BURN (18 page)

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Authors: Suzanne Wright

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“I know all this. What’s your point?”

Levi folded his arms across his chest. “If Harper had denied being your anchor, would you have believed her?”

“No. I
she’s my anchor.” He knew it with every fiber of his being.

“And Isla believes you’re
anchor. Let’s say Harper had walked away from you instead of forming the bond.”

“I wouldn’t have let her walk away. I would have made her face the truth and accept reality.”

“Reality…That can be different things to different people. For a very long time, Isla’s ‘reality’ has been that you’re her anchor but you just wouldn’t accept it. I saw her face the day she left all those years ago. There was a lot of rage there. Rage, resentment, and spite. To her, you were rejecting her. ‘
Are you saying I’m not good enough for you?
’ she asked. Remember?”

Knox drummed his fingers on the desk as he thought back on that day. “I remember.”

“I can’t help but wonder if Isla became a Prime, took over all those businesses, enlarged her lair, and made herself into something unique all in an effort to be your equal. I think she thought that being your equal would make you want her as an anchor. Only it hasn’t, has it?”

Knox considered that for a minute. “It’s possible that was her plan. But if that’s true, I think she long ago abandoned that plan. She does the things she does now because she’s become obsessed with gaining power. Anyone can see that.”

“Yes, because power corrupts. The more power Isla got, the more she got a taste for it. But I don’t think she wants to be Monarch of the U.S. out of greed. I think she wants to have control over
. Either to force you to accept the anchor bond or to punish you for
accepting it. She may not know why, but she knows that the one thing you can’t tolerate is anyone controlling you. This would hit you where it really fucking hurts, just like you hit
where it really fucking hurts.”

It made some sense, but…“I don’t know, Levi. There are a lot simpler ways to let someone know you’re pissed at them.”

“Demons hold grudges, Knox – especially she-demons. Isla’s got a big one. Not only did you deny her, you then declared another she-demon is your anchor. That would have sent Isla into a rage.” Levi shrugged. “I could be wrong. Isla could be telling the truth. But I still believe her motivation behind becoming a Monarch is to punish you for turning your back on her. After all, wasn’t that what her mother did when she killed herself? We know how much hatred she harbors for her mother.”

Knox thought on how Harper had been abandoned by both parents, yet she wasn’t filled with hate and bitterness. Oh, there was some righteous anger in her system, thanks to what she called with a roll of her eyes ‘textbook abandonment issues,’ but nothing corrosive. She still had the inner strength to bond with him and trust that he wouldn’t do what her parents had done. Hell, she was stronger than most people he knew. And he wouldn’t let her down. “Then it looks like Isla’s our prime suspect, doesn’t it?”



As he exploded inside Harper, Knox sank his teeth so hard into her nape it was a wonder he didn’t taste blood. She slumped on the bed beneath him, tremoring with little aftershocks. She’d just gotten out of the shower when he entered the hotel suite, and he hadn’t been able to resist bending her over the bed and fucking her into oblivion.

Knox licked over the fresh bite. His demon wasn’t the only one who liked to mark what was his. It had been two weeks since the first time he’d had Harper in his bed, and boredom hadn’t even begun to set in for either him or his demon. How could Knox possibly get bored of her? He liked her company. Liked having someone who was capable of surprising him, who didn’t fear speaking their mind to him, and who wouldn’t obey his every order.

When she’d dressed in Jolene’s suite the previous night instead of coming straight to him on arriving at the hotel, it technically should have pissed him off a little. Instead, although he hadn’t liked that she hadn’t come to him, he’d found himself smiling. Even his demon found it amusing. Their little sphinx had her own mind and no one – not even him, except for maybe in bed – would ever control her. The frustration she caused him actually invigorated him.

“Now I’ll have to get another shower,” she grumbled.

Slipping out of her, he stood upright. “You can shower with me.”

“If I do that, we’ll end up fucking again.”

“Of course we will.”

“Which means we’ll be late for dinner.”

“Not if we get dressed quickly.” He spanked her ass, making her shoot to her feet and whirl on him. “Shower. Now.”


His gaze roamed over her naked body, and his demon rumbled its satisfaction at the sight of the brands. “You’ll still let me fuck you.”

She snorted as she strode past him, chin up. “Don’t be so sure.” But she did, in fact, let him take her again.

Half an hour later, they were both ready to leave. And the sapphire strapless dress that had a slit which ran from knee to mid-thigh made all sorts of fantasies swirl around his head. “I’m not sure what I want most – to flip up the dress or to whip it off altogether while I fuck you fast and deep.”

“Well, I might let you do one of those things.

“Before we leave…” He dipped his hand in his pocket and pulled out a square, velvet jewelry box that made her tense.

Harper’s eyes widened when he opened it, revealing a white gold necklace that had diamonds hanging from it like raindrops. She’d never seen anything that beautiful. “Holy fuck. Are those real diamonds?” His expression said ‘Don’t insult me.’ She blew out a breath. “I can’t accept his.”

“Of course you can.”

“I told you I didn’t want you buying me expensive things.”

“Yes, you did. But I didn’t tell you that I’d listen. If I want to buy you things or spoil you, I will.” It was almost cute how awkward she looked. He got the feeling no one had ever spoiled her. “Turn around.”

She grimaced, twisting her fingers. “What if I lose it or break it?”

“You won’t,” he chuckled. “Turn around.” He chuckled again when she stiffened her shoulders like she was going into battle. Slowly, she turned and he put on the necklace before trailing his finger down her spine. With a shudder, she turned to face him again. “Beautiful.” He cupped her hips and pulled her flush against him. “You’ll leave it on later when I have you again. Maybe just wear that and the heels.”

She laughed. “Let’s go get this dinner over with.”

He sucked on her earlobe. “Tanner said you saw Carla today.”

“Only for a few seconds.”

“What did she say to you?”

“Not a single word.” His eyes flashed demon. “Don’t get mad. It doesn’t matter.”

It did fucking matter, but Knox wasn’t interested in darkening her mood. Clutching one breast, he plumped it up to get another glimpse of the brand.

“Do you know how hard it’s been to find dresses that don’t flash this brand?”

Knox licked over it. “People would just think it’s a tattoo.”

“Right,” she drawled. “It has
on it. Anybody who saw it would have known what it was. Then they would have wondered if just maybe Isla’s little rumor about me being your new bed-buddy is true.”

“Anchors sometimes have sexual relationships.”

When he pressed a kiss to her neck and followed it with a nip to her pulse, she moaned. “Come on, we’ve got to get to this dinner thing.”

“I’d rather eat you.”

“You can’t say stuff like that when we have to leave,” she whined.

“Nothing tastes better than you do,” he rumbled in her ear, his hand proprietary as it splayed over her breast.

“You’re doing this on purpose.”

“And nothing smells better than you do.”

“Tanner said I smell of you.”

He arched a brow, tightening his hold on her breast. “That a problem?”

“I kind of thought it might bother you.”

“It doesn’t.”

As his hand snaked under her dress and cupped her, she gasped. “Don’t even—”

“Be still.” He slipped one finger inside her panties and thrust it inside her. “Nice and slick for me.” Withdrawing his finger, he sucked it clean. “Now I feel better.”

She shook her head at his crooked smile. “You’re such a bastard.” But she didn’t pull away when he closed his hand around her wrist and led her out of the suite. With Levi and Tanner as guards, they made their way to the restaurant. It wasn’t until Knox took his seat that the food was served. They sat at the same table as the previous evening; once again, they were joined by her family, Raul, and Tanya.

“Nice necklace,” commented Jolene, eyes narrowed.

Harper cleared her throat, feeling awkward again. “Thanks.”

“I take it Knox bought it for you.”


Don’t think I don’t know something’s going on between you two.

Harper had known this was coming.
Grams, leave it alone. It’s no big deal.

It is, sweetheart.
Jolene’s telepathic tone was soft, understanding.
In the early days before I met your grandfather, Beck and I were…close. It didn’t last long and it wasn’t serious, but it made things complicated when we both met other people. He was jealous of your grandfather for a long time. I’m not telling you to break things off with Knox. That’s your business. But I want you to be prepared for how hard things will be for a while. It passes with time, but it’s still hard. Don’t kid yourself into thinking that it’s ‘no big deal.’ That’s all I ask.

Harper nodded.
Thanks for the advice, Grams.
Sensing Knox’s stare, she realized he was looking curiously at her. “Everything okay?”

He leaned closer, bringing them into their own little cocoon. “Who were you talking to?”

“I was just chatting to Jolene.” His expression turned expectant; he was clearly waiting for her to repeat the conversation. “You’re so damn nosy.” His smile was unrepentant.

Like yesterday, the food was amazing. It was mere moments after the tables had been cleared that Knox went rock solid at her side. “What is it?”

“Hello Knox,” said a pleasant voice.
. How delightful.

“Isla,” he greeted simply.

Her lips briefly thinned before breaking into a polite smile as her gaze swept along everyone at the table. “I hope you all enjoyed your meal. I must say, Jolene, I was surprised that your family joined us this weekend. I wouldn’t have thought your lair would particularly care about the election. After all, you haven’t bothered much with political events in the past.”

Jolene’s smile was all teeth. “How could we miss this? We’re looking forward to watching you crash and burn.” Yeah, her grandmother had no tolerance for Isla, since she believed the bitch sent the dark practitioners after Harper.

Isla’s pleasant act disappeared. “You would do well to remember that there’s a high chance I’ll soon be an authority over you.”

“‘High chance’ might be overstating things a little.”

“I suppose you believe you can offend anyone without consequences now that you’re linked to Knox through his anchor.”

“At least you’re acknowledging that I’m his anchor,” said Harper, not entirely convinced Isla genuinely believed that.

“As I said to Knox when we spoke earlier today in his office, if he’s so very certain that you’re his anchor, it must be true.”

Harper nodded. “Yeah,
not the delusional type.”

With one last fake smile, Isla headed for the dais.

Lifting her champagne flute, Harper quietly said to Knox, “You didn’t mention Isla paid you a visit.”

“I was distracted by…other things.”

Picking up on his insinuation, she snorted.

“Are you still wet?”

She nearly choked on her drink. “Of course not, I’m bone dry.” He just chuckled. “Do you think she’s honestly accepted that she’s not your anchor?”

“I doubt it.”

“It seems it’s time for Isla to have her moment,” announced Jolene as the vamp-banshee leaned on the stand. Silence descended, but it was a wary silence.

“Good evening, everyone,” said Isla with a courteous smile. “I have long believed that it should be a basic right for each demon to have a say in their own life, which is why I have fought hard to have this election and enable every demon to have a say in this matter.” She looked at the camera as she continued. “Many of you will already be aware of my opinion that it will benefit our kind to implement a pyramid hierarchy of power within the U.S. Malden will tell you that a hierarchical system will never work.” She chuckled. “But this is the same person that said the Underground would never be a success, and look where we all are now.”

To be fair, that was a good point.

Gratification lit her face. “There is no stronger preternatural species than ours. None. We can pride ourselves on that, and we do. Yet, our kind suffers more deaths than any other species. Why? Because we have no laws, we have nothing at all in place that gives us any protection – not from outsiders, and not from ourselves.

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