Read Burning Flowers Online

Authors: June Beyoki

Tags: #modern romance, #romance short stories, #contemporary romance series, #romance for adults, #romance and flowers, #romance ebook series

Burning Flowers (9 page)

BOOK: Burning Flowers
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Yet again, Clarke let her body move before
she had the time to really think through what she was doing. She
leaned into Vince and planted a lingering kiss, right on his mouth.
As she pulled away, her eyes flickering open, she could see that
Vince had stiffened up and was trying to hold back his shock from
Clarke’s impromptu action. It was about time Clarke surprised him
for a change. It was almost comical, though, and both Katie and
Clarke were trying not to laugh.

Mrs. Bennett stared them all down for a
moment before speaking. “I’m sorry for intruding, Clarke, but I
actually need you to come with me to the boutique right now.
They’re looking at dresses as we speak, and we need to get you in
one. I’ll give you guys a moment, but make it quick. Clarke, just
meet me out at the car. Oh, and invite Vince to the wedding, will
you?” Mrs. Bennett waved and smiled before leaving the room. Katie
followed suit, leaving Vince and Clarke alone in the office.

Vince came closer to embrace Clarke and
planted a light kiss on her lips.  “Well, I guess I’ll be
sticking around then,” he said feeling unwelcomed and yet refusing
to leave.

“Vince please, I didn’t mean to get you
involved like that again….I acted without thinking. You don’t have
to do this if you don’t want to,”she said, reserving any comments
on what he said about liking each other.

“Oh, but I want to do this. What was the
wedding she was talking about inviting me to?” Vince asked, sitting
down in her office chair like he was making himself at home.

“Oh,” Clarke responded, relieved that she
doesn’t have to come up with an excuse for Vince’s absence.. “My
cousin is getting married in a couple of weeks. Apparently she met
some rich race track owner or something, and they just have to get
married right away. I’m going to be a bridesmaid apparently.”

“Well, if you don’t want to, why are you
doing it?”

She looked thoughtfully at Vince, sitting in
her office chair and spinning with his right foot. “My cousin and I
were really close when we were younger even though we’re pretty far
apart in age. I want to show my support for her. I’m not doing it
for my mother.” Clarke looked up at the ceiling guiltily like maybe
part of her really was doing it for her mother. Deep down, it was
why she seemed to do anything anymore.

“Well, isn’t that noble of you,” Vince
commented. “If you really want me to keep this up, you know I will.
No payment needed.” Clarke met eyes with Vince and looked away

“Let me think about it, Vince,” said

“My only request is that you let me keep
introducing you to this fun concept you think is so evil. Well,
that, and maybe I might ask for a redo on that kiss you just gave
me and then some,” he teased. If he can be near her, then there is
a chance he can convince her to change her perception of love.

Clarke slapped his arm playfully, ignoring
the tingling sensation creeping across her body, as she went out
the door feeling more confused than ever.   







#Book 1 Burning Flowers


#Book 2 Flowers in Bloom


#Book 3 Pulling Weeds







About the Author

June Beyoki is an accomplished paralegal who
lives in the island of Penang and often finds herself engrossed
reading romance novels. She started writing as a form of healing in
year 2014 when her family was undergoing some major life


BOOK: Burning Flowers
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