Bunny Bear - Wild Bear 02 (5 page)

Read Bunny Bear - Wild Bear 02 Online

Authors: Ruby Shae

Tags: #BBW, #Paranormal, #Romance, #shifters, #shapeshifters, #dirty talk, #graphic language, #explicit sex, #mating, #bears

BOOK: Bunny Bear - Wild Bear 02
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“Do you do it?” Gabe asked.

“Rarely, but I’ve got Lucky, and I’m not on the floor serving drinks. I can’t even believe you would fall for that,” Izzy chastised. “She’s lived in this town her whole life, and her boss and most of her friends are shifters. If she’d wanted to get away, she could have left after her parent’s died.”

“But that means…,”

He drifted off, unsure what to say as Isabelle’s words seeped in.

He’d heard all the examples of lies Izzy rattled off come out of Michelle’s mouth at least once at one point or another, and the boyfriend one had been the most recent. Why hadn’t he questioned her about it when she’d said she didn’t have a boyfriend?

Because your mind had temporarily stopped working.

No, even though he’d heard her say it to one of her customers, he’d believed her. Why hadn’t he done the same when he’d heard her say she hated shifters?

Shortly after that terrible night, she’d asked him out to coffee and he’d rudely declined. Had she felt drawn to him all this time? Did her feelings for him explain her anger with the Easter basket, and the fact that he’d dressed in a bunny costume for another woman?

“Oh, my god,” he said out loud. “I’m an idiot.”

“Yes, you are,” Isabelle agreed.

“I have to talk to her. Now,” he said. He handed Izzy the keys on his way to the door. “Will you and Lucky lock up?”

“Of course,” she said. “Good luck!”

The last part she’d called as he’d opened the door and stepped out into the loud, crowded hallway. He smiled as her words reached his ears over the din. She’d known he would hear her.

Later, he would apologize to his entire staff, but right now his only mission was to convince his mate he was worth a second chance.

Chapter Five


Michelle pulled her car into the last vacant space in the tiny lot provided by her apartment building and shut off the engine. The darkness of the night called to her, and she wished she had the ability to shift so she could run into the woods and disappear. She closed her eyes, leaned her forehead on the steering wheel, and sighed.

Her life sucked, and she didn’t think it could get any worse.

After she quit her job at the
Wild Bear
, she’d contacted the last two places she’d submitted applications, only to find out Gabe had gotten to them first. No one in Liberty would hire her, and openings in the surrounding towns were slim.

She’d searched for nearly five days, but finally found something two towns over. In an effort to avoid the drama, she’d been honest with her new potential boss. When he’d asked if Gabe would give her a good recommendation, she’d explained that he’d fucked her both literally and figuratively, and no, he wouldn’t be providing a reference she could use. The man had hired her on the spot.

Her first day, yesterday, had been great, but the only reason she’d been able to finish her shift tonight was because one of their usual waitresses had called in sick. At the end of her shift, her new boss had paid her for both days and sent her on her way.

She’d never purposely lashed out at a customer, but when she’d heard the blond bombshell talking about how she’d tricked the big bear shifter into dressing up as a bunny for her, Michelle had snapped and poured a frozen, fruity drink over the woman’s head.

The woman and her friends’ annoying laughter had carried across the club, and in that moment, Michelle had been swamped with jealousy and rage. Jealousy for the fact that Gabe had gone out of his way for the woman, and he would never make that kind of effort with her; and rage because the woman had dared to try and humiliate her man.

She knew he wasn’t hers, but since the night they’d had sex in his office, she’d felt more attached to him than ever. Somehow she had to forget about him, but she had no clue where to start.

A knock on her window caused her to jump, and she let out a small scream before she realized the man looming over her driver’s side door, and looking inside her window, was Gabe.

What the hell is he doing here?

She quickly glanced at the time on the dash, noting the early morning hour, and then she gathered up her belongings and exited the vehicle.

“My god, Gabe, you scared me half to death,” she said. “What are you doing here?”

“What are you doing sitting in your car alone in the middle of the night?” he demanded.

She shook her head and started walking toward the building. She didn’t work for him anymore and she didn’t owe him anything.

“Wait,” he said, grabbing her bicep. “You didn’t answer my question.”

She glanced to where his hand held her arm, and hated the fact that her pussy tingled and ached for his touch. He held her firmly, but she could easily step out of his grasp if she wanted to. She didn’t move. Heat from his palm warmed her flesh, and spread up her arm. The desire to wrap her arms around him and find solace in his arms pushed her to retreat.

“Not that it’s any of your business,” she said, stepping out of his grasp, “but I’m just getting home from work.”

“It’s past three in the morning,” he said, incredulous. “Why are you home so late?”

“I had a long drive. Look, Gabe, It’s been a long night—”

“Where are you working?” he asked.

“I was working in Pembrook, but tonight was my last shift.” She started walking away, hoping he would get the hint.

He didn’t.

“Pembrook?” he said, matching her stride. “That’s too far for you to travel for work.”

She stopped at the entrance to the building and turned to face him.

“I agree, but thanks to you, no one in Liberty will hire me.”

“About that, I—”

“It’s fine,” she said, holding up her hand to stop him from saying anymore. “It’s been nice seeing you, but I have to go now. Have a great night.”

She walked through the double glass doors and took the stairs to her second level apartment. The key slid in the keyhole easily, and she sighed when she heard the familiar click signaling the lock had opened.

“Actually, I was wondering if we could talk.”

Damn shifters and their stealth-like abilities.

Another scream escaped from her mouth.

“Damn it, Gabe. Are you trying to fucking kill me?”

“Sorry,” he said, taking a step back. “I’m sorry. Not trying to kill you, I swear, but I do want to talk.”

“People don’t talk at three in the morning, and I doubt that’s why you’re really here,” she said softly. “Please leave and don’t bother me again.”

She walked into her apartment, closed the door and turned the deadbolt.

“I love you,” he yelled.

She placed her hand on the knob, but she didn’t open the door. She desperately wanted the words to be true, but she knew he didn’t mean them.

He couldn’t.

“I know you don’t believe me, but I do,” he yelled again. “I. Love. You.”

When she heard murmurs from some of the neighbors, she rolled her eyes and opened the door. Gabe turned toward her, grinning and fully aware of the commotion he’d caused.

“What the hell are you doing?” she whispered. “Keep your voice down.”

“Is everything okay, dear?” one of her neighbors called to her.

“Yes, Mrs. Stevens, everything is okay,” she called back. “We’re sorry to bother you.”

“Get in here,” she said through clinched teeth, “and wipe that stupid grin off your face.”




Gabe looked around her living space and shame washed over him. Michelle should be sharing his home, not living in a small one bedroom apartment. The living room was smaller than the studio apartment above the bar, and he would bet money the bedroom had even less square footage.

Her furniture consisted of all the basics, but none of the pieces could be considered new, and he wondered if they’d come from her family home. A few picture frames sat on top of a small bookcase, and he bent over to see the framed faces more clearly.

“Are these your parents?” he asked, pointing to one of the frames.

She moved closer to see where he pointed.

“Yes,” she said, simply. “What are you doing here, Gabe?”

He straightened his back and faced her.

“I love you,” he said, “and I think you love me, too.”

“You have to go home, Gabe. You don’t love me,” she said, sadly, “and just because we had sex once, doesn’t make me your new booty-call.”

“You’re the only person I’ve had sex with since we met, and before that it had been awhile for me.”

“That can’t be true,” she said. “You went out on so many dates.”

“Do you sleep with every man you date?” he countered. “Plus, I only started dating a lot after Lucky and Izzy got together, which was stupid because none of those girls could ever measure up to you.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Can we sit?” he asked, motioning toward the couch. “Talking only, I swear.”

She sighed, but turned and led him to the sofa. He smiled when she sat on the end farthest away, clearly trying to put distance between them, but he didn’t let her get away with it. He sat down on the middle cushion.

She frowned, but aside from clinging to a throw pillow, she didn’t object.

“Let me start by saying, I’m an idiot,” he said. That statement garnered a small smile from her, and it gave him hope. “They say fated mates don’t exist for us, but I knew you were mine the moment you walked into my office for your interview. I wanted you, but I knew you would need time to get to know me. Shortly after that, I overheard you tell one of your tables you hated shifters.”

“I don’t—”

“I know you don’t,” he said, cutting her off, “but at the time, I believed it. I knew I couldn’t be with someone who couldn’t love all of me, so I buried my feelings and tried to keep my distance. When Lucky and Izzy got together, they reminded me of how much I want a mate of my own, so I started dating in an effort to find someone else who made me feel the way you do. It didn’t work. There’s no one else for me, baby.”

Her brow furrowed as she thought about his words.

“So… The reason you told the whole town I hate shifters is because you love me? That’s why I can’t get a job anywhere but in Pembrook?” she said, her voice escalating. “Is that the reason you’re always bossing me around? Or the reason you sent me home to change last Halloween, and then dressed up for another woman? Let me guess, it’s also the reason you fucked me in your office, right? Because you love me? That’s not love, Gabe, and if you think that’s what love is, then you really are an idiot.”

She pushed the pillow aside and stood, but he grabbed her wrist and pulled her back down next to him.

“I sent you home last Halloween because I couldn’t stand the way all the men in the bar were gawking at your fantastic legs and ass. I fucked you in my office because I love you, and my bear and I were tired of staying away from you.”

“Right,” she said sarcastically, “and the huge box of condoms in your desk was for
just in case
. You need to leave. Now. And I don’t ever want to see you again.”

She stood again and this time he followed her.

“Let me ask you something,” he said, stopping her trek to the door. “When we were making love—”

“That wasn’t
making love

“Humor me,” he said. When she didn’t speak again, he continued. “When we were making love, I grazed my teeth over your shoulder and you begged me to
do it
. Were you begging me to mark you?”

She tore her gaze away from his, but not before he saw the pain he’d caused.

“You’re an asshole,” she whispered, looking at the floor.

He tilted her chin up with his fingers, and one lone tear slipped down her cheek. He used the thumb of his other hand to swipe it away.

“I wanted to mark you, baby,” he said. “The only reason I didn’t was because I thought you would hate me. Once you receive my mark, you’re bound to me for the rest of our lives. You’ll feel all of my emotions, and your life expectancy will extend to match mine. I couldn’t take your choice away, no matter how much I wanted to, knowing how you felt about shifters.

“I should have talked to you, or tried to change your mind, but my pride wouldn’t let me. It’s my fault we’ve both been miserable for so long, and I’m sorry I spread a rumor that wasn’t true, but I’m not sorry I ruined your job search. You belong by my side, and everything I have is yours.”




Michelle looked up into his brown eyes and saw nothing but sincerity. Most of her human friends would tell her to throw him out, but she knew enough about shifters to know he was telling the truth. She’d make sure he did a good amount of groveling later, but right now, she wanted everything he offered.

“Yes, I wanted you to mark me,” she admitted. “I love you, too.”

He stepped forward and brushed his lips against hers. She opened her mouth and when their lips met again, she caught his lower lip between her teeth, and then swiped her tongue against the soft flesh.

He growled and grabbed her thighs, lifting her off the floor. She squealed, but quickly wrapped her arms and legs around him, and kissed the strong column of his neck. He grunted and carried her to the bedroom, dumping her on the bed like a sack of potatoes.

“Take off your clothes unless you want me to rip them off,” he said, pulling his shirt over his head. He unfastened his jeans and started pulling the denim down his legs and she did the same. After removing her panties, she reached to her back and undid her bra, then she pulled the cotton material through the sleeve of her tee.

She crawled to the center of the small, full-sized bed and waited for Gabe to join her.

His muscular body was hard, firm and powerful, and she blatantly admired his form. He stalked her like the predator he was, and she knew his animal was close to the surface. His hard cock bounced against his abs and she couldn’t wait to feel him inside her again. He kissed her knee, and she spread her legs, allowing him to see how wet and ready she was.

“You don’t like that shirt?” he asked.

“No,” she smiled. “I got fired, remember? I’ll never wear it again.”

He grabbed hold of the hem with both hands and pulled hard. Her pussy wept as the fabric easily bowed under his strength, and her nipples hardened under his hungry gaze.

“You are so beautiful,” he said.

He leaned down and sucked one hard pebble into his mouth, licking and grazing his teeth over the sensitive flesh, before moving to the other side. Her pussy throbbed, begging to be filled by him, and she couldn’t wait any longer.

“Gabe,” she said, breathlessly. “Stop teasing.”

He positioned his cock at her entrance and sank into her warm, wet channel. They both moaned and he kissed her lips lazily as he slowly moved in and out of her warmth. She could feel the tips of his canines with her tongue and more wetness escaped, coating his dick.

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