Burning Desire (18 page)

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Authors: Heather Leigh

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Short Stories & Anthologies, #Short Stories, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Fiction, #Single Authors

BOOK: Burning Desire
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“Roxy’s little bastard is probably mine.”

My lips curled behind my teeth and I wound my arm up and cracked his belt across his mouth. “You don’t ever say her name,” I shouted in his face as blood hit the floor by my feet. I grabbed a fistful of his hair.

“Jer, can you go to the garage and get me a blow torch?” I looked over at him. He smiled knowingly and simply nodded, leaving me alone with Jake.

“You listen to me, you useless fuck. That baby is none of you. That was my dick that was driving deep into Rox’s pussy, busting my load into her. You had no chance with her. You’ll die knowing that she’s carrying my child.” My fist slammed into his face, I heard a cracking noise- his cheekbone breaking.

Jake sat back on his heels, tucking his chin to his chest.

“Look at me.” I pressed the tip of my gun to his forehead, pressing forward so his eyes met mine.

“Why don’t you just go ahead and fucking kill me already?”

“Hell no, and let you miss out on all the fun that I have planned for you? First things first, you fucking took your belt to my woman. You like treating her like a dog? Like she’s something you can control? I got fucking news for you- she’s way out of your league. You never had control of her. I’ll show you what the fuck it feels like to be beaten down.” I cracked his belt over his chest. He screamed out in pain. It only fueled my raging fire.

Over and over again I beat him senseless with his belt until I was exhausted. The door opened and Jeremy entered with the torch and some rope. Jake was on the verge of losing consciousness. I wiped the sweat dripping from my forehead.

“Christ,” Jeremy chuckled as he saw Jake with red marks, welts and some open wounds from my handy work. His face was probably the worst- he was almost unrecognizable.

“Help me tie him up,” I said as I pulled Jake’s shirt over his head, exposing his beaten torso. We tied him to the medal table in the room, face down on the table. His Condemned Angels tattoo stretched the length of his back. Jeremy handed me one of the two pairs of goggles he brought with him, we both slid them on as Jeremy started up the torch.

“You betrayed this club. On behalf of the Condemned Angels, you’re dead to us. And this is for my sister, you motherfucker,” Jeremy yelled over him as he brought the torch to Jake’s tattoo. Whenever there was a member that double crossed, got voted out, or left the club, they had to get rid of any club gear, tattoos, etc. Lucky for us, Jake devoted his entire back to the club.

At some point early in our torture- Jake passed out. As soon as the room was filled with smoke and the stench of burning flesh, Jeremy turned off the torch. We threw our goggles on the floor.

“Ready to get out of here? I’m ready to get the son of a bitch who touched Nicole. ” Jeremy looked over at me; the look of satisfaction filling his eyes.

“Yep, let me put this piece of shit down.” I aimed my gun at the back of his head- and pulled the trigger. Once, twice, three times. Just to make sure that pussy wasn’t coming back.

We packed up and headed onto the next room to take care of business.


~ Roxy ~

My father took us back to the clubhouse where a few of the Old Ladies cleaned me up. I was given a fresh pair of clothes, food and water. My hand caressed my lower abdomen; hoping baby DeLuca was safe. I would have to set up a doctor’s appointment as soon as I could.

Hunter and Nicole came in next. She looked different, interesting. I’ll have to ask her about that. Hunter guided her into the clubhouse by the small of her back. As soon as Nicole’s eyes saw me, she broke out into a run and hugged me tightly.

“Oh my God! Thank God, you’re alright,” she cried into my hair as I soothed her. This was my sister from another mother- I loved this bitch. We were going to be alright.

“The guys?” I looked over at Hunter.

“They’re on their way back, should be here any minute. They had me call the doctor in for Chase and Jeremy.”

“Jeremy?” Nicole pulled away and looked over at Hunter with worry.

“Yeah, they were both shot. They’ll be okay, sweetheart.” Hunter smiled over at her. Nicole’s tension eased as she held onto my hand and we sat on the couch and waited for their arrival.

Moments later I could hear the rumble of bikes approaching. The garage door rose and they flooded in. The engines cut and we all stared at the door waiting to greet them. My knees nearly collapsed beneath me as I saw our men come in. Bruised, bloodied, and battered. All for getting me back. This is my family and I love them all. My eyebrows drew together as I hadn’t seen Jeremy or Chase come in. Then I saw the Prospects bringing in Jeremy, one guy under each arm. He was gripping his shoulder.

“Oh my god.” Nicole and I both gasped and ran to him.

“I’m fine, just get me a fucking doctor.” Jeremy tried to walk on his own, and teetered back onto his support team.

“You heard him!” Nicole shouted and followed them to the back room.

I shook my head and felt a warm hand graze my arm. I quickly turned to find those green eyes.

“Chase,” I barely whispered as I threw myself into his arms. He groaned loudly. Shit, I forgot, he’s shot.

“Baby, wait until I have this bullet out of me, then you can jump my bones,” he chuckled. I held onto him, gazing up at him. He held me close, cupping my face. His thumb moved back and forth over my cheeks. His eyes searched my face; Chase lowered his mouth to mine. He kissed me as if it were the first kiss after being away at war for years. His large hand lowered to my abdomen and his fingers smoothed my top down, and he smiled. So damn sexy.

“We are taking you to the doctor tomorrow to check on our bambino.”

“How about we get you to a doctor first? You are shot, if you haven’t forgotten.”

“Believe me, it’s nothing. It hurts me more to have seen him lay hands on you.” I lowered my gaze to his chest. But he tipped my chin up.

“Did you?” I started to ask my question, but stopped myself. I felt as though I already knew the answer. All Chase did was nod and pull me to him by the nape of my neck, he hugged me to his chest.

~ Nicole ~

“There is so much blood,” I cried out as I saw his soaked white t-shirt.

“Relax, Nic.”

“What the fuck do you mean relax?” I took his cut and folded it over my lap and watched the club doctor cut off Jeremy’s shirt.

“It’s not all mine.” He groaned as they rolled him to his side toward me. A Prospect brought him a bottle of whisky and a cigarette. I immediately ripped the smoke from his lips and threw it back at the Prospect.

“What are you trying to give him lung cancer too?” Jeremy chuckled at me, and then winced in pain.

“What did you mean that it’s not all your blood?” I turned my attention back to him, patting his face with a cool rag. Good God, his body-focus Nicole.

“What do you think?” He was getting smart.

“Don’t talk to me like that, you prick. If your ass wasn’t shot already, I’d be kicking it all over this room.” I went to throw the rag down.

“Nicole.” He grabbed my wrist, preventing me from dropping the cool rag. He pulled it to his upper chest, urging me to keep going.

“Jeremy,” I said flatly. I felt his hand graze my cheek. By now I’m sure it is a lovely shade of violet.

“The one who did this…” I looked up at him. His gray eyes went serious. “Doesn’t have fingers to touch another woman. Hell, he isn’t even alive anymore. For fucking touching you.” His thumb trailed down my cheek and over my parted lips. Oh God, I fucking want him.

“You did that for me?” My hand stilled on his chest.

“Fuck yeah. No one gets away with that shit and gets to live.” I took a deep breath as I leaned further into him. I closed my eyes as he met me the rest of the way, then the door flew open. Startled, I sat up to see Hunter watching us.

“Hunter,” I stammered. He looked from me to Jeremy and then back to me. I curled my lips behind my teeth. My cheeks flushed with embarrassment. My moment of weakness and I fucking made out with Hunter the hunk.

“Here are some pain killers.” He slammed the bottle down on the table by me. Jeremy looked from me to Hunter and back to me, recognition passed over his face, then anger. Hunter shook his head and left the room. I avoided Jeremy’s gaze burning into my face.

“Why don’t you go get your little boyfriend?” Jeremy took a long swig of the whiskey, and then slammed the bottle on the table, wincing in pain as the doctor was sewing him up.

“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” I opened the bottle and gave him 2 pills. He grabbed them greedily. Dick.

“I think you already know. Look, I don’t need you to babysit me. I got this.” I flinched as his words stung me.

“I don’t fucking get you sometimes. You’re such a fucking asshole,” I yelled down at him.

“Go run along, Nicole. We’re done here.” He shooed his hand at me.

“Fine. I’ll just take Hunter up on his offer.” I walked to the door and turned around. “Don’t worry, I’ll be out of your house soon enough too.”

“Yeah, you’ve already overstayed your welcome.”

Son of a bitch! I slammed the door behind me, storming out of the clubhouse and over to Hunter’s truck. There his handsome self was leaning against the driver’s side door. He had one foot propped up on the door, and he looked up at me with those dark eyes.

“Please get me out of here.”

“Sure you got permission?”

“Don’t fuck with me right now, Hunter.” I stormed over to him. Getting in his face.

“God damn, you’re fucking sexy when you’re mad. Come on, I’ll take your mind off it, beautiful.” He grinned up at me and led me over to the passenger side, opening up the door for me.

At least someone fucking cares and has the balls to step up to the plate. I looked out of the passenger window thinking of Jeremy’s last statement, “We’re done here.” I felt that all too familiar ache in my chest. That is the last time he hurts me.


“Where is she, Nicole?” Chase’s green eyes glared down at her; she could see the muscles in his jaw flex. He was breathing deep through his nostrils.

“I don’t know. She seemed upset when I talked to her on the phone earlier this week. How far can a five month pregnant lady go?” She looked him in the eye- his palm slammed the wall above her head, causing Nicole to jump.

“Jesus Christ, Nicole. I haven’t heard from her in almost 48 hours. You’re her best friend, call her and find out where she is so I can go get her. She shouldn’t be alone at a time like this.” Chase backed off Nicole, feeling bad he was taking his aggression out on her.

“Don’t you fucking take it out on me, Chase.” Her small finger poked his chest. She speed dialed Roxy. “Her phone went straight to voice mail,” Nicole stated as she hung up.

“Fucking- A.” Chase ran his hand through his hair, storming out of the club and sat on his bike. Staring down at his phone, he sent up a silent prayer that Roxy would call. He dialed her.

“This is Roxy, leave me a message.”

Chase hesitated to speak. “Baby, we will figure this out. I need you. Please…just come home.” He hung up the phone, sliding it back into his pocket. And headed to his home; the house that Roxy moved into after they had rescued her from the Devil’s MC. The house they made into their home. He hated being there without her, without them.

Just earlier that week they had gone to a prenatal doctor’s appointment. The doctor gave them the chances of the baby being Chase’s or Jake’s. Fifty-fifty wasn’t what Roxy wanted to hear. Chase had no doubt that baby she was carrying was his, a De Luca baby. She took off after their appointment, and he hasn’t heard from her since.

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