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Authors: Big Bad Alpha [Ashland Pack 2]

Bryce Evans (4 page)

BOOK: Bryce Evans
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Lexy knew she was acting like a teenager because she couldn
’t stop staring at Mace.  “Lexy, have you found yourself a place yet to live?” 

Mace flinched when he heard Lexy was looking for somewhere else to live.
  “You’re moving?” Mace growled. 

Lexy stepped backwards when she heard the tone Mace had used with her.  Adrianna stepped closer to Lexy and put her arm around her. 

“No, Mace, she is trying to find a place of her own and move out of her parents’ house.”  Adrianna could see the relief in her brother’s face. 

I’m sorry I interrupted you earlier, Lexy.  You came in here to ask Mace something.  Do you need me to leave?”  Adrianna looked over at Lexy, waiting for her to answer.

Uhm, no, I mean, I just wanted to…uhm.”  Lexy wanted to crawl under the table.  She couldn’t ask this man for anything else.  She panicked when he looked at her.  “No, that’s okay.  Never mind,” she said, a tremor was heard in her voice as she backed up and walked quickly out of the office. 

Mace stared at the door as it closed, his stricken face showed pain as Lexy ran out the door.  He looked over at his sister then masked his feelings, shoving them far below so she couldn
’t see them.

I think you scared her, Mace, with the Alpha voice you just used.”

I know, I think I need to apologize to her now.”  Mace walked around the desk when Adrianna stopped him.

Wait, Bubba.  Let me talk to her.  I don’t think she is used to men in her life except her father.  Samson said she is looking for a job and a place to live.  She wants her independence from her parents and she wants her privacy as well.  Samson told me a little bit about her.  I think she was going to ask you if you knew of any jobs around here.  Do you?” asked Adrianna.

Do I have what?”  Mace looked at Adrianna as if she was an Alien.  He wasn’t even listening to what she was saying.

Bubba, what is going on in that head of yours?  Lexy?  She needs a job and a place to live.  Do you know of any jobs or any small apartments open?” asked Adrianna. She was not sure at that point if she wanted to yell at her brother or shake him.

Mace immediately thought of the small cottage near his house.  It was used as storage now, but it had a small kitchen and it had a small bedroom and living room area.  It was great for one person.  Now the job issue was something he needed to think about. 

Adrianna smiled as she watched the wheels turn in her brother’s head. 

Yes, I know of a place she can live with cheap rent or better yet, she can exchange the rent money for cleaning my house that is next door, so it shouldn’t be a hardship for her.  The job, hmm, I don’t know.”  Mace came back around to his desk and sat down, thinking.

What about Lexy being the liaison between the pack and the witches and wizards coming into Ashland.  She will be part of the pack and she is a witch.  We need someone keeping up with everyone,” suggested Adrianna. 

Mace looked up at his sister. 
“Are you trying to make up a job for her, Sissy?” 

Adrianna leaned up against her brother
’s desk.  “Bubba, you do it all the time.  So don’t look at me like that.”

I don’t know yet because there may be is a job out there for her.  I need to speak with Felix first.  He may need her for something,” said Mace.

Okay, Bubba, so do you want me to tell her about the cottage?” asked Adrianna.

Yeah, I think it would be better if you did.  Maybe she could get used to me that way.”  Mace didn’t want his sister meddling and he could already see that she was about to try when someone knocked on the door again.  Mace frowned as he yelled out, “Come in, everybody else is.”  Mace wanted to talk to his sister about the vision he just had, but he didn’t want her to think he was crazy because he had never had one before and maybe it was the stress and just being around Lexy.

Adrianna turned around and hit Mace in the shoulder. 
“Stop being a grouch.” 

He smelled her scent at the door
, but the door didn’t open.  He could hear her footsteps as Lexy ran down the hallway.  “Dammit,” Mace grumbled as he listened as Lexy ran away again.

You know, if you keep acting like that she won’t ever come to you and ask another question again.  She has had a hard life, Bubba, and she needs love and friendship now.  Not what you are giving her.  This isn’t like you at all, Mace.  You need to go and apologize to her, now” Adrianna said. 

Mace shook his head then got up and walked to the front of his desk. 
“Can you go and tell her about the cottage, tell her she can move into it tomorrow.  I will get the cleaning crew to come and clean it out and get it ready for her.” 

Adrianna shook her head as she left her brother sitting on the edge of his desk.  She knew it, Lexy was his mate, and he was fighting it.  Adrianna smiled as she walked back to the party.  She knew Mace would be upset if she tried to get into his business, but what Mace didn
’t know wouldn’t hurt him either. 

What are you up to, my mate?” Samson asked as he slipped his arms around her stomach, rubbing the baby bump.  “I can tell you are meddling into someone’s life with that smile and since you just left your brother’s office, well, it doesn’t take a genius to know it’s Mace.  I almost feel sorry for the poor sap, but the way he has been acting lately, maybe he needs a little push.” 

Cade walked over and instantly reached down and put his hands on Adrianna
’s stomach.  “What did I miss?” Cade asked as he looked up at his mates. 

Well, our mate here is meddling into her brother’s life and our baby is hungry because I can hear her stomach even over the music, so let’s go feed her and she can tell us what she is up to.”  Cade and Samson led Adrianna over to the table where Lexy was sitting beside her mother and Peter. 

Hey, Lexy,” Adrianna said politely as she sat down at the table.  Cade sat down beside Adrianna and Samson went to get her something to eat.  “Listen, you have to excuse Mace.  He is having a hard time right now with all the new people moving into his area, and let’s just say—it is a stressful time for him.  He wanted me to tell you that he knows of a place very inexpensive for you to live and I think it is great.  Mace has a cottage beside the big house that we used to live in and it would be perfect for you.  It has a small kitchen, a bedroom with a bathroom, and a small living room.  It’s not very big, but it should be okay for one person.  He said he wouldn’t charge you anything if you could clean his house a couple times a week.  You know how bachelors are, but Mace is pretty clean so it wouldn’t take you long.  He is going to talk to Felix about a job since the Twisters Council is moving here.  But in the meantime, I may need another assistant.  If you would be interested.”

Lexy wanted to jump out of her seat and scream at the top of her lungs
‘Yes, Yes, Yes,’ but she knew they would only look at her as a freak if she did.  “Really, Adrianna?  That would be awesome.  I would have my own little place and a job.  You don’t know how much that means to me.  I’ve never had…”  Lexy couldn’t finish because she was about to burst into tears she was so happy.  “Excuse me for a few minutes.” 

Lexy got up and ran outside.  She looked up at the sky trying to calm herself.  She couldn
’t believe it, she would finally have her own place and a job. 

Lexy walked over to a swing that was swaying in the wind, tied to a big beautiful oak tree.  It was too tempting not to sit in it and swing.  Lexy giggled as she looked around to see if anyone was watching her.  When she felt that she wasn
’t being watched, she sat down in the swing and pushed herself with her feet so she would go higher and higher into the air.  Lexy held her head back as she looked up at the sky.  She finally felt like she was at home now.  She laughed aloud as she pushed herself higher and higher in to the sky. 
This is a perfect night.  My life has finally begun.


Mace watched from his office as Lexy pushed herself in the swing.  He couldn’t help it, but he felt the need to be near her.  A sense of possessiveness could be felt deep in his soul for this woman.  Earlier, he had his window up so he could feel the air blowing into his office; now hearing her laughter drift through the window brought a smile to his face.  Her scent drifted into his office as the wind carried it through the air to his nose.  Mace inhaled as the scent of strawberries and caramel bombarded his senses.  It was as if someone was controlling him as he got up and walked out the back door of his office, walking toward the giggling sound and the scent of strawberries and caramel.

Lexy was too busy swinging and looking up into the sky to realize someone was standing by the tree.  She became aware of the presence of someone as she placed her feet on the ground, stopping herself.  She turned around trying to locate who was near her when she turned to see Mace leaning against the tree with his arms folded. 
“I didn’t mean for you to stop.  You looked like you were having fun,” said Mace with a grin.

I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to get on someone’s swing.  I can leave, Alpha.”  Lexy started walking away when Mace grabbed her arm.  Lexy whimpered and squatted down putting her hands over her head, shielding herself from the blow she was sure would come. 

Lexy, baby.  I’m sorry, you didn’t have to stop.  I didn’t mean to scare you.”  Mace came down on his knees so Lexy would know he meant no harm. 

Lexy looked
up and saw the mixed emotions in Mace's eyes.  She could see concern for her and that he was also upset.

Who hurt you, baby?”  Mace reached out and caressed her cheek.  “Who put this fear in you?”  Mace could feel his wolf bristle at the fact someone had hurt her.  “
Mate, need to protect
,’ Mace heard his wolf whisper to him. 

Lexy couldn
’t speak; her voice had left her as she gasped for air.  She tried to breathe in the crisp night air, but the memories of what Cain had done to her were too fresh in her mind.  Lexy leaned away from Mace, trying to put some distance between them. 

The look of disappointment was evident on his face.  Mace never intended to scare Lexy.  He was mad at himself for grabbing her arm. 

No, comfort Mate
,’ said his wolf. 

She is a beautiful woman and scared to death of me, better she finds a wizard to marry
,’ Mace said to his wolf.  He had to leave.  He had messed this up and put the fear of him in her.  Mace jumped up and turned toward the woods that led to his house.  In his haste to be away from her, Mace shifted, shredding his clothes, running into the woods as his wolf took over.  He could smell her fear, which made his wolf angry. 

Lexy was scared that she had made her new Alpha angry.  She only wanted to make new friends, and find a job and a place to live.  Now she had made the Alpha mad.  Lexy waited, hoping Mace would come back so she could apologize to him for overreacting.  Lexy waited and when he didn
’t return, she walked back slowly into the Pub.

Chapter Four



Sunday morning, bright and early, Reece Phillips pulled his truck up to the old house trying to picture it being in better shape.  The shudders were hanging off the house.  The screen door looked like a herd of cattle had run through it.  The house looked as if it hadn’t been painted in twenty years. 

Reece then looked over at his little sister, who was quietly looking at the house. 
“Hey, we can fix it up and make it our own.  How does that sound to you?” 

Star Phillips looked up at her brother and smiled.  She knew he was trying to make everything right for her. 
“It sounds great, Reece.  We can paint and fix the stuff that needs to be fixed.” 

Reece reached over and kissed the top of his sister
’s head.  “That’s the spirit, kid.”  Reece got out of the truck, praying the inside of the house looked better than the outside.

Pulling out the key to the front door the realtor had given him, he then opened the door. 
“Holy Shi-shoot.”  Reece couldn’t hold it in.  The inside was a total disaster.  The carpet looked like it had blood on it.  The walls had spray paint from where a kid must have tagged it. 

Reece couldn
’t do it.  He couldn’t allow his sister to stay in that filth. 

Okay, kid, let’s go back to the hotel and I will figure something out.”  Reece knew he didn’t have much money to spend on the house and this house would need some desperate TLC. 

Reece, listen we can do this together.  We just need to go back to town and get some supplies to paint and clean.  I’m sure we can find someone to come cut the grass while we tackle the inside.”

Reece looked down at his little sister. 
“When did you get so smart?”

It’s just natural, I guess,” Star answered with flair. 

Reece and Star bu
rst out laughing as they got back into the truck. 

Reece knew Damen would know of a place to get some supplies cheap so he called Damen and asked a lot of questions for which he got answers.

“Okay, Damen said we could go to Juliet’s for the supplies.  He said to talk to Jenny about what we needed.  So I guess we’re going to Juliet’s, kid,” Reece explained.

Star nodded her head as they traveled to town for supplies.

Reece pulled up to the mom and pop store, watching as an older woman swept the front porch.  Reece and Star got out of the truck and walked toward the front door. 

You must be Reece and Star?” said Jenny.

Yes, ma’am,” answered Reece. 

Jenny stuck out her hand smiling as she shook their hands. 
“Well, I’m Jenny, and welcome to the pack.”

Thank you,” Reece and Star said at the same time.

Come on in and let me get you guys set up with those supplies,” instructed Jenny.

Jenny pulled out a shopping cart and went down each of the
aisles pulling out the supplies that Reece and Star would need.  Reece knew he could pay for the stuff Jenny picked out but that wouldn’t leave him much money to buy food and other items until he got a job. 

When they went up to pay for the items, Jenny smiled, she could tell Reece was hesitant and probably couldn
’t pay for everything she picked out.  “Listen, guys, this is how this pack works.  We help each other out in getting started so this one is on my family and me.  I will not take no for an answer either, so you don’t want to start the first day making me mad.  Do you?”

No, but it’s a lot of stuff, Jenny.  Let me put some of this back or let me pay for it,” said Reece as he watched Jenny shake her head back and forth.

No, Reece.  Now go and get started on that house and make it yours,” Jenny insisted. 

Reece didn
’t take charity so he was still hesitant to take the stuff. 

Reece, listen, I know you are used to things being different in other packs but here in the Ashland Pack, we take care of our own.  I remember what that place looked like.  We will deliver the carpet later,” said Jenny. 

Reece blew out a breath knowing that Jenny wasn
’t going to take no for an answer.  Reece and Star smiled and said good-bye to Jenny.  They couldn’t stop telling her thank you.

Was the military like that Reece?” asked Star as they drove home.  Star smiled as she stared out the passenger window.  Reece looked over at his beautiful baby sister, except she wasn’t a baby anymore.  Star was seventeen years old now.  She was turning into a beautiful young woman with long brown hair and long legs.  She was almost five foot seven with an athletic build.  Star was smart, too, and loved to read.  Reece knew he would have to watch the men closely in the pack once they saw how pretty she was. 

Like what, honey?” said Reece.

Kind.  Helping each other out.  I mean that had to be at least two hundred dollars worth of cleaning supplies and paint,” Star said observantly as they pulled into the driveway.

Yeah I know.  My unit was good, Star, they helped each other out, too, but this well, this is just good people,” Reece replied and unloaded the supplies, taking them into the house. 


Reece had just pulled the carpet up in the living room when he heard what sounded like a car door closing.  He went to the window and looked out at Damen, who was getting something out of his truck.  Then he watched as two more trucks pulled up, then two more trucks behind them.  Reece walked outside as Damen stood at the bottom step.

Is something wrong, Damen?” Reece asked.

Star walked out, staring at Damen.  She had been in the kitchen cleaning when she heard the front door open.

“I hear you need some help so we,” Damen turned and motioned to several men standing with tool belts on watching Reece, “are here to help.” 

Reece shook his head no. 
“Damen, I appreciate what you are doing, but I can’t afford your help.  The supplies at the store were enough.  I can’t.”

Before Reece could finish his sentence, Damen cleared his throat, getting Reece
’s attention.  “I know this may be foreign to you, Reece, but in this pack, we are all family and we will help you, so you can step aside and finish what you are doing so we can get this done.” 

Reece stood staring at his Beta, confused that they would be helping them like this.  Damen walked onto the porch, hugged Star who
had a huge smile and then they both walked in the house.  Reece watched as two of the other men followed Damen in the house while the other started on the outside.  As the two walked by Reece, they shook his hand and introduced themselves then told him, “Welcome to the pack.”

Reece felt the lump come up in his throat.  He had never felt like this, not even in the military.  They were good people, but this was going above and beyond the call of duty.  It was odd seeing Star take to Damen as she had.  From day one, Star liked Damen.  He had a way of making Star feel at ease.  These people were different.  He leaned over, b
reathing deep, knowing that he would do his best to repay these people for what they were doing for him and Star.  Reece knew this was the best choice he made in joining the pack.


Lexy followed the directions on her GPS to her new home.  Adrianna said her other assistant, Jacob Cord, would meet her at the cottage to get her moved in.  Lexy didn’t have much to unpack.  She had left everything she owned in boxes until she found a place to live.  She knew a long time ago that she didn’t need to collect a lot of stuff in case she had to leave in a hurry, in case Cain had found her and came after her.  Lexy only had a few knick-knacks that she had collected over the years, but most of the boxes she had were of books.  She loved to read, drifting into the make-believe world instead of the harsh reality she lived in every day.  Books were her only friends.  She had lots of best friends in the novels she read. 

She had hoped she could actually meet someone who would like her for her and not be ashamed to be seen with her since her birth father was a human.  She was a freak of nature, but she was Lexy, and she wanted a normal life with friends and a boyfriend that loved her and cherished her.  Unfortunately, Lexy was a realist and knew she was probably dreaming for too much. 

She was pulled from her depressing thoughts as the GPS advised that she should take the next driveway on the right, and as Lexy made the turn and came around the curve, she gasped as her eyes fell upon the most beautiful house she had ever seen.  It looked like an old plantation house, with a wraparound porch with beautiful wild flowers that grew from pots sitting on the stairs leading to the porch.  Large lush trees surrounded the house and lined the driveway as she approached the house.  It was without saying that this was the most beautiful house she had ever seen.  Lexy could see rocking chairs sitting around the porch area with a swing hanging from the ceiling.  She parked her car and looked at the front porch when she heard someone calling her name, and looked around as a young man walked toward her.  He was a few years younger than she was and had a great smile.  The young man walked up to her and stuck his hand out to Lexy. 

Hello, Lexy, I’m Jacob Cord.” 

Lexy couldn
’t help but smile at Jacob as she shook his hand.

Now that we know each other,” Jacob said as he stepped to Lexy and hugged her, “Welcome to the pack.”  Jacob stepped back and grinned down at Lexy. 

Well thank you, Jacob.”  Lexy smiled back at Jacob.

I think you and I will be great friends,” Jacob laughed as he watched Lexy’s expression. 

Lexy smiled at what Jacob said.  Jacob grabbed her by the hand, dragging her to the cottage that sat next to the big house.  He stopped and looked down at her; she wasn
’t moving anymore.  They were standing in front of the cottage.  Lexy had her mouth open as she looked up at the beautiful place. 

Jacob could tell Lexy loved the cottage. 
“So you like?” Jacob asked as Lexy continued to look at every detail of the cottage.

It’s beautiful.  I can’t believe no one lives here,” she said in awe. 

Well Mace did a long time ago when his parents were still alive, and then Adrianna did for a short time, but no one has lived there since.  It is a beautiful cottage and it has such potential.  Alpha had some things brought down from the big house so you would be more comfortable.  He didn’t know if you had a bed or anything so he took one of the queen beds from his house along with a matching dresser and had it put down here.  He had some living room furniture put in, too, along with pots and pans.” 

Lexy looked over at Jacob confused. 
“Why would he do that for me?” 

Jacob laughed at Lexy. 
“Adrianna said you were like that.” 

Lexy frowned thinking that Jacob was laughing at her. 
“Like what?”

That you were very independent and thought we were only giving you charity, which it’s not.  The Alpha is this generous to everyone.  The whole pack is like this, Lexy.  Plus Adrianna considers you family, as well as the Alpha,” responded Jacob with a smile. 

I will pay him back when I get paid.”  Lexy didn’t want to owe Mace anything.  She wanted to be on her own, but if she was given everything then it wasn’t really hers. 

Lexy, don’t do that.  Mace and Adrianna are good people and they were only trying to help, so just take the stuff and do something good for them one day.  They only wanted to help you out,” Jacob responded. 

Lexy didn
’t want to turn away everyone so she would grin and bear it until she could do something for them.  Then it wouldn’t feel like charity to her.  She would wait until she could repay them back with a favor or buy them something special.  

Okay, Jacob, I won’t.  It’s just we have lived on welfare and charity from others in the pack and Twisters Council for years.  I want to make it on my own.  Do you understand what I mean by that?”  Lexy looked up at Jacob, praying he understood what she meant.

Yeah, I understand more than you know, Lexy.  Maybe tonight we can cook dinner, eat popcorn, and watch a movie after we get you settled in and I can tell you my life story and you can tell me yours,” said Jacob.  

Lexy looked up at Jacob and muttered,
“That would be great, Jacob.”

Jacob smiled and opened the door to the small cottage and allowed Lexy to walk in first, who stood at the door taking in every perfect detail into her memory.  The living room area was beautiful with its tan walls and dark rich
-brown color sofa sitting in front of a stone fireplace.  There was a flat screen TV secured to the wall and a small comfy chair sitting to the side of the sofa. 
It is perfect,
Lexy thought as she walked by everything, touching it as she went. 
I hope this isn’t a dream and when I wake up, I’m at my mom and dad’s house. 
Lexy reached over and pinched herself to make sure it wasn’t a dream.  She was going to sit down in the chair when Jacob grabbed her before she could sit down.

BOOK: Bryce Evans
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