Brothers: The Hidden History of the Kennedy Years (No Series) (87 page)

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Powers, Francis Gary

Powers, Thomas

Presidential elections

Profiles in Courage
(J. Kennedy)

Provenzano, Anthony

Punta del Este conference

Quiet American, The

Quintero, Rafael

Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act of 1970,

Rackets Committee.
Senate Select Committee on Improper Activities in the Labor or Management Field

Radford, Arthur

Ragano, Frank

Rand Corporation

Rankin, Lee

Rather, Dan

Rayburn, Sam

Reagan, Ronald

Reboso, Manuel


Reedy, George

Reeves, Richard

Remembering America

Reuther brothers


Rexroth, Kenneth

Rice, Donna

Richardson, John

Ridder, Marie

Ridder, Walter

Rivera, Geraldo

Roberts, Chalmers

Roberts, Emory P.

Robertson, William “Rip,”

Roche, John P.

Rochester, New York

Rockefeller, Nelson

Rockefeller Commission

Rodriguez, Felix

Rogers, William

Rolling Stone,

Romero, Juan

Romney, Carl

Roosevelt, Eleanor

Roosevelt, Franklin D.

Rosselli, Johnny

Rostow, Walt

Rousselot, John

Rowan, Dan

Rowley, James

Ruby, Jack

shooting of Oswald by

Rusk, Dean

Russell, Bertrand

Russell, Richard

Russo, Gus

Russo, Perry

S.S. Streatham Hill

SAC (Strategic Air Command)

Sahl, China

Sahl, Mort

Salandria, Vincent

Salazar, Antonio

Salinger, Pierre

Salinger, Stephen

Salisbury, Harrison

Same, Graham E.

San Fernando Valley State College Northridge, California

San Francisco Chronicle,

Sandburg, Carl

Saturday Evening Post,

Schary, Dore

Schlesinger, Alexander

Schlesinger, Arthur

Schlossberg, Caroline Kennedy

Schneider, Rene

Schulberg, Budd

Schweiker, Richard, Schweitzer, Albert

Scott, Peter Dale

Scott, Sir Walter

Scott, Winston

Seberg, Jean

Secret Service

“Seeds of Doubt” (Minnis and Lynd),

Seigenthaler, John

Senate Armed Services Committee

Senate Foreign Relations Committee,

Senate Internal Security Committee,

Senate race (1964)

Senate Select Committee on Improper Activities in the Labor or Management Field (Rackets Committee)

“September Song” (Weill)

(presidential yacht)

Serling, Rod

Sevareid, Eric

Seven Days in May
(Knebel and Bailey),

“7 O’Clock News/Silent Night” (Simon and Garfunkel)

Sforza, Tony

Shackley, Ted

Shakespeare, William, Shaw, Clay

Shelby, Carroll

Sheridan, Nancy

Sheridan, Walter

Sheridan, Walter, Jr.

Shoup, David

Shriver, Eunice Kennedy

Shriver, Sargent

Sidey, Hugh

Siegel, Abe

Simon and Garfunkel

Sinatra, Frank

SIOP (Single Integrated Operational Plan)

Sirhan, Sirhan Bishara

Six Seconds in Dallas

60 Minutes

Smith, Jean Kennedy

Smith, Stephen

Smith, Wayne

Snyder, Howard

Somerset Importers

Somoza, Anastasio

Sorensen, Anna Chaikin

Sorensen, C. A.

Sorensen, Camellia

Sorensen, Theodore

Sourwine, Jay

South Africa

RFK’s trip to

South America

JFK’s trips to

RFK’s trip to

Southern, Terry

Soviet Union.
See also
Khrushchev Nikita

arms control and

Berlin Blockade of

Berlin Crisis of 1961

Cuban Missile Crisis and

Hungarian uprising of 1956 and

Kennedy administration relations with

nuclear weapons and

reaction to death of JFK

RFK’s secret message to,

Spalding, Charles

Spanish-American War

Special Unit Senator (SUS)

Specter, Arlen

Sprague, Richard A

Stalin, Joseph

Standard Oil

Stanton, Charles E.

Starnes, Richard

State, U.S. Department of

Stevenson, Adlai

Stockdale, Grant

Stone, Oliver

Sturbitts, William

Sturgis, Frank

Sullivan, William

Summers, Anthony

Symington, James

Symington, Stuart

Szulc, Tad

Tanenbaum, Robert

Taubman, William

Taylor, Maxwell

Teapot Dome scandal

Teller, Edward

Tet offensive

Texas School Book Depository

Thanksgiving Day massacre

Thirteen Days

Thomas, Evan

Thomas, Norman

Thompson, Josiah, Thurmond, Strom

Tiberius Gracchus

Time-Life, Inc.


Toledano, Ralph de

Tolson, Clyde

Tomlinson, Richard

Townsend, Kathleen Kennedy

Toynbee, Arnold

Trafficante, Santo

Trevor-Roper, Hugh

Trohan, Walter

Truitt, Anne

Trujillo, Rafael

Truman, Harry

Turkey, U.S. bases in

Turner, William

Turnure, Pamela

Tuttle, Rick

Twain, Mark

Tweedsmuir, Lord

Tydings, Joe

Uecker, Karl

Ugly American, The
(Lederer and Burdick)

Ultimate Sacrifice
(Waldron and Hartmann)

United Fruit Company

United Nations

U.S. Information Agency

University of Alabama

University of Mississippi

University of North Carolina

University of San Francisco

University of Washington

Unruh, Jesse

Valenti, Jack

Vallee, Thomas Arthur

Vance, Cyrus

Vaughn, Jack

Veciana, Antonio

Venezuela weapons caper

Verne, Jules

Vidal, Gore

Vienna summit of 1961

Vietnam War

Village Voice,

Voice of America

Wald, Jerry

Waldron, Lamar

Walinsky, Adam

Walker, Edwin A.

Walker, William

Wallace, George

Wallace, Irving

Wallace, Mike

Walsh, Kevin

Walters, Barbara

Walton, Frances

Walton, Matthew

Walton, Robert

Walton, William

Warren, Earl

Warren Commission and Report

Washington, George

Washington Daily News,

Washington Post,

Watson, Marvin

Watt, Ruth

“Waves of Darkness” (Meyer),

Wedemeyer, A. C.

Weill, Kurt

Weisberg, Harold

Welch, Robert

Welles, Orson

Weyl, Nathaniel

Wheeler, Earle

White, Byron “Whizzer,”

White, Theodore H.

Whitten, John

Who Killed Kennedy?

“Who Killed Whom and Why? Dark

Thoughts About Dark Events”(Arnoni)

Wicker, Tom

Wilbur, Richard

Wilde, Oscar

Wilder, Mrs. Billy

Willens, Howard

Williams, Enrique “Harry” Ruiz

Wofford, Harris

World Bank

World War I

World War II

Yale University

Yarborough, Ralph

Yarmolinsky, Adam

Yorty, Sam

Zapruder, Abraham

ZR Rifle

Zwillman, Longy

Joseph P. Kennedy Sr. was a ferocious, but loving, force in the lives of his sons, Ted, Jack, and Bobby. His fortune—scraped together on the frontiers of American capitalism—paved his sons’ way to political glory. But Bobby suspected that his father, like Shakespeare’s Henry IV, had bequeathed them a poisoned inheritance, “canker’d heaps of strange-achieved gold.”
Courtesy JFK Library

The Kennedy brothers probe a witness during a session of the Senate rackets hearings in May 1957. The mammoth investigation into labor and business corruption helped usher the brothers onto the national stage. But, as their father feared, it made Jack and particularly Bobby targets of bitter enmity in the criminal underworld.
Courtesy Corbis

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