Buddha and Jesus: Could Solomon Be the Missing Link? (37 page)

BOOK: Buddha and Jesus: Could Solomon Be the Missing Link?
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Major Contrast #7: Being a Follower



Buddha taught that truth lies deep within each person. To find truth, outside sources must be excluded.

In each spiritual practice and moment of life, the focus is on looking deep within one’s self and strictly controlling one’s thoughts, guided by the example of the Buddha, the counsel of his teachings, and the mentorship of a monk/guru.

Christians believe that at the core of every person is a sinful soul. The follower should look instead to Jesus in his or her search for truth.

In each spiritual practice and moment of life, the focus is on following the leading of the Holy Spirit and the counsel of the Bible as the key parts of a personal relationship with Jesus.

Christians believe that since Adam and Eve rejected God in the Garden of Eden, every person has a strongly ingrained lower nature that rebels against God and seeks its own way. Truth is objective in nature, existing outside of and independent of the self. Christ said, “I am the truth.” The Buddhist’s focus is within the self in each spiritual practice followed on the path to enlightenment, whereas the Christian’s focus is on God. It is not possible to do both at the
same time. We see this clearly as we contrast each type of spiritual practice in the table below.



Meditation is an essential element of the process of spiritual growth.

Bible study and prayer are essential elements of the process of spiritual growth. Meditation is not commonly practiced.

Meditation involves focusing one’s attention on a single point of reference, such as one’s breathing, some part of one’s body, a mantra, or visualization of compassion or peace, for extended periods of time.

Christian meditation involves willfully choosing to focus the mind and spirit on specific attributes of God or on specific Bible verses, seeking deeper insight and understanding of their meaning and applicability to life.

A goal of meditation is to empty the mind.

A goal of meditation is to engage the mind and to draw on its own creativity and the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Prayers consist of words expressing intentions for blessings, peace, or protection. One’s spoken words have the power to directly change reality.

Prayers consist of words directed to God seeking his blessings, guidance, enabling, and protection. One’s spoken words, per se, have only limited power to change reality.

Chanting is the traditional means of preparing the mind for meditation. It can also be used for ritualistic purposes. Buddha warned against reciting the Dhamma with a musical intonation, out of concern that participants would become attached to the music rather than the content.

Songs praising God for his attributes and deeds are usually an integral part of worship services. Experiencing an emotional liking to such music is considered quite wholesome and very beneficial to loving God and growing spiritually. The repertoire of Christian music is vast and very rich, including hundreds of masterpieces.

Major Contrast #8: Many Paths vs. One Path



To Buddha many paths to eliminating the self were beneficial.

Jesus claimed the only way to God was through him.

Buddha denied his own divinity, seeing himself as being only one of many enlightened ones.

Jesus proclaimed his own divinity (i.e., saying he was one with God). He asserted his own uniqueness and spiritual supremacy over all people and spiritual beings.

Readily accommodates a very broad range of occult beliefs and practices.

Views all occult beliefs and practices as evil and forbidden.

BOOK: Buddha and Jesus: Could Solomon Be the Missing Link?
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