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Authors: Maya Banks

Tags: #Contemporary, #Literature & Fiction, #Romance

Burn (26 page)

BOOK: Burn
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Leaning forward, she planted both palms on his chest and levered herself up.

“I need your help,” she whispered. “Put it in me, Ash.”

His eyes glittered brightly as he reached down to fist his cock. He stroked through her folds with his other hand, fingering her clit as he positioned himself. When he nudged the head of his dick against her opening, she lowered herself, capturing his erection.

He pulled his hands free and then curled his fingers around her hips, anchoring her to him as she slid farther down to fully envelop him.

With a contented sigh, she took him all the way in. The sensation of fullness was overwhelming. Even more so than when he’d fucked her with the plug in her ass. She felt unbelievably small and tight and he felt enormous stuffed into her pussy.

Every movement sent a twinge of unbelievable pleasure winging through her abdomen. She lifted up, moaning when he began to slide back the way he’d come.

“Jesus,” Ash ground out. “So tight. You’re clamped around me like a greedy fist, baby. Never felt anything like it.”

She put more weight on her hands and pressed harder into his chest. He didn’t seem to mind one bit. She watched his eyes, the way they swarmed with desire, pleasure, how they blanked and the pupils flared each time she took him whole.

His jaw was firm, as if his teeth were set hard. There were lines of tension around his eyes and across his forehead. A light sheen of perspiration glistened on his brow. He was the most beautiful man she’d ever laid eyes on. And he was all hers.

“Take me over, baby,” he said. “Tell me what you need to get there and let’s go together.”

“Touch me,” she whispered. “My breasts and my clit.”

He smiled, those gorgeous eyes sparking fire. He cupped one breast and then slid his other hand between their bodies to stroke her intimately. She closed her eyes, threw back her head and waited a moment to let herself catch up to where he was.

When the stirrings of her orgasm rose, sharp and edgy, she began to move again. She rose up and then slid down. She rotated, grinding her ass into his groin. Ash’s hands never left her. He continued to caress her breasts, alternating between them. He stroked over her clit, firmly, with just enough pressure, but still infinitely gentle.

“I’m almost there,” she panted out. “What about you?”

“There,” he bit out. “Don’t stop, baby. Whatever you do, don’t stop now.”

She went wild atop him. Head thrown back, hair streaming down her back, her mouth open in a silent scream that eventually found its voice. His hands were seemingly everywhere. His cock driving deep.

Her orgasm rose higher and higher, out of control, spiraling like a skydive. And still, the pressure mounted, no relief.

Ash arched his hips, slamming into her from underneath. She went wet around him and then realized he was already coming, his release flooding her. Wet sucking sounds filled her ears, erotic. The scent of sex, tangy and musky, filtered through her nose.

He pinched her nipple between his thumb and forefinger. Just enough of an edge to the pleasure to finally, finally send her hurtling over the edge. It was a free fall like she’d never experienced. Powerful. Explosive. Painful and yet so oh-my-God good that all she could do was feel.

She dug her nails into his chest, knowing she tore his skin. He’d wear the marks for days, just like she wore his marks of possession. In a savage moment, she was thrilled by them. The idea that he was hers. That this was proof of her possession of him. By God, she may have chosen to submit to him, but he was every bit as much hers as she was his.

She collapsed forward, her arms no longer able to support her. Ash gathered her tightly against him, holding her as he whispered in her ear. She had no idea what he said. Couldn’t hear it over the roaring in both ears. Her blood pounded. Her body was tingling from head to toe. She felt like she’d just been hit by lightning and all her nerve endings were fried.

Then she became aware of another pulse. The comforting, reassuring feel of Ash’s heartbeat beneath her cheek. She sighed, snuggled deeper into his arms, and he squeezed her tighter, holding on as they both struggled for breath.

“Am I smothering you?” she asked weakly.

“No, darling. Don’t want you to move. Just stay right here with me. Just like this. I’m going to stay inside you for as long as I can. We’ll clean up in the morning.”

She smiled as he stroked her hair with his hand. Nothing felt as good as right here, right now, sprawled atop her man after she’d ridden him long and hard. And him staying inside her for as long as he could manage it? Definitely a good way to sleep. What could be better?

Nothing could touch her here. No outside world. No crazy families. No abusive ex-lovers. No fears of Ash being arrested for meting out justice to the man who hurt her.

Just her and Ash.

I love

The words remained locked inside her. But she knew without a doubt that soon they’d find their way to the surface. Who cared if it was too soon? When the time was right, she’d tell him.

chapter twenty-two

The next day, Ash sent his driver to pick up Josie from their apartment. She was having lunch with him and Brittany at the Bentley Hotel where Brittany now worked. After meeting his friends the night before, she wasn’t as nervous about meeting Brittany, although she had to admit to being really curious about the other woman.

Ash had told her that until recently Brittany had played the dutiful bitch daughter, siding with his family in their scorn and revilement of him. But that she’d come to him in tears because she wanted out.

It took someone strong to stand up to the kind of family—and mother—Ash described. Especially after thirty years. And a marriage that her mother had pushed her into.

Ash was waiting outside when the car arrived, and he opened the door, extending his hand to help Josie out. He slipped an arm around her waist, keeping her snug against his side as they walked into the restaurant.

They were directed to the same table where she and Ash had eaten that first night, and there was a woman already seated. Josie soaked in the details from a distance so she wouldn’t be staring once they got to the table.

She could definitely see the family resemblance. Brittany had the same blond hair with a variety of shades just like Ash. She also had the same green eyes Ash sported and the shape of their faces was very similar.

When they got close, Brittany looked up and a wide, welcoming smile curved her lips. Josie could swear she saw relief in the other woman’s expression. Perhaps she’d been worried that Ash wouldn’t come.

And when she smiled, Josie could see just how stunningly beautiful Brittany was. But then, Ash was a beautiful man. Brittany was more his feminine counterpart. She didn’t have the hard edges that Ash had. She lacked Ash’s intense gaze, his expression, the way he carried himself.

No matter how crazy or horrible his parents were, they definitely gave their children the beautiful genes.

Brittany rose but stood still, as if waiting to see how Ash would greet her. Ash circled the table and enveloped his sister in a big hug. He kissed her cheek and then took her hand, squeezing it. Brittany’s reaction was sweet. She stared up at Ash, just like most sisters stared up at their big brothers when they’d done something huge and nice for their baby sisters. She looked at him like he hung the moon.

“Britt, I want you to meet Josie. Josie, this is my sister, Brittany.”

“Hello, Josie,” Brittany said in a cultured voice that just screamed money and privilege.

But there was no pretension about her. She grasped Josie’s hand warmly and then, to Josie’s surprise, Brittany hugged her and kissed her on the cheek.

“Hello, Brittany. I’m so happy to finally meet you. Ash has told me so much about you.”

At that, her excitement dimmed, and her eyes grew cloudy with worry.

“It was all good,” Josie hastened to say, regretting that she’d already put her foot in her mouth. “He said you were doing wonderfully in your job here. He bragged that you would end up running the entire thing before it was over with.”

Brittany smiled and relaxed. Ash guided both women to their seats and then motioned for the waiter.

“I’m enjoying it,” Brittany said, once the waiter took their drink order. “It’s nice to be . . . useful. I’m remembering how smart I am. It just took a while because unfortunately I’ve become very adept at being dumb over the years.”

Ash shook his head. “Cut yourself some slack, Britt. You’ll get there. Rome wasn’t built in a day.”

Josie laughed at the old saying. “He’s right, though. I’ve made my share of really dumb mistakes. But I’m through beating myself up over them.”

Ash squeezed her hand under the table but then surprised her by dragging it up and over the table where he pulled it to his mouth and pressed a kiss into her palm.

“Glad to hear that, baby. About time.”

Brittany looked inquisitively between Ash and Josie and then her eyes widened before a broad smile lit up her entire face.

Josie guessed it was pretty obvious that she and Ash were more than just a casual date. But then Ash had made it pretty clear that Josie was someone important to him. Why else would he bring her to lunch with his sister?

“Mom giving you any more trouble, Britt?” Ash asked.

Brittany made a face and then took a long swallow of the wine the waiter had served. “She came by that one time I told you about. After that she resorted to calling every day. I ignore the calls and let them go to voice mail. She called work one time, and I told her off. I haven’t heard from her since.”

Ash nodded approvingly. “That’s good. You’ll get there. Eventually she’ll figure out that she can’t get her claws into you anymore and she’ll find another target.”

“Like she did with you?” Brittany pointed out, a snort passing her lips.

“Okay, maybe she won’t,” Ash said ruefully. “But you’ll figure out how to handle her and after a while it won’t bother you as much.”

“I envy you,” Brittany said. “I know I’ve said it before, but I’d give anything to have your confidence.”

The wistful tone in her voice made Josie wince with sympathy. But she sat quietly, not wanting to interrupt their conversation.

The waiter came and took their orders, and Ash leaned back, reaching for Josie. She slid into his side, their chairs mashed up against each other. His arm settled around her shoulders as he continued his conversation with Brittany.

“So how long have you two been dating?” Brittany asked.

Josie went still, her mouth suddenly unable to work. What could she say? They didn’t date. One could hardly call what they’d done dating. They’d bypassed that stage all together. And somehow, the word
seemed so tame. Not at all indicative of the intensity of their relationship.

“Josie and I have been together a while now,” Ash said easily.

“Oh, that’s good. You look so good together. Tell me more about you, Josie. What do you do?”

Apparently Ash hadn’t spoken of Josie to Brittany. Josie licked her lips, suddenly feeling self-conscious in front of his sister. No matter that Ash had clearly outlined the difficulties Brittany had experienced, the woman still came from money. From a world Josie didn’t fit into. She’d had a wealthy husband, rich parents. Hell, her brother Ash had more money than God.

“I’m an artist,” Josie said in a husky voice. “I also design jewelry. But mostly I paint.”

Brittany’s eyes widened and Josie wasn’t sure if it was surprise, judgment or what. Her nape prickled and she immediately felt defensive.

“I’d love to see your work sometime,” Brittany said.

“I’m sure that can be arranged at some point,” Ash said. “Right now she’s busy working on something for me and she has a client who buys up all her work so she’s pretty focused on that at the moment.”

“You sound so successful!” Brittany gushed.

Josie ducked her head. “Well, yes, I suppose you could say that. It’s a rather new development, though, so I still have a hard time thinking of myself that way. Someone came into the gallery where I exhibit and bought up all my stuff and demanded more. I have no idea what they’re doing with it. I haven’t heard anything about them doing a private exhibit. Perhaps it’s for a private collection that will never be shown.”

“But still, you must be thrilled. I’d love to be that independent,” Brittany said wistfully.

“I am thrilled,” Josie said. “It means a lot for me to be able to stand on my own two feet and support myself.”

Brittany nodded, understanding bright in her eyes.

Ash had gone still beside her, his lips drawn into a firm line. Had she said or done something that displeased him? Surely he couldn’t fault her for liking being able to support herself. It in no way interfered with her relationship with him. But it gave her the confidence to remain with him, submissive, because she knew she didn’t have to. Didn’t have to rely on him to support her. And that was important. It gave her much more power to
to be with him rather than having no other option.

Their food came, breaking the current topic of conversation. For several moments, they ate, silence descending on the table.

Brittany looked up, her mouth open as she was evidently going to say something. But then her eyes flashed and her mouth snapped shut.

“Shit,” she murmured.

Ash frowned and started to turn around to see what Brittany was looking at, but before he could, a woman strode into view, standing between Ash and Brittany at the table.

Without needing to be told, Josie guessed that this had to be their mother. It was also obvious that she was who both siblings got their looks from. She had long, blond hair that was probably helped by a bottle to cover the gray because Josie couldn’t detect any sign of her age. At least not by looking at the healthy, glossy mane of hair.

For that matter, there wasn’t a single wrinkle marring the other woman’s face. No indication of her age. Her skin was smooth and free of blemishes. Her fingernails were immaculately manicured and expensive jewelry dripped from her wrists and fingers.

BOOK: Burn
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