Buckhorn Beginnings (15 page)

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Authors: Lori Foster

BOOK: Buckhorn Beginnings
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Sawyer grunted to himself as he leaned on the
shed door, watching her and Gabe together. His hair was still wet from his recent shower, but the heat pounding down on his head and radiating from the lush ground would quickly dry it. Already his T-shirt was starting to stick to his back, and his temper felt precarious at best, in sync with the sweltering summer weather and his disturbing thoughts of a woman he shouldn't want, but did.

Honey had no way of knowing her presence here had been carefully staged. His brothers had manipulated things so that she had no reason, and no way, to leave. Between Gabe toying with her car and Jordan supplying her everything she could possibly need from town, she'd had no reason to step foot off his property, which was how his brothers had planned it.

He appreciated their efforts, but they couldn't know what it was costing him.

Honey suddenly straightened and put her hands on her shapely hips. She glared at Gabe suspiciously while a sunbeam slanting through a high window in the large shed got caught in her fair hair, forming a halo. “Are you sure you know what you're doing?”

Gabe grinned and touched the tip of her nose with a grease-covered finger, leaving a smudge behind. “Of course I know what I'm doing, sweetie. Relax.”

They'd all taken to calling her
since they insisted on using an endearment, and her name was just that—her name. Honey had laughed and said that at least this way she could be distinguished from the mule and the cat and the various other assorted animals wandering the land.

Today she had on shorts Jordan had brought her. He'd made the purchases to keep Sawyer from taking her to town, afraid that once she was there, she'd find a way to sneak off. And none of them wanted her to do that.

But to Sawyer's mind, Jordan's fashion sense left a lot to be desired. The shorts were
short, displaying the long length of her slim legs and emphasizing the roundness of her pert little butt. But when he'd suggested as much, he'd gotten jeered by his brothers, who seemed to take maniacal delight in commenting on his every thought these days.

He still thought the shorts were too short, but he now suffered in silence. Just as he did when she wore the new skimpy cotton tank tops, or the flirty sundresses, or the lightweight summer nightgowns and robe. Then again, he didn't completely approve of any of the things she now wore. Jordan and Gabe had gotten together and figured out a list of everything she'd need, including some very basic female items he'd never have considered in his lust-induced fog. They'd also shown her where to add neccessities to the list kept posted on the front of the fridge. So now, among the items of aftershave and car oil, face cream and fingernail files had been added.

Every day it seemed she became a bigger part of their lives, and he didn't know what he was going to do when she eventually left. Which she would. Because once she was safe, he wouldn't ask her to stay.

Honey, tired of watching Gabe fumble under the hood of her car, turned to flounce out of the shed. When she caught sight of him, her face lit up with a
warmth that filled him to overflowing. “Sawyer! I didn't know you were here.”

As usual, her eyes ate him up and sexual tension immediately vibrated between them. But she never touched him in front of anyone, too concerned with trying to keep their intimate involvement private. He didn't have the heart to point out his brothers were far from idiots and had already deduced more than he'd ever admitted even to himself. Besides, the fact she touched everyone
him was pretty telling, like the drunk who overenunciated to hide his state of inebriation. Honey was what Gabe called a touchy-feely woman, always hugging and patting people she cared about. And she cared about all of them, that was painfully obvious.

It was one of the main reasons his brothers insisted on prolonging her stay. Not that he'd let her leave anyway until the issue of her safety was resolved.

And that was the topic he brought up now. As she neared, he braced himself and said, “I think you should call your fiancé.”

Just like that, the light died in her eyes and her welcome became wary, twisting at his heart. She stalled, her new sandals kicking up dust on the shed floor as she came to a standstill. She tried a sickly smile that made him ache. “My fiancé?”

“Ex-fiancé. This Alden idiot.”

Gabe quickly wiped off his hands and strode over to them. “What the hell are you talking about, Sawyer?”

Sawyer rubbed his neck, trying to ease his grow
ing tension. He didn't like the idea much himself. If he had his way, he'd never let her get within shouting distance of the bastard. But he couldn't take the pressure anymore, waiting for something to happen so they could act and put an end to it. And he couldn't seem to keep his hands off her.

To get things settled, they had to force the issue, and calling her ex was the only way he could think of to do it.

He stared down at her and resisted the urge to hold her close. “Morgan and I discussed it. We both still think Alden is involved somehow. You said yourself that his behavior was strange. The only problem is finding the link. If you call him, we can listen in and maybe we'll catch something you missed.”

Her expression turned mulish, so he quickly clarified. “I'm not suggesting we're any better at this than you are. But at the time you left, you were upset. Now you're calm, and we're totally detached.” Only he wasn't. He was in so far, he didn't know if he'd ever see daylight again. He cleared his throat and forged on. “Between us we might pick up a small detail that will make sense. I know the waiting is hard on you.”

She nodded slowly, her eyes never leaving his face. “I was just telling Gabe that I think I should stop imposing on you all.”

His stomach knotted. “And no doubt Gabe told you that was nonsense.”

“Well, yes.”

Gabe put his arm around her shoulders. “Damn right I did. She's not going anywhere until we know it's safe.”

“And this is the best way to find out if it is or not,” Sawyer replied, trying to ignore the way Gabe held her and the hot jealousy he couldn't deny. The only male who could touch her without setting off his possessive alarms was his son. And it was a good thing, since Casey seemed even more inclined than the rest to dote on her. Sawyer was almost certain Casey had his own agenda in mind, but unlike the others, Casey wasn't as easy to figure out. He'd always been a mature kid, proud and too smart for his own good, but he'd never been overly demonstrative with anyone but the family. In fact, he was usually more closed off, keeping his thoughts and feelings private. The way he'd so openly accepted Honey was enough to raise a few brows.

“You plan to set some bait?” Gabe asked, pulling Honey even closer as if to shield her. From Sawyer.

He scowled and nudged Gabe away, looping his own arm around Honey and hauling her up possessively against him, regardless of her chagrined struggle. “Not exactly bait. You know I wouldn't endanger her. But I want her to come right out and tell the bastard that she's been followed, that she's in hiding, that she damn well might go to the police despite her father's absurd edict if she doesn't get some answers. There's a good chance Alden will slip up and give something away.”

Gabe gave a thoughtful nod. “It's not a bad plan. If he's innocent, we should be able to tell, don't you think?”

“I would hope.”

Honey stepped away from both men. “Do I have any say-so in this?”

Sawyer looked at her warily. In the past two weeks he'd come to learn her moods well. Right now she was plenty peeved, and when Honey wasn't happy, she had no qualms about letting them all know it. The fact that she was one small woman in a household of five large men didn't appear to intimidate her one bit. “Uh…sure.”

I'm not doing it. What if Alden is at the heart of it all? What if he traces the call? He's certainly capable of doing that. Then the trouble could land right here at your own front door.”

“And you still don't trust us to take care of you?” His temper started a slow boil; this was a constant bone of contention between them. “You think we're all so helpless we'd let someone hurt you? That
let anyone hurt you?”

In a sudden burst of temper, she went on tiptoes and jutted her chin at Sawyer. “I'm not thinking of me, dammit!
I'm thinking of you and your family!

Gabe glanced at Sawyer, a comical look of disbelief on his face. “She's trying to protect us?”

Sawyer crossed his arms over his chest and nodded, thoroughly bemused and annoyed. “Looks that way.”

Throwing her hands into the air, Honey shouted, “You're not invincible!”

Sawyer rolled his eyes to the heavens. He wanted to shake her, and he wanted to take her back into the shed, slam the door on the world and make love
to her again. Just that morning, right before dawn, he'd slipped into her bed and attempted to rouse her with gentle kisses and touches. But things always turned wild with Honey, no matter his resolve. When he'd left the room for his office shortly after seven o'clock, he'd been totally spent, and his legs had been shaking from the vigorous lovemaking they'd indulged in. Honey had gone soundly back to sleep. He'd never known a person who could sleep as hard and sound as she did. She'd be awake one moment, gone the next, especially after sex. A marching band could go through the room, and she wouldn't stir so much as an eyelash.

Now, it felt like months since he'd touched her. He turned away. “We're not dealing with organized crime, sweetheart. Buckhorn is a small county without a lot of need for reinforcements. It's natural for us to rely on ourselves to take care of problems whenever possible. But until we figure out exactly who is after you, we're helpless. Getting more information is the only sensible thing to do.”

She looked ready to kick dirt at him, then she turned on her heel and stomped back to the shed. Gabe stared after her. She went to the back of the car and opened the trunk.

“I can't keep messing with her car much longer. She's starting to get suspicious. If I don't fix it soon, she'll figure it out, or else she'll decide I'm an inept idiot. I don't relish either prospect.”

Sawyer's smile was grim. “Yeah, you must've changed everything that can be changed by now.”

“Just about. Changing a few parts that had to be
ordered was a stroke of genius, if I say so myself.” Gabe shrugged. “I don't think she knows it's in better running order now than ever, but to be on the safe side, I took a few wires off in case she decides to give it a try. I'm still not willing to trust her to stay put.”

“We can't keep her here forever.”

Gabe rubbed some grease off his thumb, trying to look indifferent. But Sawyer heard the calculating tone to his words. “I don't see why not.”

Sawyer sighed. “Because this isn't her home. She has a sister who's dying to see her again, despite the reassurances Honey gave her over the phone.” Honey had called her sister, Misty, the morning she'd accepted the fact they wouldn't let her leave while there was danger. Misty had been relieved that her sister was safe, and very curious about the men she was staying with. Sawyer had spoken a few words with her, trying to allay her concerns. Misty had a husky voice and a lot of loyalty. Sawyer had liked her instantly.

“She can call her sister again. That's not a problem. Or better yet, her sister could visit her here.”

All the brothers were curious about Misty Malone, much to Honey's amusement. Sawyer sighed. “She also has some issues she needs to resolve with her father.”

“Ha! I personally think she'd be better off never laying eyes on the man again.”

“If everything she's told us is accurate, then I'd agree. But I've never met the man and I have no idea what motivates him.”

“You're defending him?”

Sawyer understood Gabe's disbelief. From what she'd said, Honey's father wasn't an easy man to like. “You've met Honey. You've gotten to know her in the last few weeks. Do you honestly believe any male could be so immune to her, but especially her father?”

Gabe seemed to chew that over. “I see what you mean. She's such a sweetheart, she's hard to resist. No, I can't imagine a man, any man, not loving her on sight.”

Sawyer felt those words like a sucker punch in the solar plexis. It took his breath away. “I wasn't talking about love, dammit.”

With a pitying look, Gabe shook his head. “Be glad you staked a claim first, Sawyer, because just about anyone else would be more than glad to talk about love. Maybe you should remember that while you're being so pigheaded.”

It took two steps for Sawyer to be chest to chest with his youngest brother. Through his teeth, he growled, “Just what the hell is that supposed to mean?”

Gabe didn't back down, but then Sawyer would have been surprised if he had. Instead, he took a step closer so they almost touched, and his eyes narrowed. “It means, you stubborn ass, that she's—”

Honey suddenly shoved herself between them. She had a large box in her hands, and her scowl was hotter than the blazing sunshine. “Don't you two start! I've got enough to worry about right now without having to listen to you bicker!”

Flustered, Sawyer glared one more time at Gabe then forcefully took the box from Honey. “Men don't bicker.”

“Ha! You were both muttering low and growling and acting like bulldogs facing off over a meaty bone. It's absurd for brothers to carry on that way.”

Gabe blinked at her. “We were just…uh, discussing things.”

“Uh-huh. Like what?”

Sawyer stared at her, stymied for just a moment, then he hefted the box. “What the hell have you got in here?”

Sidetracked, she said, “My stereo stuff. It's been in the trunk. Thank goodness nothing got wet when I went in the lake. Since I've had no reason to listen to music lately, I'd almost forgotten about it—until Casey and I decided to dance.”

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