Buddy Holly: Biography (68 page)

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Authors: Ellis Amburn

Tags: #Biography & Autobiography, #Composers & Musicians, #Nonfiction, #Retail, #Singer

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country bumpkins: G&B, RB, p. 85.

the legendary Theresa: Author interview with NS; JBM quoted in PN, “Secret BH: Honeymoon,” p. 52. Not everyone agrees that the Crickets stayed at the Theresa. In Floyd, “Crickets’ Appearance at the Apollo,” RM 28, Fall/83, p. 18, Ted Scott, who performed with Buddy at the Apollo, says that although he stayed at the Theresa, Buddy didn’t and was possibly at the Forest.

Fidel Castro would choose: Associated Press, “Where Castro Is Staying,” 9/30/60.

were too innocent, according: JBM, PN, “Secret BH: Honeymoon,” p. 52.

“I didn’t know who: Quoted in KL, “Bo Diddley,” TRSI, p. 188.

“I don’t care if you: Quoted in Fox,
p. 12.

four flights down:

then-manager Leonard Reed:
p. 206.

Atlantic’s Ahmet Ertegun:
p. 17.

Nor were the Crickets:
p. 24.

producers elected to disregard: Quoted in BG, RM 34, 1/85, p. 1.

high up the R&B charts: NP quoted in Brooks and Malcolm, “NP—Part 2,” p. 6.

began at 10:20
: Ted Scott quoted in Floyd, “Crickets’ Appearance at the Apollo,” p. 16.

“They were wide awake: Holiday with Dufty,
Lady Sings the Blues,
p. 40.

impress the booking agents: Fox,
p. 19.

Ed Sullivan, Milton Berle:
p. 23.

better sound
like: NS quoted in G&B, RB, p. 70.

“What’s this?”: Scott quoted in Floyd, “Crickets’ Appearance at the Apollo,” p. 17.

mentioned in the same breath:
p. 16.

audience from booing them:
p. 17.

a miserable flop: NS quoted in Miller, “NS,” RM, Spring/84, p. 23.

demoted to the bottom:

dirty, smelly, drafty: Fox,
p. 10.

up to the standards: NS quoted in Miller, “NS,” p. 23.

monitor each other’s acts: Fox,
p. 12.

authentic bluesy quality: “Crickets’ Appearance,” p. 16.

“Let’s open with ‘Bo Diddley.’: NS quoted in Miller, “NS,” p. 23. Slightly different version in G&B, pp. 70–71 and in Fox,
p. 207.

were forced to improvise: NS quoted in Miller, “NS,” p. 23.

the blacks accepted them:

them as a novelty: RBHS.

“Hey, another brother out there: Leslie Uggams quoted in Fox,
p. 207.

“Oh, that’s Buddy Holly!”:

isn’t be?”:

“He was terrific:

“better than the show:
p. 10.

Hookers masquerading as:

“anything you could want:
p. 115.

“There were drugs back: Quoted in Floyd, “Crickets’ Appearance,” p. 18.

“I loved him dearly,”: Quoted in BG, “More on Little Richard,” RM 35, 3/85, p. 7.

“used to idolize my: CW, p. 84.

to lure Buddy and: LR quoted in
p. 73.

invited all the Crickets: Author interview with NS; NS quoted in PN, “Secret BH: Honeymoon,” p. 52.

an orgy was in: Author interview with NS.

“carried right on with: NS quoted in PN, “Secret BH: Honeymoon,” p. 52.

The only whites in: Author interview with NS.

“This was definitely not:

Larry Williams was making:

she gave Little Richard oral:

“Everyone else was watching:

he’d been wondering if: LR quoted by NS in PN, “Secret BH: Honeymoon,” p. 52.

dashingly handsome, mustachioed: Photograph in Nite,
Rock On,
p. 657.

“I brought him to: Quoted in CW, QOR, p. 188.

Richard purchased some cocaine:

with a gun to collect:

career suffered when: Pareles and Romanowski, eds.,
Rolling Stone Encyclopedia of Rock & Roll,
p. 594.

for narcotics possession: DeCurtis, Henke, and George-Warren,
Rolling Stone Album Guide,
p. 769.

“His red-hot version:
p. 770.

Williams committed suicide: Nite,
Rock On,
p. 656.

Richard sang a moving: Stallings,
Rock ’n’ Roll Confidential,
p. 90.

“I was jacking off,”: LR quoted in CW, QOR, p. 84.

“sucking my titty.”:

Buddy unzipped his pants:

“He was ready:

“She opened up her:

Buddy and the girl had:

“was sucking me,”:

they heard Buddy’s name:

“he made it, too,”:

“He came and he:

“historic occasion.”: Clark,
Jack Kerouac,
p. 164; back ad, Kerouac,
On the Road,
Penguin paperback, 1957.

“At lilac evening I walked: Kerouac,
On the Road,
p. 180.

roof of the Brooklyn Paramount: NS quoted in BG, “NS—Part 1,” p. 4.

Rock ’n’ Roll:
BG, “Tour Schedules,” p. 5.

“Everyone you met was: Quoted in Shaw, “Teen Idols,”
RS Illustrated History of Rock & Roll,
Miller, ed., p. 96.

Rock was not a: Stallings,
Rock ’n’ Roll Confidential,
p. 72.

means to wealth and:

easy-listening discount classics: Clark quoted on Merv Griffin television show, cited in

“There were no skeletons: Cited in JJ, BBH, p. 170.

hot, brightly lit area: McNeil,
Total Television,
pp. 36–37.

lip-synched performance: Ward, “The Fifties,” ROA, p. 155; Helander,
Rock Who’s Who,
p. 90; Stambler,
p. 124.

Kenny Rossi:
This Fabulous Century: 1950–1960,
Books, p. 149.

money spread out around them: G&B, RB, p. 138.

Joe B. was curious: NP quoted in
p. 135.

arrangement proved unsatisfactory:
pp. 135–38.

expensive baubles: Quoted in
p. 138.

“Norman Petty has put Clovis: “Norman Petty Recordings Put Clovis on Map,”
Clovis News-Journal,
December 20, 1959, p. 6.

“to break [into] the:

turned into a fistfight: JA quoted in G&B, RB, p. 83.

jejune high jinks:

cut under his left: Author interview with NS.

photo showing them celebrating:
p. 74.

feeling very urbane: DE in RBHS.

Don says they didn’t: DE quoted in PN,
Road Goes On Forever,
p. 38.

Don chided them for: DE in RBHS; DE quoted by JA in BG, “JA—Part Two,” p. 8.

“They saw what we: Quoted in PN,
Road Goes On Forever,
p. 38.

Phil’s Men’s Shop: JA quoted in BG, “JA—Part Two,” p. 8. Probably mistakenly, BG printed it as “Field’s Men’s Shop.”

sleek Ivy League: DE in RBHS.

“We got to be: “The Everly Brothers,” TRSI, p. 145.

they became best friends: PE quoted in McNie, “PE,” RM 14, 3/80, p. 14.

their circle expanded to: Buddy Knox quoted in AC, “Farewell to Eddie Cochran,”
Tribute to Eddie Cochran,
p. 39; Buddy Knox quoted in BG, “BK,” RM 14, 3/80, p. 6; TGBH, p. 84; BG, “Special Tribute to Celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the Crickets,” RM 24, 9/82, p. 17.

the Young Rockers: Quoted in AC, “Farewell,” p. 39.

the Village Gate: Knox quoted in BG, “BK,” RM 14, 3/80, p. 6.

Chuck Berry took them: PE quoted in KL, TRSI, p. 146.

“We all got into: DE in RBHS.

“There was a real:

who always trailed along: Knox quoted in AC, “Farewell,” p. 39.

Don Kirshner’s Rock Concert
: McNeil,
Total Television,
p. 209.

Eddie Cochran would pull: Knox quoted in AC, “Farewell,” p. 39.

Cochran rivaled Elvis as:

“drinking beer and playing: “On the Road With Eddie Cochran: Interview With Dave Shriver,”
Blue Suede News,
Vol. 3, No. 1, Spring/89, p. 8.

The “Okie chicks,”:

“Everybody had a good: Author interview with NS.

utter a single word: PE quoted in KL, “The Everlys,” TRSI, p. 146.

“Got her in the back:

Buddy to improve his physical: Author interview with Jerry Coleman.

consulted a dermatologist: Author interview with Jerry Coleman.

barber who “kinked” it: Jake Goss in BG, “Jake Goss, Buddy Holly’s Barber,” RM 25, Winter/82, p. 12.

promised him a “quickie.”: NS in PN, “Secret BH: Honeymoon,” p. 52.

Knox’s room was trashed: Ray Ruff quoted in Jackson, “Ray Ruff,” R50 34, 2/92, p. 19.

had been flooded:

Henry Goldrich: TGBH, p. 84.

far too weighty:

purchasing a Gibson … GA series amp:

a pair of Greyhound: Tommy Tompkins, one of the tour’s two bus drivers, quoted in Rossi and Block, “Tommy Tompkins,” RM 41, 3/86, p. 5.

3,500-foot-long suspension bridge:
1979 Hammond Almanac, Time
eds., p. 242.

camping out at the Brooklyn: BG letter to the author, 11/7/94, p. 2.

bones under their seats: BG, RM 11, 7/79 (unpaged clipping).

Buddy seemed remarkably composed: Bowen quoted in BG, “Jimmy Bowen,” RM 20, 9/81, p. 13.

“For someone that age:

“Wasn’t that fun?”: JA quoted in BG, “JA—Part Two,” RM 24, 9/82, p. 8.

sew your buttons on: PE quoted in RBHS.

shot craps in the back: Cott,
RS Illustrated History,
p. 81.

shrewder or more streetwise: “Tommy Tompkins,” p. 5.

“in lonely afternoon hotel: p. 126.

hitched rides in the: JBM interview, RBHS.

tell him his problems:

“It was a bus loaded: PE interview,

sleeping with a leggy:

He was busted during: Author interview with NS.

ordered off Tompkins’s bus: Tompkins quoted in Rossi and Block, “Tommy Tompkins,” p. 6.

“a billion volts of energy”: G&B, RB, p. 112.

kicked a plug out:

Buddy cursed so loud: NS quoted in G&B, RB, pp. 112–113.

Buddy respected Anka’s songwriting: NS quoted in BG and Bonner, “NS—Part 2,” p. 4.

hundreds of ticket-seekers: BG, “Browsing Through Billboard,” R50, 2/92, p. 22.

“cop plenty of pop: Turner, “Record Reviews,” RM 6, 3/78, p. 5.

“a newcomer who’s broken:

rushed to a phone: NS quoted in “18 Interviews (all at once),” p. 3.

announcing their million-seller:

whites and blacks on the: NS quoted in BG and Bonner, “NS—Part 2,” p. 2.

didn’t care for the “lifestyle.”: NS quoted in Miller, “NS,” p. 24.

grown up as an only: NS quoted in G&B, RB, p. 82.

petty arguments and fisticuffs:

took out their frustrations:

The Crickets picked on:

To Joe B. it was: JBM quoted in G&B, RB, p. 82.

who was also dissatisfied: NS and JBM quoted in
p. 83.

he wasn’t miked on: NS quoted in

his own record deal: JBM quoted in

When he dropped hints: NS and JBM quoted in

The acoustics at Tinker: NS quoted in BG and Bonner, “NS—Part 2,” p. 3.

“‘Blue Days, Black Nights’: Amburn,
Dark Star,
p. 57.

“half the writer’s share: Author interview with John R. Lee.

subsequent efforts at Sun: Author interview with Marion Keisker.

“Claudette” to the Everly Brothers: Author interview with Sam Phillips; Roy Orbison quoted in liner notes,
The Sun Years,
double LP, Sun Record Company.

$25,000 in royalties: Author interview with Joe Melson.

beautiful girl in “Claudette,”: Author interviews with Claudette Frady Orbison’s family: Chester and Geraldine Frady, Bill Frady, Paulette Viator, Patty Maddux, Kadon Mahon; author interview with Roy Orbison’s son, Wesley Orbison.

was dating Little Johnny: Author interviews with Charles Evans and Bobby Blackburn.

sexiest of the West: Author interview with Bobby Blackburn.

immortal “Pretty Woman” for her: Author interviews with Chester and Geraldine Frady and Wesley Orbison.

marked by infidelity: Author interviews with Boots Randolph and Mrs. Anna Dixon.

divorce: Author interview with Bobby Blackburn.

Brunswick recording artist: Mann,
A-Z of Buddy Holly,
p. 166.

became a rockabilly classic:

Rock classics”: McGee, “Buddy Holly,”
Rolling Stone Album Guide,
DeCurtis et al., eds., p. 324.

Buddy’s mother deserves part: EH quoted in G&B, RB, p. 93.

drum beat from Little Richard’s:

her contribution a secret:

Joe B. said he:
p. 64.

Carl Perkins and Buddy: Perkins quoted in BG, “Carl Perkins,” RM 19, 6/18, p. 12.

“he was

invented his own sound:

“You can’t take the: Quoted in Riese,
Nashville Babylon,
p. 12.

“You can’t even draw: Quoted in Berry,
p. 135.

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