Buck Rogers 2 - That Man on Beta (13 page)

BOOK: Buck Rogers 2 - That Man on Beta
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Lolling upon it, swathed in a fur-and-satin outfit that looked almost effeminate in its sensuous self-indulgence, was the oily-featured, smug, would-be consort of the crown princess of Draconia: Kane.

As Buck and Professor Von Norbert entered the hall, Kane’s eyes lit up with anticipation and pleasure. “Why, hello, Buck Rogers,” Kane roared. “If it isn’t my good old friend from Earth. And I do mean old—ah, ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!!!” Kane roared with laughter, almost falling from his throne onto the polished plastic-marble floor of the hall.

“Kane!” Buck spat the word. “I should have known. Are you trying to even an old score with all of this?”

“Not at all,” Kane cooed preciously. “I
you, Rogers.”

“Then why did you go to such elaborate means to get me here? Why that band of phony gypsies with their weird old-fashioned CB radio jargon? And why that phony old guru in the cave under Mount Rushmore?”

“Why, Rogers, what do you mean, phony this and phony that?”

“Von Norbert here tells me those were all a bunch of actors.”

“Oh, no,” Kane disagreed. “The professor doesn’t understand anything but science. We wouldn’t use phonies, Cap. Pandro is a free agent. He’ll work for the highest bidder, any time. But Draconia is usually the high bidder, that’s all.

“As for Aris,” Kane waved his hand like a holy man gesturing airily, “he’s strictly straight-arrow, Rogers. We just figured out what he was likely to tell you, once Pandro sent you to see him. We guessed where he’d send you, and we made it our job to get there first and set up a little welcoming party for you, that’s all.

“As for picking you out as an experimental subject, Cap, neither I nor the prof here did that. The computer did. Ain’t that the truth, Professor?”

Von Norbert agreed. “Absolutely, Kane. Rogers, lights and bells went off when we ran your tissue samples through the analyzer. If we’d rejected you, why, I think our computer would have blown a fuse in frustration.” He grinned—it was the scientist’s idea of a hilarious joke.

“We were after you for a long time, Buck-o,” Kane resumed. “You remember your visit to the
—when we fished you out of that interplanetary deep-freeze of yours? That was when we took our tissue samples. After that things started popping like all hell broke loose, so we didn’t get around to analyzing the samples till later on. By the time you recovered from your big snooze, the little scraped place where we took the specimens must have healed all up. I won’t even tell you where it was.”

Kane chuckled sinisterly.

“Think of it, Buck-o,” the oily courtier went on, “after that big blow-up, when the
got wiped—a pity, that. Good ship. I’ve many a fond memory of disciplining crew members and interrogating prisoners aboard her. But when Ardala and I made good our escape in the mini-pod, just about the only freight we had the time and space to haul away with us was that precious little chunk of your hide. Ah, ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!!!”

Professor Von Norbert resumed his part of the conversation. “When the samples were analyzed and run through the computer, the machine absolutely danced a jig! As far as our preliminary tests can tell, at least, you possess an antibody in your system that has been missing from the human body for hundreds of years. It seems to have occurred only in Earth humans to start with—and to have died out even among them in the period between your first lifetime and your revival.

“You are a unique resource of the state, and as such will be cared for and kept in comfort—but you must also give your unquestioning loyalty to the state that cares for you.”

Buck glared at Von Norbert, then at Kane. “Sez you two, maybe. But nobody invited me here—I was dragged in by the heels. I don’t think I owe your people anything. And besides, what’s so hot about some antibody in my blood? You mean, if I don’t share, everybody around here is gonna come down with Virus X next sniffles season?”

“It’s no joking matter,” Kane roared. “The Draconian race has given too much to spreading peace and enlightenment throughout the galaxy. We’ve exposed ourselves to too many kinds of solar radiations, too many kinds of localized parasites and diseases.”

He held up a hand before his face. The fingers were crusted with gems and filigreed jewels. The fingernails were painted in a variety of patterns and colors. Kane closed the fingers into a broad, hamlike fist. “Strong as we are,” he said, “we’ve been exposed to too many harmful influences. Mutation has crept into the Draconian bloodline. Poison and disease. We need your defensive antibodies, Rogers. We need to breed them into our race. That’s going to be your assignment, like it or not. So you might as well like it.”

Kane leaned back and stretched languorously. A great yawn escaped him, which he didn’t bother to cover. “Besides, if I were you, I think I’d like it a lot!”

“Tell you what, Kane,” Buck pointed his finger angrily at the gross figure, “I appreciate your thinking of me, but where I come from we choose our own partners, and the choice means something to us. So—thanks for the offer, but I’ll just pass.”

“You don’t seem to understand, Rogers!” Kane shook his massive head. “You don’t have any choice in the matter. You’re never going to leave Villus Beta alive, you see?”

“What odds would you like to put on that, Kane?” Buck smiled.

“Gentlemen, gentlemen,” Professor Von Norbert broke in. “Can’t we all be friends? Here”—he indicated a curtained archway through which a breathtaking young woman emerged, carrying an ornate bowl filled with mouth-watering fruit of both native and imported varieties.

“Let’s sit down,” Von Norbert went on, “relax, have a bit of refreshment.”

The interruption broke the tension that had built between Buck and Kane. Buck followed Von Norbert’s suggestion and found a seat for himself, as the professor did likewise. The gorgeous young woman approached Buck and bent to offer him his selection. The filmy, almost transparent clothing that she wore did little to conceal her lush, ripe charms from the earthman as he reached to sample a piece of fruit.

“Try it,” the young woman urged him throatily, “I’m sure that you’ll really enjoy it.”

“Thanks,” Buck answered, “don’t mind if I do.” He lifted a piece of puce-colored fruit shaped like a cross between a mango and a plantain. “You did mean
didn’t you?” Buck said.

“I suppose so,” the young woman answered. “For now, anyway.” She moved away, swaying gracefully with every step.

“There,” Von Norbert said to Buck, like a pestered parent trying to soothe a troublesome child, “isn’t that better?” He swiveled. “Kane, just let me handle this affair, will you? It’s my end of the operation anyway.”

Kane heaved his flabby bulk from the throne where he’d been slouched. “All right, Von Norbert. But you’d better have sonny boy cooperating by morning or I’ll start using some methods more persuasive than goodies and snacks.” He glared at Buck.

Buck met his gaze; as their eyes locked in menace and defiance, Buck spat a large, oval seed on a trajectory that brought it within inches of Kane’s shoe. The courtier left angrily and Von Norbert drew his seat nearer to Buck, leaned confidentially toward the earthman.

“Now,” Von Norbert said, “I want you to make yourself completely at home here in Villus Beta. We have every facility for your comfort, and I want you to feel free to make full use of those facilities.”

“I hate to say this, fella,” Buck snapped back, “but I hope you’re not counting on all my blood, ’cause I have other plans for it myself.”

Von Norbert threw back his head and raised his voice in a high, cackling laugh. “We use the term blood as a metaphor, Captain Rogers. You know, as in bloodlines, blood relations and so on. We do not really want your

Buck’s face went white. “You mean—you’re after my—ah—my precious bodily fluids?”

“You might say that,” Von Norbert grinned. “We are out to breed a generation of humans possessing your antibodies. And only you can be the father of that generation.” He turned toward the curtained doorway and smiled at the lush female still standing there, watching Buck Rogers hungrily.

“You will be the father of thousands of sons and daughters, Captain Rogers,” the professor reiterated. “Thousands. And all will inherit your immunities.”

“Oh, yeah?” Buck challenged. “And how are you going to get me to do it?”

“Perhaps you would like to visit your friend first, for a little conversation,” Von Norbert said.

Inside a securely guarded section of Villus Beta, in a row of rooms reserved for special guests, a young woman sat disconsolately before a mirror. The special rooms were furnished comfortably, perhaps even luxuriantly—but they were also as secure as the cells in the heart of a maximum-security block at the archaic prison Alcatraz.

As the door swung open the young woman turned away from the mirror to see who was entering. It was Professor Von Norbert—and, with him, Captain Buck Rogers.

“Buck!” the young woman exclaimed.

“Wilma!” Buck gasped.

The two of them flew to each other’s arms. The past friction that had existed between them, the tension that unavoidably occurs when commander and subordinate discover that their official relationship is only one small aspect of the bond between them, disappeared in an instant.

“Buck,” Wilma thrilled, “how did you do it? How did you get to me, past so many of them?”

“Uh, I didn’t exactly fight my way in, Wilma. In fact, I m sort of, well, a prisoner here myself.”

Wilma drew back from him, her smile fading. “Why are we here? I don’t understand. They haven’t told me anything. When I ask, they just say, wait.”

Buck ventured, “I’m afraid you fell into the trap that they set for me, Wilma. At Rushmore. The shepherds.”

Before Wilma could reply, Von Norbert said, “That is precisely so, yes. But,” he gestured airily, “it is no problem for us. We have plenty of room here in Villus Beta. And now that you have seen each other, Colonel Deering, Captain Rogers—it is time that we get you along to your, ah,
quarters, Captain.”

“Don’t go, Buck!” Wilma cried. “Watch out for them!”

“That will be enough!” Von Norbert snapped.

“Buck, we’ll break out! We have to work together!”

Von Norbert shoved Buck through the doorway, drew it shut behind them with a thump that gave evidence of the heavy security latches built into the structure. Alone inside her room, Wilma Deering slumped onto a seat, her face buried in her hands and her body racked with sobs.

Von Norbert turned Buck over to a squad of burly guardsmen, instructed them to take him to his quarters. “I’ll join you shortly,” the professor said as Buck was marched away.

As soon as the earthman was out of sight, Von Norbert reached into a pocket, drew out a key and readmitted himself to Wilma’s room. The woman shouted past him, using the brief opportunity to get a message to Buck. “Watch out for them,” she screamed. “They have drugs that will distort your perception. Be caref . . .”

Her words were cut off as Von Norbert drew an instant pressure-hypo from his pocket, flicked it at her. Its chemical freight was in her bloodstream in a fraction of a second. She stopped screaming in the middle of a word and collapsed slowly toward the floor.

Von Norbert caught her. She was not unconscious, just totally relaxed and drained of all will. Norbert carried her toward her bed. She looked up at him smilingly, trustingly, like the young woman who had served the fruit to Buck in Kane’s audience chamber.

“That’s a good girl,” Von Norbert husked into her ear as he put her down gently on the bed. “Just relax and be happy. The Draconians are your friends. I am your friend, Wilma. Remember that. And remember that Buck Rogers is your enemy.”

“You’re my friend,” Wilma repeated dutifully, “Buck Rogers is my enemy.”

“That’s right,” Von Norbert told her. He ran his hand down her cheek, toward her shoulder. “Rogers is your enemy.”

He left Wilma, made his way past burly guardsmen and entered Buck Rogers’ room. This was a far larger room than Wilma’s, set up with a variety of furnishings and decorations to give it a homelike, even folksy atmosphere.

“Well,” Von Norbert said, “here is where you will live. Our best accommodations, Captain Rogers.”

“Not half bad,” Buck commented.

“You must be tired after your long trip.”

“Yeah. Pretty beat.” Buck yawned. “Think I’ll hit the hay.”

“Just one more thing, then,” Von Norbert said. “A sort of gift for you—a little surprise.” He walked to the opposite side of Buck’s room, opened a closet door and pulled something from a shelf. It was the computer brain, Theopolis.

“Your compuvisor,” Von Norbert said.

Buck’s reply was sarcastic. “Super.”

“I return it to you as a token of friendship.”

“You don’t know how good this makes me feel,” Buck said.

“Yes, I think I do. Good night, Captain.” Von Norbert left, the door giving a heavy, massive
as he drew it shut.

Buck looked at Theopolis. “All right,” he said, “I’m sorry.” There was no response. “It was a rotten thing for me to do, trading you away like that.” Theopolis still did not reply. “I apologize,” Buck said. He waited in vain. “Not talking, huh?”

Despairing of any response from the computer, Buck laid it down and climbed onto the bed. To every outward sign, he was sound asleep within a matter of seconds. As Buck’s heavy, steady breathing filled the room, the previously inactive computer flickered once, again, then an array of lights glowed tentatively.

Buck opened one eye, saw the computer blinking on and off. “Caught you,” Buck exclaimed. “Now let’s see if you’ll talk!”

But Theopolis doused his lights and returned to dormancy.

“I hope you can talk,” Buck said, “because I’ve got a plan. And it won’t work unless you can talk.” He waited vainly for Theopolis to respond. When the computer still refused, Buck resumed. “All right. Don’t talk until it’s time. But I’m counting on you to be able to do a good imitation of me. So you listen carefully, Theopolis!”

Buck whispered his plan to the computer brain. There was still no reaction. “Okay,” he said, “if it works, it works. If not, Theopolis, I’m going to make mashed transistors out of you.” He crossed to a high shelf, removed some furnishings from it and climbed carefully onto its surface. “Okay now,” Buck whispered across the room to Theopolis.

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