Brothers in Arms (13 page)

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Authors: Odd Arne Westad

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Page 34
(Alias Maring
(2 vols.) (Leyden: E. J. Brill, 1991); and Clarence M. Wilbur and Julie Lien-ying How,
Missionaries of Revolution: Soviet Advisers and Nationalist China 1920-1927
(Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1989). For a good selection of archival documents coming out of Moscow, see
VKP (b), Komintern i natsionalno-revoliutsionnoe dvizhenie v Kitae: Dokumenty. T. 1:1920-1925
[The All-Union Communist Party (b), Comintern, and the National-Revolutionary Movement in China: Documents. Vol. 1: 1920-1925].(Moscow: RTsKhIDNI, 1994).
.13. By far the best survey of CCP-Soviet relations during the 1927-28 crisis based on Chinese sources is Yang Kuisong,
Zhonggong yu Mosike de guanxi 1920-1960
[Relations between the CCP and Moscow, 1920-1960] (Taipei: Sanmin shudian, 1997), 103-75.
14. The best account is Benjamin Yang,
From Revolution to Politics: Chinese Communists on the Long March
(Boulder, Colo.: Westview, 1990).
15. For CCP domestic strategies, see: Chen Yung-fa,
Making Revolution: The Communist Movement in Eastern and Central China, 1937-1945
(Berkeley: University of California Press, 1986); Kathleen Hartford and Steven M. Goldstein, eds.,
Single Sparks: China's Rural Revolutions
(Armonk, N.Y.: M. E. Sharpe, 1989). For Sino-Soviet diplomatic relations during the war against Japan, see John W. Garver,
Chinese-Soviet Relations, 1937-1945
(New York: Oxford University Press, 1988).
16. See, for instance, Mao Zedong to Georgii Dimitrov, November 7, 1940, Rossiiskii tsentr khraneniia i izucheniia dokumentov noveishei istorii, Moscow (RTsKhlDNI), fond (f.) 495, special collection, pp. 182-6 (on the united front); Dimitrov to Stalin, July 18, 1941, RTsKhlDNI, f. 495, opis (op.) 74, delo (d.) 317, pp. 80-1 (on the CCP's reaction to military instructions from Moscow); Mao to Dimitrov, January 2 and 7, 1944, RTsKhlDNI, f. 495, op. 74, d. 342, pp. 4-6 and 8-10 (on the CCP rectification campaign). For CCP documents on this period, see Tony Saich and Benjamin Yang, eds.,
The Rise to Power of the Chinese Communist Party: Documents and Analysis
(Armonk, N.Y.: M. E. Sharpe, 1996).
17. See I. Ilichev to Dimitrov, May 31, 1943, RTsKhIDNI, f. 495, op. 74, d. 333, 25-6 (on the CCP Politburo session on the proposition to dissolve the Comintern). On Mao's Soviet policies, see Odd Arne Westad,
Cold War and Revolution: Soviet-American Rivalry and the Origins of the Chinese Civil War
(New York: Columbia University Press, 1993), 57-72.


Page 35
18. Ibid., 125-6.
19. Ibid., 165-70. See also Hunt,
20. See, for instance, Mao to Filippov (Stalin), November 30, 1947 (on CCP strategy and Soviet support), and Liu Shaoqi to Stalin, June 1949 (report on the situation in China and future CCP-Soviet relations), Tsentr khraneniia sovremennoi dokumentatsii, Moscow (TsKhSD), f. 89, special collection.
21. See Brian Murray, "Western versus Chinese Realism: Soviet-American Diplomacy and the Chinese Civil War," Ph.D. diss., Columbia University, 1995, especially 283-371.
22. We still lack an in-depth study of Soviet assistance to the CCP during the civil war. In general, Soviet aid seems to have been more substantial than either Moscow or Beijing admitted during the Cold War but still far less significant in overall value than the aid provided to the GMD by the United States. Useful overviews of Soviet assistance for the 1947-48 period may be found in the reports in Arkhiv vneshnei politiki Rossiiskoi Federatsii, Moscow (AVPRF), f. 07, op. 21, pa. 21, d. 308.
23. For an insider' s view of Stalin's China policy, see Mikhail S. Kapitsa,
Na raznykh paralleliakh: zapiski diplomata
[On different parallels: A diplomat's reports] (Moscow: Kniga i biznes, 1996), 27-55. See also Andrei Ledovskii, "Stalin i Chan Kaishi. Sekretnaia missiia syna Chan Kaishi v Moskvu. Dekabr 1945-Ianvar 1946 g. [Stalin and Chiang Kai-shek. The secret mission of Chiang Kai-shek's son to Moscow. December 1945-January 1946],
Novaiia i noveishaia istoriia
6 (1996): 100-129.
24. See Andrei Ledovsky, "Mikoyan's Secret Mission to China in January and February 1949,"
Far Eastern Affairs
2 (1995): 72-94 and 3 (1995): 74-90.
25. Mao Zedong to Stalin, January 13, 1949, Arkhiv Prezidenta Rossiiskoi Federatsii (APRF), f. 45, op. 1, d. 330, pp. 100-3. For an English translation of the Mao-Stalin exchanges in early 1949, see
Cold War International History Project Bulletin
6-7 (Winter 1995/1996): 7, 27-9.
26. Ledovsky, "Mikoyan's Secret Mission," 2 (1995): 85.
27. Liu to Stalin, July 4, 1949, APRF, f. 45, op. 1, d. 328, pp. 48-9. This is the official report from the CCP CC to the CC of the CPSU. It was presented by Liu at a meeting of


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