. For everything. I cannot find the words to say just how much you have all meant to me during the past few months. I adore you all.

My beta girls! Shaina, Rhonda, Kerri
, Laura and Dana, you rock! Thank you for keeping me sane, motivated and for the endless laughs. I couldn’t have done it without you!

Madison, thank you so much for saving me! You swooped in like a superhero and I cannot thank you enough for introducing me to Chelsea. Chelsea, you are wonder woman! Your speedy and thorough editing was a god send and I would highly recommend you to everyone!

Sarah Hansen, another amazing cover! I love it and I cannot tell you how many times just looking at it inspired me. Thank you.

To the blogs, pages and awesome book world girls and guys…I love you! Thank you for your support and for showing me so much indie love! I am truly grateful.

And finally, to all of you, the readers. Thank you for your patience, love, words of encouragement and understanding. My beautiful baby boy arrived on October 20
, three weeks early and I would like to thank each and every one of you for your messages of congratulations. You are all wonderful and I am truly blessed.

Layla’s Story Concludes In

Coming Down

Releasing In 2014


Burning Up

Copyright © 2013 by Marie Coulson


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