Burning Rescue: BBW Werebear Firefighter Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance (Scarlett Mountain Firefighter Werebear Shifters Book 1)

BOOK: Burning Rescue: BBW Werebear Firefighter Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance (Scarlett Mountain Firefighter Werebear Shifters Book 1)
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Burning Rescue

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Capter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty One

Chapter Twenty Two
















Burning Rescue


Burning Rescue




Ava James


Book One of the Scarlett Mountain

Firefighter Werebear Shifters Series.





Donovan was standing less than ten feet behind her and their eyes locked. His massive thighs stretched out his jeans and she couldn't help but notice the bulge in his crotch. Her breath caught in her chest and the thundering music from the ballroom faded away. He started walking toward her and she couldn't look away. She opened her mouth to speak and he grabbed her arm and pulled her in to him. His mouth landed on hers, erasing any urge or ability to speak. His fingertips glided down her back and held her against him. He hoped that getting away from him was the last thing she wanted to do. He pushed his body against hers and she could feel his hard cock through his jeans. He leaned in to her and pushed her toward the elevator.

Donovan didn't take his mouth off hers until they reached her room. She pulled away from his lips just long enough to get her key out of her bag and open the door. Inside the room, the drapes were open and moonlight poured in through the window and down onto the bed.

"I've never seen a woman look so beautiful. That dress is amazing and you look so perfect in it." Donovan kissed her again and held on to her waist, holding her tight against him. "The moment I saw you, I just couldn't help it. I knew I had to have you. You're all I've ever wanted, Isabelle."





This story contains adult situations meant only for the enjoyment of those over the age of 18. By downloading and opening this work of fiction, you are affirming that you are at least 18 years of age.


All characters in this work of fiction are 18 or older, whether they are explicitly described as such or not. This erotic romance story is a work of fiction, all characters appearing in this work are fictitious, and in this fictitious world, negative ramifications for various sexual situations do not exist.
In the real world, please always practice safe sex.


This book is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters, and incidents are either a product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead is purely coincidental.


Copyright© Ava James 2015. All rights reserved. This e-book is copyright material and must not be copied, reproduced, transferred, distributed, leased, licensed, publicly performed, or used in any form without prior written permission or the publisher, as allowed under the terms and conditions under which it was purchased or as strictly permitted by applicable copyright law. Any unauthorized distribution, circulation, or use of this text may be a direct infringement of the author's and publisher's rights, and those responsible maybe liable in law accordingly.

Isabelle drove through the night. It had not been easy shaking the vision of that unfaithful bastard, Tim, and the twat he was kissing in the parking lot of his office. She'd wanted to surprise him with a lunch date but instead found him with his tongue down the throat of some petite blonde who was stroking his bulging crotch. Fire blazed through her cheeks at first and the fire soon traveled down to her stomach. He was so enthralled with his conquest that he didn't even look up at the sound of tires screeching as she turned around and sped off out of sight.

Isabelle turned out of the parking lot and sped away, rolling down the front windows of her truck. The chill of crisp morning spring air was barely a memory. Warm air poured in and blew her hair around her face, doing little to cool her rage. The sun poured down and not so much as a single cirrus cloud blemished the deep blue sky. Colorado weather in the spring was magical. Sun, rain, snow, powerful thunderstorms, you name it, and sometimes they all occurred on the same day. Isabelle fought back tears, but they came anyway and she soon turned off the road to dry her tear-stained face. Her chest heaved as her sobbing returned. The image of Tim kissing blondie was too much. She had no idea who she was or how long they'd been going at it. Things weren't perfect between them, but Isabelle had never imagined that Tim would cheat on her.

"Three years down the fucking toilet." Isabelle sighed and looked at her left hand gripping the steering wheel. He had never even proposed. Of course he wanted that little waif. She was tiny, looked like an anorexic ballerina and barely reached his shoulder standing on her toes. What is it with men? Why do they always bow to society and their egos? What chance does a curvy woman like me have to find a decent man? Isabelle's mind raced and she beat herself up about her body. She had never been little like a ballerina. She had stood a whole head taller than everyone in elementary school and had spent her entire adolescence being bullied for her size. Now, as an adult woman, the girls from the gym locker room could have been in the bed of her pickup truck teasing her and calling her names. In school, Isabelle had always held her head high. She knew she was beautiful because her mother always told her so. She also knew that those mean girls in the locker room were just jealous. They couldn't stand it that a girl their age had full breasts and hips while they filled out their training bras with tissues.

The wrong men always found their way to Isabelle. Boob men, ass men, cheating men, she was beginning to realize that they were all the same man. Six months ago, she had sold her condo and moved in with Tim. It had seemed like a good idea at the time, and she'd thought that an engagement ring would soon follow. It didn't. It never would now. The thought of going back to his house now filled her throat with bile. The realization that she was now not only single but also homeless was too much to bear.

Donovan watched a beautiful Amazon-type woman walk from the Hillside Inn over to Mini's Cafe. He sat at a small table on Mini's patio with the morning paper and a cup of dark roast coffee, just like he did every morning. Of all the guys in the firehouse, he was always the first one awake, and he enjoyed some alone time before the day got started. Early morning was the best time for him to shift without being seen. Most of the tourists didn't hit the hiking trails before daybreak, and his favorite time to shift was just before twilight. He could catch the last of the stars as they faded from the sky, and there was nothing more beautiful than a Scarlett Mountain sunrise. As a volunteer fireman on Scarlett Mountain, his days were usually full of drama. Wildfires were just the tip of the iceberg and he had little time to let his bear out. He and his six brothers converged on Scarlett Mountain every summer as firefighters. A few were more careless about letting their bear out, but none of them wanted to risk being exposed or captured. A bear sighting could be a catastrophe for the mountain town. Tourists on Scarlett Mountain needed to feel safe, which was why the brothers fought so hard every summer to protect them.

Although he pretended to read his newspaper, Donovan couldn't take his eyes off of her as she crossed the street. Her long brown hair trailed behind her, flowing free like chocolate from a fountain. She had the most voluptuous body he had ever seen. As she walked toward him, she looked oblivious to him and seemed deep in thought. Her large dark sunglasses masked her eyes. Her ample breasts tried to push through her shirt and she looked absolutely delicious. He couldn't help but wonder how it would feel to take her bra off and lick her nipples. As she walked past him, he turned to get a glimpse of her ass. Donovan knew it was wrong to stare, but he simply couldn't help himself. The curves of her round ass were accentuated by her little waist. She stopped to open the door and he could see the angle of the curve of her back as it turned into her ass and his cock began to stiffen in his pants. The guys teased him that a stiff breeze would make him hard since it had been so long since he'd had any action. But they were wrong. Not just any woman would do. The door to the bakery shut behind the mystery woman. Donovan sat patiently sipping his coffee and pretending to read the newspaper while waiting for her to come back out.





Inside the bakery, Isabelle gazed into her cappuccino cup, mesmerized. The barista had made her the design of a brown bear. It was adorable, and she didn't want to drink it. She wanted to watch the beautiful bear play in her cup forever. Its deep coffee-colored eyes looked up at her and she was starting to feel like everything would be okay. She had a mad craving for caffeine and desperately needed it to wake her up. The foam soon began to fade and she took a sip. Feeling self-conscious, Isabelle grabbed a table in the back corner, away from the street.

Walking from the hotel, she'd noticed a handsome olive-skinned man watching her. He was no doubt thinking that her shirt was too small for her figure. She hid behind her glasses and avoided acknowledging him, fearful that he would make a rude comment about her body. Gorgeous men like him never seemed to give her a second look. Men proved time and again that they only cared about how the woman on their arm looked. They typically never bothered to get to know a woman unless her looks stuffed their egos as full as a Thanksgiving turkey. Her theory was confirmed by her track record of dateless Saturday nights and unreturned phone calls.

Isabelle let out a soft sigh and took another sip of her cappuccino. He sure is cute, though. She tried to sneak a peek at him through the front window. She watched him sip his coffee and noticed that his large biceps stretched out the armholes of his black t-shirt. She felt her nipples start to harden when she fantasized about how his arms would look holding himself up above her. Her crotch began to tingle when she imagined running her fingers through his black hair while his cock filled her.

Spending all night driving to Scarlett Mountain, she hadn't slept much and her eyes showed it. Sitting there in the bakery she couldn't remember if she'd even brushed her hair. Thankfully, it was still early enough in the season that there were rooms available in the Hillside Inn. In Isabelle's haste to get out of town, it hadn't dawned on her that she might need a reservation; she just drove. Getting as far away from Tim as possible was all that mattered.

On the way out of town yesterday, Isabelle had stopped to buy some clothes, sunscreen, and a new pair of tennis shoes. She had been to Scarlett Mountain a few years ago with a couple of girlfriends and it was an amazing trip. She remembered the hiking trails and the shimmering lake at the heart of the resort town. She also remembered Mini's Cafe and the quaint little shops that lined the street across from the hotel. Natasha Bates was the mastermind behind Mini's Cafe. She'd dived headfirst out of corporate America and opened a coffee shop and bakery to indulge her love of all things chocolate. In fact, it was a television news story about her that had first introduced Isabelle to Scarlett Mountain. One sight of the delectable brownies, cupcakes, and chocolate truffles was all it took. Isabelle had quickly planned a girls' weekend getaway to Scarlett Mountain.





Donovan's patience was fading as he finished his coffee. He'd managed to come up with six or seven decent opening lines to use on his dream woman. She had yet to leave Mini's so he took a deep breath, told his cock to behave itself, and entered the bakery with his empty cup. He looked around and didn't see her. Donovan tried to play it cool and not look like he was looking for her, but he couldn't help himself. He'd gotten a whiff of her scent as she walked past him, and his bear wanted more. He approached the counter to ask for a refill of his coffee and finally saw her. She was sitting alone at a corner table with not so much as a cell phone game to entertain her. Donovan watched her steal a lick of icing off of a beautiful pink cupcake and wanted to give her something else to lick. A sad expression blanketed her face and her sunglasses still covered her eyes.

Aw, man, that's the gorgeous guy from outside. Isabelle took another sip of coffee and tried to blend into the wall behind her. She tried not to stare at him as he waited for his coffee refill and looked around the bakery. Wow, he is really big. He's got to be at least six foot five, and it looks like his shirt is two sizes too small. In case he wanted to say anything about her clothes being too tight, his chest muscles looked like they were about to split his shirt in half. She could see a red logo on the left chest area, but couldn't make it out. He turned around and she could read the words "Volunteer Fireman" in red letters on the back. A fireman? Of course he is. This is just too much. Isabelle looked down at her pink cupcake, self-conscious even more that she was eating a cupcake for breakfast.

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