Brown, Dale - Patrick McLanahan 09 (88 page)

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Authors: Warrior Class (v1.1)

BOOK: Brown, Dale - Patrick McLanahan 09
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all agree, Mack.” Hal Briggs said.

“Affirmative,” Chris Wohl agreed.

“So stand tall and be proud of what
you did, and don't concern yourself about squeezing a bug like Pavel Kazakov,”
Martindale said. “But if it bothers you so much, if you think what you did and
what I suggest we all do together is wrong or illegal or immoral, you can take
off that armor and go home and live peacefully in retirement. You’ve earned it.
Those of us who want to stay will continue the fight, however we decide to do
it. for as long as we want to do it. Either way, you have the thanks and best
wishes of us all, General McLanahan.” Patrick said nothing. He stood, handed
his helmet to his brother with his head bowed, and walked slowly toward the
tilt-rotor aircraft that would take him home.



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