Read Build a Love (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) Online

Authors: Suzy Shearer

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Build a Love (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (9 page)

BOOK: Build a Love (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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Marco dropped my hands as I unlocked the car.

I brushed past Marco and my shawl slipped from my shoulders onto the ground. I stooped to pick it up. Both men had done the same. We all stood. So close yet so far apart. You could hear a pin drop. I leaned forward to kiss Marco, my fingers interlaced with Bryan’s still. He kissed me back and then dropped a kiss onto the swell of my bosom.

I know I moaned.

He stepped aside and Bryan moved in his place.

He lifted the hand that held mine and kissed it. With the other hand, he lifted my chin.

“Harry.” His voice was a little breathless. “Harry, I don’t have to tell you that we want you. But this is all about what you want, not us.”

He looked into my eyes. I was feeling torn. I so desperately wanted them both but I was frightened. Maybe he could see, maybe he could read my mind.

“I know you’re struggling. We won’t press you at all. We just wanted you to know that if anytime you want, we…well we’re ready. If you don’t, it’s all good. We aren’t going anywhere.”

“You’re not?”

“No, sweetheart.”

“Babe, we mean it. We’re here until you send us away. If you want to keep this as friends, that’s fine by us.”

I looked at Marco, his words had surprised me. Shitface had told me if I didn’t sleep with him then that was it. That’s when I decided he was a creep. These two were telling me they would be around for the long haul whether or not we slept together.

I finally realised that my view of men had been damaged by what had happened and that Vince was right. I was letting that monster control me, even now, after all these years.

Damn him!

I felt a surge of rage against him. He had made me live in fear for twelve years. That was it!

I was taking my life back and I was beginning with this moment. I lay my head on Bryan’s chest, our hands still joined between us.

“Are you okay, sweetheart?”

I could hear the panic in Bryan’s voice. I needed to reassure them both that I was fine, in fact I think I was better than fine. I lifted my head and looked at him and then Marco.

“I’m okay.” This was going to be hard to say but I had to do it. “I’ve just realised that I’ve let a monster control my life for too long. This is my life and I want to enjoy it. I want to have fun, I want to be loved and have someone love me in return.”

“Someone? Does that mean you only want to have one special person in your life?” Marco’s voice was tinged with fear.

I shook my head.

“No. It means I’m…oh heck. I like you both, I like you both equally.”

He grinned at me. I felt Bryan’s fingers tighten on mine. I looked at him and shyly smiled up into his gorgeous blue eyes.

“Sweetheart, when you’re ready, we’re ready to offer. Neither of us is going anywhere.”

“Then I am grabbing what’s being offered.”

“Are you sure?”

“No, I’m not sure. But at last I refuse to let what happen so long ago control my life anymore. I’m scared. Scared of what may happen but I want to take the chance. I’ve been alone so long.” My voice dropped to a whisper. “I’m really scared of being hurt.”

“Sweetheart, the last thing we want to do is hurt you.”

Marco touched my arm.

“Babe, it’s true. We’d never do anything to hurt you if we can help it. We’d love nothing better than to fall in love.”

I sighed. These guys were getting to me, very quickly. Maybe this was fate, maybe it was the right time to fall in love and live. Bryan gave me a squeeze.

“Come on, sweetheart, let’s go get some gelato. If things happen, they happen.”

Marco looked at Bryan.

“How ‘bout you drive Harry’s car and she comes with me, that way she won’t get lost.”

Bryan shook his head. “How ‘bout you drive Harry’s and I take her with me.”

I couldn’t help it. I burst out laughing. Maybe it was with relief, I don’t know. But it felt good. Soon they were laughing as well.

“I know, we’ll toss a coin.”

I groaned. They were crazy. Still a coin was duly found and tossed. I was going with Marco and Bryan was driving in my car. I passed over my keys and Marco led me to a dark-coloured SUV. He helped me climb inside then got behind the wheel and turn on the engine. He reached over and touched my hand.

“You sure you’re okay, babe?”

“I’m sure.”

“I’m glad.”

We drove out the carpark, following Bryan in my car. Marco turned on the CD player. It was Brittany Spears’s “Toxic” and I burst out laughing.



“I like this song. But don’t worry, it’s only this song.”

“Thank goodness for that.”

We spent the next ten minutes arguing about music. It relaxed me even more and I was really enjoying the banter. In truth, I liked most of the music he suggested but was enjoying arguing just to tease him.

We missed the lights a couple of times and Bryan was way ahead of us. When we pulled up at the gelato place, he was leaning against the boot of my car. He came over to us.

“Guess what? It’s shut.”

“You’re joking, right? It’s always open.”

“Nah, note on the door says there’s been a family emergency and they won’t be opened until tomorrow.” He looked over at me. “Sorry, Harry.”

“Not your fault.” It was only a few streets away from my house. I decided if I was going to live dangerously, this was the time to start.

“If you don’t mind no seats, you can come and have coffee at my house.”

They grinned at each other and then me. Bryan fairly raced to my car and we took off again. In a few moments, we were all at my front door. Bryan held out my keys and I pointed out the front door ones. He unlocked and opened the door then stepped aside for me to enter first. I walked down the hall and turned on the kitchen light. I was so nervous but amazingly I didn’t feel threatened, didn’t feel like I was going to freak out.

The boys walked in and leaned against the counter. I threw my bag on the pile of mess on the table and then my shawl. Walking around to the machine, I quickly made coffee for the three of us. Handing the men theirs, I stood and tried to look casual and relaxed. Marco moved along the counter and patted it. I moved toward it. He took my coffee out of my hand and gave it to Bryan and then lifted me onto the counter. Bryan passed me back my mug. I almost spilt it, I was shaking again.

Trying to look casual while shaking like a leaf is not easy. My coffee was still hot, so I was just holding it. Marco, on the other hand, was drinking his down.

“Gosh, do you like it hot going down?”

Poor Marco, he practically choked on his mouthful. I’d done it again, said something that was taken completely the wrong way. Bryan was roaring with laughter.

“Watch out, she’ll tell you how she likes to pull things till they get hard.”

That did it. Marco was coughing and spluttering. He put his mug in the sink and bent over trying to stop coughing.

I tried to look angry at Bryan. “That was mean. Anyway, that was a drawer.”

I hopped off the counter and patted Marco on the back,

“You okay?”

“I will be.”

Bryan couldn’t resist another dig. “Maybe you should show him your plastic friend.”

That did it. I socked him on the arm. He laughed at me and blew me a kiss. Marco, meanwhile, had stopped coughing and was standing behind me. He put his arms around me and muttered.

“Yeah, where’s the famous purple plastic buddy?”

“Not you, too?” I groaned with embarrassment.

“No, I’ll behave. I’ll protect you.”

I giggled. His hands were very close to my nipples, and in fact, if I were to move just a little they would be. So I did. They reacted. He would have been dead not to feel them under his hands. I felt his hands press a little harder against them.

“Who’s going to protect me from you?” he whispered in my ear.

Bryan looked at me. His eyes dropped to Marco’s hand and back to my face. I knew my breasts were practically overflowing from the way Marco was holding me. Bryan took a step, closing the distance between us. He cupped my face with his hands and kissed me. Softly at first, then he reacted to the way I was kissing him back. He forced his tongue between my teeth.

At the same time, I could feel Marco kissing the back of my neck, my shoulder. It was an amazing turn-on. Two men both wanting me, both kissing me. With one hand around Bryan’s neck, I tried to touch Marco with the other. Marco pressed his body against my back. I could run my hand up and down his side. Bryan had one hand wrapped around us both. As Marco leant even closer, I could feel his erection pressing into my back. I push back against it. Bryan’s other hand pushed up between us to lie on top of my breasts. Marco’s thumbs were rubbing my nipples. I couldn’t help it, I moaned against Bryan’s mouth.

Bryan stepped back and looked down at me. I know my mouth was slightly open, my face flushed, my breathing increased. He picked me up and Marco led the way down the corridor to my bedroom. He flicked on the light. My poor double bed.

How would we all fit?

Bryan stood me alongside the bed and knelt down in front of me. He looked up.


I nodded. With Marco behind me, Bryan unzipped my slacks while Marco lifted my top. I was suddenly very self-conscious.

I knew my stomach and groin were laced with old scars, stab wounds and surgical. Would they be repulsed by them? I lifted one foot then the other so Bryan could remove my slacks and panties. Marco completed his task by removing my brassiere. I stood there naked before them both.

Bryan leant forward and surprised me. With his mouth, he traced each scar, each line, each wound, and kissed them.

“You are so beautiful, Harry. You have the most amazingly, wonderful body. We adore it. You’re a hero to us.”

It was just the right thing to say. At that moment I realised they didn’t see them as ugly scars, they saw them as reminders that I had triumphed over evil.

Meanwhile, Marco was working his way down my neck, across my shoulders and down my back. He paid particular attention to those scars on my back. I felt bare skin against me as Marco pressed against me again. He sat down on the bed and pulled me back toward him.

I sat between his open legs. He was kissing my neck and massaging my boobs. As I watched, Bryan stripped off.

Oh my, that man’s body was amazing!

Oh god—that man’s cock was huge!

I wondered briefly how the hell I would ever be able to accommodate it. The thought went completely out of my mind as he came to me and spread my legs apart. Once more, he got down on his knees. This time it wasn’t my scars he was kissing, this time it was a lot more exciting. Marco pulled a couple of pillows and lay back, pulling me with him so I was lying against his body. He wrapped his legs around mine to keep them apart.

Bryan was tracing my wet outer lips with his fingers and tongue. He held my lips apart and dove his tongue inside. I grabbed the bed covers in my hands. Marco, meanwhile, was doing magic things with his fingers on each nipple and his tongue on my neck, sometimes sucking my ear lobe.

I was in heaven!

Bryan had decided my clit needed some attention. He was sucking and biting it gently, all the while he had a couple of fingers thrusting in and out of my hot channel. I was lost. I grabbed his head as I felt an orgasm build. I held him tight as he continued to finger fuck me and suck my clit. Marco was pulling and pinching my nipples as I let out a soft scream. My pussy clamped onto Bryan’s fingers as I came. He kept sucking on my clit until I could bear it no longer.

He withdrew his hand and held out his fingers for Marco to lick. The two men moved me till I was straddling on top of Marco’s stomach. Bryan got off the bed and rummaging in his jean’s pocket

“Damn. I don’t have a condom! Hon, do you?”

Marco looked over at him. “Sorry, babe.” He grinned at me. “Looks like we’ll have to satisfy you in other ways, babe.”

Feeling very brave, I looked at them both.

“I’m clean. I haven’t had sex for nearly two years and I was tested only recently during my usual yearly check-up.”

Bryan grinned, a very sexy grin. “So are we. Our last test was last month.”

Marco caught my hand. “Are you sure?”

“Yes. Anyway, I can’t get pregnant.”

I could hear the sadness in my voice as I continued. “The monster damaged me so much that it’s impossible for me to.” I shrugged my shoulders. “I hope that doesn’t make a difference between us.”

I was trying not to cry, trying not to lose the sexiness of the moment, trying to pretend it didn’t hurt. Bryan climbed back on the bed and knelt. Marco was rubbing his hands up and down my arms.

Bryan just kissed me. Nothing else, just kissed me. The pain lifted and I gave him a little grin.

“Sweetheart, you’re talking to two men who live with each other and love each other. Children are something we’ve never considered unless we adopt at some point.”

He kissed me again and then he bent down and kissed Marco.

Now that was sexy!

He sat back up. I could feel Marco’s dick pressing against my arse cheeks. I wondered what was going to happen next. I wriggled a little. He grinned. His hand began to trace across my groin and casually brush against my clit. I was soaking again in moments. Bryan half lifted me and twisted me around until I had my back to Marco. Marco had his hands on my hips and then the two of them lifted me and lowered me onto Marco’s hard cock.

I shut my eyes with pleasure as I gently sank onto his broad, long shaft. Using my knees, I was able to move slowly up and down its length. Bryan stood and moved in front of me, his cock in the perfect place for me to lick.

I reached out with one hand and grasped it at the base. With Marco taking control of my movements, I took Bryan’s cock into my mouth. There was no way I could hold it all, but I made a good job of sucking it in and out in time with Marco’s thrusts.

Marco gasped. “You’re so tight, babe.”

I stuck my tongue into the eye of Bryan’s dick, sucked hard, then pulled it out. I used my teeth as I moved along the shaft, licking the underside. My hand wrapped around the base but I used a finger to push against his balls.

BOOK: Build a Love (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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