Brother Tariq: The Doublespeak of Tariq Ramadan (41 page)

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9 T. Ramadan, "Islam et Occident.
Reference et valeurs."

1o Ibid.

ii Ibid.

12 T. Ramadan, Islam, le face-a-face des
civilizations, p. 25.

13 Jacques Jomier,"LIslam etsapresence
en Occident suivant les perspectives
d'un Frere musulman [Islanis presence in the West from a Muslim Brother's perspective]," Esprit et Vie, 17 February 2000, p. 74-

14 T. Ramadan, "Islam et Occident.
References et valeurs."

15 Tariq Ramadan cassette, "Islam, modernite et modernisme [Islam, modernity and modernism]," TAW 07,

16 T. Ramadan, "Islam et Occident.
References et valeurs."

2 Tariq Ramadan cassette, "Islam et
Occident. References et valeurs [Islam and the West: References and values]," part 2, lecture recorded in Abidjan, QA 15, Tawhid.

3 Ibid.

4 Tariq Ramadan, Islam, le face-a face
des civilisations. Quel pro
jet pour queue
modernite? [Islam: The Confrontation
of Civilizations. What Sort of Plan for
What sort of Modernity?], Lyon, Tawhid, 2001.

5 Tariq Ramadan cassette, "Le renouveau islamique [The Islamic revival],"
QA 23, Tawhid.

6 T. Ramadan, "Islam et Occident.
References et valeurs."

17 T. Ramadan, "Islam, modernite et

18 Ibid.

19 T. Ramadan, Islam, le face-a-face des
civilisations. Quel projet pour queue modernite, pp. 25-26.

20 T. Ramadan, "Islam et Occident.
References et valeurs."

21 Ibid.

22 Ibid.

23 T. Ramadan, "Le renouveau

24 T. Ramadan, "Islam et Occident.
References et valeurs."

25 Tariq Ramadan cassette, "Rapports

26 T. Ramadan, "Islam et Occident.
References et valeurs."

27 Ibid.

7 Ibid.

28 Ibid.

29 Tariq Ramadan, Peut-on vivre avec
l'Islam? [Can One Live with Islam?],
an exchange between Tariq Ramadan
and Jacques Neirynck, Lausanne, Fa-
vre, 2004, p. 124-

3o Tariq Ramadan cassette, "L°identite
musulmane. Construire notre discours [The Muslim identity: Developing our discourse]," Abidjan, July
1999, QA 28, Tawhid.

31 T. Ramadan, "Rapports Nord-Sud."

32 Cited in Francois Dufay, "L'Islam en
France. La fausse prophetie des Islam-
ologues," Le Point, no. 1516, 5 October

33 T. Ramadan, "Islam et Occident.
References et valeurs."

34 Tariq Ramadan cassette, "Islam et
laicite. Comprehension et dialogue
[Islam and secularism: Understanding and dialogue]," part 2, recorded in
Senegal in 1998, QA 18, Tawhid.

35 T. Ramadan, "Islam et Occident.
References et valeurs."

36 T. Ramadan, "Rapports Nord-Sud."

37 In his cassette "Rapports Nord-Sud"
he mentions in passing "the totalitarian deviations of a regime that does
not allow for much freedom' before
launching into a detailed defense of
the government.

38 Interview with Jean-Yves Chaperon,
March 15, 2004-

39 Interview with Luiza Toscane in Islam. Un autre nationalisme, Paris,
L'Harmattan,1995, p. 205.

40 T. Ramadan, "Rapports Nord-Sud."

41 T. Ramadan, Peut-on vivre avec l'Islam?,
p. 205.

42 T. Ramadan, Islam, le face-a-face des

43 T. Ramadan, "Islam et Occident.
References et valeurs."

44 Tariq Ramadan, "Les musulmans et la
mondialisation [Muslims and globalization]," Pouvoirs, no. 104, 2003, PP-

45 T. Ramadan, "Islam et Occident.
References et valeurs."

46 Ibid.

47 T. Ramadan, "Le renouveau

48 T. Ramadan, "Rapports Nord-Sud."

49 T. Ramadan, "Islam et Occident.
References et valeurs."

5o Tariq Ramadan cassette, "La question
de la conversion. Nos responsabilites
communes [The Question of conversions: Our common responsibility],"
QA 12, Tawhid.

51 T. Ramadan, "Lidentite musulmane.
Construire notre discours."

52 T. Ramadan, "La question de la
conversion. Nos responsabilites

53 Tariq Ramadan, Dar Ash-Shahada.
L'Occident espace de temoignage [Dar
Ash-Shahada. The West, a Land for
Bearing Witness], Lyon, Tawhid, 2002,
p. 65.

54 T Ramadan, "L'identite musulman.
Construire notre discours."

55 Tariq Ramadan, "Message aux musulmans de France," cassette edited by
the Ligue Nationale des Musulmans
de France (2003).

56 T Ramadan, "Le renouveau

57 T Ramadan, "Message aux musulmans de France."

58 T. Ramadan, "Le renouveau

59 Tariq Ramadan cassette, "L'Islam. Le face-a-face des civilisations? [Islam:
The confrontation of civilizations?[,"
interassociation training seminar,
Brussels, Mediacom.

6o T. Ramadan, "Islam et Occident.
References et valeurs."

61 This phrase was featured on the cover
of Charlie Hebdo, no. 603, January 7,
2004, after Tariq Ramadan had taken
part in the European Social Forum.

62 Cassette "Islam d'Europe: Entre religion minoritaire et message universel
[European Islam: Between minority
religion and universal message]," debate organized in Lyon between Tariq Ramadan and Tareq Oubrou, HC
024, Tawhid.

63 Tariq Ramadan cassette, "Les dangers
de la parole. Suspicion, medisance,
calomnie [The dangers of speech: Suspicion, slander, calumny]," recorded
in Lyon in 1997, QA 51, Tawhid.

64 Tariq Ramadan cassette, "Les grands
peches [The major sins]," recorded in Reunion, August 1999, QA 4,

65 This conference was a great success; it
was published in L'Islam et les musulmans. Grandeur et decadence, Lebanon,
Al-Bouraq, 2000 [19951. See page 67
of later edition.

66 Tariq Ramadan cassette, "La femme
musulmane face a son devoir
d'engagement [The Muslim woman
and her duty to participate]," part 2,
recorded in Abidjan (Ivory Coast), QA
22, Tawhid.

67 Ibid.

68 "Condamner et resister ensemble," Le
Monde, October 3, 2001.

69 Le Point, April 22, 2004-

70 "Faut-il avoir peur des reseaux Islamistes a Lyon? [Should we be afraid of
the Islamist networks in Lyon?]," in

vestigative report by Lionel Favrot,
Jerome Berthaut, Mathieu Sarfati,
Thomas Nardone, and Fariq Hamza,
Lyon Mag, October 2001.

71 Alain Gresh and Tariq Ramadan,
L'Islam en questions [Questioning Islam], a debate organized and presented by Francoise Germain-Robin, Sindbad, 2002, pp. 123-26.

72 Ibid., pp. 89-90.

73 The "protected" status provided by Islam for those of other monotheistic
religions. Even if it can be considered
as tolerant for the times, their status
was part of a hierarchical system that
transformed non-Muslims into subcitizens, and thus falls short of the
idea of equality.

74 Sura III, 20, The Meaning of the Holy
Koran, ed. Abdullah Yusuf Ali, new
ed., rev. tr., Beltsville (Md.), USA,
1989, p.131.

75 SuraV, 60-64, ibid., pp. 267-69.

76 Tariq Ramadan, Etre musulman europeen: etude des sources islamiques a
la lumieres du contexte europeen [To Be
a European Muslim: A Study of Islamic Sources in the Light of the European
Context], Lyon, Tawhid, 1999, p. 418-

77 Tariq Ramadan and Alain Gresh cassette "Y a-t-il un peril Islamists? [Is
there an Islamist menace?]," TAW o9,

78 Ibid.

79 T. Ramadan, "Islam et laIcite. Comprehension et dialogue," part 2.

8o T. Ramadan, "Islam, modernite et

81 T. Ramadan, Peut-on vivre avec Islam?,
p. 28.

82 Ibn Taymiyya, Le statut des moines,
French translation (referring to the Tibehirine affair) by Nasreddin Lebate- her [Yahya Michot], Beirut, El-Safina,
1997 [14171•

83 Yahya Michot, Musulman en Europe
[Muslim in Europe], preface by Tariq
Ramadan, Paris, Jeunesse sans Fron-
tiere, 2002, p. 2.

84 Ibid., p. 107. In his defense, Michot argues that he is drawing a sort of absurd line of thought, for, of course, a
Muslim cannot kill because the Koran
forbids it.

85 Tariq Ramadan, Les musulmans
d'Occident et l'avenir de I'Islam [Western
Muslims and the Future of Islam], Arles,
Actes Sud-Sindbad, 2003, p. 165.

86 See Marie-Rose Armesto, Son mari a
tueMassoud, Paris, Ballard, 2002.

Chapter seven

i Tariq Ramadan cassette, "Islam et
Occident. References et valeurs [Islam and the West: References and val

ues[," part 2, lecture recorded in Abidjan, QA 15, Tawhid.

2 Ibid.

3 Ibid.

4 Ibid.

5 Ibid.

6 Ibid.

7 Colloque International des Musulmans de 1'Espace Francophone, Les
musulmans francophones. Comprehension, la terminologie, le discours [Frenchspeaking Muslims. Understanding, Terminology and Language], Tawhid,

8 "Faut-il avoir peur des reseaux Islamistes a Lyon? [Should we be afraid of
the Islamist networks in Lyon?]," investigative report by Lionel Favrot,
Jerome Berthaut, Mathieu Sarfati,
Thomas Nardone, and Fariq Hamza,
Lyon Mag, October 2001.


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